30 Years After Desert Storm: Jan. 19

30 Years After Desert Storm: Jan. 19

In commemoration of the 30th Anniversary of Operation Desert Storm, Air Force Magazine is posting daily recollections from the six-week war, which expelled Iraq from occupied Kuwait.

Jan. 19:

  • Two F-16Cs from the 614th Tactical Fighter Squadron (Torrejon Air Base, Spain) are shot down by surface-to-air missiles; pilots are taken prisoner.
Video: Scott Jackson on YouTube
  • Three more Scuds hit Israel, injuring 10.
  • Iraq parades seven coalition airmen on television.
  • The U.S. delivers to Israel two batteries of Patriot anti-aircraft missiles and U.S. Army personnel to operate them.
  • President George H.W. Bush signs Executive Order 12743, allowing him to call to Active-duty Ready Reservists and to extend tour of duty from six months up to two years for 160,000 Reservists already activated.

Find our complete chronology of the Gulf War, starting with Iraq’s July 1990 invasion of Kuwait and running through Iraq’s April 1991 acceptance of peace terms, here.

30th Anniversary of Desert Storm

30th Anniversary of Desert Storm

January 17, 2021, marks the 30th anniversary of the beginning of Desert Storm, the military operation to reverse Iraq’s August 1990 invasion of Kuwait. After a 20-week buildup of forces in the Persian Gulf region, a U.N-sanctioned, United States-led coalition of 35 nations unleashed a six-week air campaign followed by four days of ground combat, which drove the last Iraqi invaders from Kuwait on February 28, 1991.

Desert Storm was a military watershed, defining modern large-scale combat and marking the U.S. as the world’s undisputed military superpower. The brief conflict played a role in the dissolution of the former Soviet Union and prompted a “revolution in military affairs” response among world powers.

The first Gulf War saw the introduction of stealth, precision-guided munitions and space support on an operational scale. It also saw the implementation of new concepts of operation, such as “parallel warfare”— in which numerous targets were destroyed simultaneously, rather than in sequence, to blind, confuse and disrupt an enemy—and “effects-based operations,” wherein the desired effect, rather than the type of platform or weapon used, was the driving factor in assigning forces to campaign tasks.

Seven B-52s, launched from Barksdale AFB, La., took off on Jan. 16, carrying then-secret GPS-guided cruise missiles to the Gulf region and releasing them from standoff ranges into Iraq after a 17-hour flight. The missiles were targeted against command and control nodes, Iraqi leadership, powerplants, and a telephone exchange.

Air units deployed in countries inside and outside the Persian Gulf Region, as well as from aircraft carriers in surrounding bodies of water, followed up with an unrelenting rain of munitions on Iraqi fielded forces, both in Kuwait and Iraq itself, destroying in 42 days roughly half of that country’s fielded forces.

Map of Kuwait showing borders with Iraq and Saudi Arabia. Map: Central Intelligence Agency

The air campaign began with strikes on sensors and command-and-control capabilities, which blinded Iraqi forces and denied them the ability to coordinate a defense. Coalition aircraft attacked airfields to prevent the Iraqi air force from mounting a defense against the allied air armada, and in the latter stages, hit individual armored vehicles with precision weapons—called “tank plinking”–to inflict massive attrition on Iraq’s ground forces.

Twenty-seven U.S. military aircraft went down during the conflict, and Iraq held 21 Americans as prisoners of war. Despite a warning to Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein by U.S. President George H. W. Bush that prisoners must be treated humanely—as would Iraqi prisoners held by the coalition—American pilots were beaten and tortured, and some forced to make anti-coalition videos. Not all prisoners were repatriated.   

In the last days of combat, hundreds of fleeing Iraqi vehicles consolidated onto a single road on their way out of Kuwait, where coalition air units could see and destroy them en masse; what came to be known as the “highway of death.” Former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Colin Powell argued to President Bush that to continue the carnage would be “un-American and un-chivalrous” and damage America’s military credibility and moral authority with the world. Bush ordered a halt to the destruction, allowing surviving Iraqi troops to leave Kuwait.

An official cease-fire was struck March 3, 1991. Though Bush was criticized by some for not pressing on to the Iraqi capital and conquering Iraq, he later pointed out that the United Nations mandates authorizing the operation did not call for that and that the coalition would have likely broken up if the war had been expanded. He also had heeded Powell’s advice that “if you break it, you buy it,” meaning the U.S. would take over the physical and fiscal responsibility for the security and feeding of the Iraqi nation, which Bush said he was not prepared to do.

Could the U.S. achieve the same kind of swift, lopsided results in a similar theater war today? See “Desert Storm’s Unheeded Lessons,” from our December 2020 issue. Air Force Magazine’s Daily Report will look back at Operation Desert Storm with photos over the next six weeks.

DOD Grapples With Extremist Troops as Congress Urges Investigation

DOD Grapples With Extremist Troops as Congress Urges Investigation

The Pentagon is reckoning with the growing presence of ideological extremists in its ranks, especially white supremacists and militia members who target troops to bolster their organizations’ credibility. A group of lawmakers on Jan. 14 called on the Defense Department to launch a “comprehensive” investigation into the problem.

“We in the Department of Defense are doing everything we can to eliminate extremism in the Department of Defense,” Garry Reid, the Pentagon’s director for defense intelligence, said Jan. 14. “DOD policy expressly prohibits military personnel from actively advocating supremacist, extremist, or criminal gang doctrine, ideology, or causes. All military personnel, including members of the National Guard, have undergone a background investigation, are subject to continuous evaluation, and are enrolled in an insider threat program. Simply put, we will not tolerate extremism of any sort in DOD.”

The issue is a top concern in the aftermath of the Jan. 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol, in which multiple veterans and at least one Active-duty service member took part. Fourteen Democratic lawmakers sent a letter to Sean O’Donnell, the Pentagon’s acting inspector general, urging a deep investigation into “instances of white supremacist and violent fringe extremist activity within the military.”

“Beyond the insurrectionist attack on the Capitol, it has been widely reported that white supremacists are joining the military and permeating the ranks,” the senators wrote. “Although some recruits with extremist views attempt to join the military, it is also common for this destructive ideology to take hold during military service. The spread of white supremacist ideology is dangerous for the military and threatens to rupture civil-military safeguards that our democracy requires.”

During a Jan. 14 briefing, a senior defense official told reporters that the number of investigations into current and former service members with possible ties to extremist groups has grown. This increase is based both on “societal” issues—as evidenced by events like the 2017 white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Va.—and the prevalence of like-minded groups at the Jan. 6 attack in D.C.

The number of reported cases is also growing as the federal government and law enforcement take the issue more seriously and are “actively tracking down these leads,” they said.

The defense official said the FBI notifies DOD of about 200 cases per year that are being investigated, though that number includes other criminal activity outside of extremist cases. They did not provide a specific number of how many current and former troops are investigated for connections to extremist groups.

Supremacist and militia groups target service members for multiple reasons, the official said.

“We know that some groups actively attempt to recruit our personnel into their cause, or actually encourage their members to join the military for purposes of acquiring skills and experience,” the official said. “We recognize that those skills are prized by some of these groups, not only for the capability it offers them, but it also brings legitimacy in their mind to their cause—the fact that they can say they have former military personnel that aligned with their extremist and violent extremist views.”

As part of a broader report on diversity and inclusion in DOD, acting Defense Secretary Christopher C. Miller directed a review of current policy, laws, and regulations governing active participation by military members in extremist or hate groups.

A report is expected out March 31, followed by a plan of action to address the issue, due out by June 30.

30 Years After Desert Storm: Jan. 12-18

30 Years After Desert Storm: Jan. 12-18

In commemoration of the 30th Anniversary of Operation Desert Storm, Air Force Magazine will post a daily recollection from the six-week war, which expelled Iraq from occupied Kuwait. This first post includes several days of events. Most future posts will just include a single day.

Jan. 12, 1991: After intense debate, Congress clears the way for war against Iraq. The House votes 250­-183 and the Senate votes 52-47 to authorize President George H.W. Bush to use military force to implement UN Resolution 678 to force Iraq to withdraw from Kuwait. The Senate votes 52-47 in favor of same authorization.

Jan. 13: UN Secretary General Javier Perez de Cuellar meets with Iraqi President Saddam Hussein and concludes there is little hope for peace.

Jan. 15:

  • The deadline for Iraq’s withdrawal from Kuwait passes.
  • The Defense Department announces the U.S. has 415,000 troops in the Gulf, opposed by 545,000 Iraqi troops.

Jan. 16:

  • U.S. Central Command announces 425,000 U.S. troops are now in theater, supported by ground forces of 19 nations and naval efforts of 14 nations.
  • First elements of U.S. Air Forces in Europe Joint Task Force Headquarters deploy from Ramstein Air Base, Germany, to Incirlik Air Base, Turkey, and prepare to establish USAF’s first wartime composite wing.
  • Seven B-52Gs, launching from Barksdale Air Force Base, La., become the first aircraft to take off on Desert Storm combat missions; BUFFs of 596th Bomb Squadron, 2nd Bomb Wing, carry supersecret, never-before-used AGM-86C Conventional Air Launched Cruise Missiles.
President George H.W. Bush prepares to address the nation regarding Operation Desert Storm on Jan. 16, 1991. Photo: George Bush Presidential Library and Museum

Jan. 17:

  • Coalition air forces launch Desert Storm at about 3 a.m. local time (7 p.m. Eastern Standard Time on Jan. 16). Barksdale B-52Gs arrive over Saudi Arabia, launch 35 CALCMs against high-value Iraqi targets, and return to Barksdale, completing a 14,000-mile, 35-hour nonstop mission—the longest strike mission in the history of aerial warfare.
  • The coalition seeks to gain air superiority, destroy Iraq’s special weapons capability, and disrupt command and control.
  • USAF Capt. Jon Kelk of the 33rd Tactical Fighter Wing at Eglin Air Force Base, Fla., shoots down an Iraqi MiG-29 at 3:10 a.m. in the first air-to-air victory.
  • Coalition forces fly more than 750 attack sorties from land bases during the early morning and day, while the U.S. Navy launches 228 combat sorties from six carriers in the Red Sea and Arabian Gulf.
  • Turkey approves USAF to use Incirlik and Turkish airspace to open northern front against Iraq. USAFE immediately deploys aircraft to Turkey.

Jan. 18:

  • Iraq launches Scud missiles against Israel, Saudi Arabia.
  • Secretary of Defense Dick Cheney activates Civil Reserve Air Fleet Stage 2, raising total draw from airlines to 79 passenger aircraft and 108 civilian cargo aircraft.
  • Navy Lt. Jeffrey Zaun is captured after his A-6E is shot down.
Navy Lt. Jeffrey N. Zaun greets a crowd at Andrews Air Force Base, Md., upon his homecoming. Photo: PH1(AC) Scott M. Allen/Navy via All Hands

Find our complete chronology of the Gulf War, starting with Iraq’s July 1990 invasion of Kuwait and running through Iraq’s April 1991 acceptance of peace terms, here.

Air Force Comptroller to Step in as Acting Secretary After Inauguration

Air Force Comptroller to Step in as Acting Secretary After Inauguration

Air Force comptroller John P. Roth will temporarily take over as acting Air Force secretary before President-elect Joseph R. Biden names his pick to run the department, among a slew of other fiscal officials who will oversee their respective services.

Defense News reported the information Jan. 14. The Biden team said in a statement it had “nothing to share for now” and the Air Force declined to comment.

David L. Norquist will serve as acting defense secretary while Congress vets former Army Gen. Lloyd J. Austin III’s nomination to run the Pentagon, according to multiple reports. Temporarily heading up the other military service departments will be Navy comptroller Thomas W. Harker and Army comptroller John E. Whitley, according to Defense News. Stacy A. Cummings will also take over as the Pentagon’s acting acquisition boss.

Barbara M. Barrett, who has served as the 25th secretary for just over a year, is departing Jan. 20 when the Biden administration is sworn in. Roth is also slated to leave the Air Force alongside multiple other high-ranking service officials, but will stick around at least briefly to manage the daily civilian oversight of the Air Force and Space Force’s nearly 700,000 employees.

Roth oversees the Department of the Air Force’s $207 billion budget and performed the duties of the Undersecretary of the Air Force for several months in 2019 and 2020. The comptroller began his military career in the Navy but joined the Office of the Undersecretary of Defense in 1984 and the Air Force in 2018.

“John shepherded the Space Force’s first presidential budget and landed a $15 billion fledgling service budget,” Barrett said at a Jan. 14 goodbye ceremony ahead of next week’s administration change. “John collaborated with the Office of the Secretary of Defense and all nine major commands to secure more than $1.6 billion to facilitate the department’s [coronavirus] response. And due to John’s negotiations, the Air Force garnered important topline budget growth, which allowed the department to increase total force strength by 14,000 Airmen, setting the foundation for readiness recovery.”

The event honored Barrett, Roth, acting Undersecretary Shon J. Manasco, acquisition boss Will Roper, General Counsel Thomas E. Ayres, and installations boss John W. Henderson, who are among the top Air Force officials leaving their posts.

The four-star generals in charge of the Air Force and Space Force praised Barrett as an insightful leader who is passionate about improving the lives of Airmen and Guardians.

“Secretary Barbara Barrett has no limit to the amount of good she strives to do, and has done for the Department of the Air Force,” Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Charles Q. Brown Jr. said. He added: “She’s traveled the world, and because of those travels, she’s had some very interesting stories to share. … She taught us, why take an elevator when there’s stairs?”

Barrett, a former Federal Aviation Administration deputy administrator, ambassador, and businesswoman, has not disclosed what she plans to do after leaving the Pentagon.

“I have learned so very much,” she said. “It has been an unprecedented time, even just this past year, with reforms, modernization, and activity. … Oh, yes—and the pandemic, hurricanes beyond measure, through the alphabet and back again, forest fires in unprecedented volume, civil unrest, and those continuing wars.”

Guard to Send 21,000 Troops to D.C. for Inauguration

Guard to Send 21,000 Troops to D.C. for Inauguration

National Guard Bureau Chief Army Gen. Daniel R. Hokanson on Jan. 14 told government leaders to expect 21,000 Guard troops to be on the ground within the National Capital Region by Inauguration Day—an approximately threefold increase over the number of troops mobilized in Washington, D.C., as of Jan. 14.

“Right now we have approximately 7,000 National Guard Soldiers and Airmen on the ground in support of the federal lead agency [the U.S. Secret Service], and we’re building to 21,000 for the upcoming inauguration,” he said during a briefing led by Vice President Mike Pence at the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s Washington headquarters. “They’re under the command and control of Maj. Gen. William Walker, the commanding general of the D.C. National Guard and are …. providing security, communications, logistics in coordination with all supported agencies.”

Hokanson said the troops have been authorized to carry weapons “commensurate with the missions they have been asked to do.”

“I visit with these men and women every night and they understand the importance of this mission,” he said. “They’re also proven, prepared, and proud to do their part to ensure a peaceful and safe inauguration of our 46th commander in chief.”

A day earlier, Metropolitan Police Department Police Chief Robert J. Contee III during a joint press briefing with D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser said it was safe to anticipate that “beyond 20,000” Guard forces would be inside city limits by Inauguration Day on Jan. 20. The number has risen steadily in recent days, up from an expected 15,000 announced on Jan. 11.

About 7,000 troops from 13 states and Washington, D.C. are now mobilized in the District as it braces for potential violence, after supporters of President Donald J. Trump trashed the U.S. Capitol building during a deadly Jan. 6 riot over the 2020 presidential election results.

Requests for additional Guard forces must come from the D.C. or federal government and would need approval from the Army secretary and other military officials.

The National Guard Bureau anticipates additional troops from states including Oklahoma, Maine, Nebraska, and Wisconsin will arrive in D.C. ahead of Inauguration Day, according to a press release. They would join Guardsmen from the District, Arizona, Colorado, Delaware, Illinois, Maryland, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Utah, Virginia, and Washington state.

Those Army and Air National Guardsmen can be tasked for missions including security, communications with law enforcement entities, medical evacuation, and other support to federal lands and municipal infrastructure.

NGB spokesman Wayne V. Hall noted that more states may join the effort, as the overall Guard response “is still being coordinated and is changing.”

ABMS, Digital Engineering Decisions on Roper’s Final To-Do List

ABMS, Digital Engineering Decisions on Roper’s Final To-Do List

Air Force acquisition boss Will Roper told reporters Jan. 14 he hopes to wrap up at least two final items in his last week on the job: signing a strategy to develop and buy a mini-internet for the military to use in flight, and finishing new guidance on digital engineering to carry that practice into the future.

“What I would like to see get over the goal line would be taking digital engineering to its most fulsome representation in Next-Generation Air Dominance, because it matters for so much more than building a next-generation tactical airplane,” said Roper, who is leaving the Air Force after nearly three years when the Biden administration is sworn in Jan. 20.

Digital engineering refers to the Department of the Air Force’s latest push to embrace computer-centric design and testing to speed up prototyping and spend less money on physical copies of new systems. It’s credited for helping the Air Force build and fly a full-scale experimental aircraft years faster than anticipated, for missions that require more advanced technology than the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter.

“All of our programs are watching NGAD to see how far they can push the digital envelope,” Roper said.

He wants to make software-driven design the norm for all future aircraft, and said every program executive officer in the Space Force has been briefed on how to adopt those practices for satellites as well. The practice will be at the center of Roper’s “Digital Century Series” idea for rolling out small batches of new aircraft every few years as technology advances.

“Digital engineering is one of the biggest things that I’ve seen in eight years. It’s the last thing I owe the Air Force,” Roper said of new guidance to be completed next week. “It’s the reason why I’m still here working around the clock, with a newborn, is to get out the last guidance on digital engineering before I’m not able to talk to the Air Force for a very long time.”

Signing an acquisition strategy for the initiative known as “ReleaseONE,” part of the Advanced Battle Management System, also remains on his plate. That set of tools aims to relay battlefield data and analytics from communications satellites to—at first—mobility aircraft such as tankers that will share potential courses of action with fighter jets and other tactical aircraft in the area. Planes will be able to tap into the same cloud-based server to get data faster, regardless of what coding language their software speaks.

Roper has been a face of ABMS as the Air Force’s top acquisition official spearheading an effort to retire old battle management planes such as the E-8C Joint Surveillance Target Attack Radar System. Instead, he’s advocated for a comprehensive web that can pull combat data from anywhere and share it with any platform for more effective operations. His successor will be charged with bringing the vision to life and defending it to Congress.

Roper hopes the common-sense improvement offered by combat internet and the normalcy of how the program will be run should assuage congressional concerns about the long-term success of the massive ABMS networking project.

“That’ll be a normal program, with a normal baseline and a normal test schedule, a normal everything,” he said of ReleaseONE. “Assuming the Air Force has a good year in 2021, I think Congress and others will open up the aperture more to go faster.”

Roper’s departure next week closes out a chapter of reform in which he urged the services to take more risks in tech development and to build new ties with Silicon Valley and other companies outside of the traditional defense industrial base. He’s also pushed the Air Force to ditch certain platforms in favor of new designs, and to adopt smarter analysis tools for everything from sustainment to intelligence backlogs.

His successor will take on a daunting list of modernization projects spanning nuclear weapons and bombers, a new tanker, wingman drones, and more. But to move the $60 billion acquisition portfolio forward, the Air Force will need to work smarter, not harder.

“There’s enough money to do the modernization objectives, but not if we’re modernizing and having to maintain all of the legacy missions in exactly the same way, too,” Roper said when asked about tradeoffs that the Air Force might have to make in an era of flat budgets.

“We have to be able to find a partnership across all the different stakeholders that are on the ‘board of directors’ of the Air Force,” he said. “If we can find a balancing point where we are aligned in these interests, then I believe we can maintain the legacy mission, but better and cheaper using new technologies, and free up enough funding to do the hypersonics, [NGAD], and [ABMS] that that are important for strategic reasons, not just tactical ones.”

Secret Pacific Strategy Called for Stronger India to Counter China

Secret Pacific Strategy Called for Stronger India to Counter China

The Trump administration’s Indo-Pacific Strategy, declassified Jan. 13, seeks to promote India’s military and economic strength as a counter to China, while trying to keep traditional U.S. regional allies in the fold. It revolves around blunting China’s rising influence, and aims to bolster the militaries of Australia, India, Japan, and South Korea with better arms, intelligence sharing, and common research and development, while getting those countries to shoulder a greater share of the Indo-Pacific defense burden.

In an accompanying statement from the White House, National Security Advisor Robert C. O’Brien said declassifying the document—which has some sections redacted—is meant to illustrate the administration’s transparency and commitment to partners in the region. The document was labeled “Secret/NOFORN” before the declassification, marking it as the least sensitive of classified documents.

O’Brien called the “growing rivalry between free and repressive visions of the future” the “most consequential challenge to the interests of the U.S.” China, he said, is “increasingly pressuring” Indo-Pacific nations “to subordinate their freedom and sovereignty to a ‘common destiny’ envisioned by the Chinese Communist Party,” while the U.S. seeks only to help those aspiring to “a free and open Indo-Pacific” to preserve and protect their sovereignty.

The “top interests” of the U.S. in the region are to protect the homeland; preserve military, diplomatic, and economic access to the Indo-Pacific; enhance the “credibility and effectiveness” of allies; and “maintain U.S. primacy in the region,” while protecting core American values at home.

Militarily, the U.S. seeks to deter China from attacking the U.S. and its allies, and to develop means to counter and defeat China “across the spectrum of conflict.”

The three-pronged military strategy is to deny China “sustained air and sea dominance inside the ‘first island chain’ in a conflict,” then defend first-island-chain nations, and thirdly to dominate “all domains outside the first island chain.”

Assumptions on which the overall strategy was based include the “grave threat” posed by North Korean nuclear weapons and its “stated intention of subjugating” South Korea. Proliferation of weapons and increased defense spending throughout the Indo-Pacific were also assumed as a response to Chinese, as was persistent and increasing competition between the U.S. and China.

The strategy called out China’s efforts to steal both military and commercial technology, and its plan to seek dominance of “artificial intelligence and bio-genetics” and “harness them in the service authoritarianism.” Such dominance would pose “profound challenges to free societies,” according to the document. China’s “digital surveillance, information controls, and influence operations” are also seen as damaging U.S. efforts to promote its values and interests, not only in the Indo-Pacific, but worldwide.

The strategy notes China’s “increasingly assertive steps to compel unification with Taiwan.” It aims to help Taiwan develop “an effective asymmetric defense strategy and capabilities” to let it engage China “on its own terms.”

However, the document soft-pedals Russia as “a marginal player” in the region, relative to the U.S., India, and China.

A main “action” item is to convince the Kim Jong Un regime that “the only path to its survival is to relinquish its nuclear weapons,” and do so by pressuring Pyonyang  with diplomatic, military, and economic means, as well as through “law enforcement, intelligence, and information tools.” The goal is to “cripple North Korea’s weapons of mass destruction programs, choke off currency flows, weaken the regime,” and set conditions for negotiating the reversal of its nuclear and missile programs.  

The strategy recommends strengthening the militaries of Australia, India, Japan, and Korea with increased arms sales and arms development cooperation. It also seeks a greater out-of-area role for both Japan and Korea, whose defense forces largely restrict themselves to domestic defense. Japan, particularly, will be encouraged to become “regionally integrated” as a “technologically advanced pillar” of the Indo-Pacific security architecture.

The U.S. aims for a “quadrilateral security framework” with the U.S., India, Japan, and Australia as the “principal hubs,” seeking particularly a “modernization of Japan’s Self-Defense Force.” The U.S. also seeks to reinvigorate alliances with the Philippines and Thailand, to “strengthen their role in upholding a rules-based order.” It sees Myanmar—which the strategy refers to by its old name of Burma—as becoming a potential ally as well, promoting and supporting that country’s “transition to democracy.”  

Throughout the region, the U.S. wants its allies large and small to contribute more to peacekeeping, humanitarian relief, disaster response, and “global health.”

Strengthening India is a common theme of the strategy, aiming to “accelerate India’s rise,” so that it becomes a “net provider of security and a major defense partner.” A “strong Indian military” should be able to “effectively collaborate” with the U.S., and its ground forces can provide a strong counter to China. The strategy says the U.S. wants to “expand our defense trade” with India and transfer technology to it that will enhance its capabilities as an ally.

Toward that end, the U.S. wants to help India engage militarily “beyond the Indian Ocean,” and assist its efforts toward “domestic economic reform.” The U.S. plans to provide military, diplomatic, and intelligence assistance to India, to help with “border disputes with China and access to water, including the Brahmaputra and other rivers facing diversion by China.” The U.S. would work with India and Japan to finance projects that “enhance regional connectivity between India and countries of the region.”

The U.S. also aims to “strengthen the capacity of emerging partners” in South Asia, to include Sri Lanka, the Maldives, and Bangladesh. The U.S. hopes to help create a “maritime information fusion center” including these nations, to surveil the Indian Ocean.

The strategy plans an information campaign to thwart China’s “unfair trading practices” that “freeze out foreign competition” and highlight the “strings attached” with participation in China’s “One Belt, One Road” initiative.

It aims to work closely with allies and “like-minded countries” to “prevent Chinese acquisition of military and strategic capabilities,” and prevent China from using venture capital to buy up innovative companies.

The strategy also plans an information campaign targeted to governments, businesses, and universities, Chinese overseas students, news media, and general citizenry “about China’s coercive behavior and influence operations around the globe.” The U.S. seeks to invest “in capabilities [redacted] that promote uncensored communication between the Chinese people.”

Space Force Charts its Own Path for Electronic Warfare

Space Force Charts its Own Path for Electronic Warfare

Electronic warfare will be a priority of Space Force members looking to protect military satellites and radars, but don’t expect it to look like the Air Force’s EW units.

Space Force Vice Chief of Space Operations Gen. David D. Thompson said Jan. 13 that—at least for now—electronic warfare officers won’t have their own career field designated by a unique specialty code that is associated with space EW crews.

“At this point in time, that’s not our … intent,” he said at an event hosted by the Association of Old Crows. “I won’t discount that as perhaps somewhere we need to evolve in the future, but the specific decision and action to create a space electronic warfare specialty inside of our space operations does, in practicality, the same thing.”

Electronic warfare experts will still run systems that attack on and defend aspects of the electromagnetic spectrum, like those that intervene with communications signals. The Space Force plans to train its EW officers in the tools, tactics, techniques, and capabilities they need for offensive and defensive operations and to recognize what adversaries might be plotting as well.

“I believe with the creation of the space electronic warfare subcategory inside the broader space operations officer [field], we’re in essence, functionally doing the same technique or creating the same effect,” Thompson said.

Electromagnetic warfare is one of seven disciplines necessary to secure space, the new service said in its capstone doctrine document published last August, defining the work as “knowledge of spectrum awareness, maneuver within the spectrum, and non-kinetic fires within the spectrum to deny adversary use of vital links” and having the “skill to manipulate physical access to communication pathways and awareness of how those pathways contribute to enemy advantage.”

EW helps ensure the U.S. military can pass imagery, coordinates, and other messages across the joint force during combat, and it is one tool that troops, like the 4th Space Control Squadron at Peterson Air Force Base, Colo., can use to stop enemies from doing the same.

The Space Force has noted electromagnetic spectrum issues as one of the most important aspects of future warfare, from natural electromagnetic radiation that could put spacecraft at risk, to energy that can disrupt communications links or spread disinformation.

“These vulnerabilities present a tremendous risk to the viability of military spacepower,” according to the doctrine. “Military space forces must prepare to exploit and defend the EMS as a weaponized maneuver space.”

Space-based EW has been part of the joint force for years, Thompson added, primarily through the Counter-Communication System used to jam others’ communications satellites. The Space Force declared a new version of CCS ready for operations in March 2020, calling it the service’s first offensive weapon system. But more technology upgrades must move forward for the military to be competitive, the vice chief said.

“Many [of] our capabilities have been forward-deployed in the Middle East in support of [U.S. Central Command] operations for well over a decade, in fact, approaching two decades,” Thompson said. “We do also need to evolve our space warfare capabilities into other areas. Ground-to-space is certainly one of them, but there’s other ways and techniques and opportunities to employ electronic warfare and conduct electromagnetic space operations … from space, in space, all those sorts of things.”

It may become particularly important as parts of the spectrum face additional challenges while growing more congested with new users.

“We really do need to explore and consider and ultimately pursue a fuller and broader scope of electronic warfare in a space sense,” Thompson said.