USAF’s New Marketing Vehicles Include Mobile VR Exhibits, Tuskegee Airmen-Themed Race Cars

USAF’s New Marketing Vehicles Include Mobile VR Exhibits, Tuskegee Airmen-Themed Race Cars

The Air Force’s new marketing vehicles are hitting the road. Or track, as the case may be. 

The two new “experiential” recruiting exhibits are meant to leave more of an impression on prospective Air Force recruits than a TV commercial.

Meanwhile, having announced new diversity targets for recruitment in 2020, the Air Force also unveiled Tuskegee Airmen-themed paint schemes for two race cars in April. 

The new mobile exhibits build on the popularity of the Air Force Performance Lab, a 53-foot trailer that started touring in 2015, appearing at about 250 events a year such as festivals and air shows. Visitors have flown in a virtual-reality flight simulator, competed at pullups against and avatar, and tested their dexterity, situational awareness, logic, reasoning, and physical strength by tracking their performance with radio-frequency identification wristbands. 

“Experiential marketing allows us to showcase the brand in a more engaging, interactive way,” said Adrienne Strange, account director at the Air Force’s Austin, Texas-based ad agency GSD&M, in a press release. “TV ads are short, and people are distracted today,” she said. The trailers, on the other hand, engage recruit prospects for an average of 22 minutes per activity. The agency collects leads at the events for recruiters to follow up on. 

New for 2021 are the trailer exhibits Activate: Special Warfare, which debuted in April, and Enhanced Cognitive Human Ops, or ECHO. In the special-ops game, players are deployed Air Force Special Warfare troops in a firefight. They experience blasts of air, temperature changes, and movement in the environment in addition to visuals from VR headsets. Craftsmen Industries of Charles, Missouri, has built the trailers in-house, printed graphics and all. 

Also debuting this spring are the silver, red, and gold cars being driven by NASCAR’s Richard Petty Motorsports and IndyCar’s Ed Carpenter Racing. The paint scheme is inspired by the Black aviators’ P-51 Mustangs in World War II.

“The red tails, yellow stripes, and star emblem aren’t just a visual cue but a reminder [that] great things can happen when we celebrate our differences,” according to an Air Force news release. “It’s more than just a paint scheme; it’s an incredible opportunity to educate millions on the history behind the Red Tails.” Part of the Army Air Corps prior to the creation of the Air Force, the Alabama-based Tuskegee Airmen included pilots, navigators, maintainers, bombardiers, instructors, and support staff. 

The Air Force announced April 20 that the paint scheme would first appear in NASCAR’s 2021 Geico 500 at Talladega Superspeedway in Florida in April and its IndyCar premier at the Indianapolis 500 on May 30. 

The Air Force wants to better tailor its recruitment marketing to underrepresented populations. 

Air Force Recruiting Service Commander Maj. Gen. Edward W. Thomas Jr. announced in September 2020, during the Air Force Association’s virtual Air, Space & Cyber Conference, that the recruiting service would start tracking its recruitment against “the qualified pool of potential recruits in the country.”  

Aquilino Assumes Command of U.S. Indo-Pacific Command

Aquilino Assumes Command of U.S. Indo-Pacific Command

Adm. John C. Aquilino assumed command of U.S. Indo-Pacific Command from Adm. Philip S. Davidson during an April 30 ceremony at Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam, Hawaii.

Aquilino, who relinquished command of U.S. Pacific Fleet earlier the same day, takes over as the Defense Department shifts its focus to great power competition after decades of counterterrorism operations. He now leads 380,000 Soldiers, Sailors, Marines, Airmen, Coast Guardsmen, and DOD civilians in a combatant command that spans 36 nations and 14 time zones and includes 52 percent of the world’s population.

Davidson retired after four decades in uniform, the last three at the helm of INDOPACOM, and was the U.S. Navy’s longest serving surface warfare officer, said Defense Secretary Lloyd J. Austin III during the ceremony.

“Under [Davidson’s] leadership, this command upheld the lawful use of the sea for all countries by executing more than 40 Freedom of Navigation Operations. This command conducted more than 20 major bilateral and multilateral joint exercises with our allies and partners. And this command did not flinch amid the huge operational challenges of the pandemic…” Austin said. He added, “You’ve always believed in something bigger than yourself, and you’ve put your life on the line to protect the country you love. And you’re leaving a legacy to be proud of.”

Austin also praised Aquilino, calling him “another exceptional leader” who has “amassed a strong record of excellence and courage.” A graduate of the Navy’s Top Gun school, Aquilino has flown the F-14 Tomcat, three variants of the F-18 Hornet, the F-16, and more.

“He’s commanded a squadron, a wing, and a strike group, which means he knows a thing or two about leading American forces into combat. And, as the commander of the U.S. Pacific Fleet, he knows what it takes to lead in this theater, to reinforce our integrated deterrence in this pivotal period. Your new commander knows the stakes, he knows the people, and he knows the challenges. Admiral Aquilino, you are the right leader at the right time.”

Austin acknowledged he spent most of his career “executing the last of old wars” but said today’s challenges require news ways of thinking. “We need to understand faster, decide faster, and act faster.” This will require “the right mix of technology, operational concepts, and capabilities—all woven together in a networked way that is so credible, flexible, and formidable that it will give any adversary pause.”

Austin called U.S. allies, many of whom were in attendance at the ceremony, “force multipliers,” and Aquilino vowed to continue strengthening relationships with allies and partners across the globe.

“We are committed to providing the deterrence needed to prevent great power conflict. And should it be directed, we’re committed to be able to fight tonight and win,” said Aquilino. “We will compete to achieve our national interests. We will cooperate where we can, and we will confront where we must in order to maintain a free and open Indo-Pacific.”

DIA Says China’s Weapon Technology Advancing Fast While Russia Falls Behind

DIA Says China’s Weapon Technology Advancing Fast While Russia Falls Behind

China and Russia are the key adversaries when it comes to developing high-tech weaponry over the next 20 years, but while China’s rate of progress is accelerating, Russia is stymied by multiple factors, the Defense Intelligence Agency told Congress.

DIA Director Lt. Gen. Scott D. Berrier said China will have “basically modernized” its military in just six years and aims to introduce the most “disruptive” military technologies by 2030-2035, according to prepared testimony for the Senate Armed Services Committee provided April 29.

During the next two decades, any of the three main powers—China, Russia, or the U.S.—may steal the lead “in one or more fields and seek to develop military capabilities and concepts to capitalize on perceived advantages,” Berrier said. Any one of the three could come up with new weapons or concepts that “will change the character of warfare.”

But China’s whole-of-government approach—which Berrier called “military-civil-fusion”—intentionally blurs the lines between civilian and military technology efforts, and China’s greater investment in these presents “the greatest threat to U.S. technological superiority.” In fact, Berrier said China has “already achieved peer or near-peer levels in many research areas” and has targeted 57 specific technologies in which to outpace and out-field the U.S. military.

Soon, China will “almost certainly be able to hold U.S. and allied forces at risk at far greater distances from the Chinese mainland,” the DIA said, while it enhances its power projection forces. By 2027, China expects to be able to win a small number of brief but high-level military conflicts—“including the forcible unification of Taiwan”—while deterring, dissuading, or defeating any third-party military intervention. By 2050, China plans to be the dominant world military power.

To underscore China’s advance, the DIA noted that China deployed its new J-20 stealth fighters to the border region with India during recent tensions between the two countries.   

China did not slow its military modernization at all as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, the DIA said.

“China is highly advanced in quantum key distribution and is among the leaders” in artificial intelligence, high-performance computing, quantum information sciences, biotechnology, and advanced robotics. Its lead in this area is both due to indigenous capability as well as “licit and illicit foreign technology acquisition.” This has put it “at the forefront of numerous scientific fields.”

Russia, on the other hand, despite having a “massive” military-industrial complex, has adopted a strategy of targeting military technologies to specifically “match, counter, or offset” perceived advantages in U.S. capability, and those of certain other adversaries, rather than pursue its own pioneering efforts.

Russia can produce “large numbers of weapons” and it is trying to increase its indigenous capabilities in cutting-edge technology, but it is “challenged both organizationally and technically” to develop and make the “high-tech subcomponents required for advanced weapons” because of “severe funding, resource, and infrastructure constraints” on that country’s science and technology sector, Berrier wrote.

Because of these different approaches, China “very likely will present the greatest threat to U.S. technology superiority,” he added. The intelligence community has for three years described China as the “pacing threat” to the U.S. military.  

To offset its weakness in broad conventional weapons and computing capabilities, Russia is ever-more-reliant on a profusion of new nuclear weapons for which there is no analogy in the West, such as an undersea weapon capable of creating tsunamis that could destroy broad swaths of coastline. This reliance will continue, DIA estimates.

Intelligence estimates of China’s nuclear capabilities have changed from just six months ago, when it was estimated that China would double its nuclear weapons delivery systems from 200 to 400. Rather, it is accelerating that rate of deployment, the DIA said.

China and Russia both have pressed forward with “advances in space and counterspace capabilities, and [are] using cyberspace to increase their operational reach into U.S. infrastructure,” the DIA said. They are also both taking advantage of the COVID-19 environment “to conduct information warfare to undermine Western governments, attack coalitions, and compel economic and political outcomes in their favor.”  

CSO: Space is the ‘Wild, Wild West,’ Requiring New Norms for Operating in Orbit

CSO: Space is the ‘Wild, Wild West,’ Requiring New Norms for Operating in Orbit

Space is “pretty much the wild, wild West” with more satellites going into orbit and a large increase in space junk threatening assets. Meanwhile, the growing Space Force is working to establish operating norms in orbit to avoid added danger.

The Space Force currently tracks about 30,000 pieces of debris, with “probably half a million other objects” in orbit “that are too small for us to track,” said Chief of Space Operations Gen. John W. “Jay” Raymond during a virtual Washington Post event April 30.

“What we’re seeing is a significant increase in the numbers of satellites—largely they are commercial satellites, in great numbers in low-Earth orbit. … The reason why that’s happening is the cost of launch has gone down, and satellites that are smaller are more operationally relevant,” Raymond said. “And so, what used to be great power competition between then the Soviet Union and the United States is now students at universities launching satellites.”

Space is a “congested domain,” emphasized Raymond, and the Space Force has taken the role of “space traffic control.” The service does analysis and tracking to ensure objects don’t collide, and “we warn the world if we see that that’s about to happen,” he said. “For example, if there’s a Chinese satellite on orbit and it’s about to potentially collide with a piece of debris that they created when they blew up their satellite, we will warn them and tell them to maneuver.”

The Space Force does this mission because “we want to keep the domain safe,” but it is becoming more of a challenge as more governments and companies launch satellites into space. Raymond said he wants to see companies and countries design their satellites to ensure they don’t break into pieces at the end of life and to limit the amount of debris from launch.

“So it’s a big challenge,” he said. “Our goal is to be responsible users of space, to be transparent in what we’re doing to keep the domain safe for all and limit the creation of debris in the first place.”

Raymond said he is encouraging the development of “norms of behavior” in how countries can operate in space. While the 1968 Outer Space Treaty outlaws placing weapons of mass destruction in space or the creation of a military base on a celestial body, anything other than that is fair game.

“We are also working very closely with our international partners and our interagency partners to try to put together a framework for ‘Here’s how we’re going to operate,’ and then operate that way and demonstrate that good behavior like we do each and every day,” Raymond said.

Hicks: Technology Will Enable Continued Support of Afghanistan After Withdrawal

Hicks: Technology Will Enable Continued Support of Afghanistan After Withdrawal

U.S. aircraft will continue to provide support for Afghan forces through the withdrawal process beginning May 1, and the Pentagon’s No. 2 official said she is confident that modernized technology and processes will effectively enable “over-the-horizon” support from outside the country.

“It’s not 2001, it’s 2021,” Pentagon Deputy Defense Secretary Kathleen H. Hicks said during an Aspen Institute event April 30. The 20-year gap between the beginning of the war in Afghanistan and the soon-to-be end has brought a “wide range of tools,” including the National Counterterrorism Center and the Department of Homeland Security to help protect the homeland, as well as improvements in space and cyberspace technology, unmanned systems, “and other approaches” to help protect U.S. and allied forces.

It is “a completely different landscape in which we are operating,” Hicks said.

President Joe Biden on April 14 announced the full withdrawal of U.S. forces from Afghanistan starting May 1 and to be completed by Sept. 11. Hicks said the U.S. has “the ability to continue to provide air support for Afghan forces” after the withdrawal, “including if they come under attack as we withdraw,” she said.

It has not been clear whether U.S. aircraft would continue to support Afghan National Defense and Security Forces in the fight against the Taliban as the withdrawal commences. Hicks said the U.S. will remain supportive of coalition partners, including Afghans.

In recent days, the Pentagon has sent increased assets to the region to conduct air support as part of the withdrawal, including B-52s to Al Udeid Air Base, Qatar, and a Navy aircraft carrier. Additionally, hundreds of ground troops are reportedly on their way to the country. 

Pentagon planning has focused on a “safe, orderly” drawdown in the country, and Hicks said she doesn’t expect to see a “fall of Saigon” scenario where Kabul falls after U.S. and coalition forces leave.

Bipartisan Group of Senators Introduce Bill to Overhaul Military Justice

Bipartisan Group of Senators Introduce Bill to Overhaul Military Justice

A bipartisan group of more than 30 senators is sponsoring a bill that would overhaul military justice by taking the decision to prosecute serious crimes, including sexual assault, away from commanders and placing it with independent prosecutors.

The Military Justice Improvement and Increasing Prevention Act, unveiled April 29, comes as the Pentagon is reviewing how it handles sexual assault. The legislation would “take critical steps to create a more professional and transparent military justice system for serious crimes—including rape and sexual assault, murder, manslaughter, child endangerment, child pornography, and negligent homicide,” according to a statement from Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.).

“Securing justice for survivors of sexual assault and abuse is critical,” said Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) in a statement. “It’s utterly unacceptable that so many of those who serve our country in uniform have dealt with a system that’s broken. For eight years, Sen. Gillibrand and I have pushed for real change in the military justice system to ensure there can be real accountability. I hope this is finally the year we can deliver that change.”

Specifically, the bill would:

  • Move the decision on whether to prosecute serious crimes to independent military prosecutors, though misdemeanors and “uniquely military crimes” will stay in the chain of command.
  • Require the Defense Department to support criminal investigators and military prosecutors “through the development of unique skills” needed in sexual assault and domestic violence cases.
  • Require the Defense Secretary to survey and improve physical security at bases, including locks and security cameras, “to increase safety in lodging and living spaces.”
  • Increase and improve training and education on military sexual assault.

“As a former combat commander and a survivor of sexual assault, I understand the traumatic experiences too many of our service members have faced,” said Sen. Joni Ernst (R-Iowa) in the release. “Sexual assault has no place in our military—or anywhere else—and it’s far past time we take more steps toward preventing and reducing these heart-wrenching crimes.”

One in 16 military women in 2018 reported being groped, raped, or sexually assaulted in other ways. There were almost 21,000 instances of reported sexual assault that year, up from 14,900 two years before, according to Gillibrand’s office.

In addition to dozens of senators from both parties, the bill has been endorsed by the Veterans of Foreign Wars, the Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America, Vietnam Veterans of America, Protect Our Defenders, the National Alliance to End Sexual Violence, SWAN, the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, Common Defense, and the Veterans Recovery Project.

While some on Capitol Hill have pushed for years to take sexual assault out of the chain of command, the Pentagon has historically opposed those efforts. However, the DOD’s ongoing Independent Review Commission on Sexual Assault recently recommended making the change, Defense One reported.

NSCAI Commissioners on the Importance of AI and Its Ability to Reshape the Future Fight

NSCAI Commissioners on the Importance of AI and Its Ability to Reshape the Future Fight

The United States’ slim lead over China in artificial intelligence is rapidly closing, and “urgent action must be taken” to preserve U.S. competitiveness, warned leading members of the National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence.

“The fact of the matter is, we’re in a technological competition with a technological peer or near peer, and we can lose it,” said Robert O. Work, vice chair of the NSCAI, at a virtual Atlantic Council event April 29. “The Chinese have made the judgment that the way they will supplant the United States as the dominant global power is to pursue technology and become the world’s technological engine, which will then empower both their economy as well as their military.”

Work said AI is poised to reshape industry, U.S. policy, and national security and that the lines between commercial and military uses are blurred. Established by the 2019 National Defense Authorization Act, Work’s commission defines AI as “a constellation of technologies” with endless possibilities that will be incorporated into all future technology.

Safra Catz, a commissioner and also the Chief Executive Officer of Oracle Corporation, said only the United States and China “have the resources, commercial might, talent, and innovation ecosystems to lead the world in AI.”

As a result, she said, “This really forces us to consider who will determine the objectives, designs, and regulatory parameters for AI, and the broad definition of AI tools, decreasing cost of cloud computing, and new approaches to data, or expanding AI opportunities globally.”

In its 756-page final report, released in March, the commission outlined a “six-part technology stack” it used to determine the United States’ current lead over China. Of the six, Catz said the United States can claim a slight lead in hardware, algorithms, and talent, while China has the advantage in data, applications, and integration.

Catz said the United States leads the world in AI when it comes to chip design, but the U.S. is no longer the global power in semiconductor production. The U.S. lags behind Taiwan and South Korea, both allies, in leading-edge semiconductor manufacturing, and China, which has long aspired to catch up, is “heavily investing,” striving to meet its goal of becoming the world’s biggest chip maker by 2030.

Work said the U.S. military is preparing for future digital combat, noting the Joint Artificial Intelligence Center now reports to the deputy secretary of defense—as the commission recommended—and that DOD now has a chief data officer charged with developing an AI strategy for the whole department.

“I believe that the department really now is starting to gain momentum. I think we’ve lost time. I would like to go faster,” Work said. “There’s a lot of competing priorities within the Department of Defense, but I think we’re getting there.”

Catz said U.S. firms and academia lead the world in developing AI algorithms, but the trend toward sharing those technologies as open-source software means “China is rapidly closing this gap and could overtake the U.S. and AI algorithm development in as soon as five years, maybe 10.”

China leads in applying the technology and has proven itself capable of applying AI at scale, “particularly for mass surveillance in ways that are, of course, antithetical to our values.”

By contrast, Catz said, “U.S. efforts to sustain technology leadership remain disparate and disconnected.”

As for talent, the United States regularly attracts the top AI talent in the world, but many of the people are not able to become U.S. citizens. “China is the largest source of AI talent, and it’s improving retention, and they are aggressively recruiting talent from the U.S. and around the world,” added Catz.

In order to become AI-ready by 2025—an aggressive goal set by the commission—the Defense Department should invest about $8 billion a year in AI research, which Work said amounts to about 8 percent of DOD’s research and development budget.

DOD should also get better at identifying computational talent. The commission recommended adding a section to the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery for computational thinking to discover talent early on. Doing so, Work said, would let the Pentagon create “a designator that we could track and start managing our workforce in a better way.”

The commission’s vision is about “having the department embrace AI as kind of the fundamental technology,” Work said. “They have to get it right if they’re going to win on a future battlefield.”

Deployed F-15Es Prove Capability to ‘Tactically’ Ferry Bombs

Deployed F-15Es Prove Capability to ‘Tactically’ Ferry Bombs

F-15Es that deployed to the Middle East on April 25 proved their ability to move bombs in a “tactical ferry mission” just two months after the concept was originally tested.

Six Strike Eagles flew to Al Dhafra Air Base, United Arab Emirates, from another deployed location carrying twice their standard load of bombs, reducing the need for mobility aircraft to ferry the broken-down bombs closer to the fight. Airmen were able to increase the munitions load by using hardpoints that don’t typically carry bombs, such as those used for fuel tanks or targeting pods.

“These F-15Es are carrying what is called a ‘tac-ferry’ load out. What that means is we can maneuver using Agile Combat Employment and be postured to go forward from a main operating base,” said Lt. Col. Curtis Culver, director of operations for the 494th Expeditionary Fighter Squadron, in a release.

The 85th Test and Evaluation Squadron at Eglin Air Force Base, Florida, first proved the capability during a Feb. 22 test, when an F-15E flew with six joint direct attack munitions on a single side of the aircraft. Strike Eagles were authorized to carry a maximum of nine JDAMs, and the test expanded that to 15, according to an Eglin release.

“The Strike Eagle can now carry enough JDAMs for an active combat mission, land at a remote location, and reload itself and/or another aircraft—such as an F-35 or F-22—for additional combat sorties,” 85th TES Commander Lt. Col. Jacob Lindaman said in the release.

Not all of the JDAMs can be dropped in a single mission. However, carrying this many bombs previously required two C-130s to carry the munitions and personnel, who then had to assemble them. The new concept means just one C-130 would be needed for personnel, and the bombs would already be built.

The capability originated from a request by the Combat Air Forces at an annual Weapons and Tactics Conference, according to Eglin.

Travis C-5M Airlifts Coronavirus Aid to India

Travis C-5M Airlifts Coronavirus Aid to India

An Air Force C-5M loaded with COVID-19 relief supplies left Travis Air Force Base, California, on April 28 for New Delhi, India, as that country struggles with a large outbreak of the virus that has stressed its health care system.

The C-5M, from the 60th Air Mobility Wing, carried oxygen cylinders with regulators, N95 masks, and rapid testing kits to Indira Gandhi International Airport, according to U.S. Transportation Command. The flight is the first of “several large shipments” of supplies from the state of California and the U.S. Agency for International Development. USAF C5-M Super Galaxies will transport 440 oxygen cylinders and regulators, one million N95 masks, and one million COVID-19 rapid diagnostic kits.

“Just as India came to our aid early in the pandemic, the U.S. is committed to working urgently to provide assistance to India in its time of need,” Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken said on Twitter.

Defense Secretary Lloyd J. Austin III said on Twitter an Air Force C-17 was also carrying supplies to the country.

USAID has provided more than $23 million in assistance to India and is procuring a total of 1,000 medical oxygen concentrators to be used in 320 health care facilities, according to a press release.