Why USAF Wants to Cut ISR Operations in Fiscal 2022

Why USAF Wants to Cut ISR Operations in Fiscal 2022

Intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) aircraft are among the Air Force’s most-requested assets worldwide, but the service wants to cut back the number of combat air patrols it supports on any given day so it can free up funds in the fiscal 2022 budget to develop next-generation platforms.

Convincing lawmakers, however, will be a challenge.

Sen. Jacky Rosen (D-Nev.) said in a June 22 hearing that plans to reduce capacity from 60 simultaneous MQ-9 missions to 56 runs counter to what U.S. Central Command and other combatant commanders want, citing CENTCOM’s placement of MQ-9s at the top of its unfunded priorities list in 2020.

Nevada hosts Creech Air Force Base, the Air Force’s main MQ-9 operating base.

Defense Secretary Lloyd J. Austin III, testifying June 23 at a House Armed Services Committee hearing, said “what [the Air Force is] really doing is not decreasing the number of tails.” Rather, he explained, USAF is reducing the number of combat lines in maintains—lines that consist of several aircraft each—”so that [USAF] can have the ability to upgrade their capability and network their birds together in ways that we haven’t done before.”

The Air Force argues that MQ-9s will not survive in conflict with more advanced adversaries in the future, but it doesn’t give up the aircraft. Instead, the fiscal 2022 budget request seeks to modernize some of the remotely piloted aircraft while investing in both an “MQ-Next” and new ways to network more ISR sensors together.

“We have to invest in those things that are going to allow us to have resilient forces, to operate in a distributed manner, and to be absolutely lethal in a future fight,” Austin said.

The proposed MQ-9 operations cut has come up repeatedly in recent weeks in Congressional hearings, with multiple lawmakers expressing concern.

Lt. Gen. Joseph T. Guastella, the deputy chief of staff for operations, acknowledged June 22 the “tremendous demand” for airborne ISR from combatant commands and admitted “it’s difficult to get at that requirement with the force we have.” But he emphasized that the ISR enterprise must develop persistent and connected aircraft and that to achieve that objective, the Air Force must balance “today’s capabilities and a modernization effort to get after a peer competitor, because that is not something the MQ-9 was designed to do.”

This thinking goes beyond a single airframe, Maj. Gen. James D. Peccia, the deputy assistant secretary for budget, said May 28 during the Air Force’s budget roll-out briefing.

“What we are looking at is really a family of interconnected systems that we will use in the future,” he said. “That could come from space. It could come from aircraft. It could come from nontraditional means.”

The Air Force is “not looking specifically at a platform-for-platform replacement,” Peccia said. “We’re looking at technology that’s available today to build a survivable ISR platform as we move forward to that 2030 time period.” 

Austin: GBSD’s Future Will Depend on New Nuclear Posture Review

Austin: GBSD’s Future Will Depend on New Nuclear Posture Review

After some lawmakers questioned the need for the Ground Based Strategic Deterrent (GBSD) program, top Defense Department leaders said June 23 that its future will depend on a review of the military’s nuclear posture.

The Pentagon is asking for $1.1 billion to fund the GBSD program in the DOD’s fiscal 2022 budget request, while the first test flight of the Minuteman III replacement is planned for 2023.

Defense Secretary Lloyd J. Austin III faced multiple questions in a hearing of the House Armed Services Committee about the expense of the GBSD and whether it’s needed at this time. Austin said the long-term “valuation” of the program will be part of the Pentagon’s next Nuclear Posture Review (NPR).

“We’ll take a deliberate and earnest look at where we are and where we need to go in the future,” Austin said.

The Defense Department’s last Nuclear Posture Review, released in early 2018, supported the GBSD program along with other new nuclear programs including the B-21 bomber, the Long-Range Standoff Weapon, nuclear command and control, and the Ohio-class submarine replacement. 

These initiatives would also be funded under the administration’s 2022 budget request, which in addition to the GBSD funding also includes $609 million for LRSO.

Austin said the upcoming NPR will include “deliberate work with the services to make sure that we are meeting the most pressing need.” 

The notion that Austin has made any decision on the future of the GBSD is premature, he said. 

“I have not made any decisions on this. I think it deserves the right amount of effort and attention, and we’ll make the best choices,” he said. “But these choices need to be informed by the posture review to make sure we have the right balance here.”

Military officials, including leaders in the Air Force and U.S. Strategic Command, have said modernizing the ICBM leg of the air-land-sea triad is needed and that time is running out. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Army Gen. Mark A. Milley, testifying alongside Austin on June 23, said he does not recommend taking any money away from nuclear modernization. The recapitalization of the triad, including the GBSD, is “critical to our nation’s security,” he said, and delaying it by up to 12 to 15 years would create a gap.

Rep. John Garamendi (D-Calif.) during the hearing repeated that USAF officials have told him that the lives of current ICBMs can be extended and that a replacement can be delayed into the 2030s. Milley, in response, said his position is that investment in GBSD needs to continue “without delay.”

USAF Approves Moving F-22 Training to Langley Following Environmental Study

USAF Approves Moving F-22 Training to Langley Following Environmental Study

The Air Force has approved Joint Base Langley-Eustis, Va., as the new location for F-22 training following the completion of an environmental impact study.

The announcement is another step in the long process of moving Raptor training, which shifted across Florida from Tyndall Air Force Base to Eglin Air Force Base after a massive hurricane in 2018. But while the study and approval mark a crucial step in the process, the move is not official just yet. Air Combat Command said it is still waiting on service leadership to finish its study into tactical aviation requirements, determining which and how many tactical aircraft it wants in the fleet moving forward. Once that is done, the Air Force will make the final decisions on the move.

The F-22 formal training unit, currently part of the 325th Fighter Wing, has been temporarily housed at Eglin since October 2018. That month, Category 5 Hurricane Michael caused catastrophic damage to Tyndall, prompting the Air Force to scatter Tyndall’s F-22s to other bases.

In the wake of that storm and relocation, USAF proposed making Langley the new home of the unit as part of its goal to consolidate its F-22s at fewer locations

That proposal came in March 2019 and was subject to the environmental impact study, which was estimated to take between 24 and 48 months.

Last week, the Air Force notified Congress that the study was complete. It indicates that 28 F-22s and 16 T-38s would move to Langley, along with approximately 760 personnel, including 660 service members. A further 1,672 dependents would also be affected.

Langley is already home to the 1st Fighter Wing, which has two squadrons of F-22s and is responsible for a third of the F-22s in the Air Force.

The environmental impact study also proposes bedding down a second F-35A training unit at Eglin to accompany the one that is already there, with the departure of the F-22 unit making room.

While the exact timing on all these moves is uncertain as the tactical aviation report is conducted, the study laid out a proposed timeline of F-22s moving to Langley from June through October, with the new F-35A unit moving into Eglin in October. That would result in a short overlap during which both units would have airframes at Eglin.

Guard Training, Ops May Halt Without Refund for Capitol Defense

Guard Training, Ops May Halt Without Refund for Capitol Defense

Training, operations, and maintenance for the National Guard will be drastically reduced through the end of the fiscal year—potentially eliminating drill weekends and other operations—if the Guard is not promptly reimbursed for its response to the Jan. 6 insurrection and extended protection of Capitol Hill, the head of the National Guard Bureau warned.

If the National Guard Bureau isn’t provided the $521 million for Operation Capitol Response, then operations through September—the peak of the hurricane and fire seasons, when the Guard is in high demand—will be significantly curtailed, NGB boss Gen. Daniel R. Hokanson said in a June 23 Pentagon press conference.

The amount is “very significant” to the Guard, he said, and “if we don’t get that funding fairly soon, we’ll have to look not only at August but also September, the last two months of the fiscal year, either curtailing completely or drastically reducing our National Guard drill weekends and annual training, as well as our operational maintenance.”

If the money isn’t provided “in a timely manner,” that will have “a very significant impact on National Guard readiness,” he said. The Guard is working closely with Congress to get the money appropriated, he said.

The National Guard Bureau sent a memo to Congress stating that if the funding is not provided by July 1, units nationwide and in U.S. territories will be ordered to prepare to cease some operations and cancel drills from August through September 30, with training in July also potentially curtailed. This would include courses and schools already underway. The Air National Guard could be forced to cut back on two weeks of flying, Military.com reported.

It’s “critical” that it comes in this fiscal year because the funding is “required … to complete not only our drills but all operations and training we have scheduled” through the end of September, he said.

As part of the operation, approximately 26,000 Army and Air National Guard personnel deployed to defend Capitol Hill after the Capitol building itself was stormed by supporters of former President Donald J. Trump. Hokanson said Guard members deployed from every state as well as Guam and the District of Columbia to the operation. The troops erected barriers around Capitol Hill and stood ready to repel further assaults and stayed on for nearly four months after the inauguration of President Joe Biden.

Hokanson answered criticism that the Guard did not respond rapidly enough to the Capitol crisis. The organization is structured such that Guard members get called up, go to their armory, get issued equipment, get a briefing on what they’re headed out to do, and may even get some last-minute training, usually in the space of 24 hours, he said.

“We’re not a SWAT team. … We’re not law enforcement,” he said.  

“We’re manned, trained, and equipped to fight our nation’s wars,” he added. “We can’t get into that perception that we are immediate response, because we’re not resourced to do that. Twenty-four hours is when we can start marshalling our organization.”

He rejected the idea that a quicker, on-call response force be created in the Guard, saying that full-time Guard members are there “to train and administer our organizations. They’re not trained for anything else.”

Hokanson acknowledged the Guard is heavily in demand, but when asked how it will handle a reduction of 500 troops called for the in the fiscal 2022 budget, he said such decisions are the purview of the Secretaries of the Air Force and Army.

“Like all organizations, we would like to grow, if possible,” he said.

If the demand on the Guard exceeds its capacity—for multiple natural disasters in quick succession, for instance— Hokanson said the states have a “compact” in which they can render manpower assistance to each other.

Some state Adjutants General have asked for increased manpower because of an unrelenting demand for Guard capabilities in their states, he said.

To help manage the demand, Hokanson said the TAGs “meet every year to discuss what forces could come and meet their requirements.” Usually, this focuses on hurricane relief, but he said this year, for the first time, the discussion included planning for a busy wildfire season, as well.

Until the Guard gets more people, “we’ll keep using the compacts,” he said.

The meetings are one way he said the Guard has “gotten a lot better at how we do this.” The TAGs identify shortages they expect to have in their states and the organization overall figures out how to train and prepare the people required.

Despite the demand, Hokanson said the Guard is doing well with recruiting and retention.

“Usually, we would meet our recruiting goal in … late September,” the end of the fiscal year, he said. But this year, the Army met its Guard recruiting goal in May, which was “historically early.”

Asked about plans for a Space National Guard, Hokanson said that while it’s not well known, “the Guard has been conducting space missions for over 25 years” and has more than 1,000 space professionals in its ranks.

“We really look forward to them transitioning from the Air National Guard to, hopefully, a Space National Guard in the future,” he said.

Many are already working in civilian industry, and their experience in both the military and their civilian jobs is a “win-win” for both organizations. Space Guard units would likely be set up in areas near where the civilian space industry is active, he said, to make service more attractive and increase the cross-pollination of knowledge.

Austin Recommends Removing Sexual Assault Cases from the Chain of Command as Chiefs Express Unease

Austin Recommends Removing Sexual Assault Cases from the Chain of Command as Chiefs Express Unease

Defense Secretary Lloyd J. Austin III is recommending that the military remove the prosecution of sexual assault and related crimes from the chain of command amid a Congressional push to reform military justice and an independent commission’s review of Defense Department policies.

Austin, in a June 22 statement, said he reviewed the recommendations of the Independent Review Commission on Sexual Assault and Sexual Harassment. He said that “in coming days,” he will recommend to President Joe Biden to amend the Uniform Code of Military Justice to remove the decision to prosecute sexual assaults and related crimes, to include domestic violence, from a commander’s purview.

The decision comes as Congress is considering a measure that would reform military justice to do the same, along with more crimes to include murder, manslaughter, child endangerment, child pornography, and negligent homicide. Austin’s statement only mentioned sexual assault and related crimes.

Before Austin had released his statement, Senate Armed Services Committee Ranking Member Sen. Jim Inhofe (R-Okla.) released letters from the chiefs and the Chairman, as a bipartisan group of more than 30 senators are pushing ahead with a bill to overhaul military justice by handing the decision to prosecute certain crimes to independent prosecutors.

The Military Justice Improvement and Increasing Prevention Act aims to “create a more professional and transparent military justice system for serious crimes.” Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.) said, when unveiling the proposal, that a 2018 study determined one in 16 military women reported being groped, raped, or sexually assaulted in other ways during their military service. Almost 21,000 instances of sexual assault were reported that year, up from 14,900 two years before.

Inhofe acknowledged the seriousness of the problem but questioned the proposed solution. “Any instance of sexual assault is too many, and eliminating sexual assault and harassment from our military and holding perpetrators accountable demands action,” he said. Congress has passed 250 provisions to address sexual assault and harassment in the military over the past 15 years, he said, and some measures have only recently begun to take effect. His statement did not elaborate. While fixing the problem is urgent, a rushed solution risks unforeseen consequences, he said.

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark A. Milley wrote that the proposed changes “may have an adverse effect on readiness, mission accomplishment, good order and discipline, justice, unit cohesion, trust, and loyalty between commanders and those they lead.” He urged caution in potentially undermining commander authority, ensuring that any changes be “rigorously analyzed, evidence-based, and narrow in scope, limited only to sexual assault and related offenses.”

Milley acknowledged that the military has failed to make “sufficient progress in recent years to eliminate sexual assault, and we have consequently lost the trust and confidence of Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines, and Guardians in the chain of command’s ability to adjudicate these serious crimes.”

Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Charles Q. Brown Jr. also questioned the proposed solution to a difficult problem. “I am open to improving our processes that deliver justice,” he wrote. “I do not know if removing commanders’ authority to act on certain offenses will affect the occurrence of sexual assault to the degree we all desire and need … Removing elements of authority will likely create some risk, particularly if poorly scoped, communicated, or implemented.”

But he added that there may yet be reason to “try new measures if we believe they will increase accountability and reduce sexual assaults.” He also argued that “Implementation should reinforce [commanders’] responsibilities in the process, not relieve them from it.”

Chief of Space Operations Gen. John W. “Jay” Raymond said that, since the military has not made substantial progress in reducing the rates of sexual assault, it is time to consider changes. But he said he worries that removing commanders’ ability to enforce discipline in sexual assault and harassment cases poses “a risk that commanders may not display the same focus on prevention efforts.”

Milley, Brown, and Raymond all urged that any changes to the Uniform Code of Military Justice should be limited to sexual assault and harassment.

Inhofe said the issue is too critical to get wrong. “Given how important it is to get this right, … I wanted to understand what [top military leaders] believed would result from this legislation becoming law—would it truly reduce sexual assault or other crime in the military?” Inhofe said. “Their answers were, across the board, not reassuring. … As I would expect … each chief committed to striving to fulfill any law Congress enacts, given enough time and money. But I will note: This bill provides neither time nor money—it only allows for six months to make wholesale changes to the military justice system, provides zero resources for its implementation, and actually prohibits an increase in new personnel to implement these massive changes. Further, it leaves reforms to the Space Force and the Reserve Components—particularly the National Guard—out in the cold.”

In addition to the 30 cosponsors, the bill has been endorsed by the Veterans of Foreign Wars, the Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America, Vietnam Veterans of America, Protect Our Defenders, the National Alliance to End Sexual Violence, SWAN, the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, Common Defense, and the Veterans Recovery Project.

Austin, in his statement, said he is also directing his staff to review additional recommendations from the commission and called on Congress to provide additional authorities needed to make related changes.

Afghanistan Withdrawal Continues as Taliban Makes Gains

Afghanistan Withdrawal Continues as Taliban Makes Gains

The U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan continues on pace, and though Taliban violence has increased—with the group taking more districts from the Kabul-based government—there are no plans to slow the drawdown yet.

U.S. Central Command said June 22 that more than 50 percent of the withdrawal had been completed as of that day. The command has said it won’t be more specific about the pace because of security concerns. It said in a release that 763 C-17 loads of material had been removed from the country and that 14,790 pieces of equipment had been handed over to the Defense Logistics Agency for “disposition.” Six facilities had been handed over to the Afghan Ministry of Defense.  

Meanwhile, this week, the Taliban took control of a key district along a supply route in the northern province of Kunduz, encircling the provincial capital, The Associated Press reported. Dozens of districts in Afghanistan have fallen to the Taliban since early May.

Pentagon spokesman John F. Kirby said June 21 that the Taliban continues to conduct attacks with a rate of violence that is “too high.” However, this has not yet changed U.S. plans.

“What’s really critical here is that nothing has changed about two things: One, we will complete the withdrawal of all U.S. forces out of Afghanistan, with the exception of those that will be left to protect the diplomatic presence,” he said. “And two, that it will be done before early September, as per the Commander in Chief’s orders. Those two things are constant and won’t change.”

Defense Secretary Lloyd J. Austin III and other military commanders look at the situation every day “with a fresh set of eyes” to see if the pace is appropriate for a “safe and orderly retrograde,” Kirby said.

“Every day there’s a fresh set of data to look at that helps inform his discussions with military commanders and eventually whatever changes might come of that.”

Which Wings Would Lose A-10s Under USAF Plan

Which Wings Would Lose A-10s Under USAF Plan

The Air Force’s plan to cut 42 A-10 Warthogs in fiscal 2022 targets Davis-Monthan Air Force Base, Ariz., and the Indiana Air National Guard. Those wings would lose Warthogs, but they would pick up new missions.

USAF wants to cut the Warthog fleet by 22 percent, from 281 aircraft to 218, in order to gain money and manpower for other needs. Even after the cut, however, A-10s would still outnumber F-22s, ensuring the close-air support jet will still be there if needed into the 2030s. Beyond that, USAF officials believe the Warthog will no longer be viable.

Retiring 63 A-10s over the next two years “frees up nearly a thousand Airmen, maintainers, and operators that we can then transition into future platforms, specifically the F-35,” said Lt. Gen. David S. Nahom, the deputy chief of staff of the Air Force for plans and programs, during a June 22 Senate Armed Services airland subcommittee hearing. “As we look at the F-35, we are having resource issues, mostly with manpower… We have to start replacing some platforms.”

The first retirements will come at the 122nd Fighter Wing at Fort Wayne, Indiana, and the 355th Wing at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base, Ariz. Under the plan, the 122nd FW’s 163rd Fighter Squadron will convert back to F-16s, which the Indiana Guard unit flew before transferring to the A-10 in 2010. Since then, the “Blacksnakes,” with their signature snake nose art, have been active, deploying several times to the Middle East.

The Air Force said Davis-Monthan would lose one operational A-10 squadron, with plans for the follow-on mission there still in the works.

The Air Force aims to come down from nine operational squadrons to seven and keep one “full-up” operational squadron at Osan Air Base, South Korea, Nahom said. Back home, there will be three Air National Guard squadrons, two Active duty, and one Reserve. Those squadrons would be “in a rotation,” he said, enabling the Air Force to always have at least one A-10 squadron available to combatant commanders.

Space War, Like the Cold War, Is All Risk, No Reward

Space War, Like the Cold War, Is All Risk, No Reward

War in space will take on aspects of the Cold War in the future, as space powers vie for supremacy but seek to avoid the kind of kinetic warfare that could wipe out satellite constellations and undermine global activity on Earth.

Two officials with the Air Force Research Laboratory shared their vision during the Defense One Tech Summit on June 22: Col. Eric J. Felt, director of AFRL’s Space Vehicles Directorate, and Kelly D. Hammett, director of its Directed Energy Directorate. The two described a future where deterrence and “unattributable” attacks are the norm, much like the cat-and-mouse days of the Cold War when the United States and Soviet Union competed but simultaneously sought to avoid all-out nuclear war.

Sharing their views on America’s “Next Steps in Space,” they also described the evolving need to be able to monitor activity in the region between today’s satellites and the moon, also called cisluanar space.

“Space war is going to look a lot like the Cold War in a couple of different ways: First of all, we hope nobody’s actually exchanging destructive weapons with each other and that we don’t just hope, but we take active actions to deter that from happening,” Felt said. “The nature of conflict in space is that there is an offensive advantage, or a first-mover advantage, in that it is a lot easier to attack somebody else than to defend your own stuff. And we’ve seen that before—that’s the same as with … nuclear weapons.”

Just as nuclear arms were critical to avoiding nuclear war, with deterrence the primary objective, the key to avoiding destructive consequences in space will be “making sure that you can win in that kind of battle space,” Felt suggested. That’s why he continues to study the Cold War “and how we avoided destructive—very destructive—conflict with our adversaries” during those 50 years.

Deterrence requires a certain amount of openness. “It’s important for your adversary to know a lot about what your capabilities are,” Felt said, because doing so ensures the opponent knows the risk of launching an attack. “Whereas if you keep everything secret, they might think that they can take a gamble and win with a first strike,” he said.

How space warfare might be fought could also draw from the Cold War playbook, where spycraft and unattributable actions were more common than direct kinetic attacks. Past anti-satellite tests by China and India made clear the risks posed to other spacecraft when exploded space junk joins satellites in orbit.

Instead of kinetic attacks, electronic warfare and cyber are likely means of attack, Hammett said. “Those are the types of things the adversaries are likely to use because you can’t point to [it; it’s not] a missile that everybody watched traverse and hit something.”

Cislunar Space

Competition in space will also extend beyond conventional orbital ranges of low-Earth orbit and geosynchronous orbits, the AFRL directors said. “There’s a large volume of space between the GEO belt and the moon—a thousand times the area that’s in the GEO belt and below,” Felt said. The Space Force needs to understand that region to maintain space domain awareness, or “what’s going on out there,” he said.

AFRL had already recognized cislunar space as a target for monitoring because of “Chinese activity in Chang’e 5 going to the moon, as one example, [and] lots of commercial activity planned for above GEO,” Felt said. When the Space Force asked for help, Felt said the challenges began to multiply. “There’s a lot of technical challenges, such as, you know, the orbits are not simple circles when you have the gravity of the moon there—the gravity of the moon being important.”

Hammett said the Pentagon isn’t “resourced, yet, to really get after all those things. … We’re formulating the technical challenges,” he said. “We’re saying we need to do cislunar SDA. We’re saying we need access to mobility and logistics—you know, gas stations in space, tugs in space, cargo transports in space. We might have to put police stations in space.

“If you look at the National Space Strategy that was signed by the Trump administration in December … it actually commits us—commits the Space Force and the Department of Defense—to … monitoring what’s going on out there,” Hammett said. “And if somebody is a bad actor in the international realm: to monitor, detect, and respond.”

The Space Force’s fiscal 2022 budget request did not include “a lot in this area,” Hammett said. But the matter is on the Space Force’s unfunded priorities list. “So I think we’re getting that message across,” Hammett said. “We’ve got to get some resources and technologies and tech base getting after that sooner rather than later.”

USAF Would ‘Greatly Value’ Congressional Boost for Sustainment, Flying Hours

USAF Would ‘Greatly Value’ Congressional Boost for Sustainment, Flying Hours

The cost to operate the Air Force’s aircraft grew by more than $1 billion last year, largely the reason for cuts in flying hours, senior Air Force officials told lawmakers June 22. They added that the service would appreciate Congress adding money to their fiscal 2022 budget request for that purpose.

During a Senate Armed Services airland subcommittee hearing, Sen. Dan Sullivan (R-Alaska), expressed concern that the Air Force in its fiscal 2022 budget request cut 87,000 flying hours from the prior year’s request. Lt. Gen. Joseph T. Guastella, the deputy chief of staff for operations, said the hours were cut because weapon system sustainment costs had risen.

The sustainment and flying hours accounts go “hand in hand,” Guastella said. “If we can fund the weapon system sustainment that generates aircraft availability, [then] we can turn around and lay in the flying hours.” If Congress were to add funding for weapon system sustainment with the aim of increasing flying hours, he said that would be “greatly valued” by the service.

“Aircrews today out there are flying the absolute minimum number of hours they need every month to stay ready,” he said. “We’re offsetting that with simulation events, but we’re as low as we can be. We want to turn that corner.”

Other Air Force officials have testified in recent weeks that flying hours fell because the Air Force wasn’t able to execute the number of hours it was funded to fly.

Guastella added that “for what it’s worth right now … despite COVID, we’re at 96 percent of executing what was laid in in the flying hour budget this year. We’re working it really hard, but those aging aircraft just make it harder and harder.”

Lt. Gen. David S. Nahom, deputy chief of staff for plans and programs, said sustainment “is going up well in excess of inflation … in fact, it’s actually approaching $1 billion a year, just in increased costs. And this year, in ’22, we were not able to fund that increase.”

This is of concern, he said, because “we’re funded at about 87 percent of our weapon system sustainment [requirement], and that’s going to go down to 80 percent.”

In addition to the challenges of maintaining an increasingly aged fleet, “a lot of new platforms are coming on with …contractor logistics support. And many of these contracts are expensive and driving the increase,” Nahom said.

The Air Force included about $1.2 billion worth of WSS items on its unfunded priorities list across a number of platforms. This includes about $360 million for the F-35 and $825 million for other items, such as U-2 operations and EC-37 spare engines.

In its fiscal 2022 budget presentation May 28, the Air Force said flying hour funding was being reduced from $7.8 billion to $7.6 billion. Maj. Gen. James D. Peccia, deputy assistant secretary for budget, said the reduction was due to “the change in global posture overseas,” meaning reduced operating tempo in Afghanistan, which he said accounted for 66,000 of the hours that were cut.

During the hearing, Nahom said “the one way we’re getting after this in our budget is, we’re recapitalizing our fleets—to more modern aircraft that we can fly at a higher rate, so we can generate those flying hours for our pilots.”

The pilots “badly need that flying experience,” he said. “Synthetic is good [as well as] the virtual environment, and we have to do that as well, but getting them in the air” is also critical.