E-8C JSTARS Battle Management Aircraft Spotted Operating from Ramstein

E-8C JSTARS Battle Management Aircraft Spotted Operating from Ramstein

RAMSTEIN AIR BASE, Germany—Two E-8C Joint Surveillance Attack Radar System aircraft used for watching large swaths of terrain for ground vehicle movements have been seen at Ramstein Air Base, Germany. Ramstein is not a frequent operating location for the E-8C, and no exercise including JSTARS in the area has been announced.  

A spokesperson for the 461st Air Control Wing at Robins Air Force Base, Ga., home of the JSTARS fleet, could not discuss E-8C movements or operational activity.

However, a February 2021 USAFE-AFAFRICA  story indicated that the platforms would participate in training exercises and events to demonstrate “U.S. commitment to NATO allies, enhance interoperability with multinational partners, and deter any actions that destabilize regional security.”

Asked about the presence of the aircraft Feb. 9, USAFE spokesperson Col. Robert A. Firman could not describe the jets’ specific mission but told Air Force Magazine “it is certain that we have more ISR than normal now.”

The aircraft were observed and filmed during a visit to Ramstein by Air Force Magazine on Feb. 4. U.S. European Command did not immediately respond to inquiries from Air Force Magazine asking why the E-8Cs were present at Ramstein.

The Pentagon said the Air Force regularly conducts “fully coordinated” intelligence missions in allied and partner air space in the region.

“The U.S. routinely operates aircraft in the Black Sea region in support of various U.S. and coalition intelligence objectives,” Defense Department spokesperson Lt. Col. Anton T. Semelroth told Air Force Magazine in a statement.

“These missions demonstrate our continued commitment to safety and security in the region,” he added. “We will not comment on further operational details or possible future operations.”  

The aircraft may have been operating out of Ramstein for some time. Publicly available flight tracking services noted a solo E-8C flight over the Donbas region of eastern Ukraine on Dec. 27 under the callsign Redeye 6. The same services tracked an RC-135V Rivet Joint, callsign Homer 19, operating in apparent conjunction with the E-8C in the same general area.

The JSTARS would be the ideal and a critical capability if NATO wished to observe the movements of the 150,000-strong Russian forces encircling Ukraine on three sides. Its 24-foot-long belly radar can scan hundreds of miles of terrain, building time-lapse and real-time imagery of the movements of large numbers of vehicles. It has the granularity to surveil the movements of individual vehicles, but its principal mission and battle management value is in observing the movements of large numbers of armored vehicles, providing battle data to Air Force and Army commanders.

A fact sheet provided by the Air Force said the JSTARS can provide U.S. forces with “detailed battlefield information on ground forces,” which can be relayed “in near-real time to Army and Marine Corps common ground stations, and to other ground command, control, communications, computers, and intelligence, or C4I nodes.” Its radar can be angled to provide a 120-degree field of view “covering nearly 19,305 square miles,” and it is capable of detecting targets “at more than 250 kilometers.” USAF said the JSTARS has the ability to detect helicopters, rotating antennas, and “low, slow-moving aircraft.”

The JSTARS requires a flight crew of four and an operator complement of 18 (15 Air Force, three Army) persons to run and process the radar imagery it collects. NATO contemplated buying its own JSTARS in the early 2000s but opted instead for a small number of RQ-4D Allied Ground Surveillance unmanned aircraft.

The Air Force has 16 JSTARS left of an original 18-aircraft fleet. The service abandoned a plan to replace them with the Boeing 767-based E-10, which would have also eventually adopted the E-3 AWACS (Airborne Warning and Control System), but that program ended in 2007. The Air Force has subsequently indicated that, rather than replace JSTARS with a new aircraft, it prefers a networked system of sensors called the Advanced Battle Management System, which also will rely substantially on space sensors.

Congress has prevented the Air force from retiring JSTARS until the ABMS is operational, though the Air Force is anxious to retire the E-8C because the system was built on secondhand commercial 707s that suffer from a host of maintenance and “vanishing vendor” problems. The Air Force is moving ahead with re-engining plans after having previously dropped the effort when it announced the shift toward ABMS. New powerplants should aid in maintenance and availability, and provide more electrical power.

The 116th Air Control Wing, which operates the JSTARS, was the first “blended” wing in the service, putting Active-duty and Air National Guard Airmen in the same unit.

Editor’s Note: This story was updated at 3:05 p.m. on Feb. 10, with additional information from U.S. Air Forces in Europe.

Bloomberg Picked to Lead Defense Innovation Board

Bloomberg Picked to Lead Defense Innovation Board

Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III has nominated media magnate and former New York mayor Michael R. Bloomberg to be the chair of the Defense Innovation Board. 

Pentagon Press Secretary John F. Kirby announced that Bloomberg would lead the volunteer civilian advisory board during Kirby’s public briefing Feb. 9. At the same time, he announced that Austin had approved the DIB and several other boards for “resumption of operations.”

Board members must be approved for security clearances.

Kirby said Austin selected Bloomberg “to leverage his experience and strategic insights on innovation, business, and public service.” Bloomberg “brings a wealth of experience in technology, innovation, business, and government,” and his leadership will help ensure the department “has access to the best and brightest minds in science, technology, and innovation through the team of diverse experts he will lead as the chair of the board,” Kirby said.

University of Colorado Boulder scholar-in-residence and aerospace industry adviser Mark Sirangelo had succeeded past Google CEO Eric Schmidt as the DIB’s chair in 2020. 

Shortly after Austin’s confirmation as Defense Secretary in January 2021, he halted the work of more than 40 civilian advisory boards and their subcommittees, including the DIB, for a “zero-based review” of the boards’ usefulness. He ended the terms of what the DOD describes as “several hundred” civilian subject-matter experts in doing so—all those within the Secretary’s purview.

The Defense Department has not announced any changes from the review. Austin has since approved the resumption of 36 boards for reinstatement, including the following eight boards announced on Feb. 9:

  • Defense Innovation Board
  • National Security Education Board
  • National Security Agency Emerging Technologies Panel; the Advisory Board for the National Reconnaissance Office
  • Army Education Advisory Committee
  • Education for Seapower Advisory Board
  • Board of Visitors for the Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation
  • Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program Scientific Advisory Board
  • Board of Regents, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences
Defense Innovation Unit Closes In on $1B in Contracts

Defense Innovation Unit Closes In on $1B in Contracts

The Defense Innovation Unit and its partnering Defense Department organizations transitioned six projects to programs of record in 2021, awarding contracts to eight companies in categories that ranged from assessing cyber threats to launching rocket payloads. 

A part of the Office of the Secretary of Defense, the DIU seeks out “commercial solutions” to DOD needs in hopes of rapidly prototyping, fielding, and scaling up the availability of the technology or service.

Transitioning the six projects brought the DIU’s total to 35 since its creation in 2015, according to the office’s 2021 annual report. The DIU works with other DOD entities such as combatant commands, the Missile Defense Agency, and the individual services to award the contracts.

The total value of all contracts awarded since June 2016 amounted to $892.7 million by the end of fiscal 2021. The DIU posted 26 new solicitations on DIU.mil during the fiscal year.

Contracts awarded in fiscal 2021 for DIU projects varied in type and included four executed by other transaction authority, or OTA. The prototype projects transitioned in fiscal 2021 include: 

Commercial Threat Data: LookingGlass Cyber Solutions received an OTA contract with a $14 million ceiling for “commercial cyber threat intelligence and analytics,” according to the annual report. “LookingGlass’ solution synthesizes global internet data with adversaries’ capabilities and motivations to provide a threat modeling environment that speeds up the cyber intelligence cycle and reduces the skill-barrier for advanced cyber analysis.”

Cyber Asset Inventory Management: IntelliPeak Solutions received an OTA contract with a ceiling of $164 million for its Axonius platform to incorporate data from across DOD “to understand all deployed assets, their current software and firmware, and their configurations.” The DIU estimated that contracting for the existing platform saved three years vs. developing something from scratch.

Cyberspace Deception: CounterCraft received a sole-source General Services Administration contract with a $30 million ceiling for a “cyber deception” platform “to proactively provide warnings of unauthorized activity and hunt for threats.” 

Installation Counter-Unmanned Aerial Systems: Anduril received an OTA contract with a ceiling of $99.9 million for a system combining artificial intelligence and sensors to detect and warn against commercially available small UASs that “pose threats … when weaponized or deployed for surveillance.”

Generative Modeling of Hypersonic Missile Trajectories: C3.ai received an OTA contract for $2.5 million to “simulate the real-world trajectories of non-ballistic and hypersonic missiles. The company’s AI application “provides a multi-faceted development studio for data integration, operations, and security to expand simulation capabilities for non-ballistic and hypersonic missiles. 

Responsive Launch: Rocket Lab USA, Virgin Orbit subsidiary VOX Space, and Astra Space received Orbital Services Program-4 Indefinite Delivery/Indefinite Quantity contracts for launching spacecraft up to 1,200 kilograms. Eleven companies in total may compete for OSP-4 launches. 

Here’s How the Air Force is Looking to Increase Stability, Decrease PCS Moves for Airmen

Here’s How the Air Force is Looking to Increase Stability, Decrease PCS Moves for Airmen

Striking a balance between mission requirements and Airmen’s preferences is one of the biggest challenges for the Air Force’s talent management, the service’s personnel boss told Congress on Feb. 8.

And one of the trickiest aspects to that balance involves the permanent changes of station, or PCS moves, that so often define the lives of service members and their families, said Lt. Gen. Brian T. Kelly, deputy chief of staff for manpower, personnel, and services. 

“We have these requirements around the world that we have to meet, right?” Kelly told the House Armed Services military personnel subcommittee. “So not all of our locations are garden spots. Not all of our locations allow you to take a family. So how do you do that, and how do you balance it?”

Kelly’s comments came in response to a question from Rep. Veronica Escobar (D-Texas), who asked each of the personnel chiefs from the various services to identify the two biggest challenges to recruiting and retaining talent.

“The first thing I would say is balance of individual desires and needs with the balance of our force,” Kelly said. “We’re working hard to make accommodations. … For instance, we have Sikh Airmen. We have Muslim Airmen with different hair policies. We have a women’s hair policy that we did to help us attract and retain. We changed rule sets on putting hands in pockets and silly things like that.”

But permanent changes in station represent a challenge across the entire force. Frequent PCS moves can disrupt children’s educations, result in spousal unemployment, and cause an overall lack of stability, something lawmakers and officials said needs to be addressed.

For the Air Force, in particular, there’s actually slightly more stability than the other services. A 2016 Rand Corp. study found that the service had the longest average tour lengths for both officers and enlisted troops—roughly 34 months for officers and 53 months for enlisted Airmen. Those numbers have stayed relatively steady since, Kelly indicated.

“Right now, we have a tour length of about 51 months on station. That’s over four years on station here in the [continental U.S.] for our enlisted members, 39 months for our officers,” Kelly said. “When you go overseas, [it’s] about 47 months enlisted, 35 for officers. So balancing that out and being able to do that and give that stability is one of the challenges that we have, and we work hard to sort of balance those things together.”

However, Airmen can potentially lengthen their time on station and increase stability in two ways, Kelly said.

Instead of PCSing, some Airmen can opt for a “permanent change of assignment … that’s where you change your assignment but don’t change your location. About 20 percent of our moves already are PCA,” Kelly said. “We’ve had that for a number of years, and we continue to emphasize that.”

There’s also the service’s remote work and telework policy, which was unveiled in May 2021 and allows for more Airmen and Guardians to work remotely. While the policy was first crafted in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Kelly said, “we learned something,” and it is now being used to help families by eliminating the need for PCS moves in some cases, “particularly for staff assignments.”

“I have a person on my staff who lives in Louisiana, one who lives in Texas, who are now assigned to the A1 here in the Pentagon, who never PCSed,” Kelly said. “They remote work from down there, they do their things. Every once in a while they come TDY to the Pentagon, but they never moved. We saved PCS dollars, and they live in the same location where they were.”

Air Force Grants First Religious Accommodations to COVID-19 Vaccine

Air Force Grants First Religious Accommodations to COVID-19 Vaccine

The Department of the Air Force has approved nine religious accommodation requests to its COVID-19 vaccine requirement, it announced Feb. 8, marking the first such accommodations approved by the department since the requirement went into effect late last year.

Eight of the religious exemptions were approved by the service members’ major command or field command, while one was granted via an appeal to the Air Force’s surgeon general.

“The Department of the Air Force determined the service members’ accommodations could be supported with no impact to mission readiness,” spokesperson Ann Stefanek said in a statement.

The Air Force released no other information about the service members who received accommodations. Stefanek declined to say whether any of them are in the Space Force or what set the nine apart from the thousands of religious accommodation requests that were denied or still pending.

Prior to these nine approved requests, there had been only three religious exemptions announced across the entire Armed Services—the Marine Corps approved two requests in mid-January and another a week later. The Army and the Navy have not announced any approved accommodations.

Within the DAF, thousands of Airmen and Guardians have sought religious exemptions. As of Feb. 7, more than 3,000 requests had been turned down at the major/field command level, and more than 400 had been denied on appeal as well.

According to a memo signed by Air Force Secretary Frank Kendall, service members whose religious exemption requests are denied at the major command or field command level have five days to exercise one of three options:

  • Start the COVID-19 vaccination process.
  • File an appeal with the Air Force surgeon general.
  • Request to separate or retire, “if able, based upon the absence of or a limited Military Service Obligation.”

If an appeal is denied, the five-day clock restarts. If the service member still refuses to receive the vaccine, the Air Force will start the discharge process. As of Feb. 7, 142 Active-duty Airmen had been administratively discharged. Under the 2022 National Defense Authorization Act, those booted from service solely for refusing the vaccine will be discharged under honorable or general conditions. 

In addition to the nine religious accommodation requests granted, the DAF has also granted 1,476 medical exemptions across the total force, along with 1,837 administrative exemptions. Nearly half of those medical exemptions have been granted to the Active-duty force, while most administrative exemptions have been granted to the Guard.

The vast majority of Airmen and Guardians have received the COVID-19 vaccine—97.9 percent of those on Active duty, 93.1 percent of the Reserve, and 93 percent of the Air National Guard, according to the most recent data.

CENTCOM Nominee: Artificial, Human Intelligence Key to Countering Threats in Region

CENTCOM Nominee: Artificial, Human Intelligence Key to Countering Threats in Region

As the U.S. looks to pivot in the Middle East to over-the-horizon counterterrorism operations in Afghanistan and countering the threat of Iran and its proxies, both artificial and human intelligence will be critical, according to President Joe Biden’s pick to lead U.S. Central Command.

Army Lt. Gen. Michael “Erik” Kurilla, speaking during his confirmation hearing in front of the Senate Armed Services Committee on Feb. 8, called Iran the “No. 1 destabilizing factor in the Middle East right now.” At the same time, monitoring terrorist groups such as ISIS-K and al-Qaeda from afar will be “extremely difficult, but not impossible,” he said.

If confirmed, Kurilla, who currently leads the 18th Airborne Corps at Fort Bragg, N.C., would assume command from Marine Corps Gen. Kenneth F. McKenzie Jr., who has led the command since March 2019. Kurilla appears to be on a glide path to confirmation, earning bipartisan praise during the hearing. Still, as CENTCOM faces a pivotal moment, lawmakers offered up plenty of concerns for him to tackle.


In recent months, Iranian-backed militias have become increasingly aggressive in firing rockets and other weapons on American allies such as Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates—in some cases, the strikes have even targeted bases with U.S. personnel.

To counter these actions, Kurilla said, the U.S. needs to provide more evidence of Iran’s support of these militias.

“I have found anytime Iran’s hand behind this is exposed, it is helpful,” Kurilla said, adding that when that happens, “they try to hide their behavior, and it can cause them to not take action for a period of time.”

Exposing Iran’s support, as well as countering its conventional weaponry, will require investment, though. In written responses to advance policy questions from the committee, Kurilla wrote that CENTCOM needs to keep developing “technology, to include artificial intelligence and machine learning platforms and programs, to increase our ability to detect, defend, and respond” to Iran.

Asked to expand on that answer during the hearing, Kurilla noted that the 18th Airborne Corps has taken a four-pronged approach to embracing artificial intelligence under his leadership, centered on “culture, data literacy, data governance management, and our infrastructure, i.e. cloud computing and cloud computing on the edge.”

The culmination of that has been the Corps’ quarterly Scarlet Dragon exercises, which involve all six services, Kurilla said. These exercises have principally focused on target detection—using AI to sort through hundreds of targets and identify the most important ones in a matter of seconds and minutes, instead of hours and days.

“The last exercise had over 40 aircraft … and it culminated in a Marine F-35 dropping a live 1,000-pound bomb on an artificial intelligence-derived grid that was one meter off from the surveyed grid,” Kurilla said. “And we do these exercises quarterly to improve the capability of the targeting ability of the Corps. I would like to take that, if confirmed, down to CENTCOM and expand upon that.”

A key lesson from these exercises, Kurilla said, has been that humans need to work in conjunction with the AI systems to realize the greatest possible benefit. When that happens, the results have been encouraging.

“We were able to exponentially increase that capability to sort through hundreds of targets, to pick the right targets, to be able to strike, moving machine to machine and directly to an aircraft,” Kurilla said.

Sen. Jack Reed (D-R.I.) was quick to note that the usefulness of such technologies wouldn’t be limited to countering Iran, and Kurilla agreed.

“It has capabilities for counterterrorism as well,” he said.


The counterterrorism mission in CENTCOM has taken on a new look in recent months in the aftermath of the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan. 

In keeping with comments from other top Pentagon officials, Kurilla said Feb. 8 that the administration’s plan to rely on over-the-horizon operations to monitor terrorist threats will be hard, but doable. 

One of the main reasons for that difficulty, Kurilla noted, is the geography of it all.

“The biggest challenge for Afghanistan is that it’s a landlocked country, so we rely on other nations to be able to enter Afghanistan,” he said. “The distances required to fly is great. We spend approximately two-thirds of the time just flying there and getting back.”

Even before the final withdrawal from Afghanistan, U.S. officials were reportedly working to secure basing agreements with neighboring countries to reduce those long flight times—currently, the closest base is Al Udeid Air Base in Qatar, hundreds of miles away.

However, those talks have still yet to yield any agreement. Kurilla noted that “there are discussions happening right now.”

And though he said he would need to do a further assessment once confirmed, Kurilla acknowledged, “It is resource intensive, to be able to do the finding and then the fixing, and the finishing of those targets that you’re going after. I think we need to reinvest in a lot of our intelligence capabilities, our human intelligence capability, that was lost during the withdrawal.”

Inflation to be 2023 Budget Request Headline, Experts Say

Inflation to be 2023 Budget Request Headline, Experts Say

The Biden Administration’s inflation estimates will be the big story related to the fiscal 2023 defense budget submission, experts said in a Center for Strategic and International Studies “budget preview” streamed Feb. 7.

Todd Harrison, CSIS budget analyst, said if the Consumer Price Index quotes “a realistic number”—officially acknowledging that “we’re going to have higher than historical inflation … continuing for years to come”—that will be a “downer” for the stock market. If the administration quotes an escalation of just two percent, it could be criticized for lowballing the number and being unrealistic, he said. Either way, the choice will be the headline of the budget stories.

“It’s an impossible situation” for the administration, he said, and the inflation estimate will have “ripple effects” in both defense and non-defense parts of the budget.

Thomas Spoehr of the Heritage Foundation predicted that Biden will forward a defense budget increase of two percent or even less, having “paid no penalty for submitting a very low defense budget for 2022.” Congress, he said, “did the heavy lifting for him,” raising defense spending substantially above the administration’s request. Biden may “run the same play up the middle” in 2023, he said.

Experts on the panel offered guesses as to when the budget, which is traditionally released in February, would be sent up to Congress. Harrison chose a date of April 15, saying the administration will likely want to “bury” the announcement on a Friday just before Easter, the IRS tax filing deadline, and college spring break. “Internal turmoil” in the administration about the non-defense budget “is gumming up the works” and delaying the budget’s release, he said, and the goal may be to bury it among bigger headlines “like they did last year.” The 2022 budget was released in late May, which was later than normal, even for a brand new administration.

Mackenzie Eaglen of the American Enterprise Institute guessed a date of March 21, because Congress is likely to approve a third continuing resolution that will persist until March 11. There is, she said, a “chance of a yearlong” CR, but Harrison said he sees no “coupling” of the fiscal 2023 budget release to a final move on the fiscal 2022 budget. There’s no law that says the new budget can’t be submitted before the previous one becomes law, he noted.

Spoehr said the administration also will want to release the National Security Strategy and National Defense Strategy before the budget, as they will underpin what the budget says. That could add two weeks to the process, more if the new strategies are released separately.

The panelists said there likely won’t be too much of a break from the 2018 NDS. Stacie Pettyjohn of the Center for a New American Security said the big difference will likely be on nuclear posture, with a possible no-first-use declaration. She also speculated that to assuage the concerns of defense doves, the administration may cancel the low-yield sea-launched nuclear missile or the Long Range Stand Off missile.

Travis Sharp of the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments said he expects the budget request to tout the “highest ever” investment in research and development, which would make a virtue of necessity if inflation continues to be high.

Spoehr said he expects that blunting climate change will be the new top priority for defense, “two will be fighting COVID,” and the third priority will be China as the pacing threat and verbiage about “integrated deterrence,” of which he said, “nobody has a  firm definition.” The all-of-government approach to security is useful, he said, but, “and I hope I’m not right in this, … they’re going to … emphasize the role of allies, particularly in Europe, and the United States is going to do less and the allies do more.” He said that’s a bad idea since two-thirds of NATO countries don’t meet the target of spending two percent of their gross domestic product on defense, he said.

Eaglen said she doesn’t see a major change in the NDS without some kind of “forcing function,” such as a Russian invasion of Ukraine, because it would be hard to get a consensus across the national defense and intelligence enterprise on a different path for national security.

The panelists expressed some consensus that end strength might be cut in the 2023 budget because of the downsizing of operations in the Middle East and a change from counterinsurgency to great power competition. The money saved could be applied to investment in modernization, but there will still likely be a push for divestiture of old systems to pay those same bills. There is also a pay raise in the 2022 defense bill that needs to be paid for.

Sharp said there will be “discussion” if not termination and possible divestment of the MQ-9 Reaper, as it is symbolic of the kind of operations the U.S. is shifting away from.

“There’s a feeling we need to transition to the Great Power competition, or whatever we’re going to be calling it in a few months,” and the MQ-9 is ill-suited to those kinds of roles, he said.

Harrison speculated that a new Army scout helicopter could be on the chopping block because “they’re going to have a real hard time justifying that” in a high-end fight, because helicopters “aren’t going to get anywhere near the fight.” He also said the Army tends to prefer cutting modernization programs to cutting end strength, if pushed.

Panelists also said they expected that if there are operations needed for Ukraine, or even just to pay for U.S. materiel provided to that country, those would be funded by a supplemental bill.

Sharp predicted a topline of $733 billion, which is close to what the Office of Management and Budget called as the growth line for 2023.

“They had placeholder projections in there, and it was … $731 billion,” he said. A difference of $2 billion is “fairy dust” in the context of the full defense budget, he said. Spoehr picked $735 billion, if there’s “no agreement” on FY ’22 and there’s a full-year CR. But if there is, he said the budget would be $750 billion, a two percent increase. Eaglen and Pettyjohn concurred on a level of around $735 billion.

Harrison was the outlier, saying the budget topline will be about $765 billion, an increase of seven percent over fiscal 2022.

“They know Congress is going to appropriate around $740 billion this year,” he said, and “then another three and a half percent from there.” The administration knows it has to fund a 4.6 percent pay raise, he said, with commensurate increases for housing and subsistence allowances, so “personnel costs, civilian and military, are going up,” as are services and goods.

A military budget at that level would remove defense from debate during the summer, he said, and leaves the field clear to argue about infrastructure and other non-defense spending.

“No one is going to criticize them for $765 billion,” he asserted. “It takes [defense] off the table in an election year.”

STRATCOM General on Facing Nuclear China and Russia: ‘We Have No History of This’

STRATCOM General on Facing Nuclear China and Russia: ‘We Have No History of This’

Facing a moment with no historical precedent, the United States needs to recalibrate to deal with two nuclear peers in China and Russia—and to modernize its entire nuclear enterprise, a top general with U.S. Strategic Command warned Feb. 7.

Air Force Maj. Gen. Ferdinand B. Stoss, STRATCOM director of plans and policy, issued his warning while appearing virtually at the 2022 Nuclear Deterrence Summit. Speaking to an audience of industry officials, academics, and others, Stoss painted a picture of a strategic environment that, in some ways, goes beyond even what the U.S. faced during the Cold War.

“I think we can agree that the United States, our allies, our partners—we have not faced this type of threat in over 30 years,” he said. “And not just a threat, though. Like I mentioned before, this is the first time ever that we have a three-party nuclear peer dynamic. And we have no history of this. This is epic. And I don’t think we’ve fully dealt with all the ramifications that this is going to have as we march into the future, but we absolutely need to.”

For decades now, Stoss added, the U.S. has been engaged in conflicts in which it could mostly control the level of violence. Now, however, that’s changed.

“Today, both Russia and China have the capability to unilaterally escalate at any level of violence, across any domain, into any geographic location, … and to do so at a time of their choosing,” Stoss said.

Of the two, Russia is the greater shorter-term threat, Stoss said, as it develops “novel weapons” with awesome destructive capability but questionable safety.

The Russians are building “everything from their … hypersonic anti-ship vehicles to their Skyfall nuclear-powered intercontinental-range cruise missiles,” Stoss said. “I’ve heard others opine, they call it a ‘flying Chernobyl.’ And it’s not far from the truth, what with their safety, or lack thereof, with that capability.”

China, meanwhile, is building up its own capabilities in a manner that Stoss called “breathtaking,” echoing the words of his boss, commander of U.S. Strategic Command Adm. Charles “Chas” A. Richard. 

Throughout the summer and fall of 2021, satellite images revealed that the Chinese were building hundreds of missile silos, and the Pentagon’s own report on Chinese military power estimated that China could possess 1,000 nuclear weapons by 2030, a number Stoss repeated.

“’Why are they doing this strategic breakout?’ Well, we don’t exactly know. They are very opaque as to what they are doing with nuclear, and they always have been,” Stoss said. “But, you know, perhaps this is just one more brick to put into the wall to cement their capacity to play a much bolder role, certainly in the region and around the world, and they think that they need this nuclear underpinning.”

What’s important to remember, Stoss added, is that this kind of growth doesn’t happen by accident or without heavy planning and investment.

“To be sure, to have this type of a breakout and the capabilities they’re bringing online would have taken them years to plan, to develop, and then to actually build,” Stoss said.

The Pentagon, on the other hand, is in the midst of trying to develop a host of new programs, including the Ground Based Strategic Deterrent, the Long-range Standoff Weapon, the B-21 bomber, the Columbia-class submarine, and a new nuclear command, control and communications (NC3) network.

The need to modernize so many different capabilities at the same time, Stoss said, is something the U.S. brought on itself.

“One common thread that I think we have across the department: The three legs of the triad, our NC3, and our nuclear weapons complex is, we took a knee on these systems,” Stoss said. “And, unfortunately, now that we’ve taken that knee and we’ve accepted these risks, we’ve found that … we no longer have the option to take that risk, that we’re doing just-in-time modernization, really across the board. That may not be applicable to each and every system, but it certainly is when you look at the whole.”

Andrew Hunter Takes Over USAF Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics

Andrew Hunter Takes Over USAF Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics

A member of President Joe Biden’s transition team who was recently a fellow at a defense policy think tank swore in Feb. 7 as the new assistant secretary of the Air Force for acquisition, technology, and logistics. 

Andrew Hunter will lead the Air Force’s research, development, and acquisition activities worth more than $54 billion a year across more than 550 acquisition programs, according to an announcement

“He will have a fairly big inbox,” said Pentagon Press Secretary John F. Kirby in a briefing Feb. 7. 

“Andrew will be responsible for all matters pertaining to acquisition, contract administration, logistics, and material readiness, installations, and environment,” Kirby said—not to mention “operational energy, chemical, biological and nuclear weapons, the acquisition workforce, and the defense industrial base.”

A senior fellow in the Center for Strategic and International Studies’ International Security Program, Hunter had directed the center’s Defense-Industrial Initiatives Group since 2014, according to his LinkedIn profile. From 2011 to 2014, he was at the Defense Department working as director of the Joint Rapid Acquisition Cell. 

Hunter replaces Will Roper, who landed a job in July 2021 as CEO of Silicon Valley-backed startup Volansi, a logistics and drone building company.

Hunter will also serve as the acting undersecretary of defense for acquisition and sustainment for the Office of the Secretary of Defense. Biden has nominated William LaPlante—who held Hunter’s job from 2014 to 2015—to the OSD spot. LaPlante would replace Ellen M. Lord, who held the OSD’s top acquisition and sustainment job from 2018 to 2021.