A Cubesat Constellation Could Start Surveilling Cislunar Space as Soon as 2024

A Cubesat Constellation Could Start Surveilling Cislunar Space as Soon as 2024

A startup figuring out how to surveil the cislunar domain thinks a swarm of self-guiding cubesats could cover it, each revisiting the moon every 26 days. Unlike spacecraft in deep space now, its cubesats would maintain “radio silence.”

The physicist-run startup Rhea Space Activity announced an unspecified amount of funding from SpaceFund in November to advance this idea, as well as a one-year small business grant from the Air Force worth $697,000 in March. The Space Force is the end user.

The ability to field such a constellation would build on the success of two projects.

First, the company’s spacecraft navigation module—the Jervis Autonomous Module, or JAM—is set to go into service in its “first instance” in 2022 or 2023, the company said in emailed responses to questions by Air Force Magazine. It’s named for the founder of the first government intelligence agency, according to a statement announcing the SpaceFund investment, and brings together flight-proven software and hardware from past missions to create the new capability. 

The 10 centimeter, or 1u, cubesat module will determine its position based on the likes of stars, asteroids, other cislunar spacecraft, and features on the surface of the moon—then navigate autonomously. This would get around the need for two-way radio ranging with Earth ground stations to navigate—amounting to the “radio silence” the company alludes to. Company founder and astrophysicist Shawn M. Usman, whose background is in intelligence, roughly estimates the cost of two-way ranging via NASA’s Deep Space Network, which is “very overtasked right now,” in the $500,000 range.

The JAM design “will significantly decrease” the cost, number of people, and extent of communications involved in maneuvering in cislunar space “and, over time, will provide a fundamentally different way to control all manner of spacecraft,” according to the statement.

Then, in 2024, the company plans to launch a cubesat, Jervis-1, into a resonant orbit—a type of orbit that will “leverage this gravitational environment” of the three celestial bodies, Cameo Lance, the company’s director of physics programs, told Air Force Magazine. The company has devised the orbit’s trajectory specifically for the Space Force. 

A derivative of “geospatial intelligence,” the company’s concept of “lunaspatial intelligence,” or LUNINT, involves monitoring human activity on and around the moon. In one scenario, a constellation of an undisclosed number of Jervis-type cubesats could surveil all of cislunar space, looking for other satellites. Jervis-1 will have an electric propulsion system for station-keeping maneuvers “and to deviate from the trajectory if needed,” according to the company.

The company also hopes to identify additional “very specific” trajectories for the Space Force in cislunar space, also requiring “very low propellant” to maintain, Usman said. Data transfers could take place at any point during the missions.

Space domain awareness is U.S. Space Command’s initial priority in cislunar space. The command, which stood up as the Defense Department’s 11th combatant command in 2019, defines space domain awareness as an extension of the established disciple of space situational awareness, said its commander, Army Gen. James H. Dickinson, in a briefing with reporters in August. Whereas space situational awareness “is reporting on where something is in space,” Dickinson said, space domain awareness also tries to understand “the ‘why’—the intent—behind having something in space and where it is.”

The command’s deputy commander, Space Force Lt. Gen. John E. Shaw, mused in a speech that navigating the cislunar environment might call for all-new ways of thinking about space and floated ideas such as the concepts of maneuvering “upwell” and “downwell” through the cislunar gravity wells created by the Earth, moon, and sun.

NASA, meanwhile, is testing a lunar navigation system as part of its CAPSTONE mission that’s also trailblazing the orbit of the agency’s planned lunar space station, Gateway, in a scheme that would trade two-way ranging with Earth for a method that swaps signals between satellites instead.

Rhea Space Activity told Air Force Magazine, “We anticipate using [radio frequency] technology on Jervis-1 to surveil the cislunar environment. However, there are a variety of other [intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance] technologies we are investigating that could also prove useful in surveilling the same cislunar environment.” Company officials did not elaborate on what those might be.

Here Are the Scoring Charts for the Air Force’s New PT Test Exercises—Minus the Walk

Here Are the Scoring Charts for the Air Force’s New PT Test Exercises—Minus the Walk

At least for now, Airmen won’t be able to walk the walk for their PT tests.

The Air Force released updated scoring charts for its revamped physical fitness test Nov. 12, with alternate exercises offered for the cardio, endurance, and strength portions of the test starting Jan. 1, 2022. Missing, however, was the 1-mile walk that the service had said it would implement as a measure of aerobic fitness.

In a Facebook post, Chief Master Sgt. of the Air Force JoAnne S. Bass wrote that the walk was removed “until we are able to standardize the VO2 measurement equipment across every installation. We will continue working the logistics and evolution in the meantime.”

Air Force leaders had previously said that a lack of equipment and facilities across every base made alternate exercises such as swimming, biking, and rowing untenable. The plan had been to use Airmen age, weight, and heart rate at completion of the walk to determine their aerobic capacity, sometimes called VO2 max. 

While the walk is out, the other alternate exercises previewed and tested on a cross-section of the force in recent months are all included:

  • A 20-meter high-aerobic multi-shuttle run (HAMR) for the cardio portion.
  • Hand-release pushups for the strength portion.
  • Cross-leg reverse crunches or forearm planks for the endurance portion.

The traditional 1.5-mile run, pushups, and sit-ups are still available as well, and their scoring charts remain unchanged from the update released in May, when the Air Force shifted the PT test to lower minimum requirements across every age category for both men and women and also implemented five-year cohorts instead of 10 years.

The HAMR’s point total is based on the number of times an Airman can sprint 20 meters to the tempo of a progressively faster recorded beep. The third consecutive failure to cross the 20-meter line before the beep terminates the test. 

For male Airmen, the minimum number of shuttles required ranges anywhere from 10 for those over 60 years old to 36 for those under 25. The maximums are 71 and 100 or more, respectively. For female Airmen, the minimums go from one for those over 60 to 22 for those under 25. The maximum scores range from 48 to 83.

Hand-release pushups are scored by how many an Airman can do in two minutes. For men, the minimums range across age groups from 10 for the oldest group to 15 for the youngest group, and the maximums from 30 to 40 or more. For women, the minimums go from one to six, with the maximums going from 24 to 40.

Cross-leg reverse crunches are also scored in a two-minute timeframe. Men under 25 will have to complete at least 21 and up to 49, while men over 60 will have to do at least seven and up to 35. Women under 25 will be scored on any total from 11 to 47, while women over 60 will need to do at least five and a maximum of 32.

Forearm planks will be scored based on how long an Airman can hold the pose. The lowest minimum time scored across age groups for men is 25 seconds, and the maximum time is 3:35. For women, the lowest requirement is 15 seconds for those over 60, and the highest maximum requirement is 3:30, for those under 25.

“While testing these components at various installations, we received a large amount of positive feedback,” Lt. Gen. Brian T. Kelly, deputy chief of staff for manpower, personnel, and services, said in a statement. “The changes to the physical fitness assessments reflect what we learned and our desire to provide Airmen with additional flexibility in maintaining fitness standards.”

In order to pass the PT test, Airmen have to score 75 total points while hitting the minimum requirements in all three categories. The cardio phase is worth a maximum of 60 points, and the strength and endurance phases are worth a maximum of 20 each. 

As previously announced, the waist measurement is no longer part of the test, but Defense Department policy requires the services to measure body composition. The Air Force surgeon general has determined to use a height-to-weight ratio to fulfill that requirement and will be announcing further guidance “in the coming months,” the service said in a press release.

Air Force Faces Time Crunch to Process Thousands of COVID-19 Vaccine Exemption Requests

Air Force Faces Time Crunch to Process Thousands of COVID-19 Vaccine Exemption Requests

Department of the Air Force policy calls for a decision within 30 days on requests for religious exemptions to mandatory vaccines from Airmen and Guardians within the continental U.S. But with nearly 5,000 Active-duty Airmen and Guardians seeking religious exemptions to the COVID-19 vaccine, the department faces an uphill battle in trying to sort through every request within that timeframe. 

“When the process was originally established, they’re thinking they’re getting one or two, … they weren’t anticipating thousands of people,” Air Force spokesperson Ann Stefanek told Air Force Magazine, adding that the 30-day deadline remains the department’s goal.

The current pace would seem to be well short of that—on Nov. 3, the day after the initial deadline, the Air Force reported 4,933 individuals seeking religious exemptions. A week later, that number had dropped only 20, to 4,913.

However, the only data right now is coming from lower-level commanders, Stefanek said. Numbers from the major commands should start coming through in the next few weeks, she added.

According to Department of the Air Force Instruction 52-201, a Religious Resolution Team of commanders, chaplain corps personnel, medical providers, judge advocates, and other subject-matter experts works evaluate requests before making a recommendation to the deciding authority. As part of that process, a chaplain conducts an interview with the person seeking the exemption.

DAFI 52-201 contains a checklist for chaplains to consult as part of that interview, asking chaplains to evaluate whether the person’s beliefs “seemed honestly, consistently, and sincerely held” based on five factors:

  • Requestor is credible (consistently keeps tenets, practices, etc.).
  • Requestor’s demeanor and pattern of conduct are consistent with the request.
  • Requestor participates in activities associated with the belief(s).
  • Other persons supporting the claim are credible.
  • Request is supported by letter(s) of verification or endorsement from an organization espousing the beliefs, which are the basis for the claim.

The checklist also calls for the chaplain to discuss “alternate means of accommodating the practice” and to decide if the requestor “identified the substantial burden” of the Air Force rule that he or she feels infringes upon religious freedom.

Response to exemption requests are required within 30 days if the requestor is in the U.S. but 60 days if he or she is outside the U.S. or in the Reserve component. If the exemption request is denied, the Airman or Guardian can appeal to the Surgeon General of the Air Force, who must then respond within 30 business days.

The department has not yet approved any COVID-19-related religious exemptions. 

Yet while the number of religious exemption requests declined only slightly in the first week since the deadline, the number of medical exemptions dropped noticeably, from 1,634 to 1,460. This was primarily due to a drop in temporary medical exemptions, such as those for pregnancy or while service members await consultations for other medical issues, Stefanek said.

The number of unvaccinated Active-duty service members declined by 213, from 8,486 to 8,273, while the percentage of Airmen and Guardians who are at least partially vaccinated rose by a corresponding 0.1 percent. Of the approximately 326,000 people in the Active-duty component, 97 percent are now at least partially vaccinated, with 96.2 percent of those having received the full dose.

Meanwhile, the number of Airmen and Guardians recorded as officially refusing the vaccine increased from 800 to 972 total.

Members of the Air National Guard and Air Force Reserve have until Dec. 2 to become fully vaccinated, the department previously announced.

Russian Troop Movement at Ukraine Border ‘Unusual in Size and Scope,’ Pentagon Says

Russian Troop Movement at Ukraine Border ‘Unusual in Size and Scope,’ Pentagon Says

As media reports indicate that tens of thousands of Russian troops have massed near the border with Ukraine, the Pentagon remains “concerned” about the situation and called on the Kremlin to explain itself, its top spokesperson said Nov. 10.

Last week, satellite imagery showed a “buildup of armored units, tanks, and self-propelled artillery” in the town of Yelnya, less than 300 kilometers from the Ukrainian border, Politico reported. Since then, more tanks have moved to the region near the border, reported Bloomberg.

Pentagon Press Secretary John F. Kirby confirmed in a press briefing that the Defense Department is monitoring “unusual military activity inside Russia, but near Ukraine’s borders.”

Kirby has previously refused to comment on assessments of how many Russian troops are near the border, but the Ukrainian government has said 90,000 are in the region after a series of drills, Reuters reported.

A similar situation unfolded in April, when Ukraine said Russia massed more than 80,000 troops near its border only to later reverse course.

This time, Russia’s intentions are not clear, Kirby said. “We obviously would like to better understand that. And we don’t want to see any action further destabilize what is already a very intense part of the world,” he said. “We urge Russia to be clear about their intentions and to abide by their Minsk agreements.”

Russia and Ukraine have been in conflict for years now, highlighted by the Russian annexation of the Crimean Peninsula on the Black Sea. The U.S. and Ukraine signed a deal in September to build up the Eastern European democracy’s defenses, and Defense Secretary Lloyd J. Austin III visited the country in October as part of his swing through Eastern Europe.

“The United States calls on Russia to end its occupation of Crimea, to stop perpetuating the war in eastern Ukraine, to end its destabilizing activities in the Black Sea and along Ukraine’s border, and to halt its persistent cyberattacks and other malign activities against the United States and our allies and partners,” Austin said at the time.

On Nov. 10, Kirby declined to explain whether the U.S. had assessed what kinds of units or capabilities the Russians had moved near the border, but he did say the movement was “unusual because of the size and the scope,” adding that “it’s got our attention, no question about that.”

Pressed on why he couldn’t provide an assessment of the Russian capabilities, Kirby referred those questions to the Russian government.

“I would like to see the folks in Moscow get asked these kinds of questions and answer them honestly and transparently. That’s not happening, though, is it?” he said. “So we’ll do the best we can to be as transparent about what we’re seeing, inside the appropriate lines of classification. But we’re watching this and we’re watching that closely.”

Karen Donfried, assistant secretary of state for Europe and Eurasia, told the Associated Press that “any time we see unusual Russian military activity near Ukraine, we make clear that any escalatory or aggressive action is of great concern to the United States.”

Minot B-52s Fly Bomber Task Force Mission With UK Over North Sea

Minot B-52s Fly Bomber Task Force Mission With UK Over North Sea

Air Force Global Strike Command integrated B-52s from Minot Air Force Base, N.D., with B-1s and a host of British aircraft from RAF Fairford, England, for exercises over the North Sea on Nov. 10.

The Bomber Task Force Europe mission included a targeting activity using conventional and precision-guided munitions to strike air, land, and sea targets that practiced interoperability with coalition forces, according to a release.

B-52 aircraft from the Minot’s 5th Bomb Wing, B-1B Lancers from the 9th Expeditionary Bomb Squadron, and British aircraft including Royal Air Force Eurofighter Typhoon FGR4 aircraft, F-15D Eagles, F-15E Strike Eagles, and KC-135 Stratotankers participated in the mission.

In August, B-2s from Whiteman Air Force Base, Mo., similarly deployed to Iceland for an integration exercise with NATO partners, including Norway, over the North Sea. U.S. Air Forces in Europe-Air Forces Africa commander Gen. Jeffrey L. Harrigian explained the importance of North Sea exercises to journalists at the Air Force Association’s Air, Space & Cyber Conference on Sept. 21.

Harrigian mentioned doing “a lot of work with the Norwegians continuing to refine our … tactics, techniques, and procedures and in terms of interoperability,” he explained. “Demonstrating again, the importance of what I quantify as muscle memory being built, just by the fact that they’re there and working through how we’re actually going to execute with them.”

Harrigian underscored the communications perspective of missions in the North Sea and on ranges off the coast of the United Kingdom.

“[We] leverage some of the inherent UK capabilities to work, specifically, the interoperability and [tactics, techniques, and procedures] challenges that we know are out there,” he said.

The USAFE commander spoke about fifth- to fourth- and fourth- to fifth-generation interoperability challenges and practicing Link-16 data transmission with coalition partners in an encrypted format.

“The more you practice it, the better prepared we’ll be in the future,” he said.

Bomber Task Force rotations have brought all three U.S. bombers to the European and African theaters since 2018 to practice rapid deployment at unfamiliar airfields as well as integration with NATO allies and partners.

Happy Veterans Day

Happy Veterans Day

“Each generation of Americans calls on its best to come and serve. In today’s all-volunteer military, not many need to answer that call. Those few who do, hue to a higher call,” says AFA president retired Lt. Gen. Bruce “Orville” Wright in his Veterans Day message. “We are all citizens, but only some have earned the privilege to be called veterans.”

Menendez Opposes F-16 Sale to Turkey Despite its Promise to Buy Russian Jets if Sale Falls Through

Menendez Opposes F-16 Sale to Turkey Despite its Promise to Buy Russian Jets if Sale Falls Through

JOINT BASE MCGUIRE-DIX-LAKEHURST, New Jersey—Chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee Sen. Bob Menendez opposes Turkey’s proposal to buy F-16s and modernization kits, calling for human rights improvements first even as the NATO ally is threatening to deepen its ties with the Russian defense industry.

“I personally am not supportive of giving them F-16s,” Menendez told Air Force Magazine during a visit to Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst.

“I just really have a problem,” he said. “This is not the Turkey that we aspire for, is not the type of NATO ally that is behaving in a way that we should be able to go ahead and give it some of the most sophisticated fighting equipment.”

At issue are Turkey’s human rights record and foreign policy positions.

Menendez said Turkey has jailed more lawyers and journalists “than almost any place in the world.” He also said Turkey takes adverse positions to U.S. interests in places such as Libya, where it has violated sanctions to send military aid to the UN-backed Government of National Accord. Turkey also has menaced U.S. support for the Kurdish militia group YPG in northern Syria, calling the group terrorists and pushing it back from the border as the U.S. tries to coordinate with the YPG to fight the Islamic State group.

The F-16 letter of request to the State Department would help Turkey modernize its aging fleet of F-16s.

In October, Turkey made public its desire to purchase 40 F-16s and about 80 F-16 Viper block 70 and 80 modernization kits with a total price tag of some $6 billion. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan also indicated that he wanted credit for the $1.4 billion already paid into the F-35 program that Turkey was removed from in 2019 when it bought the Russian S-400 missile defense system.

The State Department declined to confirm or comment to Air Force Magazine on the proposed F-16 acquisition. The Defense Department is separately in a dispute resolution channel regarding the canceled F-35 purchase.

The Turkish President met President Joe Biden in Rome Oct. 31 to win in his support for the F-16 deal, with Biden reportedly saying he would do “his best.” But Congress may still stand in the way when the proposal reaches Capitol Hill.

“It’s not Turkey, it’s Erdogan,” Menendez said. “At the end of the day, he needs to change course. We’ve given him off ramps.”

The New Jersey Democrat has the power to hold up foreign military sales and stymie the formal notification to Congress. Erdogan, for his part, has said publicly that he would be willing to go to Russia for new jets if the U.S. delays.

The threat did not move Menendez.

“I am not deterred that they may go somewhere else,” Menendez said. “If they do so, then, you know, the interoperability gets diminished dramatically at NATO, and they further erode their position.”

CYBERCOM Deputy Likens Cyber Warfare to Mixed Martial Arts

CYBERCOM Deputy Likens Cyber Warfare to Mixed Martial Arts

Some strategists have urged America’s cyber warriors to think more like a hockey team than a football team. But the second-in-charge at U.S. Cyber Command prefers a different sporting analogy—the gladiatorial combat known as mixed martial arts.

“I’ve heard people say we probably want to get closer to what you see in hockey, which has much quicker transitions [between offensive and defensive plays],” Cybercom Deputy Commander Air Force Lt. Gen. Charles L. Moore Jr. said, discussing the relationship between offensive and defensive campaigns carried out as part of Cyber Command’s strategy of persistent engagement. But he added that neither football nor hockey properly captured the freewheeling essence of cyber combat.

“In my mind, we want to get something a lot closer to mixed martial arts—you have people that are fighting one another, they’re not thinking, ‘Hey, right now I’m on defense, and I’m going to do something defensively.’ Or ‘OK, now I’m going to try some offensive moves.’ It is much more inherently blended in and seamless. So that’s how I would suggest we need to think about it and where we need to go.”

In his remarks at C4ISRNet’s CyberCon virtual event Nov. 10, Moore also touched on the need to defend U.S. military space assets in cyberspace; the vulnerabilities inherent in the Defense Department’s joint all-domain command and control (JADC2) operating concept; the posture of North Korea’s state-backed hackers; and the difficulties in measuring the effectiveness of cyber campaigns.

Moore said persistent engagement has been successful both defensively and offensively since Cyber Command adopted it in 2018. The strategy involves continuously infiltrating adversary networks, not just to prepare to take them down in a future conflict, but also to engage the adversary now and try to change their decision calculus about the use of cyberattacks in “gray zone” or hybrid war strategies.

Defensively, the command has been able to block some enemy cyber campaigns before they were even launched, Moore said, “In many cases, … we’ve been able to stop operations and attacks from happening to begin with.” He added that U.S. operations into adversary networks have revealed “what they may be trying to do to our country, and to our friends and allies; what infrastructure they may be using; what tools; what malware or cyberweapons they may be developing.” He said by publicly providing samples of malware being readied for adversary campaigns, “we’ve been able to … inoculate not just ourselves, but the broader cybersecurity enterprise against them.”

Moore said Cyber Command’s presence on adversary networks put it in a position “to achieve the effects that we want to achieve on behalf of the … nation in times of crisis or conflict.” But it’s also “given us more opportunities for access, more opportunities to impose cost.” In many cases, he added, it’s exposed campaigns in the planning stage.

Touching on the need to defend the nation’s space assets in cyberspace, Moore said that of the 14 additional cyber combat teams funded in the current year budget, half of the them were specifically earmarked “to help us address defending our space capabilities, and also to present any type of offensive capabilities from a cyber perspective that we may need in that [space] domain.” He said the teams would be up and running by the end of 2024 and fully trained within a year to 18 months after that, “So we’re working very closely with the U.S. Space Command to get those teams stood up to get them bedded down and get them operating,” he said.

On the Pentagon’s plan to create a fully networked and connected Internet of Military Things—known as JADC2—Moore said Cyber Command would have two key roles: first, to contribute the “cyber picture” to the common all-domain operating picture JADC2 requires. But also to defend the infrastructure that would make the common operating picture and decision-making tools of JADC2 available to commanders. Moore said the integration of all-domain sensing and decision-making would greatly multiply the potential cyberattack surface for adversaries.

“As you can imagine, potential vulnerabilities exist across all the different domains in the way that we gather the information and transport the information, make it visible to decision makers; and then how … directions go back out to the broader force.” Joining all those vulnerable systems together made them much harder to defend, Moore said, and added complexity—often seen as the enemy of cybersecurity.

“For every unit of increase that we have in effectiveness and efficiency gained by integration, which is really the goal of [JADC2], you probably have an increase in potential cyber vulnerabilities [of a power of two] at least,” he said, jokingly analogizing his own rule of thumb to Moore’s law, which famously predicted that computing capacity would double every 18 months. “Maybe I’ll name that Charlie Moore’s law,” he said, “the point being that you have an increase in that net surface area of vulnerability that we have to make sure we’re postured to help defend from the ground up.”

Responding to a question about North Korea’s prolific state-backed hackers, Moore said that they appeared more focused on financial cybercrime to provide hard currency to the regime, rather than more conventional computer network attack activities. “The North Koreans mainly seem to be focused really on revenue generation,” he said. “They’re not too focused, from what we see from a day-to-day perspective, … on trying to perform operations against the United States, against our Defense Department Information networks, but rather very much trying to generate money to support the regime.”

Although it was often hard to measure the effectiveness of cyber campaigns, Moore said, Cyber Command leadership sometimes got feedback “directly from our adversaries about what they’re thinking and how they’re responding” because U.S. cyber warriors had infiltrated the networks they use to communicate.

“That’s very informative and tells us when we’re on target or hitting something important,” he said.

Air National Guard’s Modernization Effort is ‘Capacity Issue for Our Nation,’ Bureau Chief Says

Air National Guard’s Modernization Effort is ‘Capacity Issue for Our Nation,’ Bureau Chief Says

The Air National Guard badly needs to modernize its fleet, not only for operations in the homeland but also for its warfighting mission, the head of the National Guard said Nov. 10.

Army Gen. Daniel R. Hokanson, chief of the National Guard Bureau, said the ANG’s “entire fighter fleet” needs to be modernized, with aging F-15C/Ds and F-16s swapped out for newer F-15EXs and fifth-generation F-35s.

“We want to … make sure that we have a pathway to modernization for each of our fighter squadrons because it’s an incredible capability,” Hokanson told reporters during a Defense Writers Group event in Washington, D.C. “But it’s also a capacity issue for our nation, to make sure that whatever we get asked to do, that we can do that.”

As of fiscal 2021, the Air National Guard had some 470 F-15C/Ds and F-16s, with an average age of over 30 years, compared to just 19 F-35s. Lt. Gen. Michael A. Loh, Air National Guard director, said in September that roughly 20 F-15Cs in the fleet were grounded because the backbones of the aircraft were cracked.

A number of Air National Guard units are slated to receive either the F-35 or F-15EX in the coming years. In 2020, the ANG announced that bases in Alabama, Florida, and Wisconsin would receive F-35s in addition to the Vermont unit that has already accepted them, while Portland Air National Guard Base, Ore., would get an F-15EX squadron. F-15C/D bases in Massachusetts, California, and Louisiana are set to receive one of the two new fighters.

But it’s not just fighters that need to be upgraded, Hokanson said. Increasingly, the Guard has been called upon to combat wildfires in the West, and to do so, several of its C-130s have been outfitted with the Modular Airborne Firefighting System (MAFFS).

With MAFFS, C-130s are able to drop 3,000 pounds of retardant on a wildfire in less than five seconds, fly back, refill, and be in the air again in under 20 minutes. But the system needs improvements to keep up with the increasingly high tempo required.

“We’ve got to make sure that we’re completely modernized so that they can perform the missions that they’re being asked to do. And when you look at firefighting, another piece of that is the MAFFS system. … It’s basically a series of pallets they push in the back of a C-130,” said Hokanson. “The Forest Service owns that, … [but] we also need to … continually upgrade those systems as well so they can perform as we need them, really, in the middle of the forest fires.”

The Air National Guard’s C-130H fleet is also being upgraded with a new propeller system to increase thrust and reduce maintenance hours. And in various versions of the 2022 National Defense Authorization Act, Hokanson noted several C-130Hs would be replaced by more modern C-130Js.

Replacements are good, but Hokanson wants to make sure there is no reduction in the ANG’s overall airlift capacity. In 2018, U.S. Transportation Command’s Mobility Capabilities and Requirements Study proposed that the Air Force needed 300 C-130s, a slight reduction from its current fleet size. A new MCRS was completed in June and has yet to be publicly released, but Hokanson said he hopes it will take into account the broad mission set of the Air Guard.

“In the past, it didn’t account for what we did in the homeland—that’s flying to forest fires, to disasters, and moving troops in a timely manner,” Hokanson said. “And so it’s supposed to be accounted for this year, and it will be interesting to see where it goes. I know right now we’re scheduled to have one of our C-130s come offline, in Mansfield, Ohio, and transfer to a different mission set. But we think the remaining aircraft is probably about what we need. But, of course, we need the data to support that. So we’ll watch very closely for that.”

Even beyond humanitarian and disaster relief responses, the ANG’s modernization needs to continue to boost the Guard’s operational effectiveness, Hokanson said.

“We really need the modernization for our warfighting mission. And if I can kind of just take a step back, that’s another thing that we constantly have to try and share, is that the whole reason the National Guard exists is the combat reserve of the Army and the Air Force, and we’re manned, trained, and equipped to fight our nation’s wars,” Hokanson said. “And when you look at the states, probably 98 to 95 percent of their budget is federally funded. So in that respect, we need the aircraft modernized so that they can be interoperable, no matter where we ask them to go on the globe.”