55 Democrats Urge Biden to Adopt ‘No First Use’ Nuclear Policy

55 Democrats Urge Biden to Adopt ‘No First Use’ Nuclear Policy

A group of 55 Democratic lawmakers from the House and the Senate released a letter Jan. 26, urging President Joe Biden to declare a “no first use” policy for nuclear arms and to roll back the U.S.’s “reliance on nuclear weapons” in the Pentagon’s forthcoming Nuclear Posture Review.

The letter, spearheaded by Sens. Edward Markey (D-Mass.) and Jeff Merkley (D-Ore.), and Reps. John Garamendi (D-Calif.) and Donald S. Beyer (D-Va.), called the NPR “a once-in-a-generation opportunity” to push for a reduction in nuclear arms.

To that end, the lawmakers encouraged Biden to:

  • Support diplomacy and negotiations with Russia and China;
  • “Declare that the sole purpose of nuclear weapons is to deter a nuclear attack on the United States and its allies, and that the United States will never use nuclear weapons first;”
  • Stop the deployment of the W76-2 low-yield Trident submarine warhead and the development of a new nuclear-armed sea launched cruise missile;
  • “Question the necessity of new nuclear weapons systems.”

The question of “no first use,” in particular, has been a hotly debated one over the past several months in the run-up to the release of the NPR. Biden previously has said the U.S. should move to a “sole purpose” policy, where American nuclear weapons are meant solely to deter nuclear use against the U.S. or its allies. Other Democratic politicians and advocates, however, have pushed for a “no first use” policy.

This past October, the Financial Times reported that U.S. allies, including the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Japan, and Australia, were lobbying Biden to reject a “no first use” policy, arguing that doing so would weaken deterrence against China and Russia. 

Sen. Jim Inhofe (R-Okla.) and Rep. Mike Rogers (R-Ala.) referenced that lobbying in a recent statement urging Biden not to change the U.S.’s nuclear policy, noting that “allies across the globe joined a bipartisan chorus in Congress to urge the administration to take a wiser, more measured path.”

The new Nuclear Posture Review is expected to be released in the coming months, but media reports about it have already sparked concerns among both arms control advocates and those pushing for nuclear modernization. 

On one hand, the Democratic lawmakers noted in their letter that a recent Associated Press report indicated that Biden’s plans to significantly revamp America’s nuclear weapons strategy have likely been cut back in the face of Russian and Chinese aggression.

On the other, Inhofe and Rogers, the top Republicans on the Senate and House Armed Services committees, issued their statement in response to a Politico report that Biden’s administration was considering canceling several nuclear weapon programs approved by former President Donald J. Trump.

This is not the first time Democrats in favor of reducing and restricting the use of nuclear weapons have publicly appealed to the President. In 2016, Markey, along with nine other Senators, sent a letter to then-President Barack Obama with many of the same requests, such as a “no first use” policy and a rollback of modernization efforts.

In this most recent letter, though, the lawmakers added that they find it “concerning” that the Defense Department has not agreed to “a comprehensive, independent study of whether to pursue the new Ground-Based Strategic Deterrent”—the Pentagon has tapped the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace to produce a report on the future of the ICBM program, but arms control advocates have said that effort does not go far enough.

Only one member of the Senate Armed Services Committee signed onto the letter—Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.). Four members of the House Armed Services Committee signed—Garamendi, Rep. Andrew Kim (D-N.J.), Rep. Sara Jacobs (D-Calif.), and Rep. Ro Khanna (D-Calif.).

How the Burkina Faso Coup Could Impact U.S. Air Force Counterterrorism Operations

How the Burkina Faso Coup Could Impact U.S. Air Force Counterterrorism Operations

AFRICAN AIR CHIEFS SYMPOSIUM, KIGALI, Rwanda—A military coup in the fragile West African country of Burkina Faso may prevent the U.S. Air Force from continuing vital counterterrorism surveillance and targeting efforts in an area where Islamic terrorism is growing, the Burkina Faso vice air chief told Air Force Magazine Jan. 26.

Presidential vehicles were found littered with bullets and soldiers mutinied across the country Jan. 23 while President Roch Kaboré disappeared from public view. Instead, French-educated Army Lt. Col. Paul-Henri Sandaogo Damiba declared he was in control and would end the reign of terror caused by Islamic militants. Burkina Faso citizens took to the streets in support of the military takeover, but a security expert tells Air Force Magazine that African military coups in the name of citizen security often create a vacuum that strengthens terrorist groups.

“I can’t even reach my chief of defense right now,” Burkina Faso Deputy Air Chief Col. Victor Beloum told Air Force Magazine in a French-language interview on the sidelines of the African Air Chiefs Symposium in Kigali.

Beloum said he left the capital Ouagadougou for the conference co-sponsored by U.S. Air Forces Africa just as the coup began to unfold.

“I’ve been trying to reach out and make contact with folks back home and haven’t been able to get a clear answer on what’s happening,” he said. “Hopefully, the United States will be by our side to be able to set up re -elections as soon as possible.”

In recent days, it was learned that the military dissolved the government, national assembly, and suspended the constitution, detaining the president and several members of his government.

While the State Department has not yet made a determination that the military takeover is permanent, it has temporarily paused most assistance, a U.S. Department of State spokesperson told Air Force Magazine. The military leader so far seems unfazed, dismissing condemnation from the regional Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), which carries with it the threat of sanctions.

Beloum said the U.S. Air Force had been helping with training, intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance, and targeting data that it shares with the Burkina Faso Air Force.

The State Department provides about $65 million in security assistance, primarily for peacekeeping operations, and the Defense Department provides another $30 million in counterterrorism assistance. When neighboring Mali suffered a coup in August 2020, the State Department cut off security assistance and military intelligence sharing halted. Both nations are part of the arid Sahel region of sub-Saharan Africa.

The five weak states of the Sahel have vast territories and uncontrolled spaces where Islamic State group and al-Qaeda affiliated group JMIN are known to exist. The U.S. Air Force operates ISR platforms out of the Sahel nation Niger from Air Base 101 and Air Base 201, contributing intelligence to French ground forces who have killed terrorist leaders in recent years.

But the terrorist threat has spilled into Burkina Faso.

In June 2021, 100 people were killed in the northern village of Solhan, an attack blamed on terrorists who crossed the border from Mali. In November 2021, another attack killed 50 members of security forces, according to press reports.

The United States has long assisted the five nations making up the G-5 Sahel group, and supported France’s Operation Barkhane, which began in 2014. But even though France rescued Mali from a terrorist siege on its capital in 2013, the citizens of the region have balked at the continued presence of 5,500 French troops. French President Emmanuel Macron has promised to cut his presence in half, preparing to diminish resources containing the threat.

U.S. African Command has been the lead behind confronting the African terrorist threat, but has yet to comment on what will happen when the French depart. The command is still assessing developments in Burkina Faso.

“Along with regional partners, U.S. Africa Command conducts military operations to disrupt, degrade, and neutralize violent extremist organizations that present a transnational threat,” AFRICOM spokesperson Lt. Cmdr. Timothy S. Pietrack told Air Force Magazine in a statement.

“We are following the reports of a military takeover of the civilian government in Burkina Faso,” he added. “The situation is still developing and we do not have any additional information to provide at this time.”

U.S. Air Force ISR Help

Beloum is worried that if U.S. assistance is cut off, his nation of 21 million people will have even less of a capacity to track and target terrorists.

The Burkina Faso Air Force only has three Super Tucano light attack aircraft, but most are grounded.

“It could take up to one and a half to two years to get the spare parts from Brazil so that’s a big showstopper right now,” he said. “The aircraft are not operational, they’re grounded right now.”

An American ISR platform that operates out of Ouagadougou is feeding the military vital intelligence.

“The United States Air Force actually is collecting intelligence and sharing it directly with Burkina Faso because we are lacking this ability,” Beloum explained.

The vice air chief described advances it hoped to work towards with U.S. Air Force assistance, including thermographic FLIR cameras and a Cessna ISR program.

In Burkina Faso, he said the U.S. Air Force collects intelligence on specific target areas, then works in conjunction with Burkina Faso intelligence agencies to queue in the ISR platform on areas of interest.

“They continue to collaborate and that really helps the mission progress because we can actually help to queue the operation and then do the analysis afterwards,” he said.

Beloum described the militant groups in a manner different from international reporting, which focuses on their ideological motivations.

“You have these groups that conduct terrorist attacks to try to discredit or dismantle national authorities so that they can continue to carry out their trafficking whether it’s drugs, arms, weapons, and gold as well,” he said.

The vice air chief acknowledged that there are groups with a political motivation, but he said “banditry” was the bigger problem.

“They’re conducting terrorism to carry out basically illicit activities and organized crime,” he said.

West African Coups Strengthen Terrorist Groups

With four military coups taking place in West Africa in less than two years, National Defense University scholar Joseph Siegle said militaries in the region are beginning to believe overthrowing civilian government is the solution to discontent in the ranks.

“We have a more assertive military, an attitude among some military actors that they have the right to intervene in governance in Africa,” he said.

In the case of Burkina Faso, the third G-5 Sahel country to fall to military rule in two years, citizen security against terrorism was cited as a rationale. But Siegel says military takeovers do not lead to greater protection from terrorism.

“That’s not what’s happening, the security problem is getting worse there,” he said.

“It sort of ignores that their main motivation to take power is to get to the trappings of power,” he added. “It isn’t somehow there to improve the security environment, we aren’t seeing that on the ground. So, it’s a beguiling narrative.”

A State Department spokesperson said embassy officials are still in contact with President Kabore’s government.

“We acknowledge the tremendous stress on Burkinabé society and security forces posed by ISIS and JNIM, but urge military officers to step back, return to their barracks, and address their concerns through dialogue,” the spokesperson said in a statement provided to Air Force Magazine.

Meanwhile, Beloum is already looking ahead, hoping the military will restore civilian control and relations with the United States Air Force will be preserved.

“I think the intention will be to hopefully maintain that partnership throughout this period as we try to quickly re-establish free elections ultimately to protect the civilians and make sure that that security is in place for the civilian populations,” he said. “I can’t really say for sure because like I said, I’m not in contact with my leadership.”

KC-46 Losses Now Top $5.4 Billion as Boeing Takes a  New $406 Million Charge

KC-46 Losses Now Top $5.4 Billion as Boeing Takes a New $406 Million Charge

Boeing’s losses on the KC-46 tanker program now amount to over $5.4 billion, after the company booked a $406 million charge against the program in its fourth quarter 2021 report, released Jan. 26.

It is the first Boeing charge on the KC-46 since the fourth quarter of 2020 when Boeing booked a $1.32 billion loss on the program, which brought cumulative losses on the Pegasus up to $5.037 billion at that point.

Boeing CEO David L. Calhoun, in a conference call with financial reporters, described the charge as due to “evolving customer requirements” on the KC-46. The Air Force is requiring Boeing to improve the performance of the tanker’s Remote Viewing System, which can create a distorted view of the situation at the back of the tanker for the boom operator, whose station is right behind the cockpit.

In addition to the RVS situation, the charge was driven by “factory and supply chain disruptions, including the impact of COVID-19,” a Boeing spokeswoman said after the earnings call. “While we continue to work closely with the Air Force on RVS 2.0, the KC-46 is currently successfully flying refueling missions with operators, having delivered more than 60 million pounds of fuel to a wide array of aircraft.”

Under the KC-46 fixed-price development program, Boeing is obligated to cover costs exceeding $4.9 billion, so program overruns now well exceed the company’s receipts on development.

Although a preliminary design review was expected to clear the new and improved RVS 2.0 to go forward in the fall, the Air Force recently said the system has not yet resolved deficiencies with the panoramic viewing system and the PDR remains “open.”

Air Mobility Command issued an “interim capability release” in December 2021 for more aircraft to refuel behind the KC-46. The new tanker is now certified to refuel nearly 70 percent of planned receiver aircraft.

“Despite the charge, which we don’t feel great about, by any respect, the tanker today is an incredible asset for our customer,” Calhoun said. “Our job is to continue to deliver the tanker and to do it more expeditiously as we move forward. The good news is, our customer likes the performance of the airplane, and again, we intend to serve that need.”

A Good Start for the T-7A

Calhoun said the Air Force T-7A trainer production line, “based on significantly improved development processes and modeling capabilities, is off to a very good start,” and “the efficiency associated with that process is being realized.”

Brian West, Boeing’s executive vice president and chief financial officer, said the company views the defense market generally as “stable” with bipartisan support for an increased defense budget. Despite the fact that “governments around the world are focused on COVID-19, security spending … remains a priority, given global threats.”

Company fourth quarter revenue “was $5.9 billion, down 14 percent,” West reported, “and operating margin was negative 4.4 percent. These results were driven primarily by lower volume and less favorable performance across the portfolio,” including the KC-46 charge.

West also noted that Boeing got a $7 billion order in the last quarter of 2021 to modernize Saudi Arabia’s E-3 AWACS aircraft. Boeing Defense System’s backlog now stands at $60 billion.

Accompanying documents also noted that Boeing is in flight test, along with Australia, of the “Loyal Wingman” unmanned aircraft, and has delivered the first KC-46 to Japan.     

The documents show Boeing delivered 13 KC-46s in 2021, versus 14 in 2020, and delivered 16 F-15s to all customers—including international—versus four the year before. The U.S. Air Force has accepted two F-15EX Eagle II fighters, which are in concurrent developmental and operational test. The service plans to acquire 144 of the jets.

‘Fix my computer’ Cry Echos on Social Media; Air Force CIO Responds

‘Fix my computer’ Cry Echos on Social Media; Air Force CIO Responds

A cry of frustration in a social media post is striking a chord with users of Air Force IT systems, and the service’s chief information officer has joined the conversation, outlining steps she’s taking to rectify the problems it identified.

“You tell us to ‘Accelerate change or lose,’ then fix our computers,” demanded Michael Kanaan, the director of operations for the Air Force’s Artificial Intelligence Accelerator at MIT, in a widely shared LinkedIn post referencing the service leadership’s demand for digital transformation.

Although Kanaan is an Air Force employee, his “open letter” is addressed to the Department of Defense and addresses complaints that are widespread across the services, as evidenced by the comments on his post. “Before buying another plane, tank, or ship, fix our computers,” Kanaan continued. “Yesterday, I spent an hour waiting just to log-on. Fix our computers.”

A long litany of complaints followed, mostly centered on the sloth-like slowness of DOD IT. “I wrote an email the other day that took over an hour to send … I opened an Excel file today, my computer froze and needed to be restarted … I turned on my computer and it sat at 100 [percent] CPU usage.” Each barrage ending with the same invocation: “Fix our computers.”

“Want innovation?” Kanaan lambasted DOD leaders, “You lost literally HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of employee hours last year because computers don’t work. Fix our computers.”

“We’re the richest and most well funded military in the world,” he concluded, “I timed 1 hour and 20 minutes from logging in, to Outlook opening today. Fix our computers.”

Kanaan told Air Force Magazine in a brief message exchange that he was “happy [the post] made such a splash on an oft-overlooked (but crucially important) issue.” He did not respond to further messages with detailed questions.

Striking a Chord

Nonetheless, his frustration clearly struck a chord. More than 1,200 LinkedIn users, many of them senior Air Force technology staff, including the Chief Information Officer Lauren Barrett Knausenberger, chimed in or reacted to the post.

“Oh man,” wrote Knausenberger, “I echo your open plea to fund IT. It’s the foundation of our competitive advantage and also ensures every single person can maximize their time on mission.”

“We need to make big, bold capital investments in IT to drive the tech and process modernization we need to compete,” she told Air Force Magazine in a text message interview later. “The most successful corporations have figured out that IT is a huge contributor to the value chain and a key source of [competitive] advantage. We seem to still think it’s a cost center in the DOD, and that’s a huge mistake.”

She said a major command technology refresh and ongoing work to streamline the various security programs that run on Air Force endpoints would help address Kanaan’s complaints.

“We’ve updated the [hardware] standard and proven it works. There’s just not enough money to fix it all at once,” she told Air Force Magazine. “Everything is harder than it needs to be due to our legacy debt.”

She said she had tasked a team at Air Combat Command last year “to streamline our endpoint solution.” Currently the service uses both McAfee and Tanium software packages to scan and protect service-issued endpoints like laptops. But the computing power required by multiple programs often interferes with the user’s work, and damages the user experience, or UX. Knausenberger said the ACC team would “streamline [existing programs] into one endpoint solution that meets our security, operations, and UX needs.”

Many commentators on Kanaan’s post highlighted the barriers that IT problems created for recruitment and retention.

“It’s not just a retention issue, it’s a recruiting issue,” pointed out Jeremy Buyer, director of strategic communications for the USAF chief human resources officer. “USAF says we need top talent cyber warriors,” he continued, enumerating the many barriers to competing with the private sector for such individuals. “Let’s say we successfully do that, and let’s assume we can cut through the bureaucracy/policy and assign them meaningful work that keeps them engaged and allows them the autonomy to move fast. The hardware alone will cause them to leave.”

“What little leverage we might have over the Googles of the world—i.e. a noble mission set like ‘service to country’—we undoubtedly lose with our stone aged IT infrastructure,” Buyer concluded.

“We are losing Reservists in droves right now because of how difficult it has become simply to serve,” added Cynthia Brothers, a Reservist who was an assistant professor at the Air Force Academy and the director of strategic engagement for CyberWorx.

Others pointed out that governance and security issues could be just as frustrating as performance ones, describing fights to get modern IT capabilities like open source coding languages and software repositories available to Airmen and women. “I wasted the last nine months fighting the local comm squadron,” said Matt McCormack, an instructor at the U.S. Air Force Test Pilot School at Edwards Air Force Base. McCormack said he was trying to get local “instances” (installations) that would allow his pupils to use open source tools like Anaconda and GitHub for work with DOD’s software factory PlatformOne.

Several contributors described using workarounds involving personal devices accessing Air Force networks remotely through services like Desktop Anywhere or Outlook Web Access (OWA), while inside USAF offices. “It has been the absolute most frustrating thing in the world since the [Department of the Air Force] … made OWA crazy locked down,” said Oliver Parsons, chief of esports and virtual fitness for the Department of the Air Force. He added that he didn’t even bother getting issued a government laptop. “I’d rather deal with the annoying backdoors to get work done through my personal gaming laptop than even deal with the hassle of getting issued a government computer,” he said.

Knausenberger said that many of the laptops still being used by Air Force personnel had been bought four years ago under a “lowest price technically acceptable” acquisition process when the DOD was rushing to deploy new endpoints so it could meet deadlines to transition to Windows 10.

Those laptops used “spinning” hard drives, which had been rendered obsolete by new, faster, and more reliable solid state drive. But now, with the updated standard introduced two years ago, “Anyone buying a standard laptop today from the catalog will be very happy with their performance,” she said.

Some commentators highlighted the responsibility of users. “Some of the blame falls on the Airmen, Soldiers, Civilians, etc. who don’t take any initiative,” to get their equipment fixed or maximize its utility, argued Packy Hill, a Reservist who founded and runs Bedrock, the innovation accelerator at Dover Air Force Base, Del.

Benjamin Marshall, a special assistant supporting the Commander’s Action Group at Air Force Materiel Command, recounted how, when his laptop became unusably slow, “I complained and received a new [one]. I can’t tell you how much faster this new one is from my previous fast computer. Even in a year jump, the computers are next level now.”

Knausenberger called this “a cultural issue … We need people to call the help desk to complain and order a new laptop when it breaks.” She said a service culture of stoically persevering in the face of impossible odds didn’t do anyone any favors. “If we suffer in silence it doesn’t get fixed,” she said.

Editor’s Note: This story was updated at 7:49 a.m. on Jan. 27 to correct the spelling of Michael Kanaan’s name.

Atlantic Council Experts: Belarus Exercise is Rehearsal for Ukraine Invasion in a Month

Atlantic Council Experts: Belarus Exercise is Rehearsal for Ukraine Invasion in a Month

Russia isn’t quite ready to invade Ukraine, but it could be at the conclusion of its current exercise with Belarus, panelists and experts said in an event streamed by the Atlantic Council on Jan. 25. They said the Belarus exercise, “Allied Resolve 2022,” is probably a rehearsal of moves against Ukraine and that its planned wrap-up, around Feb. 20, could be the invasion date, as Russia will have continued to mass troops on the Ukraine border in the interim.

Separately, a senior Air Force official told Air Force Magazine that Russia is likely to invade Ukraine in the coming weeks. The official also said Putin is not interested in reinforcing the Donbas region, where Russian-backed separatists have held a tiny corner of southeast Ukraine since 2014.

“It will be further west,” the official said, noting that the Belarus exercises place Russian forces less than 100 miles from Kiev, the capital of Ukraine.

In recent months, U.S. Air Forces in Europe-Air Forces Africa chief Gen. Jeffrey L. Harrigian has spoken regularly by telephone with his Ukrainian counterpart to discuss strategy.

Following the visit of Ukraine’s defense minister to Washington, and his appeal for air defense systems, the Pentagon dispatched air defense experts to Ukraine in December to assess its air defense needs.

Staffers on the Senate Armed Services Committee told Air Force Magazine that Stinger shoulder-fired anti-aircraft missiles could be effective in slowing the advance of Russian attack and transport helicopters but would be less useful against Russian fighter and attack jets, but additional lethal air defense aid has not arrived.

The Air Force official did, however, highlight Ukraine’s air-to-surface capabilities.

“They’re very good at concealing—they hide stuff,” the official said. “They’re good at protecting equipment and people.”

U.S.-made, shoulder-fired Javelin anti-tank missiles have been provided to Ukraine in the last few years and continue to be supplied.  

Russia is “not yet ready” for a Ukraine invasion, former Ukraininan defense minister Andriy Zagorodnyuk said in the Atlantic Council panel. The level of Russian troops encircling the eastern part of the nation, which he said number about 127,000 troops, is a level “not much different” from where things stood last April. However, more are moving in every day, he added.  

“In the next few weeks, … they may be in a position to at least start” a Ukraine invasion, Zagorodnyuk said. The end of the Russia/Belarus exercise on Feb. 20 is “when they may be ready.”

He also said Russia may not have a firm gameplan of how to conduct the invasion, modifying its aims as the situation develops—an “emergent strategy.” Putin wants to preserve “a variety of options,” Zagorodnyuk asserted.

An invasion at the current force level “could be successful if it’s unexpected. But of course, it’s not unexpected,” he added.

Likely Scenarios

The most likely scenario is a “serious acceleration of their activities in the East, … a very serious provocation,” he said. Second most likely is that “they could initiate a scenario in the Black Sea,” threatening an amphibious attack, although Air Force Lt. Col. Tyson K. Wetzel, senior USAF fellow at the Atlantic Council’s Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security, said an amphibious operation would likely be meant as a feint or to draw Ukrainian forces away from Kiev. Russia has only six landing ships in the Black Sea able to land 2,200 personnel or 60 main battle tanks, insufficient for a Ukraine invasion, Wetzel said.

Wetzel was speaking on behalf of his own scholarship with the Atlantic Council and not on behalf of the Air Force.

A naval action may be intended to block trading routes, Zagorodnyuk said.

The third-most likely scenario, he continued, is that troops participating in the Belarus exercise move on Kiev, as they will be close by.

In any scenario, “all kinds of hybrid [warfare] will be engaged,” Zogordnyuk said. Russia would attack Ukraine’s government and try to “turn off the heat” and communications to sow panic and disorganize a defense, he said. The other panelists agreed that this is highly likely.

Wetzel said a hybrid war is “what Russia does. … We’ve already seen cyberattacks and information operations. Things below the threshold of a response are already happening.” This was also a hallmark of the 2014 invasion of eastern Ukraine, he noted.

“Where is the main effort going to be?” asked Wetzel, who said the encirclement of the Eastern part of the country “does not support a major thrust … to Kiev to take the capital. I do not believe they have the forces ready to do that right now.”

But Putin’s objectives, to Wetzel’s thinking, are to “take territory, to make NATO look feckless, and I think they can do that with the forces they have … in place now.”

There is likely to be a push toward Kiev later, launched on the heels of a cyberattack, Wetzel said, creating a crisis that “threatens the [Kiev] regime’s legitimacy.” There will likely be a corresponding action in the Donbas, but the Black Sea action would most likely be a distraction, intended to draw Ukrainian forces “away from the main effort, which I believe will be further north or east.”

“I do not think they have the forces in place to take and hold the country,” he asserted. “I think they can take and hold small areas [pending] a political objective.”

Michael Kofman, the Center for Naval Analyses’ Russian studies director, said he sees a likely operation across Ukraine’s eastern region “combined with an encirclement of Kiev, … which I think they can do pretty quickly,” with forces already arrayed, “and, potentially, a march across the southwestern coast toward Odessa.” Russian forces would get into position to move after a governmental collapse, he said, and he disagrees that much more force would be needed.

“We are not days away—we are potentially weeks away, … the second half of February,” Kofman said. He said he disagrees with the “massive estimates you get from Ukrainians about the forces required” to effectively take over the country. “They’re probably going to need a lot less. … They could do a rolling start,” with reinforcements coming swiftly from Russia and other nearby areas.” He said a force of 75,000-80,000 troops, with 50,000 in support, would put Russia “in good shape” for success.

“Just remember, we invaded Iraq, which has 26 million people, with a coalition force of 177,000,” Kofman said. “We’ve done it.”

He also said there’s likely “war optimism” in Moscow, thinking it can succeed with fewer assets than others might assume, and that “that the cost of occupation would be cheap.” The U.S. has also made this error in Iraq, he noted.

Zagorodnyuk countered that Russia doesn’t need to just force its way into Ukraine, “but to stay there. … There’s no point in getting there and then getting out.” To control Ukraine, “they would need way higher numbers than they have right now.”

Ukraine is well prepared; there is no element of surprise; and Russia can’t predict how it would go, Zagorodnyuk said. “How can they control the safety of their people? … [There are] many questions about that.”

Putin’s Calculations

John E. Herbst, senior director of the Atlantic Council’s Eurasia Center, is not so sure a Ukraine invasion is forthcoming. Putin faces “a very serious reaction from the West, which will be quite damaging to Russia.” Putin’s calculation of the costs will weigh against whether he proceeds, Herbst said.

Sanctions, he said, have cost the Russian economy 1-2 percent of its gross domestic product every year, and that could worsen with an invasion. If Russia does take Ukraine, Putin will have another 20,000 NATO forces “on his doorstep … Is that an improvement in his geopolitical position?” Moscow could also likely count on Sweden and Finland seeing an aggressive Russia and deciding they, too, need to join NATO … Another loss for Putin.

“These are countries that had no interest in joining NATO in the past, but now they’re having a serious national conversation about it,” Herbst noted.

Finally, Ukraine will put up serious resistance to an invasion.

“If Russia has learned anything from Donbas, … it’s that they cannot depend on locals to fight this war,” he said. Russia’s operations there “have turned many of the people against them.” There was a “fierce insurgency” in eastern Ukraine at the end of World War II “that lasted for years,” he noted.

While Russia could probably take terrain at “any point,” in Ukraine, “their ability to sustain casualties is another matter,” Herbst said.

If there is major resolve in the West, particularly by the Biden Administration, “the odds of this … go way down.” Herbst added, though, that Biden “has not been resolute enough” and has only upped his stance on Ukraine after strong public pressure “and the embarrassment of the Biden press conference last week.”

John Sipher, a nonresident scholar at the Atlantic Council’s Eurasia Center, said Putin could not invade Ukraine and still save face.

“He controls the narrative at home,” Sipher said, and much of it abroad through media. “He will lie and play the victim, or claim the world came running to Russia.”

Putin’s main strategic goals are his own political survival and control at home, Sipher asserted, “but he also wants the U.S. out of Europe and pliant, weak states on his periphery.”

But Putin already has a win in that he’s “learned a lot already,” Sipher noted. “He can destabilize and threaten at will, and the world will come running … He’s learned that France and Germany can be bought and intimidated. He knows the small countries hung tough, but America’s been pretty wobbly. A third of Americans actually support him, … and 60 percent really don’t care about this issue.”

Moreover, “he’s learned a lot about our intelligence,” Sipher noted, since the U.S. had to use intelligence to push back against him. “I assume he’s also learned a lot about how much support he could receive from China. Are they really supportive, or passively supportive?”

Finally, Ukraine becoming a member of NATO is really off the table, “in a de facto sense.” NATO expansion is a question of debate, while Russia getting out of areas it has already invaded “is not.”

New Analysis of Russian ASAT Provides Clues to Weapon’s Trajectory, Says Risk From Debris Could Grow

New Analysis of Russian ASAT Provides Clues to Weapon’s Trajectory, Says Risk From Debris Could Grow

The Space Force won’t speculate publicly on details about Russia’s debris-generating test of an anti-satellite weapon in low Earth orbit in November. Outside experts, on the other hand, suspect that the weapon approached the target satellite from behind and below and broke it up into relatively fewer, but more massive, fragments for a satellite its size.

New fragments from the Russian ASAT test have already resulted in hundreds of close “conjunctions” with pre-existing objects, with varying probabilities of a collision, according to a new analysis provided to Air Force Magazine by the space tracking company LeoLabs. A conjunction is when satellites are estimated to pass closely by each other. The new debris has doubled the chance of a collision throughout much of low Earth orbit.  

And while half of those conjunctions were with operational satellites, the other half—with derelict objects such as old rocket bodies—were of the type that could pose a greater hazard over time. Meanwhile, fragments too small to track could still cause enough damage to end a mission.

The Space Force’s Space Operations Command stuck with the government’s original estimate in reply to a request for an updated number of new fragments attributed to the destruction of the derelict Soviet satellite Cosmos 1408.

“Currently, the 18th Space Control Squadron continues to track the 1,500 pieces of debris associated with the breakup of [Cosmos 1408],” a spokesperson replied. “It will take months to fully analyze all the data provided by multiple sensors and confidently catalogue each object as originating from this intentional collision event.” The command didn’t provide estimates for how long the fragments are likely to stay in orbit.

Drawing on expertise in hypervelocity phenomenology, astrodynamics, and spacecraft design, however, Darren McKnight of LeoLabs has pieced together clues to the nature of the weapon and drawn conclusions about possible ramifications. LeoLabs tracks space objects with its own radars and matches its observations with the Space Force’s public catalog to predict satellite conjunctions so operators can maneuver their spacecraft out of the way. LeoLabs had cataloged 1,252 fragments of Cosmos 1408 as of Jan. 25.

McKnight said he’s “seen nothing to counter” LeoLabs’ initial analysis of “a likely non-hypervelocity impact,” meaning the warhead probably wasn’t traveling remarkably faster than the satellite it targeted. In that case, “it would be very difficult to have the geometry to be anything other than from behind (and of course from below),” McKnight said in an email.  

“Complicated warhead design could possibly obfuscate the approach trajectory, but it is hard to understand why that would be useful,” said McKnight, a graduate of the Air Force Academy who also taught there.

A non-hypervelocity collision tends to create fewer, larger fragments and to transfer more momentum to the debris, according to one of LeoLabs’ earlier reports. The fragmenting of the 2,200 kg Cosmos 1408 into “only” about 1,500 pieces suggests that the “average fragment mass is greater than typical,” so the “debris on average may be longer-lived than typical for fragments at the same altitude.”

While the impact of the Russian ASAT test strewed some of the debris into orbits nearly 1,000 km higher than Cosmos 1408 was orbiting, most of the increased risk of a collision is in the range of 370 to 470 km in altitude. The International Space Station orbits at about 400 km, where the new debris has so far more than doubled the probability of a hit. That’s with debris fragments 10 cm and larger only partially cataloged and hundreds more fragments expected. Above 625 km, however, LeoLabs judges the increased risk of a collision as “very small.”

Operators of functioning satellites can mitigate the likelihood of a collision by maneuvering, so the close encounters with derelict objects could present the greater threat over time.

“The potential collisions with massive derelicts will generate yet more debris fragments, adding yet a greater statistical likelihood of catastrophic or mission-terminating impacts,” according to LeoLabs’ report. 

LeoLabs logged 351 conjunctions over 30 days leading up to the latest analysis, and that was before many of the fragments had been cataloged.

As of mid-January, two months after the test, more than 75 of the fragments had already reentered Earth’s atmosphere, and the atmosphere was exerting noticeable drag on other fragments sent into lower orbits.

None of the predictions take into account the “likely much greater number” of fragments from the Russian ASAT test smaller than 10 centimeters that are “still capable of causing mission-terminating effects on operational satellites.”

March ARB Named Preferred Location for New KC-46 Tankers

March ARB Named Preferred Location for New KC-46 Tankers

The Air Force selected March Air Reserve Base, Calif., as the preferred location to host the Air Force Reserve’s next KC-46 tankers. 

A final basing decision is expected in the fall of 2023 after an environmental impact analysis. If approved, the Air Force will replace March’s KC-135 Stratotankers with 12 new tankers. 

The decision was based on site surveys, assessing “mission, infrastructure capacity, community support, environmental considerations, and cost,” according to a Jan. 24 press release

March beat out Grissom Air Reserve Base, Ind.; Joint Base Andrews, Md.; Niagara Falls Air Reserve Base, N.Y.; and Tinker Air Force Base, Okla., which also were named candidate locations in May 2021. Seymour Johnson Air Force Base, N.C., already hosts Reserve KC-46s. 

MacDill Air Force Base, Fla., was picked as the preferred location for the next Active-duty KC-46 base in December 2021. The Air Force already fields Active-duty KC-46s at McConnell Air Force Base, Kan., and Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst, N.J.; and Air National Guard KC-46s at Pease Air National Guard Base, N.H. Travis Air Force Base, Calif., also has been selected to receive Pegasus tankers in the coming years. 

The Air Force plans to buy 179 of the new tankers, though the program has hit several stumbling blocks, mostly with its remote vision system—a suite of cameras and sensors connecting the refueling boom with an operator inside the aircraft. 

Air Mobility Command told Defense News earlier this month that the service has yet to accept the completed design of the revamped RVS system or close its preliminary design review, which was originally slated to close in the fall of 2021. However, AMC spokesperson Hope Cronin said the overall development of RVS 2.0 remains on schedule, according to Defense News. 

FTC Blocks Merger of Lockheed Martin and Aerojet Rocketdyne

FTC Blocks Merger of Lockheed Martin and Aerojet Rocketdyne

The Federal Trade Commission is suing Lockheed Martin to block it from acquiring Aerojet Rocketdyne Holdings Ltd., saying the merger would unreasonably hamper competition and give Lockheed Martin access to inside information about Aerojet Rocketdyne’s other industry partners.

The FTC said its complaint “alleges that if the deal is allowed to proceed, Lockheed will use its control of Aerojet to harm rival defense contractors and further consolidate multiple markets crucial to national security and defense.”

The regulator noted that this is the first time “in decades” that it has sued to block a defense merger. The last such legal challenge was when in 1992 when it sued to block Alliant Techsystems from acquiring Olin Corp. Alliant dropped the merger.

If the Lockheed Martin board elects not to fight the FTC, company CEO James D. Taiclet said the $4.4 billion set aside for the merger would not simply accumulate. Some would probably go to research and development and some to capital improvements, but the company will also look at other opportunities for “mergers and joint ventures.”

“We’ll be working with our board over the next few days and weeks to make that determination,” Taiclet said.

However, Taiclet allowed that there are not many attractive opportunities right now, “so that leads you to share repurchase and dividend growth,” which is the path Lockheed Martin has been following.

“We don’t need to grow our cash balance,” he added. “We’re not just going to sit back … and let it grow. We’re going to reallocate it dynamically.”

He also cited benefits to integrating hypersonics work “vertically” within the company—”the propulsion and the glide body … with the full air system”—because “the more you can integrate that into one engineering organization, … the faster you can go” with a program’s development. But if the Aerojet deal falls through, “we can manage it as we do today, with a propulsion provider outside of Lockheed Martin.”

He added that “we thought we could have gotten the speed and efficiency increase by partial vertical integration of hypersonics” through the Aerojet acquisition, “but we can still manage it, no matter how that deal turns out.”

The FTC is trying to keep Lockheed Martin from “eliminating Aerojet, our nation’s last independent supplier of key missile inputs,” Bureau of Competition Director Holly Vedova said in a press release.

“If consummated, this deal would give Lockheed the ability to cut off other defense contractors from the critical components they need to build competing missiles,” she said. Without the pressure of competition, “Lockheed can jack up the price the U.S. government has to pay, while delivering lower quality and less innovation. We cannot afford to allow further concentration in markets critical to our national security and defense,” she said.

The move came after the FTC interviewed a number of “DOD-impacted stakeholders” and received DOD’s official assessment of the effects of the merger.

The FTC “determined that the proposed transaction harms competition for several weapon systems that DOD relies on,” Vedova said, “and there is no sufficient remedy to alleviate those harms.”

All major defense contractors rely on “critical propulsion technologies of the type supplied by Aerojet,” the FTC said.

Northrop Grumman is the only other contractor that can provide “propulsion inputs for missile systems and hypersonic cruise missiles,” such as scramjets and solid rocket motors, the FTC said. Further, “Aerojet is the only proven U.S. supplier of divert-and-attitude control systems” for missile defense kill vehicles, it said.

If Lockheed gained control over these capabilities, it could harm its competitors’ ability to compete with it, the FTC asserted.

“Specifically, the complaint alleges that the proposed acquisition would give Lockheed the ability to limit, or otherwise disadvantage, competitor’s access to critical propulsion inputs for various weapon systems.”

The combined company could also harm competitors “by affecting the price or quality of the product, the quality of the engineering support, and the schedule and contract terms for developing and supplying” such systems.

“As a contractor, Aerojet also has access to prime contractors’ sensitive information about technological advancements, cost, schedule, and business strategies,” the FTC alleges. “Post-acquisition, Lockheed would have an incentive to exploit its access to its rivals’ proprietary information to gain an advantage in competitions against them.”

The government in turn would pay unnecessarily higher prices for hypersonic missile and missile kill vehicles, while innovation and quality would suffer, the FTC said.

Innovation would also be hurt, according to the FTC, because, on its own, Aerojet would apply all its research and development dollars to the technologies in which it specializes. Under Lockheed Martin, “the combined firm would be incentivized to allocate Aerojet investment dollars for the combined firm’s benefit alone, which would stifle innovation.”

The FTC will file the action in the U.S. District Court of the District of Columbia for an immediate injunction against the merger proceeding, pending an administrative trial “scheduled to begin on June 16, 2022,” assuming Lockheed Martin continues to pursue the merger.

The planned merger would have consolidated Aerojet Rocketdyne under Lockheed Martin’s Space and Missiles and Fire Controls units.

Under the merger’s proffers, Lockheed Martin said it would agree to be a merchant provider of solid rocket motors to other contractors, much in the way Northrop Grumman agreed to be a merchant supplier of such products when it acquired Orbital ATK.

In December 2020, when the Lockheed-Aerojet merger was announced, Taiclet said he had consulted with Lockheed Martin’s “peer group” of defense contractors and expected little opposition from them, saying it wouldn’t take “much convincing” to get their approval. He said they would enjoy “more access” to Lockheed Martin products as a result of the merger.

The FTC was likely mindful, though, that Boeing declined to bid on the Ground Based Strategic Deterrent program, won by Northrop Grumman, saying Northrop Grumman’s vertical integration with Orbital ATK had created an insurmountable pricing advantage for the company.

Lockheed Martin’s merger with Aerojet Rocketdyne would give it a key role in the GBSD for upper-stage work.

Asked why Lockheed Martin’s merger with Aerojet Rocketdyne is objectionable while Northrop Grumman’s acquisition of Orbital ATK was not, FTC spokesperson Betsy Lordan said, “It was a different case with different companies and different product markets. In the Northrop/Orbital case, the harm to competition was resolved through a settlement that didn’t require blocking the transaction.”

Lordan said she could not say whether another company would face the same objections acquiring Aerojet Rocketdyne as Lockheed Martin, the No. 1 defense contractor. Merger cases “are very specific,” she said, and it is “impossible to speculate on whether the agency would have sought to block another potential acquirer of Aerojet.”

African Air Chiefs Meeting Connects Partners Where U.S. Presence Is Limited

African Air Chiefs Meeting Connects Partners Where U.S. Presence Is Limited

AFRICAN AIR CHIEFS SYMPOSIUM, KIGALI, Rwanda—The 10-hour flight on a U.S. Air Force Gulfstream III from Ramstein Air Base, Germany, to Kigali, Rwanda, reminded U.S. Air Forces in Europe-Air Forces Africa chief Gen. Jeffrey L. Harrigian that even a small investment in Africa goes a long way toward advancing American security and building partnerships on the continent.

“I was reminded, as I flew from Germany down here, the size and scope of the continent,” Harrigian told Air Force Magazine in a press briefing following the opening ceremony of the African Air Chiefs Symposium attended by 32 of Africa’s 54 nations.

“As a global Air Force, across the globe, it is clear to me that our investment of people, time, and resources to the continent, broadly—but probably more importantly, to the people that we work with—is well worth the investment,” Harrigian said. “You may not be able to see it in big platforms and those kinds of things. But you see it in the relationships.”

The U.S. Air Force’s priorities in Africa include building partner capacity to fight terrorism, to conduct strategic airlift, and to respond to humanitarian crises.

“We don’t have any partnership like we have with the United States—for training, capacity building,” said Ghana’s air chief, Air Vice Marshal Frank Hanson.

Hanson graduated from the U.S. Air War College at Maxwell Air Force Base, Ala., in 2016, and his air force flies Airbus CASA C-295 twin-turboprop transport aircraft used for tactical airlift, search and rescue, and maritime patrol.

The West African nation is threatened by piracy in the Gulf of Guinea, the instability of its neighbors, and spillover of terrorist affiliates of the Islamic State group and Al Qaeda, such as from neighboring Burkina Faso, site of a coup Jan. 23.

With help from the U.S. Air Force, Ghana is now becoming a regional exporter of security, operating as a peacekeeper with two donated American field hospitals in Sudan.

Even in countries where China is spending and loaning tens of millions of dollars for infrastructure projects and providing military aircraft, the U.S. is still the partner of choice.

“We are under terrorist attack now—we need ISR,” said Benin Air Force Maj. Brice Tobossou, referring to a December 2021 attack by Islamic militants that killed two Army soldiers. Benin flies Chinese turboprop aircraft.

Tobossou, who was at an opening reception table alongside Air Force officers from Togo and Senegal, said the gathering power of the U.S. Air Force helps drive conversations about sharing best practices and operational know-how.

“We need the [US] leadership to put all of us together,” he added, noting how bureaucracy sometimes prevents air chiefs in neighboring nations from talking until they meet in person at AACS, which went virtual for the past two years because of COVID-19.

Some of the more capable air forces in the region are also strong U.S. partners.

Kenya stepped up when former President Donald J. Trump ordered U.S. troops out of Somalia in January 2021, offering to host U.S. trainers working with countries in the region to better fight the terrorist group al-Shabaab.

“The Horn of Africa is a troubled region. The U.S. plays a big role in moderating issues around that area,” Kenya Air Chief Maj. Gen. John Mugaravai Omenda said on the sidelines of the AACS opening ceremony.

“Kenya is a safe haven in the region. And therefore, any insecurity in any country affects our stability, and our security, and our economy as well,” he added.

Omenda said the U.S. military’s knowledge-sharing greatly benefits Kenya.

“We feel that the U.S. is an international strategic partner who we should always be close to and should work closely with,” he added. “Militarily, it’s just beyond the hardware. It’s beyond sharing of knowledge, information, tracking of events, and making sure that everything is in order.”

The close working relationship, and the U.S. troops stationed at the Manda Bay airstrip in Kenya, turned deadly for Americans on Jan. 5, 2020, when a pre-dawn cross-border attack by al-Shabaab killed an American Soldier and two contractors and destroyed five aircraft. It took a dozen U.S. Marines to repel the attack. A Defense Department review of the Manda Bay attack has yet to be released.

“Terrorists—they hit whatever target of opportunity,” Omenda said, noting that lessons learned were put into place to prevent a repeat attack. “It does not deter us or the U.S. from cooperating and keeping the place safe.”

Terrorism is just one concern that African militaries are confronting with U.S. Air Force assistance. Sharing knowledge and intelligence, and training in the United States, are some of the ways the U.S. is advancing partnerships on the continent with limited spending.

Kenya, as one of the wealthier countries in the region, is also becoming a security exporter, conducting training and technological exchanges with its neighbors. Kenya works with Uganda, Tanzania, Zambia, Malawi, and Ethiopia, and it hopes to soon work with Somalia again once that country becomes more stable.

“Running an Air Force for the African nations is not an easy thing,” Omenda said. “It’s an expensive undertaking. And therefore, we encourage sharing of resources.”