Austin Ceremonially Sworn in at the White House

Austin Ceremonially Sworn in at the White House

Vice President Kamala Harris on Jan. 25 ceremonially swore in new Defense Secretary Lloyd J. Austin III at the White House, days after he started the job and has already announced multiple changes to the Defense Department.

“Secretary Austin’s integrity, experience, and intimate knowledge of the issues facing our military make him the right leader for this moment,” Harris said in a Twitter statement.

Austin was already sworn in administratively on Jan. 22 at the Pentagon, and had served in the role for about three days before the White House ceremony. With Harris participating, it was the first female, Black, and south Asian Vice President swearing in the first Black Defense Secretary.

The ceremony came shortly after Austin and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark A. Milley attended the signing of the Executive Order that ends the Pentagon’s ban on transgender individuals serving in the military.

In one of his first steps as Defense Secretary, Austin ordered the services and combatant commands to provide a summary of sexual assault and sexual harassment prevention and accountability measures taken within the past year by Feb. 5. In a memo, Austin said he wants to know more about how data would support addressing sexual misconduct “within a broader violence prevention framework.” He said there will be a meeting of senior leaders “in the coming days” to address the problem.

The order comes alongside a similar one from President Joe Biden, which called for a 90-day commission to pursue ways to fix the problem of sexual assault in the military—a move that the DOD will “aggressively support,” Austin wrote.

“I look forward to working with you as we defend the United States,” Austin wrote to DOD leaders in the memo. “But, as I said before the Senate Armed Services Committee, we cannot accomplish that mission if we also have to battle enemies within the ranks. I’m speaking here about the scourge of sexual assault.”

Brown on Capitol Riot: ‘I Struggled on That Day’

Brown on Capitol Riot: ‘I Struggled on That Day’

On Jan. 6, as a throng of supporters of former President Donald J. Trump and right-wing extremists mobbed the U.S. Capitol, the Air Force Chief of Staff couldn’t tear himself away from the television.

Brown, teleworking away from the Pentagon, said he watched in shock and disbelief as events unfolded that killed five people and sent hundreds of lawmakers, staffers, and journalists running for cover.

“I was very disappointed, and it hurt,” he said in a live conversation with The Washington Post on Jan. 25. “I struggled on that day to understand what was going on and where we were going to go as a nation.”

Brown, who last summer became the first Black four-star general in American history to lead a branch of the armed forces, grappled with the sight of the Confederate flag being paraded through the halls of the U.S. Capitol—something not done even during the Civil War.

“The Confederate flag, throughout my career, has … never really sat well with me, just watching around our force or other locations, and having been stationed at locations in the South where you saw it,” he said. “To see it up on the Capitol, and to be walked through the Capitol, gives me an indication that … there is a bit of division.”

It drove home the work America must take on to bridge those differences and “be the nation we’ve all grown to know and love,” he said.

His sentiment echoes that of others in the Air Force who voiced their worries on social media.

“Internal division is our biggest threat, and it is being exacerbated skillfully by state and non-state actors that want to see us weakened & discredited,” Lt. Gen. S. Clinton Hinote, deputy chief of staff for strategy, integration, and requirements, wrote in a Jan. 7 Twitter thread. “We are in danger of losing our republic.”

Brown suggested race may have played a factor in how Capitol Police and other law enforcement responded to the masses forcibly entering the seat of government, compared to aggressive policing tactics used against people protesting systemic racism in D.C. last year.

“There was a pendulum swing of the reaction then, and I think in this case, the pendulum swung a different direction,” Brown said. “It does make you wonder how we reacted, as a nation, to these particular events on the 6th, and how I think, in some cases, we underestimated the reaction from those who participated on the 6th.”

Reporting following the Capitol riot found that nearly 20 percent of individuals facing federal or local charges in connection with that day’s events have served or are serving in the U.S. military. The presence of current and former military members at the violent event, driven by ideological extremism in support of Trump, has spurred the military to take a new look at white supremacists and other extremists in its ranks.

“We witnessed actions inside the Capitol building that were inconsistent with the rule of law,” a memo signed by all eight members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff said. “The rights of freedom of speech and assembly do not give anyone the right to resort to violence, sedition, and insurrection.”

“Any act to disrupt the Constitutional process is not only against our traditions, values, and oath; it is against the law,” they continued. The events took place as lawmakers were certifying Joe Biden as the winner of the 2020 presidential election.

On Jan. 13, one week after the deadly day in Washington, Brown and other senior leaders in the Department of the Air Force also wrote a brief letter to their troops urging them to “remain steady and stay focused on your duties to the country.”

“On the 6th of January, the violent assault on our Nation’s Capitol was an attack on the foundation of our great republic. Our oath demands that we are unwavering in safeguarding American ideals,” leadership wrote.

Speaking to the Post, Brown indicated extremism is a social issue on par with sexual assault and racial inequality that stops the Air Force from reaching its full potential. Nearly eight months after releasing a viral video entitled “What I’m thinking about,” a discussion of George Floyd’s death and the racism he’s faced in the Air Force, Brown said he’s pursuing meaningful, sustainable, and enduring cultural improvements for minorities in the military.

“We have to talk about our core values and our standards, but we need to be open and transparent about how we talk about those,” he said, adding that more could be done to make Airmen more tolerant of people from other backgrounds who they may not have interacted with before joining the military.

Brown also pointed to changes underway to more intentionally diversify service leadership, and to unpack other unconscious biases that may be holding the Air Force back or creating an uncomfortable environment for minority Airmen.

The Defense Department is wrestling with those issues as it welcomes its first Black Secretary, Lloyd J. Austin III. Brown served as the top officer providing air assets to the Middle East while Austin ran U.S. Central Command in the mid-2010s, and said the new Defense Secretary is straightforward, thoughtful, and inclusive.

“I think he’s going to hold us to account as well, to ensure that we deliver on … his priorities, the President’s priorities, to do the things that the Department of Defense does to secure our national security,” Brown said. That extends to “how we work with allies and partners and also have the right environment within the force.”

DOD and the Department of the Air Force will move forward in 2021 on several major initiatives, including continuing to stand up the Space Force and modernizing the air and space inventory. Brown praised speedy software development, plug-and-play software interfaces, and digital engineering as the biggest game-changers the department is pursuing. He also defended the need to continue the Space Force past the Trump administration.

“There are some opportunities here to actually increase our visibility on space,” he said. “Because the Space Force is coming out of the Air Force, it’s given us an opportunity to take a hard look at ourselves as an Air Force. There’s some things that we could do differently, and better, and there’s some things we may be able to learn as we look at a separate service now that starts from scratch.”

About 5,000 Guard Troops to Stay in D.C. Through Mid-March

About 5,000 Guard Troops to Stay in D.C. Through Mid-March

Approximately 5,000 National Guard troops will remain on the streets of Washington, D.C., with most protecting the U.S. Capitol for almost two more months, in response to requests from federal agencies and local police who anticipate additional unrest.

As of Jan. 25, there were about 13,000 Guard personnel still in the District, down from the more than 25,000 in D.C. to protect the Jan. 20 inauguration of President Joe Biden after the Jan. 6 insurrection at the Capitol.

The U.S. Park Police, U.S. Secret Service, Capitol Police Department, and Washington, D.C., Metropolitan Police Department all requested National Guard help in the coming weeks, and those requests have been approved, Acting Army Secretary John E. Whitley told reporters in a Jan. 25 briefing.

Through early February, about 500 will help the Park Police, 550 will help the Metropolitan Police, 600 will help the Secret Service, and about 5,000 will remain at the U.S. Capitol to help the Capitol Police, Whitley said.

National Guard troops will continue helping with security, communications, medical evacuation, logistics, and safety support. The forces will wear protective equipment and remain armed “if necessary,” Whitley said.

Whitley and National Guard leaders would not share specific threats coming in the near future, though Politico reported the upcoming Senate impeachment trial of former President Donald J. Trump has created “security concerns” necessitating the use of the Guard.

“We do not engage in that intelligence work ourselves, we rely on our federal partners, particularly the FBI, to provide that information,” Whitley said. “And so what I can tell you in terms of what they’re briefing us, there are several upcoming events, we don’t know what they are, over the next several weeks, and they’re concerned that there could be situations where there are lawful protests, First Amendment protected protests, that could either be used by malicious actors or other problems may emerge.”

Since Guard personnel began arriving in Washington, D.C., shortly after the Jan. 6 incident, about 200 personnel have tested positive for COVID-19. Maj. Gen. William J. Walker, the commanding general of the District of Columbia National Guard, told reporters that Guard personnel follow CDC guidelines and Defense Department protocols, and are tested for the virus. When they are positive, the Soldier or Airman is quarantined in the D.C. area until they are cleared to return home.

While the number is concerning, it is still less than 1 percent of the total National Guard presence at its peak, National Guard Bureau Chief Army Gen. Daniel R. Hokanson told reporters.

Biden Reverses Ban on Transgender Individuals Serving in the Military

Biden Reverses Ban on Transgender Individuals Serving in the Military

President Joe Biden on Jan. 25 reversed the ban on transgender individuals serving in the military, opening the door to thousands barred from service and correcting the service record of anyone affected by the ban.

The executive order, announced before Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III’s swearing-in ceremony at the White House, reverses an order from former President Donald J. Trump that cited “tremendous medical costs and disruption” from transgender individuals serving in uniform. The order reverts to the Pentagon’s prior position of allowing transgender people into the military, so the DOD can recruit and retain “those who can best accomplish the mission.”

“President Biden believes that gender identity should not be a bar to military service, and America’s strength is found in its diversity,” the White House said in a statement. “This question of how to enable all qualified Americans to serve in the military is easily answered by recognizing our core values. America is stronger, at home and around the world, when it is inclusive. The military is no exception. Allowing all qualified Americans to serve their country in uniform is better for the military and better for the country because an inclusive force is a more effective force.”

In a statement following the executive order, Austin said the Pentagon will immediately take steps to ensure individuals who identify as transgender are able to enlist and serve in their self-identified gender.

“These changes will ensure no one will be separated or discharged, or denied reenlistment, solely on the basis of gender identity,” Austin said.

Additionally, all medically necessary transition-related care will be available to service members.

“We would be rendering ourselves less fit to the task if we excluded from our ranks people who meet our standards and who have the skills and the devotion to serve in uniform,” he said. “This is the right thing to do. It is also the smart thing to do.”

A 2016 study by the RAND Corp. estimated there are between 1,320-6,630 transgender service members in Active duty, but that number varies widely based on a lack of data and current military policies. The same study estimated that Active component health care costs would increase by between $2.4 million and $8.4 million annually if DOD covered transition-related care.

The White House in its statement pointed to a 2016 DOD study that noted that “open transgender service has had no significant impact on operational effectiveness or unit cohesion in foreign militaries,” and testimony in 2018 by each service uniformed leader stated that they were not aware of issues of unit cohesion.

The White House also said the Pentagon would report back in 60 days on its progress implementing the order.

Trump first announced the ban in July 2017 on Twitter, saying “please be advised that the United States government will not accept or allow transgender individuals to serve in any capacity in the US military.” Days later, then-Defense Secretary James N. Mattis delayed implementation so the policy could be reviewed.

Advocacy groups on Jan. 25 lauded the ban’s reversal. In a joint statement, the Service Members, Partners, Allies for Respect and Tolerance for all and the Modern Military Association of America said the move is a “victory” for inclusion in the government.

The reversal “enhances national security by allowing otherwise qualified Americans to serve their country, and for transgender people already serving to reach their full potential,” said Jennifer Dane, MMAA executive director and Air Force veteran, in the statement.

Air Force Projects Halted by Continuing Resolution Now Move Forward

Air Force Projects Halted by Continuing Resolution Now Move Forward

A three-month continuing resolution that ended in December inflicted less pain on the Department of the Air Force than it had expected, as procurement and construction continue in the new year.

The federal government operated under a stopgap spending measure that stretched from the beginning of the fiscal year on Oct. 1 to Dec. 27, when former President Donald J. Trump signed the fiscal 2021 funding bill into law. 

Under the CR, the Air Force warned it risked being placed on a waiting list to purchase manned E-11A Battlefield Airborne Communications node jets that are used to share data during combat missions. The service planned to buy five new planes from Bombardier starting in fiscal 2021 to replace the EQ-4B, a variant of the Northrop Grumman Global Hawk drone that also flies the BACN mission.

“The contract award for the procurement of an E-11 aircraft was delayed six months; however, negotiations are now proceeding and no additional delays are anticipated,” Air Force spokesman Capt. Jacob N. Bailey said in a Jan. 19 email. 

That contract should be inked by the end of March, and the plane is on track for delivery by the end of June.

“No cost impacts are expected,” Bailey added. “There are no immediate operational impacts due to delayed procurement.”

In the meantime, the Air Force also awarded Northrop a five-year, $3.6 billion contract for BACN operations and sustainment. The funds cover use and upkeep of the current aircraft and their communications hardware, plus research for future payloads.

The Air Force also warned last fall that a CR would drag out construction of the Consolidated Space Operations Facility at Schriever Air Force Base, Colo., a larger building for troops that control satellites and radars and gather intelligence.

“The project is still in design and not impacted by the … CR,” Bailey said. “Construction is estimated to be complete in early 2025 based on current timelines. There are no anticipated cost increases at this time due to the recent CR.” 

Continuing resolutions block federal agencies from starting new programs and buying more resources than they were allowed to in the previous year’s budget, among other restrictions. The Air Force said a yearlong stopgap would have blocked 48 new programs, cut production increases for seven aircraft and weapons, stopped 19 construction projects, limited hiring, and curbed the service’s measures to fight the coronavirus pandemic, among other effects.

Officials have indicated they will need to work through the ripple effects with the Biden administration and a new Congress.

“[A CR] doesn’t help us accelerate change, or be able to do things a bit faster with some predictability,” Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Charles Q. Brown Jr. said in September. “It will cause us to take a step back and then have to take a relook, realizing that no matter who gets elected in November, we will actually continue to work through this.”

Next F-35 Contracts Under Negotiation, Deal Expected by Late September

Next F-35 Contracts Under Negotiation, Deal Expected by Late September

The F-35 Joint Program Office, Lockheed Martin, and Pratt & Whitney are negotiating prices for the 15th through 17th lots of Lightning II fighters and engines, aiming for a deal by the end of September.

The contracting strategy is to negotiate a “base year” contract for Lot 15, with “two single-year options (Lots 16 and 17),” a JPO spokeswoman said. While the air vehicles are under negotiation, the “propulsion Lot 15-17 proposal is currently in technical evaluation,” the spokeswoman said. Although Lockheed quotes prices publicly for F-35s with engines included, the government negotiates with the engine maker separately. The Lightning II is powered by Pratt’s F135 turbofan.

The strategy likely buys time for the F-35 to finally exit engineering and manufacturing development and be declared ready for full-rate production, a milestone postponed last month for the third time by former Pentagon acquisition and sustainment chief Ellen Lord.

The Lot 15-17 contracts will also mark the first major deals for the F135 engine conducted with Pratt under the ownership of Raytheon Technologies, which formally took over the engine maker in April 2020. Pratt was previously owned by United Technologies.

The program office expects to conclude both the air vehicle and propulsion talks within fiscal 2021, the spokeswoman said. Lot 15 air vehicles “are planned to be fully funded and awarded in FY’21,” but the Lot 16 and 17 options would be exercised in fiscal year 2022 and 2023, respectively, “when funding becomes available.”

The Lots 15-17 contracts were originally expected to include a multi-year “block buy” agreement including the U.S. However, by law, the U.S. cannot enter into a multiyear procurement arrangement for a weapon system until it has passed Milestone C, or full-rate production. The F-35 most recently was supposed to clear Milestone C in March, but Lord postponed that declaration until further notice, due to ongoing challenges integrating the F-35 with the Pentagon’s Joint Simulation Environment—a wargaming system that helps Pentagon leaders decide on optimum force sizes for various weapon platforms. Lord’s move leaves it up to the Biden administration to declare whether and when the F-35 is ready for full-rate production.

When the Lot 12-14 contract was announced in October 2019, Lord said the F-35 had completed 90 percent of the tasks necessary to pass Milestone C.

U.S. partners in the F-35 program are already participating in a “block buy” arrangement with Lockheed Martin.

The $34 billion October 2019 contract, which covered Lots 12-14, achieved Lockheed and the JPO’s longstanding goal of getting the unit cost of the F-35A below $80 million a copy. That contract, the largest yet for the fighter, included 478 aircraft; 291 for U.S. military services and 127 for foreign users. It also marked a 12.8 percent drop in the price of the Air Force version of the Lightning II over Lot 11. Engine costs had only declined 3.5 percent versus the previous lot.

Lots 15-17 will likely involve a slightly larger number of aircraft.

Industry officials said they expect smaller cost reductions in the F-35 from now on, as the production line is nearly at capacity and peak efficiency. The 2019 contract was the “big bang” deal, said one, in which Lockheed “pushed it” to get the unit cost below $80 million. At that price, the fifth-generation F-35 costs less than fourth-generation types like the F-15EX, but its operating cost remains significantly higher.

Lockheed missed its delivery quota of F-35s in 2020 by about 20 airplanes, due to delays incurred by the COVID-19 pandemic. Michele Evans, former Lockheed aeronautics vice president, said in the fall the company expects to gradually make up those missed deliveries by around 2023, noting it did not want to disrupt the production enterprise for a brief surge to get back to par.

New Paint Job for Air Force One Not on Biden’s To-Do List, Yet

New Paint Job for Air Force One Not on Biden’s To-Do List, Yet

Want to know what the next Air Force One Will look like? You’ll have to wait.

Deciding on the color scheme for the VC-25B, which is under development to replace the current VC-25As that serve as Air Force One, is not on the immediate to-do list for President Joe Biden, White House spokeswoman Jen Psaki said in a Jan. 22 briefing.

Former President Donald J. Trump in June 2019 displayed a proposed new livery for the next Air Force One, which would replace the famous white, gold, and light blue with a red, white, and blue scheme.

“The President has not spent a moment thinking about the color scheme of Air Force One,” Psaki said, adding that, “Certainly, we’re aware of the proposal.”

The White House and Boeing in February 2018 announced a new deal for two 747-8Is for about $3.9 billion. The aircraft, which were resurrected from storage, will replace the two current VC-25As that have been in service since 1990. Work is slated to be completed on the aircraft by 2024, and the planes will fly through 2050. All told, the project is expected to cost about $5.2 billion, according to DOD projections.

The first of the two aircraft began the modification process in February 2020, with Boeing removing commercial interiors, engines, auxiliary power units, and other components. Workers removed parts of the aircraft’s skin to install structural upgrades and new doors.

30 Years After Desert Storm: Jan. 23-25

30 Years After Desert Storm: Jan. 23-25

In commemoration of the 30th Anniversary of Operation Desert Storm, Air Force Magazine is posting daily recollections from the six-week war, which expelled Iraq from occupied Kuwait.

Jan. 23:

  • Only five Iraqi air bases remain functional after a week of bombing.
  • Iraqi sorties are down from 235 to 40 per day.
  • Iraq begins dumping Kuwaiti oil into the Persian Gulf, and torching Kuwaiti oil wells and other facilities.

Jan. 24:

  • A Saudi pilot flying an F-15C shoots down two Iraqi F-1 Mirages, attempting to attack coalition ships with Exocet missiles.
  • Coalition flies 2,570 attack sorties, for a total of 14,750 during the first eight days of war.

Jan. 25:

  • Coalition destroys three Iraqi bombers on the ground.
  • Major attacks on Iraqi hardened aircraft shelters begin. USAF, using the new I-2000 warhead, has spectacular success.
  • A British airman is captured.
  • Intelligence agencies report the execution of commanders of Iraq’s air force and anti-aircraft defenses.
  • Five Scud missiles hit Israel, killing one person, and wounding 40 others.
  • Iraq sabotages Kuwait’s main supertanker loading pier, dumping millions of gallons of crude into the Persian Gulf.

Check out our complete chronology of the Gulf War, starting with Iraq’s July 1990 invasion of Kuwait and running through Iraq’s April 1991 acceptance of peace terms.

COVID-19 Delays Pentagon’s New Joint Warfighting Plan

COVID-19 Delays Pentagon’s New Joint Warfighting Plan

The coronavirus pandemic has delayed release of the Pentagon’s new joint combat guidelines until the spring, complicating efforts to put the armed forces on the same path to better communication and speed up decision-making, the military’s No. 2 officer said Jan. 22.

Gen. John E. Hyten, vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said during an event hosted by the National Security Space Association that even after a year of development, the joint warfighting concept hasn’t reached “the first level of maturity” needed to publish an initial plan.

“We really need to play some large wargames with all the services playing, including the Space Force, and a very active ‘red team’ that plays real-time and looks at the different concepts and figures out what works and doesn’t work,” he said.

The military had wanted to hold three major wargames and a global exercise by now, but restrictions in place to curb the virus’s spread got in the way. Only one event has happened so far, Hyten said, and was “less than satisfactory” because of those limitations.

Defense Department officials knew by November that it wasn’t possible to hit their December deadline to release the new concept, and decided to take more time to hold exercises and wargames.

“The other thing we’re going to publish in the spring is [a] requirements document for the four supporting concepts coming out of it,” Hyten said. Those requirements, for aspects like software standards, will guide the military in building out joint all-domain command-and-control.

“You had to have somebody that says, ‘What do we actually have to do that will enable a joint force rapidly to build this information advantage across everything that we do?’” he added.

Breaking Defense previously reported that the four pillars of the new plan are:

  • Joint fires, handled by the Navy
  • Command and control, handled by the Air Force
  • Logistics, handled by the Army
  • Information advantage, handled by the Joint Staff. The Army’s Project Convergence and Department of the Air Force’s Advanced Battle Management System are pursuing similar ideas as well.

The requirements blueprint due out in the spring will guide the military’s way forward on issues like space, electromagnetic warfare, and other digital-centric operations. 

“Space is critical in everything that we do,” he said. We have to figure out how to actually define joint requirements, which we’ve never really done effectively. We always validate service requirements, but we have to define the joint requirements of the future, and then hold the services—and the Space Force being one of those services—accountable for meeting those capabilities as we go forward.”

The concept will dovetail with cyber offense and defense planning also underway—a key piece of future combat that will heavily rely on software and networked weapons and vehicles.

“[Deputy Defense Secretary David L. Norquist] set up a structure where we came together and we came up with, in the classified world, four pilots, where [U.S.] Cyber Command, the acquisition community, and the Joint Staff are working together to figure out how best to defend the entire enterprise, start to finish,” he said.

That’s led to great progress, but not without its problems.

“We’ve done stuff that just didn’t flat-out work,” Hyten said. “We’ve done stuff that [was] actually, in retrospect, kind of stupid. … “We’re all in on trying to figure out the right roles and responsibilities on how to do this and establish this as policy across the board.”