Focus on Arctic Comes at ‘Pivotal Time,’ USAF Official Says

Focus on Arctic Comes at ‘Pivotal Time,’ USAF Official Says

The release of the Air Force’s Arctic Strategy comes at a “pivotal time on the timeline of the Arctic,” as global powers exert their influence in an increasingly important region where climate change is also taking its toll, the head of Alaskan Command said Oct. 5.

The service in July released its first-ever strategy on the Arctic, which argues the Air Force is the most active and invested U.S. military department in the region. Airmen must remain vigilant, project military power, cooperate with allies, and prepare for possible conflict in the area, the strategy said.

Lt. Gen. David A. Krumm, commander of Alaskan Command and 11th Air Force, said Oct. 5 during an online event hosted by the Wilson Center that the Arctic is a “demanding environment, and it’s changing rapidly.”

“There’s a global demand for natural resources located in the Arctic, made available by some of the physical changes,” he said. “There’s increasing military and commercial presence and activities.”

The region is warming faster than the rest of the globe, and the Arctic’s melting icy barrier is giving way to more navigable waters and new pathways to approach America, Krumm said. More countries are staking claims over parts of the region, sometimes in ways that “stretch the definition of things like the continental shelf,” he added.

Krumm called into question China’s argument that it is a “near-Arctic” nation, saying anyone who looks at a map can see it’s a bit of a stretch.

Russia is also increasing its presence in its neighboring body of water, forming new military units focused on the Arctic while refurbishing old infrastructure and building new bases.

The U.S. wants to ensure the two nations, which have both flouted international norms in recent years as Russia entered the Crimea region of Ukraine and as China militarizes disputed areas of the South China Sea, don’t show the same disregard in the Arctic, Krumm said. It’s one aspect of the Pentagon’s National Defense Strategy that aims to take on Russia and China as competing global powers trying to establish their future dominance in new ways.

The Air Force is sending a message of its strength in the region by basing various advanced aircraft in Alaska, such as the new F-35s at Eielson Air Force Base alongside F-22s at Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson. But military needs are growing as the waterways open.

North American Aerospace Defense Command needs more sensors that can track objects on and under water, and improve its awareness of aircraft and other objects entering Arctic airspace, Krumm said. While the U.S. military is closely allied with most Arctic nations, the general said he sees an opportunity to broaden those relationships—and forge new ones with Russia—on issues such as search and rescue in the region.

“There are areas of potential dispute,” Krumm said. “I think there are also areas that we can cooperate in.”

“America’s economic, environmental, and security interests will become even more closely tied to the Arctic in the future,” he added. “I think it’s exactly the right time to work on it together.”

Watch: ‘Is The Air Force Getting Its Fair Share,’ a Panel From AFA’s vASC 2020

Watch: ‘Is The Air Force Getting Its Fair Share,’ a Panel From AFA’s vASC 2020

Video: Air Force Association on YouTube

Rep. Don Bacon (R-Neb.) addresses budget transparency and whether the Air Force gets its fair share of funding with former Air Force Chief of Staff retired Gen. T. Michael Moseley and the National Defense Industrial Association’s Richard McConn. Held during the Air Force Association’s virtual Air, Space & Cyber Conference, the panel discussion was moderated by retired Lt. Gen. David A. Deptula, dean of AFA’s Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies.

Watch: An Interview with Elbit America’s Bob Edmonds at AFA’s vASC 2020

Watch: An Interview with Elbit America’s Bob Edmonds at AFA’s vASC 2020

Video: Air Force Magazine on YouTube

Retired Air Force Brig. Gen. Bob Edmonds, now senior vice president of marketing and growth at Elbit America, discusses Elbit’s helmet-mounted display in the F-35, what next-generation HMDs might look like, what Elbit is contributing to the Boeing-Saab T-7A Red Hawk trainer, and more in this sponsored interview with Air Force Magazine News Editor Amy McCullough at the Air Force Association’s virtual Air, Space & Cyber Conference.

Watch: Small Business, from AFA’s vASC 2020

Watch: Small Business, from AFA’s vASC 2020

Video: Air Force Association on YouTube

Watch Col. Timothy A. Sejba, Maj. Jared Evans, David Sikora, Jim Dedrick, Adrien Robenhymer, and retired Maj. Gen. Roger Teague discuss small business with moderator Molly Mae Potter during a panel held during AFA’s Air, Space & Cyber Conference.

Watch: Boeing’s Leanne Caret in an Interview from AFA’s vASC 2020

Watch: Boeing’s Leanne Caret in an Interview from AFA’s vASC 2020

Video: Air Force Association on YouTube

Leanne Caret, president and chief executive officer of Boeing Defense, Space & Security, provides an update on the KC-46 Pegasus tanker, the T-7A trainer, her vision for how Boeing could support the Air Force’s Advanced Battle Management System, and more in this sponsored interview with Air Force Magazine Editor-in-Chief Tobias Naegele, presented as part of the Air Force Association’s virtual Air, Space & Cyber Conference.

Watch, Read: Space Force’s  Towberman at vASC 2020

Watch, Read: Space Force’s Towberman at vASC 2020

Video: Air Force Association on YouTube

Chief Master Sgt. Roger A. Towberman, the Space Force’s senior enlisted adviser, addessed a live audience in the Pentagon Sept. 15, 2020, one of a series of keynote addresses during the Air Force Association’s virtual Air, Space & Cyber Conference. Here is a transcript: 

“Forward when we could have folded, and finding a way to do this virtually, it does my heart good to watch us use innovative, great ways to find, find victory. And I appreciate the team putting all this together. And I appreciate that folks have found time to come here and hang out with me today, appropriately social distanced. So thanks for being here, filling ‘quote- unquote, filling the auditorium.’ It’s really, it’s great to see everybody. Thanks, ma’am, our wonderful Secretary of the Air Force, Barbara Barrett, I know she’s out there somewhere in the interwebs, so ma’am, thank you for everything you’ve done. Thanks for all you’ve done for me, thanks for what you do for all of our space professionals, I really, truly appreciate it. 

“Gen. [John W. “Jay”] Raymond, I know you’re out there as well, and Miss Mollie [Raymond]. And so my thanks to you for giving me an opportunity. We were joking before the cameras turned on about my interesting young life, and I’ll tell you, sir, to have this opportunity to be here and serve along your side is something that I certainly could never have dreamed up. And so, from the bottom of my heart, thank you so much. Thanks to our teammates on the other side of the hallway, Gen. [Charles Q.] Brown [Jr.] and Chief [Master Sgt. of the Air Force JoAnne S.] Bass, we truly appreciate you in particular, Chief Bass, you know I love you like a sister, and we’ll continue to be great teammates. I couldn’t be happier for you, or for the United States Air Force, for, for what you’re about to tackle, and I’m so happy to be just a little bit down the hall and spending time with you. Thanks to our industry partners, to our congressional folks, to so many others that make this happen, that care about space, that have made your United [States] Space Force a thing. And I really, really appreciate it. And of course, my lovely bride, Rachel, and our three children, Muppet, Charlie, and Isla, which you can tell by their names are not real children but beautiful, furry children that she cares a lot about. So hi to the cats that are watching this out there in the, in the virtual world. I appreciate it. And then my two grown sons as well, Henry and Gabriel are running around somewhere undoubtedly, too busy to pay too much attention to this. 

“But, so, this is your Space Force. And your Space Force is about a lot of things, but it’s really about you. And so by the numbers, let’s talk. It’s been 270 days since we stood up the force. In April, I became the second member. We brought in 86 cadets from the US Air Force Academy shortly after that. In May, we opened up a volunteer window. 8,592 folks volunteer for a little over 6,400 slots. And we couldn’t be happier to have your involvement. Over the month of September, we’ll bring in about 2,400, 2,436 will be our end strength, hopefully by the first of October. And so we’re growing. We’re growing all the time. But the involvement across the board has been incredible. We’ve had two town halls that I’ve personally gotten on social media and had, we’ve had over 110,000 interactions, hearing your thoughts, collecting your ideas, answering your questions. And I really from the bottom of my heart, I thank you all for your cooperation, for your interest, for your insights, because we’re listening. 

“We’ve brought 133 people together in four different sprints to talk about promotions, to talk about human capital management, to talk about all kinds of things that we need to talk about. And we’re not doing it alone in this building, we’re doing it with your help. And so we really, really appreciate every time we ask for volunteers that we get multi-discipline volunteers of different ranks, of different specialties, of different backgrounds to come together with us and talk about what your Space Force is going to look like. We’re about to do some uniform wear tests. And we made, I believe the good choice to say, ‘hey, we’ll use a different group every time.’ We want as many people involved in our future as possible. So 60 folks will be trying out service dress, 60 folks will be trying out PT gear, on and on and on, we’ll always reach out for more and more ideally, 10 years down the road, everybody looks at something we’ve done and says, ‘I was a part of that.’ When we went to social media, we asked for ideas we had on ranks, and we had over 1,300, 1,350 different ideas that came into us that we happily worked through, because they’re coming from you, and we can’t say thank you enough. 

“Another number, maybe the last number that I’d like to talk about, for right now anyway, is the number 13. Because number 13 is how many people on what we’re calling the first team. And the Air Force was kind enough to give me 10 wonderful chiefs, again, multi-discipline. So we’ve got personnel experts, we’ve got manpower experts, we’ve got training experts. I’ve got intel, cyber, space experts, my teammates, who are fantastic human beings, who are fantastic chiefs, who walked away in many cases from retirement, from other opportunities to do great things in the Air Force, and said, ‘Hey, for the next little bit of time, let me hang out with you guys and make the Space Force great.’ And so for everybody on that screen in those pictures, man oh man, what a wonderful team and from the bottom of my heart, thanks. And then my three teammates as well, teammates, handlers, keepers, babysitters. It’s not easy to work anywhere. In the Pentagon, it’s particularly not easy to have a full-time responsibility of keeping me between the lines, and so to Sergeant Jackson and Sergeant Monaco and Sergeant Gibson, thank you for being my teammates, and thanks for everything you do.

“When we picked this team, early on, and really when we were standing up the Space Force early on, I went to Chief [Master Sgt. Kaleth O.] Wright at the time, and we were talking through things as, as we did, and threw around some ideas, and he said, ‘You know what you need to do? You need to build a great team.’ And so that really is where we put this focus. And we went to the Air Force and we brought these folks together, and here we are. And we didn’t just ask for fantastic Airmen. I wanted subject-matter experts, but I wanted, if I can use a [Malcolm] Gladwell term on you, I wanted them to be disagreeable. They had to be able to say, we’ve been raised by the United States Air Force, which has built the greatest NCO corps in history. There’s no question about that. And we’re happy, and we’re proud of everything we’ve done, but we’re disagreeable enough, we’re gonna look, we’re gonna think big, we’re gonna think bold, and we’re gonna look for ways that our size and scale of the Space Force will give us opportunities to do things that we couldn’t have done, or that we can’t do in the Air Force. And so this is about taking great ideas and shared aspirations, because most of the aspirations for both of our services are the same. But it’s an opportunity to say, but what can we do? What can we launch on? What can we be the, kind of, think spot? Where can we be the tiny team that tries something out and then you’ll scale later, as applicable? 

“So we’ll continue to look for those advantages of size and scale as we move forward. We’ll look at professional military education [PME]. We’ve got our NCO Academy that will stand up by 1 October, on 1 October, and so we will own the NCO Academy at Peterson Air Force Base [Colo.,]—we’re very excited about that opportunity—and start to shape Space Force professional military education, certainly enlisted Space Force professional military education. And when we say ‘add space flavor,’ I want to be clear, that’s not just about teaching Space 101 to everybody. That’s about our priorities. So if our priorities are diversity inclusion, it’s about starting to shape that Academy to maybe teach that differently than another service might do. This is what’s important to all services, that we develop our people. So we’ll continue to do that in PME. We’ll do it with promotions. And we’ve had a promotion sprint, and we’re talking a lot about promotions. Many of you have seen, I was quoted recently as saying, ‘I don’t want tests. I don’t want tests.’ I certainly don’t want knowledge tests that teach someone that rote memorizing facts is somehow relevant in the world today. Somebody a few minutes ago was teasing me because there, was telling us a funny story, because her daughter was trying to use Alexa to answer a math class question. But you know, in actuality, what’s the point? I want people that can think critically, I want people that can reason, I want people that when given access to all the information in the world can bring it together in a useful way. Just memorizing stuff and spitting out a multiple-choice test is not where we want to go. So were gonna get rid of that promotion testing, we’re going to go to boards. And we’re excited to kind of watch how that grows and the specifics on that we’ll get out to y’all, very soon. 

“We’re going to talk about human capital management, we’re never going to forget that the real weapon system lives and breathes, that this is about making sure that we can find bespoke tailored solutions for every human being. That’s a place where our size and scale gives us advantage. We want technical expertise, we want to make sure your assignments make sense to you and to us. We’ve already got folks in legislative liaison positions enlisted, so we’ll continue to grow that program right from the beginning, and we will be a service that is very present on the Hill and very engaged in that process. And we’re excited to have stripes doing that already today, we’ll keep doing that. And we’re already talking through what is the enlisted role and things like international affairs. So we will tease out that idea as well. We’re just talking through some of those things this week. So, we’re really excited for the things that we can pull off with this very small team that’s focused on this kind of holistic environment that we’re growing, this ecosystem of the human weapon system.

“We just did a chief’s grade review the other day where we brought in this, this first team and also some other folks from around the enterprise and brought them together and looked at the only 31 E-9 positions that we have and where do we need those, and where’s the priority? What are those places we will have senior enlisted leaders on the staff? Man, that’s good news for the people, right, in the front row. Oh, we don’t need functional managers, like larger services need, but I’ll tell you what we absolutely need: We need leadership and we need enlisted voice in the room. So we’re going to have folks in positions where we can make a difference and we can have a perspective. Diversity always includes many, many things. One of the things that includes is we need an enlisted perspective. So we’re going to do everything we can to do that. 

“And, so all of that is kind of the team, and all the things that we have in front of us. And, you know, what we’re going to do first is figure out what should guide those conversations. And the flag that I think you’re looking at right now, we got that sent to, to me actually over the weekend. This is kind of cool because it’s, it really underpins our warfighting mission. This flag, this United States Space Force flag, the picture taken by a couple of CGOs and a senior NCO who are, I’m not going to mention their names for security reasons, but are in USAFRICOM today, over their compound proudly flying the US Space Force flag, and pretty neat. And it reminded me that when we unveiled the flag that the CSO said that Polaris on the flag is our core values, it’s our guiding light. Our values should guide our actions. And that’s where we’re headed. And we’re going to use our values to guide the development of everything, that we believe that values are not just something that’s in the background, they’re not just something that underpins, but that they’re something that should guide our actions every day. We’re going to have a values conference here very soon. And at that values conference, we will work through what those values should be, because it really should be a holistic approach to everything we do, where the development and the promotions and recruiting and everything [are] connected. And so we want it all kind of tied neatly under, under a set of values that we can use as the heuristics which will guide our actions. 

“We want those assumptions and reminders at all times to say, ‘This is what’s important to us. This is what we want in the front of our mind when we’re making these plans.’ We don’t want to just simply sit down and brainstorm in front of a whiteboard. We want to say, but what have we been saying all along? What have we been saying over and over, that, that we already know is important to us? Everything we do should point to our values. And the choice, architecture, and incentives we invent and invest in should have clear measures directly related to our values. And over the last two years, we’ve talked a lot about these things. And, and there’s a lot of information out there. So one of the things that we’re going to do when we start this values conference is, we’re going to use that stuff. So if you’ve had all of these things said already about what you want out of the Space Force, it would only make sense that we would find an A1C, and say, ‘Hey go mine this information and give it to us.’ So, I think we’re looking at Airman Rojas right now. I spoke to him on the phone yesterday, great young man. His parents were actually both born in Cuba and, and found their way to America. And an Airman Ross has a master’s degree in data, big data analytics. 

“And so here he is at Schriever Air Force Base [Colo.,] and he says, ‘I’ll help.’ And so he can go now, out, and everywhere in the old internet that we’ve said things, we can take our doctrine and feed it in there, we can take our planning guide and we can put it in there, we can take the outcome of our values conference, we can, and we can build word clouds and say, ‘Hey, this is where our head’s at, this is where our head has actually been for a long, long time.’ And so I think we’ve got a slide of the word cloud. This is just an example, but this is kind of how of where we think the digital service should go. This isn’t about just brainstorm from fresh on Monday morning. This about what have we already been saying? And we know those things. We know we want warfighters. We know we want a sense of community. We know we want innovation. We know we want to manage talent, we don’t want talent to just happen. We know we want inclusiveness, we want to be bold, we want to think big. We need technical experts. We don’t need to hang labels on those experts so that a machine gives them assignments, but we have to have great specialists and great technicians. I want to focus on the warfighting and all of that, I think will play out. I think we’ve been saying that all along. These words will be our starting point. And we’ll set out together with guidance and intent fully in our minds. 

“There’s one more number that I think is important to everyone and one more number I’d ask you to keep in mind as we go forward, and that number is zero. None of you will be left out of the conversation. None of you will be treated like a number. None of you will face times when you’re not included. None of you is more important than any other. Nobody in the Space Force has a reason to sit back and be unheard. Nobody in the Space Force has an opinion that I don’t want to know. This really is your service, and our size and scale gives us an advantage, a level of intimacy that nobody else can have, and we’ve got to capitalize on that. And I beg you, every one of you here, every one of you out there, hold us accountable. If it doesn’t feel like you have a voice, that has to feel wrong to you. If it doesn’t feel like you’re making a difference, that should feel wrong to you, and you need to raise your hand. You need to raise your hand and say, ‘Hey, I’m being left behind.’ None of you will be managed when you should be led. None of you will have families that we don’t think about, or loved ones that we don’t remember when we make decisions. I appreciate every single one of you. We do. This institution will always remember that all of you have vowed to give your life, if that’s what it comes to. And we will do everything we can to earn that commitment, so that nobody is making a promise to us that we’re not reciprocating in-kind. None of you will have barriers to your success. None of you are too whatever: too young, too low-ranking, too fill in the blank, too far from ops for us to listen to. We will listen to you. All of you matter. All of you are part of your future. You are our Space Force.”

VIDEO: “There’s a wonderful woman the Library of Congress has called a living legend, Marian Wright Edelman. She once said, ‘You can’t be what you can’t see.’ As we launch the Space Force, it will be important … that everybody sees their path, sees their opportunity. 

When you look at the Space Force, what do you see?

I see me. 

I see me. 

I see me. 

I see me. 

Thank you.”

Towberman: “Thanks for being part of the team. We’ve got a little bit of time for questions for the folks in the room. If you’ve got questions, we’ll answer them for the benefit of everyone. Otherwise, you can all escape and go back to your day and enjoy the rest of the conference.”

Question: “My question is, in the Space Force do we have a plan going forward, are we going to continue for something like a diamond-wearing first sergeant based on manning, or are we going to move to something like the Navy with the chiefs’ mess, where all senior NCOs get involved, or something different?” 

Towberman: “Yes, so, in case it wasn’t clear on the broadcast, he asked me, Sergeant Quillin, who works for Chief Bass, by the way, he’s doing a great job down the hall. He asked me about first sergeants in the, in the Space Force. Go ahead and sit down, my friend. So right now, I think we’re, we’re kind of in this kind of bridging time with first sergeants. What we know is that the, the first sergeant model that we use in the United States Air Force works. It also is something that’s taught to everyone. So it’s the way our commanders think, it’s the way our superintendents think, it’s the way folks think. And so for right now, we’re going to continue to use Air Force first sergeants in our in our squadrons. We’ve done the math, we think we can convert those billets and use Space Force folks in the operational squadrons. What we’ve got to decide now is if and how we do that. So there is a model that could say, ‘Hey, we don’t need a separate specialty that does that.’ This could just be what, as you said, every senior NCO does, this could be a job that’s, that the squadron commander picks somebody for and they do. We haven’t really worked through that yet. The one thing that we can’t forget is that while it may be just a handful of senior NCOs, they represent a talent management pool of much larger, right? 

“And so for every E-9, that represents 100 people in the force. And so it’s easy to flip spaces and grab a billet or two. It’s a lot more difficult to think, yeah, but this isn’t just one billet, this is about 50 billets. So where are those coming from? And where do we lay them in? Not to mention the 10 to 15 years of experience it takes to build a quality senior NCO and get them ready to be a first sergeant. So for right now, we’re gonna continue to lean on the Air Force. But I think we’ll see we’ve got great space operators, and intel professionals, cyber professionals with time as first sergeants, and currently being first sergeants right now. So we’ll use them as well. I think we’ll see, I know we’ll see blue name tapes as first sergeants both in the Space Force and a couple in the Air Force that are starting already. So, I think we’re in a good place. Love my first sergeants.

Anybody else?”

Question 2: “Are there going to be more opportunities for, like, overseas assignments?”

Towberman: “Yeah, if you guys didn’t hear, A1C Kenney just asked me about assignments overseas. You can go ahead and sit down. Thanks for being here. Like you’re one of the youngest members of the Space Force. That’s awesome. She’s just looking at me like, don’t talk about me. So I think we’ll have all the same opportunities that we have today, or that we had on 19 December 2019. But I see it growing, as the international partnerships continue to be more and more important to us, as coalitions continue to be vital in ensuring unfettered access to and freedom of maneuver in space, I can’t help but think that there will be more and more opportunities. I don’t think those opportunities will look necessarily like other services. I don’t think we’re going to build a base in Germany, for instance, anytime soon. But I think that individual opportunities are going to exist because we have to have great allies and partners to pull this off. And then my job is to say, where are those opportunities, right, for folks that are wearing chevrons? I think those opportunities will be there, that’s part of that international affairs conversation is about, that, like how do we do this? But make no mistake, I mean, those three folks in Africa that sent us that flag, they’re not the only ones that we have deployed, there’s certainly opportunities. We’re a small force, and we’re a focused force. But it’s not like we’re, we don’t have kind of an extended presence. We definitely do. So, I tell you what, you get with Chief Brian later, he’ll take you on a journey of all the places you can end up as you stay with us. Fair? Thanks for the question. Who else?”

Question 3: “I remember during one of your town halls you mentioned, due to like how lean of a service we will be, the possibility of us, like, being able to PCS [permanent change of station] in shorter periods of time, like might be a thing. So how much of a discussion has been going around about that? And, and with us being able to PCS, I guess, faster, the same way that commanders do, like every two years? If that would be the case? Will there be more of an ability to like switch bids, because right now we’re doing a bidding process?”

Towberman: “Yes. So thanks for the question. You know that you’ve been talking too much in public when somebody comes to a microphone and throws words you’ve said, you know, six months ago, back in your face, go ‘What about this, chief?’ So, I appreciate you holding me accountable. So if you couldn’t hear, she asked me—Go ahead, you can sit. Oh, you want to ask another question when we’re done. OK. So she asked me about assignment opportunities. And you know, what I’ll say kind of fits into everything I’ve already said.

“More important to me is that we stay away from kinda blanket policies and proxies that might intimate what we know about somebody, but don’t necessarily tell us, like, for real what we know. Every assignment decision should be part what’s in the best interest of the service, [part] what’s in the best interest of the human being? What do they want to do? What are they good at? What do we believe they can be good at? And then kinda, you put that all together and say, what’s the right answer? I think that, for some people, that will be hey, you’ve only been here two years, time for you to go. For other people, it’ll be like, hey, it’s OK. You can stay here on the front range for a minute, and nobody’s gonna be bothered. I really think that that’s the most important part of this conversation, is that we stay away from these ‘if this, than this,’ without thinking through. Every human being is different. Every space, every size hole is a different size and shape. And every size peg is a different size and shape. And it’s our job, it’s our obligation to do what we can to match those up as perfectly as possible. And I think that’s kinda the key, right? Because if we can do that, because of our size and scale, that’ll be something that we can do that a large organization would really struggle doing. And that now starts to give us a different kind of thing, right? It gives us an identity that says, in this business, this is how it works. And so I think we’ll get there. 

“There’s a lot of time spent in a large organization kind of labeling you as a human being, and describing you in some kind of, you know terms, so that a machine or an algorithm can decide what’s best for you next. I don’t want to do that. I want to say, hey, let’s talk about you. Let’s talk about what you’re good at, and what the potential that we see that you could be good at. I’d much rather have that conversation. And I think we can do that on a case-by-case individual basis. Does that answer your question? More or less, she’s like, maybe. Do you want to, do you want to leave or do you want to stay? You want to stay, all right, you send us a note. We’ll see what we’ll see what the plan is. Chief Brian will figure it out. He’s already giving me a thumbs up. You’re good.”

Question 4: “So my next question, really, so, General Raymond talked about his acceptance of moderate risk. So how important is risk management for you guys? Because if you look at the Air Force models of like risk management and risk assessment, there doesn’t really seem to be too much room for taking risks, it seems like. So what is moderate risk? You know, how important is that? I feel like we need to have more flexibility when it comes to taking risks, especially with a new service, and all the stuff we want to do and all the stuff we are doing.”

Towberman: “We might have to move you to the front office, actually. The only thing, the only thing more scary than having someone come to the mic and throw your own words in your face is to throw the CSO’s words in your face, right. Like, I’m like, ah! So, great conversation. And actually General Thompson and I were talking about risk yesterday. You know, I think that I think that the mechanisms are solid, right, like we know how to manage risk. There’s a lot of functional communities where this is really part of, you know, I think that science is pretty good, you know, risk analysis. We’ve got to make sure our eyes are open to what’s the real benefit, what’s the real risk, you know, cause we can’t get trapped in dogma or, or group think ,or yesterday’s news. You really have to be like, what, what’s on the line here? And I think it’s a completely different ballgame for us. I think we’ll go through the same kind of checklist, if you will, to say, OK, this is what we risk, and this is what we could gain or lose. But I just think all those numbers are different. I think all of the environment is different. And we have to remind ourselves of that, because especially those of us that are old and spent a lot of time in certain cultures, we’ve got to step back and go, ‘Wait a minute, am I thinking about this in a fresh way? Am I thinking about this in a way that matters right now?’ And what we’re doing right now. Space Operations has changed significantly over just the last few years. So we’ve got to constantly remind ourselves that this is a new world, and this is an emerging world, and that change and technology are just coming faster and faster all the time. So I think it’s different. Also, we don’t have, on some of these things, we don’t have a standard, right, like, we haven’t done it before. So what’s the risk? Like, I’ve got nothing to lose. Let’s go. Let’s try this. And so I think that that’s going to be important. 

“It [will] also be important, I think, with regard to risk, that we’re comfortable with kind of small-batch solutions. And I don’t say that just because I’m a whiskey fan, but because I think it’s a, it’s a good way to try things out. So there’s no reason to say ‘Hey, this is how we’re going to do Basic Military Training for everyone, and we’ll review it in three years.’ We could say, ‘Hey, let’s do it this way for this group of nine people. Let’s do it this way for this group of 40. And let’s see, let’s collect their feedback, and if we need to change in a month, we’ll change in a month.’ I think again, that those things, and something we don’t do a really great job of all the time, when we come up with these great ideas, is we don’t pause and say, how are we going to measure the effectiveness of this? We’ll say, we’re going to do this, and we all think this is the greatest piece of toast of all time. But how are we going to measure that effectiveness? What are we going to measure? And when are we going to say, ‘No, that actually needed some jam,’ right? Like, what’s the, what’s that point? And so, we’re going to try to do that, as we walk through these decisions to say, ‘Hey, this is what, what we’re accepting, what we’re not accepting in terms of risk. This is what we think we can do.’ And try it out and see what happens and then go. We’ve got to be, we can’t talk about agility, and adaptability, and speed, and the things we’ve been talking about, and be completely comfortable all the time. Like, those things won’t work. Like you can’t be comfortable and move quickly and be adaptive and be agile. You’re gonna have to be comfortable with being uncomfortable sometimes, or having some unknowns. And I think all of us have to wrap our head around that. And on the individual, smaller conversations about very specific things, we still have to remember that the lessons we teach and the culture that is born from those conversations could have much farther reaching effects, right? Everything we’re doing affects everything else. It’s never about just the individual decision we’re making in this particular moment. Is that fair? You can come back in six more months and throw it in my face again. Or you might be working for me by then. So you know, then we’ll just have a private conversation in the office.

Yes, sir. One more.”

Question 5: “I’m just curious with this lean force, and with this I guess, drive to kind of meet your demand and the CSO’s [chief of space operation’s] demand to tailor individual talents. How are we going to incentivize our Airman who might get out at four years like this smart, Senior Airman back here, you know, what’s preventing her monetarily for staying in with these special tactics that you guys are going to teach?”

Towberman: “Yeah. So you know what, I think your question had some really good kind of generalities at first and then you threw the money thing in and got specific at the end. For anybody that didn’t hear, because I don’t know how well the broadcast is picking up the mic. But so he asked me, ‘Hey, how does talent management play against the reality that there’s a big bad world out there that’s constantly pulling talent right out of the military, period, in particular enlisted talent.’ 

“And so I’ll tell you, it’s a big deal, and the money thing is part of it, but that’s certainly not all of it. And so, for one, you should know that this is important to SEAC Colon-Lopez and I saw him just this morning. This is a big deal in the service, senior listed advisers are all meeting I think day after tomorrow. We’re kind of talking about this, like is our pay chart right? Is this the way that works? If you if you think about it, I think we would all agree that the enlisted talent that comes in year by year is getting better, they’re better educated, they’re better qualified, they’re smarter, they’re, they’re more ready. I think we all would agree with that assumption. And so if I put a percentage raise across the entire pay chart, then the people at the top of that chart, and the people at that bottom of the chart start to grow apart, right, the difference in their pay grows apart. So I would suggest that if the enlisted talent is becoming better and better, and we’re paying them commensurate with everyone else, less and less, we’re actually valuing that talent by programmatics. We’re valuing that talent less every year. So I think we’ve got to talk about it, right? 

“Like, we’ve got to talk about what’s, what’s the right answer. However, we’ll never, I’m never gonna outbid the Google-zons right? Like, that’s not gonna happen. And nor do I need it to, because I believe if we deliver the individualized, tailored solutions, that will be enough for somebody. ‘Well, wait a minute, I get to serve my country, I get to do this really cool job. And they’re not treating me like a number.’ Right? I think that it really is holistic. And I’m not afraid. If somebody wants to leave, they need to leave. We have to make them capable of leaving. Like, our investment needs to be in the human beings. Our focus has to be not on retention, not on promotion, but on development. Our focus has to be: If you sign up and you join this team because we see more in you than maybe you even see in yourself, that we’re gonna lay out a plan, and we’re gonna work with you to uncover the greatness that’s already inside of you. And what you do with that greatness is your call, it’s up to you. No harm, no foul, right? 

“We’ve got to pay talent what talent deserves. We’ve got to have pay and allowances that are enough to take money off the table, if you will, right? Like some people shouldn’t be on, you know, having to wonder how much money they have. But we’re not going to compete, we’ve got to compete with culture. We’ve got to compete with identity. We’ve got to, I mean, it’s the Space Force. Like, I get points for that, because it’s the Space Force. And so how do we do that? And I think it starts with this focus on the infinite game of investing in human beings, and in developing folks above everything else. 

“And if we’ve developed you to greatness, if you reach your potential and you’re going to take that somewhere else, high five. Go out there and be our emissary, be our recruiter, always be a Space Force member, right? Like, that’s what I would say. If, if my new assistant leaves after four years, if she tries to run away, I’ll say, OK, just be a good recruiter for us. Is that fair, answer your question?

“Hey, is there any more?

“So thank you. Thanks for everybody that we’ve trapped inside this auditorium to have to listen to me. I appreciate you hanging out, and I assume smiling behind your masks. Thanks to everybody out there who has been watching, a big thanks to AFA again for pulling this off. And thanks to all my teammates that worked hard and the crew that’s here as well, working through this technical feat. I mean, this has really been incredible. So thanks, everyone. And on this end, we bid you a great day and enjoy the rest of the conference.”

Watch, Read: Defense Secretary Esper’s Keynote at AFA’s vASC 2020

Watch, Read: Defense Secretary Esper’s Keynote at AFA’s vASC 2020

Video: Air Force Association on YouTube

Defense Secretary Mark T. Esper addressed the virtual Air, Space & Cyber Conference from the Pentagon Sept. 16. Here is a transcript of his remarks:

“Hello everyone. I’m Secretary of Defense Mark Esper, and it’s an honor to join you for this year’s Air, Space & Cyberspace Conference. Thank you to the Air Force Association for hosting an important event that brings together the finest aerospace leaders and professionals. First and foremost, I’d like to wish a happy birthday to the United States Air Force. For 73 years and counting, you have provided our nation with unlimited reach, unmatched power, and unyielding vigilance across the globe. 

“As we look toward the next seven centuries and beyond, emerging technologies are fundamentally altering the character of warfare. Our air, space, and cyber personnel will be at the forefront of tomorrow’s high-end fight. In the years ahead, wars will be fought not just on land and sea, as they have for thousands of years, or in the air, as they have for the past century, but also in outer space and cyberspace in unprecedented ways. Preparing for this requires modernizing our force for high-intensity conflict. It requires strengthening our network of allies and partners. And it requires expanding our warfighting capabilities across all five of these domains. 

“In this era of great power competition, we can not take for granted the United States’ long-held advantages. The Air Force in particular has maintained uncontested air superiority for decades, with persistent intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance, and precision air strikes anytime, anywhere. However, our near-peer rivals, China and Russia, seek to erode our long-standing dominance in air power, through long-range fires, anti-access area denial systems, and other asymmetric capabilities designed to counter our strengths. Meanwhile, in space, Moscow and Beijing have turned a once-peaceful arena into warfighting domain. They have weaponized space through killer satellites, directed energy weapons, and more, in an effort to exploit our systems and chip away at our military advantage. Furthermore, our competitors and adversaries exploit cybersecurity to undermine our security without confronting our conventional strengths. They do this all in an increasing gray zone that keeps us in an perpetual state of competition. 

“The national defense strategy guides us as we adapt the force to this challenging, complex security environment by first divesting from legacy systems, second, reinvesting in our highest priorities, and third, making the tough choices required to break from the status quo and continue outpacing the competition. Thanks to our largest research and development budget in the department’s history, we are advancing critical technologies to maintain our military edge in areas such as hypersonic weapons, directed energy, and autonomous systems. 

“In the Air Force specifically, we are modernizing our force for the 21st Century with aircraft such as the B-21, the X-37, and the next-generation air dominance platform. Equally important, we are transforming the way we fight through the implementation of novel concepts such as dynamic force employment, DFE, which provides scalable options to deploy the joint force while preserving our capabilities for major combat. Perhaps one the strongest and most visible examples of DFE is our bomber task force. Through a quick-reaction, persistent, long-term bomber presence around the globe, the Air Force has not only increased aircraft readiness and aircraft availability, but has also provided a wider range of options for combatant commanders across multiples areas of responsibility. For example, in our priority theater, the Indo-Pacific, B-1s and B-2s from multiple bases, along with F-15s and F-35s, recently conducted joint maneuvers with Japanese fighters, as part of a large force exercise with the USS Ronald Regan carrier strike group. And just a few weeks ago, six B-52s overflew all 30 NATO countries in a single day, integrating with a wide array of allied fighters to demonstrate our iron-clad commitment to the NATO alliance. These are just two examples of how dynamic force employment provides strategic predictability to our allies, while remaining operationally unpredictable to our foes. 

“In order to realize the full potential of this and other novel concepts, we must be able to exchange and synchronize information across systems, services, and platforms, and we must do so seamlessly across all domains. The Department of the Air Force is leading on this front, with the advancement of joint all domain command and control, JADC2. As a key enabler in modernizing how we fight, JADC2 supports one of our top goals under the NDS—the development of a joint warfighting concept, and ultimately doctrine, that will drive our transition to all domain operations. Many of you have seen this first hand with recent on-ramps of the advanced battle management system. 

“This program is charged with creating the military’s Internet of Things, and will integrate the joint force into a cohesive battle network, with the ultimate goal of linking any sensor to any shooter on the battlefield in real time. For these breakthroughs to succeed in any future conflict, particularly in a high-end fight with a near-peer competitor, we must maintain superiority in the ultimate high ground: space. One year ago, we established United States Space Command as a unified combatant command to enable us to defend our national security interests in space. Then, we stood up the U.S. Space Force, charged with developing a cadre of warriors who are organized, trained, and equipped to compete in the space domain. The Space Force has already come a long way. It submitted an independent budget for Fiscal Year 2021. It commissioned 86 graduates from the U.S. Air Force Academy, and it released its first doctrine, titled, “Space power.” 

“Finally, in June of this year, the department published a defense space strategy, the first of its kind guidance to achieve a secure, stable, and accessible space domain, now and in the decades to come. As we prepare the joint force to defeat the threats of tomorrow, it’s clear that these challenges have expanded well beyond the traditional conception of warfare, into the cyber realm. To deter these hybrid threats, our digital modernization strategy guides our efforts to improve cyber capabilities and policies, to develop game-changing technologies such as artificial intelligence and 5G, and ultimately, to move the warfighter into the cloud. 

“A tremendous amount of this work is already underway. For instance, we recently appointed a chief data officer charged with using DOD’s vast streams of data to enhance joint warfighting, support senior leader decisions, and improve business analytics. Additionally, in January, we implemented cybersecurity standards for defense contractors, large and small, to safeguard the supply chain and prevent malicious cyber actors from penetrating our defense-industrial base. And in May of this year, we designated the Air Force’s Platform One as an enterprise service, rapidly delivering secure software capability to our warfighters. The Air Force is also on the leading edge of our efforts to harness the transcendent power of artificial intelligence. In collaboration with academic and industry, the Air Force’s AI accelerator program is able to rapidly prototype cutting-edge innovation. For example, the AI technology used to speed up the F-15EX acquisition program. Thanks to these and other efforts, such as the creation of AI ethics principles, the DOD is establishing itself as the global leader in the responsible development and use of artificial intelligence. 

“At the same time, we are collaborating closely with our industry and interagency partners on the development of 5G, a transformational technology that provides lightning-fast, ubiquitous connectivity. Over the past few months, our spectrum team has been hard at work developing a band-sharing solution that facilitates 5G development in the private sector, while also allowing the Pentagon to use that spectrum to meet national security requirements. This technology can enhance something as simple as virtual reality training or as ambitious as the connectivity of systems for JADC2. 

“The Air Force is again leading the way with a number of 5G experiments that will assess system sharing, improve aircraft mission readiness, and enable air, space, and cyberspace lethality. 

“Lastly, at the intersection of several of these technologies is the department’s move toward digital engineering. By leveraging lessons from commercial sectors, we can accelerate the delivery of next-generation aircraft while simultaneously lowering costs.  In doing so, we will transform our 20th Century acquisition model to compete against high-end threats in the 2st Century. Harnessing the full potential of these technologies and concepts will depend heavily on our relationships with institutions outside of this department. So to all of our partners in industry, academia and the interagency, thank you for your support of the DOD mission, and for your steadfast commitment to our warfighters. 

“In closing, I am proud of the tremendous progress the Department of the Air Force has made to implement the national defense strategy and ensure our dominance across all domains. To protect our hard-earned gains, we must continue to promote a culture of innovation and risk taking. We must make the tough choices required to align our investments with our highest priorities, particularly by shedding legacy systems to advance new capabilities. In this rapidly changing security environment, we must adapt quickly and outpace our strategic competitors at every turn. In doing so, we will maintain our decisive advantage, now and into the future. I am confident that the Air Force has the best leadership in place at this very important moment in our department’s history. Under the direction of Secretary [Barbara M.] Barrett, the Air Force has demonstrated that it is prepared to fly, fight, and win, even in the midst of a global pandemic. Moreover, Secretary Barrett has done all of this while leading the department’s board on diversity and inclusion, an important initiative to ensure our ranks reflect and are inclusive of the American people we are sworn to protect and defend. Thanks also to our Air and Space Force leaders, Gen. [Charles Q.] Brown [Jr.], Gen. [John W. “Jay”] Raymond, Chief Master Sgt. [JoAnne S.] Bass, and Chief Master Sgt. [Roger A.] Towberman. I know that our Airmen and space professionals will continue to thrive in your capable hands. 

“Finally, I want to thank the men and women of the Department of the Air Force for all that you do to keep our nation safe. You’ve earned the title of world’s greatest Air Force, and now also Space Force, not just because of your warfighting skills and technical capabilities, but also because you’re an all-volunteer team of patriots committed to protecting our great nation, our constitution, and our most scared rights and freedoms. By executing your mission, grounded in the core values of integrity, service, and excellence, you will ensure our United States military remains the world’s best, strongest, and most capable fighting force now, and in the decades to come. Thank you.”

Watch: Culture Collision and Talent Management, from AFA’s vASC 2020

Watch: Culture Collision and Talent Management, from AFA’s vASC 2020

Video: Air Force Association on YouTube

The future of the Air Force is represented by the young people being recruited and trained today. Watch Air Education and Training Command boss Lt. Gen. Marshall “Brad” Webb and Air Force Deputy Chief of Staff for Manpower, Personnel, and Services Lt. Gen. Brian T. Kelly share their views on talent management and culture issues during the Air Force Association’s virtual Air, Space & Cyber Conference. Retired Lt. Gen. Gina Grosso moderated the conversation.

Watch: Strategic Airlift, from AFA’s vASC 2020

Watch: Strategic Airlift, from AFA’s vASC 2020

Video: Air Force Association on YouTube

Air Mobility Command boss Gen. Jacqueline D. Van Ovost and UPS’ Captain Houston Mills discuss the global challenge of strategic airlift at the Air Force Association’s virtual Air, Space & Cyber Conference. The panel discussion was moderated by AFA’s Executive Vice President retired Maj. Gen. Douglas L. Raaberg.