Pentagon Won’t Commit to Air Support for Afghans After Withdrawal

Pentagon Won’t Commit to Air Support for Afghans After Withdrawal

Defense Secretary Lloyd J. Austin III on June 10 would not say whether the U.S. military will still conduct airstrikes in Afghanistan to defend population centers after the retrograde completes this summer, but he said the Pentagon is pursuing ways to base surveillance and strike aircraft closer to the country.

The New York Times reported that the Defense Department is considering authorization to provide air support for Afghan forces if the Taliban threatens to take Kabul or other major cities after U.S. forces leave. This would be a change from the current publicly disclosed plan to conduct “over-the-horizon” counterterrorism operations to deter attacks that would target the U.S.

Austin told lawmakers the mission that U.S. troops had in Afghanistan, to prevent attacks on the American homeland, has “been accomplished” and that now the Pentagon’s job is to move people and equipment out of the country.

“Going forward, in terms of our [counterterrorism] efforts, those CT efforts will be focused on those elements that can possibly conduct attacks against our homeland,” Austin said.

When asked if U.S. aircraft would strike in support of Afghan forces to protect cities after the withdrawal, Austin said he would not speculate on “any potential outcomes or any potential future actions.”

“We continue to provide support to the Afghan security forces as we retrograde,” he said. “Once we have completed our retrograde, that will be very difficult to do because our capabilities will have diminished in country.”

The U.S. military is flying intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance and combat aircraft from bases in the Persian Gulf area.

“We have the capability now to do that,” Austin said. “What we are looking for is the ability to shorten the legs going forward by stationing some capability in neighboring countries. That is still a work in progress.”

These possible bases have been discussed since President Joe Biden announced the withdrawal in mid-April, though no specifics have been proposed.

Acting Air Force Secretary John P. Roth, in testimony before the Senate Appropriations defense subcommittee on June 8, said USAF requested about $10 billion in its 2022 budget for its enduring presence in U.S. Central Command as operations within Afghanistan draw down.

“We have a series of air bases, they will stay for the time being, that’s where your over-the-horizon capability will come from,” Roth said.

Austin said there are still some MQ-9 sorties originating from within the country, but “essentially the vast majority of ISR is being provided from other places outside Afghanistan” to protect U.S. forces as they withdraw.

Following the withdrawal, the U.S. military intends to “maintain a good and productive relationship with the Afghans,” including continuing funding for the military and supporting the government.

“I think that support is critical in ensuring that the government retains the ability to function and that the military remains intact,” he said.

The Pentagon has sufficient authorities to conduct these missions on “a discrete set of threats,” such as al-Qaeda, Austin said, without naming the Taliban. The U.S. also plans to keep its embassy in Kabul, and the military is working with Afghans on protection for that facility.

VanHerck: Services ‘Didn’t Move the Ball Very Far’ With Arctic Spending in 2022

VanHerck: Services ‘Didn’t Move the Ball Very Far’ With Arctic Spending in 2022

The U.S. military has repeatedly touted the growing importance of the Arctic region, but U.S. Northern Command boss Gen. Glen D. VanHerck told Senators that’s not really represented in the Defense Department’s 2022 budget request.

Questioned by Sen. Dan Sullivan (R-Alaska) on how the different service branches would be able to implement their Arctic strategies with the resources provided in the 2022 budget, VanHerck seemed to agree with Sullivan’s assessment that the region didn’t get much focus in the budget.

“Senator, I think when I look at the FY22 budget, I see an inching along in all of the services. I’m encouraged, they all have strategies now, and the department has a strategy, and my strategy heavily relies on the Arctic,” VanHerck said. “But we didn’t move the ball very far down the field this year in the budget with regards to resources in the Arctic.”

As commander of NORTHCOM, VanHerck oversaw the release of a new strategy in March that singled out the Arctic as a competitive area, as the melting ice cap, natural resources, and shipping lanes are all contested by the U.S., Russia, and even China, among other nations.

NORTHCOM’s strategy called for developing strategic partnerships in the region as well as “enhancing Arctic operations, capabilities, infrastructure, and ensuring a credible defense presence.”

And as VanHerck said, NORTHCOM wasn’t the only one to release a strategy for the region. In the last year, the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, and Air and Space Forces have all released strategic plans for the Arctic, some for the very first time. Defense Secretary Lloyd J. Austin III said during his confirmation hearing that he recognized the growing competition in the area and pledged to coordinate on strategy.

Indeed, on the same day VanHerck was speaking to the Senate panel, DOD and Austin announced the formation of the Ted Stevens Center for Arctic Security Studies, an academic research and training venue to work with allies on cooperation in the region. 

The Defense Department’s 2022 budget overview says the agency will have “funding to prepare for contingencies associated with a changing climate, including investments to prepare for an opening Arctic and increased peer competition in that region.”

And each service’s justification data does explicitly cite the Arctic in some way. The Space Force budget includes more than $127 million in funding for the Polar MILSATCOM system, which will provide secure, jam-resistant, strategic and tactical communications in the Polar region. The Air Force, on the other hand, requested some $14 million in procurement for radio equipment that will, among other things, help with Arctic command and control. As for the Army, there are tens of millions of dollars devoted to research, development, test, and evaluation of gear and systems in Arctic conditions, and the Navy also requested some $15 million in RDT&E for the Arctic Mobile Observing System and the Submarine Arctic Warfare Development Project.

Milley: A-10 Cut is an ‘Acceptable Risk’

Milley: A-10 Cut is an ‘Acceptable Risk’

The Air Force’s plan to cut 42 A-10s but retain the bulk of its fleet is an acceptable risk as the military looks ahead to more survivable capabilities, the Defense Department’s top uniformed officer told lawmakers June 10.

The Air Force’s fiscal 2022 budget looks to cut the current A-10 fleet to 239 from 281, the service’s latest attempt to divest the venerable Warthog, which the Department says is aging and is not relevant to a future, high-end fight.

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark A. Milley, testifying before the Senate Armed Services Committee, said that while he’s “personally a very big fan” of the aircraft and that the cuts do create some risk, it is acceptable and the budget only represents a “modest decrease in the number of A-10s.”

“We’ve got to recognize and begin to shift toward a future operating environment and a changing character of war, and we must shift [to] the capabilities that are going to be relevant, survivable, and effective against a tier one adversary sometime in the future,” Milley said.

The Air Force plans to retire the older A-10s and shift those units to new missions. Milley said the remaining aircraft would be enough for five squadrons.

Sen. Mark Kelly (D-Ariz.) pressed Milley on the Air Force’s plan during the hearing, saying he understands that more exquisite aircraft are needed on Day 1 of a conflict, but he’s concerned about close air support in “Day 30, Day 60, Day 180.”

Kelly, himself a former Navy combat pilot who represents Davis-Monthan Air Force Base, Ariz., home to 83 A-10C aircraft, has assumed the now annual role of Arizona lawmaker opposing Warthog retirements.

“In a former life, I used to be a test pilot. I’ve flown close air support myself in an airplane that does not do the job well, and I don’t see another airframe in our inventory, not the F-16, not the F-35, that can do the mission like the A-10 can,” Kelly said.

The Air Force actually wants to divest a total of 201 aircraft in 2022, which the service says will yield a savings of $1.4 billion to put toward other capabilities. In addition to the A-10, the service is looking to cut 48 F-15C/Ds, 47 F-16C/Ds, 20 Block 30 Global Hawks, 18 KC-135 tankers, 14 KC-10s, eight C-130Hs, and four E-8 JSTARS.

SASC Advances Kendall’s Nomination to be Secretary of the Air Force

SASC Advances Kendall’s Nomination to be Secretary of the Air Force

The Senate Armed Services Committee on June 10 advanced the nomination of Frank Kendall to be the next Secretary of the Air Force, setting him up for a floor vote soon.

Kendall, who served as the No. 3 in the Pentagon during the Obama administration as the under secretary of defense for acquisition, technology, and logistics, was picked for the job in April. During his May 25 nomination hearing, Kendall said he wanted to return to the Pentagon because of his concerns about China’s rapid modernization.

“That is the reason, perhaps, that I’m interested in coming back into government, … and hopefully, to be confirmed, is to address that problem,” Kendall said.

During the hearing, he said he supports a fleet of 145 B-21s, continued buys of the F-35, and retaining much of the A-10 and MQ-9 fleet. While overseeing Defense Department acquisition, he criticized the F-35 program as “acquisition malpractice” but eventually became a supporter as the program progressed.

The smooth hearing and quick voice vote sets Kendall up for an expected easy vote on the Senate floor, though the date has not been set.

Also on June 10, the committee advanced the nominations of:

  • Heidi Shyu to be the under secretary of defense for research and engineering
  • Susanna Blume to be the director of the Cost Assessment and Program Evaluation office
  • Jill Hruby to be the administrator of the National Nuclear Security Administration
  • Frank A. Rose to be the NNSA’s principal deputy administrator
  • Deborah G. Rosenblum to be the assistant secretary of defense for nuclear, chemical, and biological defense programs
  • Christopher P. Maier to be assistant secretary of defense for special operations and low-intensity conflict.
Allvin: Old Iron Whittling Down Air Force Readiness

Allvin: Old Iron Whittling Down Air Force Readiness

The Air Force is losing ground on readiness because it has too many old airplanes to keep operating, Vice Chief of Staff Gen. David W. Allvin told the House Armed Services readiness panel.

The Air Force’s $15.4 billion weapon systems sustainment request in 2022 is “on a par” with the 2021 request, but Allvin told legislators the “funding is not keeping pace with the escalating cost.” Up to 2021, he said, “requirements grew by more than $800 million, as we brought on new aircraft without retiring legacy platforms.”

The 2022 request looks to retire 201 aircraft and buy 91 new ones, for a net decrease of 110 airplanes, in an effort to “affordably balance the weapon systems sustainment accounts,” Allvin said. The Air Force would use the savings to upgrade the remaining gear or develop new systems that are more relevant to what Allvin called “the future fight.”

He also said the budget makes “several key adjustments to operational deployment constructs, to ensure our forces are optimally postured to build and sustain readiness for peer competition, including re-aligning the Air Force’s force generation model.”

The readiness accounts also support more dynamic force employment taskings and “more high-end training for peer competition,” he told the subcommittee.

If allowed to make the requested changes, Allvin said the service can accelerate “the readiness recovery this committee makes possible.”

Asked what the Air Force is doing to combat its chronic pilot shortage, he said the goal is to bring on 1,500 new pilots per year, and he itemized a number of “irons in the fire” that Air Education and Training Command is exploring to accelerate pilot production. These include a fast-track training program for qualified civilian pilots to become USAF pilots; skipping the fixed-wing portion of training for helicopter pilots and sending them directly to rotary-wing instruction; shifting to civilian instructors for simulator training and allowing them to conduct that training virtually and remotely, thus putting more line pilots back in operational cockpits.

Putting all those together—and if they pay off as expected—he said, “the Air Force can really produce about one additional base’s worth” of pilots per year, “and our target for knowing that will be by FY ’24, but we want to make sure we’re assessing each of these and where we might want to put more emphasis.”

Allvin also said the Air Force will put more effort into managing pilots “throughout their career, so the bathtub [the cohort shortage] doesn’t just move from company grade officers to field grade officers. We need to manage them through their entire life cycle, which will be a challenge going forward.”

He also confirmed that USAF plans to keep with its “three depot strategy” and is putting money into programs to grow new civilian talent for depots through scholarships and journeyman programs. The depots are also being funded for new technologies such as 3-D, or additive manufacturing, to make a “graceful transition” to retirement for aircraft suffering from vanishing vendor syndrome. There’s $100 million in the budget being applied to sustainment technologies, Allvin said.  

Biden Addresses Airmen after Landing in Europe for First Overseas Trip

Biden Addresses Airmen after Landing in Europe for First Overseas Trip

Just a few moments after landing in the United Kingdom on June 9 to kick off his first foreign trip as President of the United States, Joe Biden took to a stage in a hangar at RAF Mildenhall, U.K., and delivered an address to hundreds of U.S. Airmen and their families. 

Speaking for more than 20 minutes, Biden praised the service of the Airmen while reflecting on his own military connections, tying the two together as he offered a sharp defense of democratic values and spoke on his goals for the visit overseas.

Members of the 100th Air Refueling Wing, the 352nd Special Operations Wing, 48th Fighter Wing, 501st Combat Support Wing, and 95th Reconnaissance Squadron were all present for Biden’s speech, as he remarked that he was “so damn proud” of the service members.

“We owe you. We owe you big. I’ve long said that as a nation, we have many obligations, but we only have one truly sacred obligation, only one. That’s to properly prepare and equip the women and men we send into harm’s way, and to care for you and your families, both while you’re deployed, and when you come home,” Biden said.

Both Biden and First Lady Dr. Jill Biden took time to pay tribute to military families as well, citing their own experience with their son Beau, who served in the Army National Guard and was deployed to Iraq for a year.

“Everyone in this room knows that our military families are essential, essential to our strength. It’s the key reason Jill relaunched Joining Forces, to make sure we’re doing everything we can to support military spouses and children and their mothers and fathers as well,” Biden said.

Much of Biden’s speech focused on his foreign policy and national security objectives, as he pledged to reiterate the U.S.’s support for traditional alliances with the U.K. and NATO, take on climate change as a security threat, build up infrastructure across countries, and establish norms of conduct in cyberspace while combating ransomware.

Biden also took a quick jab at Russian President Vladimir Putin, whom he is set to meet at the tail end of his trip, saying he would “let him know what I want him to know.” He built on those comments later, hitting upon the theme of democracy overcoming the challenges of modernization. And in doing so, he made reference to the Air Force.

“You can send more fuel through a boom of a KC-135R in eight minutes than a civilian gas pump can pump in 24 hours. And you do it in midair, and it’s all a normal day for this team,'” Biden said. “So don’t tell me we can’t win our race to the future across the board.”

China Task Force Recommendations Focus on Education, New Defense Strategy

China Task Force Recommendations Focus on Education, New Defense Strategy

The Pentagon will overhaul its policy on China after a task force spent 100 days looking at the issue and forming recommendations on how the Defense Department can better compete with Beijing.

Defense Secretary Lloyd J. Austin III on June 9 announced DOD efforts to address these challenges, though most of these steps will remain classified. Public initiatives will include using the background of the China Task Force to guide the development of the next National Defense Strategy and a new look at education.

“The efforts I am directing today will improve the department’s ability to revitalize our network of allies and partners, bolster deterrence, and accelerate the development of new operational concepts, emerging capabilities, future force posture, and a modernized civilian and military workforce,” Austin said in a release.

Austin has ordered the under secretary of defense for personnel and readiness to overhaul professional military education to include an increased focus on China.

The move follows a similar Air Force effort. USAF Chief of Staff Gen. Charles Q. Brown Jr., in his “Accelerate Change or Lose” memorandum, called on the service to “develop and build a deep institutional understanding” of China through education and training.

This is taking place largely through Air University, which will have a “heavy flavor” of great power competition and a focus on China, Air Education and Training Command boss Lt. Gen. Marshall B. Webb told Air Force Magazine.

President Joe Biden in February went to the Pentagon to announce the creation of the task force, which included civilian and uniformed members from the Joint Staff, the military services, combatant commands, and intelligence. Biden said there needs to be a whole-of-government effort, including bipartisan support in Congress, to address the increasing competition with Beijing.

“That’s how we’ll meet the China challenge and ensure the American people meet the competition of the future,” Biden said.

Speaking the same day at a virtual Atlantic Council event, USAF Gen. Tod D. Wolters, head of U.S. European Command and Supreme Allied Commander-Europe, said NATO too has a “newfound vigilance with respect to China.”

“We will obviously continue to exercise pretty vigilant to those areas. We seek to enforce good order and discipline in international seas, and international airspace …. and with this renewed NATO interest with respect to activities that take place in China, I believe we’re on the right track,” Wolters said.

Air Force One Replacement Delay Could Mean More Maintenance for Existing Planes

Air Force One Replacement Delay Could Mean More Maintenance for Existing Planes

The existing VC-25As, known as Air Force One when the President is on board, may have to undergo another maintenance cycle, requiring Air Mobility Command to take funding from other requirements, as the replacement program faces a possible schedule delay.

Boeing presented the Air Force with a revised schedule for the production of the VC-25B, which would push back the delivery of the first aircraft by one year to 2025. Darlene Costello, the acting assistant secretary of the Air Force for acquisition, said during a June 9 House Armed Services seapower and projection forces subcommittee hearing that the Air Force is reviewing this schedule and will make a decision on it by September.

“Boeing has proposed, or informed, us that they believe they will be about 12 months beyond their original schedule. That doesn’t mean that we agree with that yet,” she said.

The most recent schedule change comes after the company’s supplier, GDC Technics LLC, filed for bankruptcy after Boeing canceled its contracts because of schedule delays. The company in April reported a $318 million pre-tax charge on the program because of this issue and COVID-19 impacts.

Boeing received a $3.9 billion contract in 2018 to build the two jets, but Costello said the company has reached out to the Air Force to negotiate a price adjustment for the program.

Lt. Gen. Brian S. Robinson, deputy commander of Air Mobility Command, said during a June 9 Defense News event that because of the VC-25A’s mission, carrying the President of the United States, the aircraft gets its best support and expertise.

If the VC-25s need to enter another extensive maintenance cycle it would mean AMC would “have to divert resources from other things that we’d like to do to cover any gap that might be there. So, there will be some stresses there, … but if we come to that position to make that decision, we’ll make it in favor of being priority one to support and protect the President of the United States.”

No One Hurt After Possible Shooting at Lackland Gate

No One Hurt After Possible Shooting at Lackland Gate

Joint Base San Antonio-Lackland, Texas, lifted a lockdown on the base Wednesday afternoon, after a shooting was reported at the main gate. No one was injured in the incident, said officials.

The base first announced the lockdown around 12:50 p.m. local time, saying there is a real-world active shooter warning at the installation.

Lt. Col. Brian Loveless, commander of the 802nd Security Forces Squadron at the base, told reporters there was a report of shots fired outside the base’s Valley Hi Gate. Responders did not determine anything “up front” when responding, but security forces and local police are pursuing a “couple of leads to confirm gunshots did take place.”

No witnesses reported seeing a shooting, Loveless said.

Joint Base San Antonio, in an update, said the shooting is suspected to have happened outside the gate, and responders worked with police to “clear the area and search for the shooters.”

Loveless said security forces were pursuing leads of multiple shooters, but that was not confirmed. The Valley Hi gate remained closed hours after the shooting, but the lockdown was lifted for the rest of the base.

Lackland is a major Air Force installation that hosts the service’s basic training. The Joint Base San Antonio complex also includes nearby Kelly Field, Fort Sam Houston, and Randolph Air Force Base.

The active shooter threat comes less than 24 hours after Joint Base Pearl Harbor Hickam, Hawaii, locked down as officials investigated a possible bomb threat on ship there.