Brown Says Networks are Key to New Revolution in Military Affairs

Brown Says Networks are Key to New Revolution in Military Affairs

The new “revolution in military affairs” is the recognition that information and speed of decision-making will be the keys to victory in a future conflict, Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Charles Q. Brown Jr. said in a March 29 panel discussion with Army Chief of Staff Gen. James C. McConville.

“It’s all about … decision advantage,” Brown said in a virtual summit presented by The Hill, which also featured former defense officials and members of Congress. “It is a revolution in military affairs, and not just from a technical standpoint, but it’s a mindset, as well.”

Brown said he’s convinced that doing things “the way we’re doing them today, I don’t think we’ll be successful tomorrow.” He’s pushing his “accelerate change or lose” message in part because reliable information has to be the top priority in future fights. His comments were echoed by former defense officials, who agreed that resilient connectivity should be the centerpiece of defense connectivity.

In the next big conflict, the “fog of warfare” will be far more acute, Brown said. “We’ll either have information overload or information that is not necessarily clear, … or we could be disconnected.” The services must work now to make their information and networks more reliable, as well as be able to function without connectivity if necessary.

“We’re really thinking differently about how we approach things,” he said, noting a renewed emphasis on “how we empower Airmen” and delegate authority to make decisions “down to the lowest capable and competent level.”

The Air Force also has to be “willing to take a little bit of risk,” which he said the service hasn’t done “in the last 20 to 30 years in our fight against violent extremism.”

The service’s calling card will have to be continued “range, speed, and agility,” with the ability to strike “any target on the face of the globe” as well as “responsiveness” to quickly evolving conditions.  

McConville agreed the “next fight is going to be different, [with] different technology, different organizations, different doctrine so we can … win.”

He said the U.S. must seek “overmatch” with adversaries if possible, but may have to settle for simply being able to inflict sufficient damage on an enemy that it is able to deter a war in the first place. Peace will be preserved through “strength, strong allies, and partners,” McConville said. The U.S. needs to be at least strong enough that “no one wants to take us on.”

He did not mention his service’s efforts to take over key parts of the deep strike and defense suppression missions from the Air Force. When asked about differing service “visions,” of future warfare, Brown observed simply that all the branches “have a different perspective” of “how we look at the strategic environment, and how all of us come together” in a way that will bring success.

The Army Chief warned, though, that adversaries—China in particular—will pose big challenges to the U.S. in ways the military is not used to.

“We’ve seen what a pandemic can do to us,” McConville said. “So we should not assume that those who wish us harm would not be willing to use those things” in war.

He also said the Army is especially concerned about the proliferation of unmanned systems, which he likened to the “the IEDs of a few years back,” which were simple, low-cost ways to severely disrupt Army operations.

Both Chiefs urged a “whole of government” approach to meeting challenges from China, Russia, and other adversaries.

Former Obama administration Defense Secretary Leon E. Panetta said “there’s not much question in my mind that we’re behind” in the race to faster decision-making via 5G and artificial intelligence.

“We should have seen this coming a long time ago. We didn’t pay enough attention to it,” Panetta said, asserting the U.S. did not invest adequately in the technology. China, meanwhile, has invested a great deal in it, he said, while the U.S. “faltered in terms of this aggressive effort to always stay ahead of the curve. We’ve got to go back to that.”

He thinks the Biden administration “recognizes the need to invest in these new technologies for our own defense, but it’s going to take a while.” Panetta urged government financial incentives for the private sector to pursue these efforts because “mark my word, that is the future in terms of our ability to protect our national security and international interests.”

Former Undersecretary of Defense for Policy Michèle Flournoy warned that the Chinese “have convinced themselves that we are a nation in decline” and to “avoid miscalculation” on their part, the U.S. needs to demonstrate a robust investment in defense, particularly in connectivity, and its commitment to its allies.

“We need to show them that we’re recovering from COVID, that we’re back on our feet, addressing key domestic challenges,” she said. “The sooner they see us investing in key technology areas and really modernizing and transforming our military, optimized for deterrence in the Pacific, the more we’re going to counter that narrative” that the U.S. is ceding world leadership.

Flournoy said “all of the wargames that have been done recently, if accurately reported,” lead to the conclusion that “the currently programmed force is not going to keep our edge over the next decade. We will gradually lose our confidence in our ability to deter.”

The U.S. military is “overinvested in legacy systems and under-invested … in technologies” that ensure that Army units, fighter squadrons, and ships “are survivable and resilient and able to move, communicate, [and] strike … in a much more contested environment, under constant attack, and disruption, she said.

Chinese doctrine calls for ending a fight “before we even engage, by taking down our command and control system, and our ability to move, and target, and communicate,” Flournoy said. That demands the U.S. “build a resilient network of networks, which is what joint all-domain command and control is about. That needs to be one of the bets that the Pentagon places in the next four years if it’s going to have what it needs to deter in the next 40.”

Russian Tu-142s Enter Alaskan Air Defense Identification Zone

Russian Tu-142s Enter Alaskan Air Defense Identification Zone

The Alaskan North American Aerospace Defense Region early March 29 tracked two Russian Tu-142 maritime patrol aircraft entering the Alaskan Air Defense Identification Zone.

The aircraft operated in international airspace, and Alaska Command did not announce if U.S. or Canadian aircraft scrambled to intercept, according to a release.

“As always, NORAD remains vigilant and ready to protect the sovereign airspace of Canada and the United States to deter, deny, and defeat potential threats to our air and maritime approaches,” Alaskan North American Aerospace Defense Region said in the release.

The incident comes shortly after U.S. and Canadian aircraft wrapped up a major exercise focused on quickly positioning aircraft and protecting the northern airspace. As part of exercise Amalgam Dart, 27 aircraft and more than 500 personnel trained at locations including Thule Air Base, Greenland; Eielson Air Force Base, Alaska; and Canadian bases in several provinces including Yukon, Northwest Territories, and Nunavut, among others.

“NORAD is committed to working with its allies and partners to strengthen global stability and security as we now face a much broader range of threats that are testing our security, and require innovative and tailored defenses,” said Royal Canadian Air Force Maj. Gen. Eric Kenny, commander of Canadian NORAD Region, in a statement. “Exercise Amalgam Dart provides both Canadian and U.S. forces the opportunity to maintain and build on our capabilities.”

It is at least the second time this year that Tu-142s have entered the Alaskan ADIZ, after a similar incident in January. NORAD in 2020 conducted more intercepts than in recent years, as Russia repeatedly flew bombers, maritime patrol aircraft, early warning aircraft, and fighters into the region.

“Our northern approaches have had an increase in foreign military activity as our competitors continue to expand their military presence and probe our defenses,” USAF Gen. Glen D. VanHerck, commander of NORAD and U.S. Northern Command, said in August after an intercept. “This year, we’ve conducted more than a dozen intercepts, the most in recent years. The importance of our continued efforts to project air defense operations in and through the north has never been more apparent.”

Hill Maintenance Group Commander Relieved of Command

Hill Maintenance Group Commander Relieved of Command

The commander of a major maintenance group with the Ogden Air Logistics Complex at Hill Air Force Base, Utah, has been relieved of command for the second time in a year.

Col. Chris Boring, commander of the 309th Aircraft Maintenance Group, was relieved of command on March 3 due to a loss of confidence in his ability to lead and command a group, according to Hill. Boring stepped into the role in June 2020 after the group’s previous commander, Col. Randy Ackerman, also was relieved of command in May 2020.

The 309th AMG is responsible for maintenance on aircraft from multiple military branches, including U.S. Navy and Marine Corps C-130Js, USAF F-22s, F-35s, F-16s, T-38s, and A-10s, according to a Hill release. The group has seven maintenance squadrons and more than 2,000 personnel, according to a Hill release.

Lt. Col. Aaron Rivers, the unit’s deputy commander, assumed command of the group. Boring is a special assistant to the logistics complex’s commander, Brig. Gen. C. McCauley von Hoffman, pending an Air Force investigation. was first to report the change.

AFMC Releases Results from Its Diversity and Inclusion Survey

AFMC Releases Results from Its Diversity and Inclusion Survey

While Airmen and civilians in Air Force Materiel Command are generally aware of steps the command is taking to improve diversity and inclusion, there are still shortfalls in overall awareness of the issues and a perception that some will face reprisals if they make equal opportunity claims, according to the results of a recent survey.

AFMC on March 29 released findings from its three-week Diversity and Inclusion Survey, which included 14,000 responses from Airmen and civilians, along with more than 3,500 responses to the survey’s open-ended portion, according to a command release.

“The survey shows that while we are opening minds to many blind spots that would have previously gone unnoticed, we still have a lot of work to do, as we continue our efforts to become a more diverse and inclusive AFMC,” said Gen. Arnold W. Bunch Jr., AFMC commander, in the release. “It is imperative that we get this right. We need to have an environment where every Airman feels accepted, valued, and has the opportunity to achieve their full potential. These results will help guide our continued efforts.”

According to the survey:

  • 75 percent of respondents say they noticed an increased commitment to diversity and inclusion in the past year, with 76 percent saying they were aware of ongoing “sensing sessions” focused on the issue. However, 26 percent of enlisted service members and 39 percent of wage grade civilians say they weren’t aware of those events, showing the command could have been more effective in its outreach.
  • 95 percent of respondents said their performance evaluations were not impacted by race or ethnicity, and 88 percent said their supervisor “took appropriate action” in response to incidents of racial discrimination, according to the release.
  • 20 percent of civilians said hiring is impacted by race and/or ethnicity in their organization, though perceived root causes differed. Some said they think promotion and hiring is biased against Black and female personnel, while others say there is “reverse racism” that favors minorities and a belief that there are “quotas” to meet.
  • While 73 percent said AFMC encourages the use of the Air Force’s Equal Opportunity program to report discrimination, 31 percent said they believe they would face reprisal if they did take that step.

AFMC said it is using the survey responses to adjust its D&I actions, along with developing new plans to address issues the survey brought forward.

“We are committed to being a more diverse, inclusive AFMC. This is crucial to becoming the AFMC we need, and delivering what our nation and service expect,” Bunch said in the release. “It will take the commitment and efforts of us all to be successful.”

AFMC’s survey results come about three months after the Air Force Inspector General released the findings from its massive survey on racial disparity within the ranks. That report found that Black Airmen are more likely to face administrative and criminal punishment, and that these Airmen had wide-spread distrust with their chain of command. USAF, following that report, launched another review looking at additional racial, gender, and ethnic disparities.

New AFSOC A-29s Receive Air Commando Heritage Paint Job

New AFSOC A-29s Receive Air Commando Heritage Paint Job

Sierra Nevada Corp. and Embraer Defense & Security on March 29 unveiled the latest A-29 Super Tucano headed to Air Force Special Operations Command, painted in a unique livery referencing the early lineage of air special operations.

The A-29 is painted in the color scheme of P-51 Mustangs and P-47 Thunderbolts flown by the U.S. Army Air Forces during the 1944 campaigns in China, Burma, and India, according to a Sierra Nevada release. The airplane is painted dark green, with five “Air Commando” stripes, which are also used in the emblem of AFSOC’s 371st Special Operations Combat Training Squadron.

AFSOC purchased three of the A-29s, to be used to train foreign troops at Hurlburt Field, Fla. Two of the aircraft are undergoing modifications at a Sierra Nevada Corp. facility in Colorado, with the third being assembled at Embraer’s production facility in Florida, according to the release.

The purchase of the three A-29s, along with three Textron Aviation AT-6s for Air Combat Command, is the last step emanating from the Air Force’s “light-attack experiment,” which began in 2017. That experiment evaluated multiple aircraft for a potential large-scale procurement to be used for close air support in austere locations, but it did not become a full acquisition program.

ACC will use its AT-6s for future light-attack experiments, along with the Marine Corps and other nations, to evaluate common architecture and intelligence-sharing networks, according to the Air Force. An AT-6 was delivered to the Air Force in February, and the aircraft featured green camouflage patterns reminiscent of the A-10 during 1980s and 1990s campaigns, including Desert Storm, according to photos from the Air Force Life Cycle Management Center

‘Remotely Crewed’ Systems Can Save Money, But Specialized Thinking Needed

‘Remotely Crewed’ Systems Can Save Money, But Specialized Thinking Needed

Remotely-operated or autonomous systems could be a big money-saver for the Pentagon, but planners need to think about them in a more specialized way, because the category has diversified so much that broad policies are no longer applicable, experts said during a virtual Center for Strategic and International Studies event March 26.

“Remotely Crewed” systems can bridge the affordability gap between people and platforms “by substituting technology for labor,” said Todd Harrison, CSIS’s director of budget analysis, in the event. His coinage avoids applying a gender to the term and acknowledges that such systems may have significant personnel support needs, he said.

“As personnel costs get more expensive,” expanded use of such systems can be a force-multiplier, Harrison pointed out, “either to increase force structure without having to increase personnel, or to accommodate necessary reductions in personnel to save money without having to cut force structure.”

However, so far remotely operated systems have not diminished personnel needs because the demand for intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance products has only increased, making the systems additive to existing “crewed” platforms like the U-2, he observed.

Even so, RPAs can’t be a big money-saver if they “remain very expensive to procure [and] … operate. We’ve got to get those costs down, and the key part of getting those costs down is reducing the number of personnel required,” including operators and maintainers,” Harrison said. “Or, if you can get the procurement cheap enough, make [the platforms] expendable.”

Scott Wierzbanowski, program manager for drones technology at the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, said specific tactics are needed for different types of drones.

“We have to start changing our tactics,” he said. A drone aircraft will be operated in a very different way than a crewed airplane, because the operators are concerned about “their lives, [or] the value of the system, …. but if you have an attritable or expendable system,” it might be acceptable to lose four out of five in penetrating an areas, “as long as one gets in.” They open up “a completely new way of doing business,” he said. Drones will offer an ability to “meet mass with mass,” particularly for countries that can’t afford a high-end air force.

Defending against such systems also requires different thinking, Wierzbanoswki said.

“Counter-swarms and counter-drones are two separate things. When you’re dealing with swarms, that’s a complicated problem, if the swarms are capable enough. How do you individually target these systems or do a mass protection of a particular area? That’s a tough nut to crack.” Whereas, shooting down something like a Global Hawk involves the same tactics as would be used against a manned aircraft.

Costs of remotely piloted aircraft tend to be lower per flying hour because “they fly so many more hours” per sortie and per year than crewed aircraft, Harrison noted.

Operating drones requires network resiliency, panelists said, and the drones themselves can help in this regard.

“That’s where remotely-crewed systems come in, because they can serve as nodes in those networks,” Harrison noted. “If we do it right, they can give us diversification of platforms, and a distribution of location that makes it much more difficult for an adversary to take down those battle networks.”

Jacqueline Schneider, a fellow at Stanford’s Hoover Institute, said the services are “not investing rationally” to get full advantage out of remotely-crewed systems, because they aren’t putting enough money and emphasis on ensuring resilient communications with them. Harrison noted, though, that autonomy of such systems will help with this, because it must be assumed that such connections will be at times jammed or eliminated in a war, and autonomy will help with resiliency.

Schneider also said drones can be profitably used as a “cost-imposing” method on an adversary. Cheap drones could be “missile soakers” in a conflict, forcing an enemy to shoot at them with expensive, high-end missiles, she said. This is the thinking behind the Air Force’s Miniature Air-Launched Decoy, but she said the services aren’t spending enough on such an obvious application.

Swarm systems could also slow down an enemy by simply massing at the end of a runway, thus hobbling the field’s operators’ ability to launch and recover aircraft, Schneider said. Such devices wouldn’t need to be carrying sensors, so they don’t need to be expensive.

Services like the Air Force would be well-served by creating RPA-operating organizations—wings and even numbered air forces—so that specialists in the field can compete better for promotion, optimize training for their needs, and better advocate for their systems, Harrison suggested. As long as RPA pilots and sensor operators must compete with “crewed” aircraft pilots, they may be at a cultural disadvantage, he said.

Air Force Goes All in on Digital Twinning—for Bombs As Well As Planes

Air Force Goes All in on Digital Twinning—for Bombs As Well As Planes

Having successfully used “digital twinning” to design and prototype its latest jet trainer aircraft, the Air Force is moving to use the new technology to develop and test weapons, too—building an online Colosseum in which vendors’ systems can virtually fight each other.

Col. Garry A. Haase, head of the Munitions Directorate at the Air Force Research Lab, said AFRL plans to stage regular competition events in the Colosseum, each dealing with a different technology area.

Each vendor could submit a digital twin of a proposed weapons platform for evaluation in “a kind of a Gladiator showdown, if you will, across that particular technology area,” he said during an AFCEA Northern Virginia luncheon March 26.

Digital twinning involves creating a detailed virtual model of an aircraft, weapons systems, or other artifact, so that it can undergo initial testing without the time and expense of building a prototype. The Air Force’s new trainer jet, the eT-7 Red Hawk, was designed and underwent initial testing using the technology, with former Secretary Barbara M. Barrett boasting during AFA’s Air, Space & Cyber Conference that it had flown “thousands of hours before it [took] off,” and it was “assembled hundreds of times before any metal [was] even cut.”

To operate their digital twins in the Colosseum, while maintaining the integrity and confidentiality of their proprietary designs, vendors will have to build them to conform to a Government Reference Architecture, Haase explained. “It’s not us owning all your intellectual property or the technologies necessarily, but it’s owning how we interface with those systems,” he said. The reference architecture provides data standards and defines the interfaces the digital model can use, “so that we can more easily plug other people’s systems and subsystems into a bigger system” like the Colosseum.

The online Colosseum will be the next step in the AFRL’s Golden Horde program—developing networked, collaborative, autonomous (NCA) systems like swarming drones or “fire and forget” weapons, which find their own targets and then attack them in a synchronized fashion. Golden Horde is a Vanguard program—one of a handful of high-profile research projects the Air Force sees as the most promising for delivering new warfighter capability most quickly.

The second real world test of Collaborative Small Diameter Bombs, a CNA weapons systems being developed as part of Golden Horde, took place earlier this year, but the Air Force has said it currently has no plans to deploy CSDB technology on the battlefield.

“I don’t have a good answer for you,” on when the first digitally developed weapons system might be fielded, Haase said, but he added the first one had already been developed. The Gray Wolf is an “expendable platform”—basically a low cost cruise missile—designed to be easy to integrate with other weapons systems through a modular design approach called WOSAA, or weapons open system architecture approach.

Gray Wolf was digitally designed “from the beginning,” Haase said. “We have a digital twin model of our Gray Wolf, which is what we have been playing in a lot of our scenarios.”

Networked weapons systems will play a key part in the vision of a connected military enshrined in the plan for joint all-domain command and control, or JADC2. “The concept,” Haase explained, “is everything being connected and able to share data and communicate.”

Weapons are an important element of that JADC2 vision, Haase explained, “Because they may—especially longer range systems—may be the first system to get close to a threat or [into a denied] area, and therefore have the best intelligence data that then can be passed back into the network.”

U.S., Canadian Aircraft Train to Protect Arctic Airspace

U.S., Canadian Aircraft Train to Protect Arctic Airspace

U.S., Canadian, and NATO aircraft trained together during Exercise Amalgam Dart to quickly position aircraft and protect the northern airspace as the Arctic becomes increasingly important.

A total of 27 aircraft and about 500 personnel trained together at multiple bases in Canada, Greenland, and the northern U.S. for a “multi-domain approach to Arctic security,” the Canadian NORAD region said in a statement.

“NORAD is committed to working with its allies and partners to strengthen global stability and security as we now face a much broader range of threats that are testing our security, and require innovative and tailored defenses,” said Royal Canadian Air Force Maj. Gen. Eric Kenny, commander of Canadian NORAD Region. “Exercise Amalgam Dart provides both Canadian and U.S. forces the opportunity to maintain and build on our capabilities.”

USAF F-16, KC-10, KC-46, KC-135, C-130, and C-17 aircraft participated in the exercise. Canadian aircraft include CF-18, CP-130 patrol aircraft, CC-130 tactical airlift and search and rescue aircraft, CC-150T aerial refuelers, and CH-149 Cormorant helicopters. A NATO E-3 AWACS also participated.

Aircraft deployed to Thule Air Base, Greenland, for the exercise and then operations extended from there to the Beaufort Sea north of Alaska and Canada, and Eastern Canada down to the coast of Maine.

NORAD declined to detail the specific scenarios involved in the exercise, but said it was designed to “address emerging challenges and emerging capabilities.”

“Ultimately, we seek an Arctic region that is stable and free of conflict, where nations act responsibly in a spirit of trust and cooperation,” the command said in a statement. “During Exercise Amalgam Dart, NORAD worked collaboratively with not only commands like Canadian Joint Operations Command, but all stakeholders in the Arctic region, including NATO, Greenland, and Indigenous communities and towns, underlining existing relationships while extending our capabilities into the High Arctic.”

The Air Force is placing a growing emphasis on the region, following the release of its first-ever Arctic Strategy last year.

DOD Expects Vaccines Available to All Troops by May 1

DOD Expects Vaccines Available to All Troops by May 1

The Pentagon expects the broad military population to have access to the COVID-19 vaccine by May 1, with the entire Defense Department vaccinated by July.

Defense Health Agency Director Lt. Gen. Ronald J. Place, in a March 26 briefing at the Pentagon, said the DOD has vaccines underway at 343 sites, in addition to the 3,000 military personnel working at Federal Emergency Management Agency mass vaccination sites as part of the country-wide push to ramp up COVID-19 vaccinations.

So far, the DOD has administered 1.8 million doses of the shots to 1.1 million military members, families, civilians, contractors, and retirees. Of that total, about 600,000 service members have received a shot—about 30 percent of the force, Place said.

The Defense Department, like the rest of the nation, has prioritized the populations who received the vaccines first. The initial focus was on “lowering operational risk and those most vulnerable.” About 60 percent of service members are in the “final tier” or general population that will be last to be open to receive the vaccine.

Place said the broad supply chain has been “working well, with shipments arriving on time.” The Johnson & Johnson vaccine, which unlike the Moderna and Pfizer versions does not require extreme cold storage, has been especially helpful for the military to inoculate service members deployed in remote environments.

As more service members receive the vaccine, the Defense Department has noticed a higher take rate among those troops who declined to receive it when they were first offered. Some troops have been offered the vaccine three or four times, and eventually decided to receive it, Place said.

Senior military leaders have been encouraging service members to receive the vaccine as soon as possible. For example, Acting Air Force Secretary John P. Roth visited multiple Air Force bases recently, and encouraged Airmen and Guardians to get the shot when it is available to them.