Bipartisan Group of Senators Introduce Bill to Overhaul Military Justice

Bipartisan Group of Senators Introduce Bill to Overhaul Military Justice

A bipartisan group of more than 30 senators is sponsoring a bill that would overhaul military justice by taking the decision to prosecute serious crimes, including sexual assault, away from commanders and placing it with independent prosecutors.

The Military Justice Improvement and Increasing Prevention Act, unveiled April 29, comes as the Pentagon is reviewing how it handles sexual assault. The legislation would “take critical steps to create a more professional and transparent military justice system for serious crimes—including rape and sexual assault, murder, manslaughter, child endangerment, child pornography, and negligent homicide,” according to a statement from Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.).

“Securing justice for survivors of sexual assault and abuse is critical,” said Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) in a statement. “It’s utterly unacceptable that so many of those who serve our country in uniform have dealt with a system that’s broken. For eight years, Sen. Gillibrand and I have pushed for real change in the military justice system to ensure there can be real accountability. I hope this is finally the year we can deliver that change.”

Specifically, the bill would:

  • Move the decision on whether to prosecute serious crimes to independent military prosecutors, though misdemeanors and “uniquely military crimes” will stay in the chain of command.
  • Require the Defense Department to support criminal investigators and military prosecutors “through the development of unique skills” needed in sexual assault and domestic violence cases.
  • Require the Defense Secretary to survey and improve physical security at bases, including locks and security cameras, “to increase safety in lodging and living spaces.”
  • Increase and improve training and education on military sexual assault.

“As a former combat commander and a survivor of sexual assault, I understand the traumatic experiences too many of our service members have faced,” said Sen. Joni Ernst (R-Iowa) in the release. “Sexual assault has no place in our military—or anywhere else—and it’s far past time we take more steps toward preventing and reducing these heart-wrenching crimes.”

One in 16 military women in 2018 reported being groped, raped, or sexually assaulted in other ways. There were almost 21,000 instances of reported sexual assault that year, up from 14,900 two years before, according to Gillibrand’s office.

In addition to dozens of senators from both parties, the bill has been endorsed by the Veterans of Foreign Wars, the Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America, Vietnam Veterans of America, Protect Our Defenders, the National Alliance to End Sexual Violence, SWAN, the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, Common Defense, and the Veterans Recovery Project.

While some on Capitol Hill have pushed for years to take sexual assault out of the chain of command, the Pentagon has historically opposed those efforts. However, the DOD’s ongoing Independent Review Commission on Sexual Assault recently recommended making the change, Defense One reported.

NSCAI Commissioners on the Importance of AI and Its Ability to Reshape the Future Fight

NSCAI Commissioners on the Importance of AI and Its Ability to Reshape the Future Fight

The United States’ slim lead over China in artificial intelligence is rapidly closing, and “urgent action must be taken” to preserve U.S. competitiveness, warned leading members of the National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence.

“The fact of the matter is, we’re in a technological competition with a technological peer or near peer, and we can lose it,” said Robert O. Work, vice chair of the NSCAI, at a virtual Atlantic Council event April 29. “The Chinese have made the judgment that the way they will supplant the United States as the dominant global power is to pursue technology and become the world’s technological engine, which will then empower both their economy as well as their military.”

Work said AI is poised to reshape industry, U.S. policy, and national security and that the lines between commercial and military uses are blurred. Established by the 2019 National Defense Authorization Act, Work’s commission defines AI as “a constellation of technologies” with endless possibilities that will be incorporated into all future technology.

Safra Catz, a commissioner and also the Chief Executive Officer of Oracle Corporation, said only the United States and China “have the resources, commercial might, talent, and innovation ecosystems to lead the world in AI.”

As a result, she said, “This really forces us to consider who will determine the objectives, designs, and regulatory parameters for AI, and the broad definition of AI tools, decreasing cost of cloud computing, and new approaches to data, or expanding AI opportunities globally.”

In its 756-page final report, released in March, the commission outlined a “six-part technology stack” it used to determine the United States’ current lead over China. Of the six, Catz said the United States can claim a slight lead in hardware, algorithms, and talent, while China has the advantage in data, applications, and integration.

Catz said the United States leads the world in AI when it comes to chip design, but the U.S. is no longer the global power in semiconductor production. The U.S. lags behind Taiwan and South Korea, both allies, in leading-edge semiconductor manufacturing, and China, which has long aspired to catch up, is “heavily investing,” striving to meet its goal of becoming the world’s biggest chip maker by 2030.

Work said the U.S. military is preparing for future digital combat, noting the Joint Artificial Intelligence Center now reports to the deputy secretary of defense—as the commission recommended—and that DOD now has a chief data officer charged with developing an AI strategy for the whole department.

“I believe that the department really now is starting to gain momentum. I think we’ve lost time. I would like to go faster,” Work said. “There’s a lot of competing priorities within the Department of Defense, but I think we’re getting there.”

Catz said U.S. firms and academia lead the world in developing AI algorithms, but the trend toward sharing those technologies as open-source software means “China is rapidly closing this gap and could overtake the U.S. and AI algorithm development in as soon as five years, maybe 10.”

China leads in applying the technology and has proven itself capable of applying AI at scale, “particularly for mass surveillance in ways that are, of course, antithetical to our values.”

By contrast, Catz said, “U.S. efforts to sustain technology leadership remain disparate and disconnected.”

As for talent, the United States regularly attracts the top AI talent in the world, but many of the people are not able to become U.S. citizens. “China is the largest source of AI talent, and it’s improving retention, and they are aggressively recruiting talent from the U.S. and around the world,” added Catz.

In order to become AI-ready by 2025—an aggressive goal set by the commission—the Defense Department should invest about $8 billion a year in AI research, which Work said amounts to about 8 percent of DOD’s research and development budget.

DOD should also get better at identifying computational talent. The commission recommended adding a section to the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery for computational thinking to discover talent early on. Doing so, Work said, would let the Pentagon create “a designator that we could track and start managing our workforce in a better way.”

The commission’s vision is about “having the department embrace AI as kind of the fundamental technology,” Work said. “They have to get it right if they’re going to win on a future battlefield.”

Deployed F-15Es Prove Capability to ‘Tactically’ Ferry Bombs

Deployed F-15Es Prove Capability to ‘Tactically’ Ferry Bombs

F-15Es that deployed to the Middle East on April 25 proved their ability to move bombs in a “tactical ferry mission” just two months after the concept was originally tested.

Six Strike Eagles flew to Al Dhafra Air Base, United Arab Emirates, from another deployed location carrying twice their standard load of bombs, reducing the need for mobility aircraft to ferry the broken-down bombs closer to the fight. Airmen were able to increase the munitions load by using hardpoints that don’t typically carry bombs, such as those used for fuel tanks or targeting pods.

“These F-15Es are carrying what is called a ‘tac-ferry’ load out. What that means is we can maneuver using Agile Combat Employment and be postured to go forward from a main operating base,” said Lt. Col. Curtis Culver, director of operations for the 494th Expeditionary Fighter Squadron, in a release.

The 85th Test and Evaluation Squadron at Eglin Air Force Base, Florida, first proved the capability during a Feb. 22 test, when an F-15E flew with six joint direct attack munitions on a single side of the aircraft. Strike Eagles were authorized to carry a maximum of nine JDAMs, and the test expanded that to 15, according to an Eglin release.

“The Strike Eagle can now carry enough JDAMs for an active combat mission, land at a remote location, and reload itself and/or another aircraft—such as an F-35 or F-22—for additional combat sorties,” 85th TES Commander Lt. Col. Jacob Lindaman said in the release.

Not all of the JDAMs can be dropped in a single mission. However, carrying this many bombs previously required two C-130s to carry the munitions and personnel, who then had to assemble them. The new concept means just one C-130 would be needed for personnel, and the bombs would already be built.

The capability originated from a request by the Combat Air Forces at an annual Weapons and Tactics Conference, according to Eglin.

Travis C-5M Airlifts Coronavirus Aid to India

Travis C-5M Airlifts Coronavirus Aid to India

An Air Force C-5M loaded with COVID-19 relief supplies left Travis Air Force Base, California, on April 28 for New Delhi, India, as that country struggles with a large outbreak of the virus that has stressed its health care system.

The C-5M, from the 60th Air Mobility Wing, carried oxygen cylinders with regulators, N95 masks, and rapid testing kits to Indira Gandhi International Airport, according to U.S. Transportation Command. The flight is the first of “several large shipments” of supplies from the state of California and the U.S. Agency for International Development. USAF C5-M Super Galaxies will transport 440 oxygen cylinders and regulators, one million N95 masks, and one million COVID-19 rapid diagnostic kits.

“Just as India came to our aid early in the pandemic, the U.S. is committed to working urgently to provide assistance to India in its time of need,” Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken said on Twitter.

Defense Secretary Lloyd J. Austin III said on Twitter an Air Force C-17 was also carrying supplies to the country.

USAID has provided more than $23 million in assistance to India and is procuring a total of 1,000 medical oxygen concentrators to be used in 320 health care facilities, according to a press release.

Apollo 11 Astronaut Michael Collins Dies at 90

Apollo 11 Astronaut Michael Collins Dies at 90

Retired Air Force Maj. Gen. Michael Collins, an astronaut who flew on the Apollo 11 first lunar landing mission, flew a Gemini mission, and was an aircraft test pilot, the first director of the Smithsonian’s National Air and Space Museum, an aerospace corporate officer, and an author, died April 28 at age 90.

Collins orbited above in the Columbia command module in July 1969 while Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin landed on the moon in the Eagle lunar module. He was responsible for maneuvering the mothership to the moon, flying it alone to recover his crewmates when they ascended, and piloting it back to Earth.  

In his autobiography, Carrying the Fire, Collins wrote that he felt “powerfully” how truly alone he was while orbiting around the far side of the moon, the first person to do this solo.

“I am it,” Collins wrote. “If a count were taken, the score would be three billion plus two over on the other side of the moon, and one plus God only knows what on this side.” But he did not feel loneliness; rather, “awareness, anticipation, satisfaction, confidence, almost exultation. I like the feeling.” His one “secret terror” of the mission was that somehow his crewmates would not return with him and he would be a “marked man” for failing them.

Collins was born in Rome, Italy, on Halloween, 1930, the son of Army officer James L. Collins, who was assigned there as a military attache, and who would later become a major general. After an “Army brat” life, young Collins attended the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, New York, and upon graduation in 1952, chose the Air Force. He did so both because of the lure of flight and to avoid accusations of nepotism, as his father, uncle, and older brother were already senior Army officials.

Collins won his wings in 1953 and was selected to fly the then-new F-86 fighter, performing squadron duties in California and France. After an aircraft maintenance course, Collins was part of a flying training roadshow that allowed him to accumulate more than 1,500 hours of fighter time, the minimum needed to apply to the test pilot school, to which he was accepted in 1960. During his test flying time, he flew the F-104, T-33, B-52, and B-57.

John Glenn’s 1962 orbital flight inspired Collins to apply for astronaut training, but he was not selected for the second group. Instead, he attended a new test pilot course in spaceflight, which gave him an opportunity to fly up to 90,000 feet in an F-104. He returned to fighter duties in 1963 but after a second application was accepted to astronaut duty late that year in the third group, which numbered 14 pilots.

Collins was appointed to develop a specialty in pressure suits and extravehicular activities. He was assigned to the two-man Gemini 10 mission and was the first person to perform two spacewalks on the same flight. The three-day mission was commanded by astronaut John Young and also involved multiple dockings with the Agena target vehicle.

After Gemini 10, Collins was picked for the backup crew for Apollo 8, then the prime crew, then the Apollo 9 crew, but a herniated cervical disc took him out of crew rotation for these flights. After recovery from surgery, he was chosen for Apollo 11.

Collins designed the patch for the mission, depicting an Eagle descending to the moon bearing an olive branch. It was the only American space mission patch not to feature the names of the astronauts, as Collins felt the crew was representing the nation and the world.

Even before Apollo 11, Collins was slated to command Apollo 17 and walk on the moon, but he declined because of the strain astronaut duties imposed on his family. If Apollo 11 was a success, Collins decided it would be his last space flight.

With the moon landing achieved, Collins, Armstrong, and Aldrin made a 38-day, 22-nation goodwill tour. Afterward, Collins served in the State Department as Assistant Secretary of State for Public Affairs. The job did not suit him, and he was appointed by President Richard Nixon to head the Smithsonian’s National Air and Space Museum, which was an excellent fit. Collins lobbied Congress for funds to build the downtown museum to replace a series of shacks and parking lots that held America’s growing collection of space artifacts.

Collins oversaw construction of the museum and hiring of museum staff and presided over the creation of its exhibits while at the same time completing a Harvard Business School program in management. He beat the July 4, 1976, deadline for the NASM’s opening—the U.S. bicentennial—by three days, and the facility quickly became, and remains, the most-visited museum in the world. The Columbia was placed in the museum’s “Milestones of Flight Gallery.”

Collins stayed with the museum until 1978, when he ascended to be undersecretary of the larger Smithsonian. He left the Smithsonian in 1980 to accept a position as vice president of LTV Aerospace.

During his post-NASA years, he remained in the Air Force Reserve, attaining the rank of major general. He retired from the service in 1982.

Collins wrote Carrying the Fire: an Astronaut’s Journeys, which was published in 1974; Liftoff: The Story of America’s Adventure in Space, a history of the U.S. space program published in 1988; and Mission to Mars, a nonfiction book about future human spaceflight, published in 1990.

He wrote a children’s book, Flying to the Moon and Other Strange Places in 1988, republished as Flying to the Moon: an Astronaut’s Story, released in 1994.

Collins was also a watercolor artist who initially did not sign his paintings, fearing they would be valued for his signature.

Among Collins’ numerous awards and honors, he received the Presidential Medal of Freedom from President Nixon; the Collier Trophy, along with Armstrong and Aldrin;  the Harmon Trophy; and the Gen. Thomas D. White USAF Space Trophy.

He was a fellow of the Society of Experimental Test Pilots—from which he received the Iven C. Kincheloe award—a trustee and trustee emeritus of the National Geographic Society; and was elected to the International Space Hall of Fame, Aviation Hall of Fame, U.S. Astronaut Hall of Fame, and the Aerospace Walk of Honor in Lancaster, Calif. A lunar crater is named for him as is Asteroid 6471 Collins, and he is honored on the Hollywood Walk of Fame for contributions to the television industry.

Among his Air Force decorations, Collins received the Distinguished Flying Cross for his efforts on the Gemini project and the Air Force Distinguished Service Medal.

Collins has been depicted in numerous fictional and nonfiction films about Apollo and was the subject of a Jethro Tull song, “For Michael Collins, Jeffrey and Me.”

Aldrin, now the sole living member of the Apollo 11 crew, issued a statement reading, “Dear Mike, wherever you have been or will be, you always have the Fire to Carry us deftly to new heights and to the future. We will miss you. May you rest in peace.”

Neil Armstrong died in August 2012.

The Collins family released a statement saying, in part, “We … know how lucky Mike felt to have lived the life he did … Please join us in fondly and joyfully remembering his sharp wit, his quiet sense of purpose, and his wise perspective; gained both from looking back at Earth from the vantage point of space and gazing across the calm waters from the deck of his fishing boat.”

Brand-New F-15EX to Participate in Northern Edge Exercise, JADC2 Experiments

Brand-New F-15EX to Participate in Northern Edge Exercise, JADC2 Experiments

Both of the Air Force’s new F-15EX Eagle II fighters will fly in the Northern Edge exercise in Alaska next week to participate in broader joint all-domain command and control experiments, 11th Air Force Commander Lt. Gen. David A. Krumm said April 28. The jets will also employ their new electronic warfare suites in the wargame.

“We’re bringing up F-15EX … with its capabilities, including the EPAWSS,” or Eagle Passive Active Warning Survivability System electronic warfare suite, to participate in Northern Edge 2021, Krumm said from Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson, Alaska, during an AFA “Air and Space Warfighters in Action” streaming event. The first of the two aircraft departed April 28 from Eglin Air Force Base, Florida, where they are in both developmental and operational testing. Both aircraft were delivered earlier this month from Boeing Co. They will operate out of JBER for the wargame.

The exercise will include “every aspect of JADC2,” Krumm said. Experimental systems include SpaceX Starlink satellites, new remote satellite terminals from the Air Force’s Rapid Capabilities Office—which manages the Advanced Battle Management System—as well as “different technologies in the electromagnetic spectrum, jamming with radars, … [and] a whole array” of new experiments. The Navy’s USS Theodore Roosevelt aircraft carrier is in Alaskan waters for the exercise, he noted.

Krumm said he couldn’t be too specific about what will be tested because “a lot of what we want to do, we’re still working on.” He said Gen. Kenneth S. Wilsbach, head of Pacific Air Forces, will be “uber-focused on ‘how do I connect all these sensors and shooters together?’” The wargame should “advance JADC2,” Krumm said.

Asked what will happen to experimental systems that prove useful in the wargame, Krumm acknowledged, “There’s no doubt, we’ve seen these in the past, where we’ve said how great [an experimental system] was and then it disappeared. Our objective in this is to say, ‘What really contributes? What is really worth pursuing and getting into?’”

The participants are “coming up here with a lot of ideas. We’re going to see which ones work, which ones contribute to the battle space and help our Airmen and Guardians, Soldiers, Sailors, and Marines get more lethal. And we’re going to push that,” Krumm said.

While he expects that “there will be leave-behind” ideas, “what I don’t want is a series of one-off experiments that are [their] own little island in the middle of our capabilities,” he said. Coming from a recent acquisition job, Krumm said he understands “we have to prioritize” which systems to pursue and that “we will work closely” with the acquisition directorates “in determining what things we need to go after” and whether they can be afforded within operations and maintenance budgets. “The possibilities are endless, … but we do need to be picky,” he said.

Krumm said there has been a “significant increase” in Russian aircraft entering the Alaska air defense identification zones, with more than 60 aircraft intercepted in the past year, noting even more than that were “monitored” by 11th Air Force.

Many of the intercepts are run by F-22s out of Elmendorf, and the jet is “employed masterfully by our Airmen,” he said, but its special stealth and agility attributes aren’t essential to the mission. Krumm acknowledged that the F-22 is the “frontline fighter” of the Air Force and that “there is a strain” on Raptor units—as well as on KC-135s and E-3 AWACS—imposed by the intercept mission.

“We use the F-22s because we have them located here,” but “I can see in the future that there would be some other opportunities” for performing the mission with a different aircraft.

“Can we do that differently? We can, but I don’t know all the options we’re going to pursue, yet. I know that any Air Force unit I bring up here would be able to do those intercepts with the same professionalism and proficiency as we have.”

Krumm also said the F-35s that have been bedded down at Eielson Air Force Base, also in Alaska, are performing well. The first unit has 25 airplanes, and a second unit has its first aircraft, and they have been achieving excellent mission capable rates, he reported.

“Right now, the Airmen—the ‘Icemen’—of Eielson are absolutely kicking butt and taking names,” Krumm asserted. The F-35s are “working really, really well,” he reported, noting than in a recent generation exercise, the unit “generated every single F-35 that they had. Every one, all 25 … on the flight line, ready to go. Just an amazing effort.”

While “we certainly have been impacted in some ways by some of the [F-35’s] sustainment issues,” the Airmen at Eielson have adapted the aircraft to operating in extreme cold, sometimes 50 degrees below zero, Krumm said. “No one has put the F-35 in that environment” and operated routinely before, he said. Crews have also modified the aircraft’s survival kit to creatively pack and add more gear to help downed Airmen if they bail out in such conditions.

Northern Edge runs May 3-14.

Lt Gen Slife to Senate: AFSOC at an ‘Inflection Point’ Requiring Transformation in Personnel, Acquisition

Lt Gen Slife to Senate: AFSOC at an ‘Inflection Point’ Requiring Transformation in Personnel, Acquisition

Air Force Special Operations Command has gone through two major changes throughout its history brought on by real-world incidents, and the command’s boss told lawmakers on April 28 that it is now undergoing its third.

The first came in 1980 following the failed Operation Eagle Claw hostage rescue in Iran, a “national embarrassment” that prompted the command to overhaul how it approaches crisis response operations, AFSOC Commander Lt. Gen. James C. “Jim” Slife told the Senate Armed Services Committee’s Subcommittee on Emerging Threats and Capabilities. The second was Sept. 11, 2001, after which the command adopted for sustained counterterrorism operations.

Now, with the nation withdrawing from Afghanistan and less of a sustained focus on constant counter-violent extremism operations, AFSOC needs to go through another overhaul to be relevant in a potential conflict with a near-peer adversary, Slife said.

“The rise of belligerent peers and near-peers who threaten America’s interests at home and abroad and the reemergence of great power competition around the globe mean AFSOC must evolve once again,” Slife said in testimony. “We must transform ourselves from the AFSOC our nation has needed for the last 20 years into the AFSOC our nation will need in the future operating environment.”

To do this, AFSOC is focusing on developing its Airmen and training them for “full-spectrum operations.” The command wants to focus on diversity in its ranks to ensure it can recruit and retain a force that is representative of the nation.

AFSOC is “undergoing the most significant organization optimization in our 30-year history,” Slife said. This includes fielding four operational squadrons each for the air and ground missions, with the goal of a sustainable force generation and deployment process.

The command is also looking to modernize and sustain its fleet, through programs such as the proposed “armed overwatch” to replace its U-28 fleet. AFSOC and industry have improved the readiness of the CV-22 fleet through fixes to its structure and wiring, while also installing the Block 20 mission computer modification to improve the Osprey’s situational awareness. The command is updating its C-130 family of aircraft with new airborne mission networking on MC-130s and precision strike package upgrades on AC-130s.

Slife said the command’s relationship with allies and ongoing engagements with countries around the world is an asset the U.S. can rely on in possible future competition.

In 2020, AFSOC Airmen deployed to 62 nations for “engagements” with host militaries, while also flying through and/or landing in more than a dozen more. These agreements with “80-100” nations that U.S. special operations forces have can be “tremendous leverage” against the influence of countries such as Russia and China, Slife said.

“What I have found is that our Airmen aren’t motivated necessarily by killing and capturing terrorists. They’re motivated by relevance,” he said. “And so if the thing that makes them relevant to the nation is pursuing great power competition, you better believe they are all in on moving in that direction.”

Milley: Afghanistan’s Future After U.S. Withdrawal Difficult to Predict

Milley: Afghanistan’s Future After U.S. Withdrawal Difficult to Predict

The military’s top uniformed officer said April 28 it’s difficult to predict what will play out in Afghanistan as Afghan forces prepare to take sole responsibility for the country’s security following the U.S. withdrawal.

“It’s not a foregone conclusion that there’ll be an automatic fall of Kabul, so to speak,” said Gen. Mark A. Milley, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, during a virtual McCain Institute event. “I think that we, the United States, are going to continue to support diplomatic efforts to come to a negotiated outcome between the insurgents and the regime, and that would be best for the people of Afghanistan and best for our region.

“So, there’s a wide range of possible outcomes, and at this point, I [would] hesitate to guess to which one it will be because we have to wait and see as the situation develops in the months ahead.”

President Joe Biden announced April 14 that the full withdrawal of U.S. forces will begin May 1 and be completed by Sept. 11. Milley said Pentagon leaders have presented a “variety of options,” including leaving a larger force in the country. However, he noted, Biden is “the decision maker, so we present advice, we present cost, and risk, and benefits, and potential outcomes, and options. We give recommendations, of course, and then the President decides. And that’s what we’ve done. The President’s made a decision, and we’re going to execute that decision in good order.”

Milley said some of the potential outcomes are either “quite bad” or “not quite as bad.”

The worst case would be a collapse of the Afghan government and of the military, leading to a civil war and all the “humanitarian catastrophe that goes with it,” he said. On the other hand, the Afghan Army and police forces number about 350,000, and there is a government in place and “they have been engaged in counterinsurgency operations for some time against the Taliban.”

There also is a possibility al-Qaida will reconstitute in Afghanistan and Pakistan. The U.S. military will monitor them “from positions where we can gain access,” Milley said. “I’m not going to go into the details of how we’re going to do that, … but we have a lot of capabilities, the United States does, in order to track and then target enemies of our country.”

Boeing Defense Revenue Up Despite Charge on New Air Force One Program

Boeing Defense Revenue Up Despite Charge on New Air Force One Program

Boeing Co. reported its sixth straight loss in its first-quarter earnings report April 28, including a new charge on the Air Force One replacement program.

Overall, Boeing reported $15.217 billion in revenue, down from $16.908 billion in the first quarter of 2020. Company CEO David L. Calhoun said COVID-19 impacts are lingering but that now is “a key inflection point for our industry as vaccine distribution accelerates and we work together across government and industry to help enable a robust recovery.”

Boeing Defense, however, reported $7.185 billion in revenue for the first quarter of 2021, up from $6.042 in the same period last year. The increased revenue in its military and space sector was spurred largely by KC-46 contract awards, including Lots 6 and 7 contracts for 27 KC-46s, along with P-8 and V-22 contracts, the company said. However, the company reported a $318 million pre-tax charge for the Air Force One VC-25B program “largely due to COVID-19 impacts and performance issues at a key supplier.”

The supplier, GDC Technics LLC, recently filed for bankruptcy after Boeing canceled its contracts because of schedule delays, causing missed deadlines, the Wall Street Journal reported.

Unlike several recent earnings reports, Boeing did not disclose another charge on the KC-46 program. The company, in its fourth quarter of 2020 earnings report, surpassed more than $5 billion in overruns on that program.