Thomas D. White

Recent stories by Thomas D. White

USAF’s Top Ten Priorities

Last September, when I addressed the Air Force Association Convention at Miami Beach, Fla., I outlined the Air Force’s “Ten Most Needed”—a list of weapon and support systems representing the top-priority aerospace requirements for future national security. Today, one year...

Air Force Progress Toward The Future

In Last year’s Anniversary Issue of Air Force Magazine I discussed the Air Force job and how we were going about it. This year I will discuss some of our accomplishments during the past twelve months and examine, in the...

Aerospace Power… Today and Tomorrow

There is no need for me to go into detail concerning the most dangerous military threat facing this county. It is Soviet airpower. The advent of ballistic missiles with nuclear warheads has not changed this threat – it has merely...

The Air Force Job and How We’re Doing It

Last October, when the Soviet Union launched the first of its several satellites, reactions in this country were mixed. They ranged from surprise and embarrassment to consternation and panic. In some quarters, confusion seemed to be the order of the...

Space Control and National Security

Chief of Staff of the US Air Force, General White began his military career with graduation from West Point in 1920. Since then he has served in numerous military and military and military-diplomatic posts, including time in Peiping as a...

Air and Space are Indivisible

In little more than a decade, the nature of international relations has been radically altered by the concurrent development of thermonuclear weapons, intercontinental bombers, and missiles. International relations soon will be further complicated by man’s capability to travel in the...

USAF Doctrine and National Policy

Air Force doctrine is a much-maligned topic. The air Force has so recently achieved its full stature as to be something of a doctrinal mystery in comparison with the older, more familiar services. As a result, there is insufficient public...

We Must Give Top Priority To Survival

This is my first appearance as Chief of Staff of the Air Force on such an occasion. I feel a brief and generalized report on the role of the Air Force, as I see it, is appropriate. In doing so,...

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