Curtis E. LeMay USAF

Recent stories by Curtis E. LeMay USAF

5G Netcentricity

The coming revolution in networking will redefine the concept of sensor fusion.

Keeping Space Free

Space's impact may far outweigh the airplane's influence on conflict. Our defense planning must take t

The US Air Force—Today and Tomorrow

Geographical and technological battlefields cover the world and characterize our times. The Communist challenge is an immensely broad one. Our flexible Air Force, prepared today and preparing for tomorrow, must be ready to meet every facet of this challenge. The...

Our First Priority: PEOPLE

In days of hypersonic rockets, supersonic aircraft, satellites, outer-space probes, we may tend to ove

SAC’s Readiness Is Our Peace Insurance Policy

For centuries it has been the job of the general to win wars. In the nuclear air age his job must be to prevent wars. There is good reason to believe that the military solution to the problem is relatively...

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