Watch, Read: ‘America Under Attack: Defending the Homeland’

Watch, Read: ‘America Under Attack: Defending the Homeland’

Retired Gen. C. Robert “Bob” Kehler led the discussion “America Under Attack: Defending the Homeland” with Gen. Glen D. VanHerck of U.S. Northern Command and North American Aerospace Defense Command; Gen. James H. Dickinson of U.S. Space Command; and Adm. Charles A. “Chas” Richard of U.S. Strategic Command on Sept. 21, 2022, at AFA’s Air, Space & Cyber Conference. Watch the video or read the transcript below. This transcript is made possible through the sponsorship of JobsOhio.

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Good morning, please welcome to the stage General Bob Kehler.

Retired Gen. C. Robert “Bob” Kehler:

Good morning everyone. I know we’re still in a bit of a transition here, but it’s a real pleasure to be with you this morning. Welcome to our panel discussion on Defending the Homeland. We have three distinguished warriors with us this morning. I know you’re as anxious as I am to hear their views on this most important subject Today, the United States has 11 combatant commands. Each of those commands contributes to deterrence and each plays an important role in Homeland Defense. To help set the scene for this panel, here’s a bit of personal perspective I gained during my time as a combatant commander. First, modern conflict with a near peer adversary will span global distances, include all five operational domains, and will extend from below the waves to the reaches of space. Second, the scope, scale, and complexity of modern combat means no command can fight alone. To be successful today, 11 combatant commands must act together. Third, mission command, flexible command relationships, and a joint all-domain command and control concept will be the means by which the United States plans, commands, and controls the fight.

And finally, partnerships are critical and unity of effort is essential. Now, Homeland Defense sounds like a very straightforward mission, but in reality, defending our homeland is a very complex endeavor. I can’t think of a group of senior leaders more qualified to address this subject than the three highly regarded commanders on this panel. General Glen VanHerck, the commander of United States Northern Command, General James Dickinson, the commander of US Space Command, and Admiral Chas Richard, Commander of the United States Strategic Command and the people they lead, play critical roles in keeping our nation safe and secure. Gentlemen, we’re honored to have you with us this morning and we’re looking forward to your remarks. Now, in the interest of time, we won’t be taking questions from the audience, so following some opening remarks here, I’m going to pose some questions on behalf of the audience. But as a teaser, before you get started, let me lay one question in front of you now so you can think about it as we proceed. Which command will be the first engaged into conflict with Russia or China? General VanHerck, the floor is yours.

Gen. Glen D. VanHerck:

Thanks very much, General Kehler, it’s great to see you again. Thanks for your service and you continue to serve. I think you teed up the environment very well. It’s an honor to be here with two of my fellow combatant commanders who actually enable Homeland Defense. I would tell you that Admiral Richard is the foundation of Homeland Defense. The nuclear deterrent, strategic deterrence is the foundation of what we do each and every day for defending our homeland. We must have a triad and we must fund it 100% and execute it. I’m also here with General Dickinson who provides my domain awareness for defending the homeland, crucial for threat warning, attack assessment, ballistic missile defense as well. It’s an honor to be up here with you. In my more than three and a half decades, as General Kehler talked about, I’ve never seen a strategic environment more dynamic and complex than the one that we have today.

That environment demands global solutions, all-domain solutions, the mission command that General Kehler alluded to. And to the question that he posed. I would argue that today Cyber Command is engaged each and every day in defending our homeland. We’re under attack in the cyber domain. We’re under attack in the information arena as well each and every day. And so that demands that we think different. I would argue that right after CyberCom, if they’re not the first, that probably SpaceCom is the first place that we would likely see potentially kinetic effects or offensive effects that happen. And simultaneously, I might be supported getting the majority of the force out of the homeland to fight a forward fight, at the same time, Admiral Richard is providing strategic deterrence to enable safety, security of our homeland.

Having one supported combatant commander I think is a thing in the past I think it will change and you’re likely to have multiple supported combatant commanders. I think the conversation today will go down three paths. One of the threat to the homeland and how it’s changed. I think it’ll go down to deterrence and looking at deterrence differently. I think the National Defense Strategy has it right, integrated deterrence and hopefully we’ll talk a little bit more about that. But if deterrence does fail, what does defending our homeland look like today? And hopefully we’ll get a chance to talk about that. General Kehler I look forward to the discussion. Thanks.

Gen. C. Robert “Bob” Kehler:

Thank you. General Dickinson, you command the newest of the three commands represented here on the stage and, Sir, the floor is yours.

Gen. James H. Dickinson:

Well, thank you very much, General Kehler, for moderating this group up here on the stage this morning. It’s no easy task to keep three combatant commanders in line for 40 minutes, so thanks for what you’re doing and I think this is our second time together and thanks to AFA for having me here today. It’s always good to be a Soldier on the stage with a Submariner as well as an Airman. It is an honor to be here. Thanks for the invite. And then to my two colleagues here on the stage, we both smile, we spend a lot of time together, and I’ll talk about that just in a minute. It’s an honor to be with Glen and Chas today on the stage. Let me just touch on the strategic environment for a minute. It is absolutely changing in the space domain. When I categorize it in terms of a congested, competitive, and contested areas or buckets, if you will, it’s pretty amazing how it’s just changed in the three years since US Space Command has stood up.

And so we just turned three and I wanted to congratulate the Air Force in terms of their 75th birthday. We’re not quite that old. We’re three, but just in those three years, if I were to tell you how congested it is now, you would be quite surprised that when we stood up it was about 25,000 pieces of debris, objects, old satellites, new satellites that we track each and every day by some great Guardians out at Vandenberg Space Force Base. But in three years, that number has gone from 25,000 to over 47,000, just in three years. That gives you a feeling for how congested it is becoming. And of course I can talk more in depth later during the Q&A about how we’re getting after being able to manage that.

The second category is competitive. In my mind, a good news story when you look at the absolute expansion of the commercial industry into the space domain and what that means to all of us in this room and all of those that are on the camera in terms of how that’s improving our quality of life, whether it’s quality of life at home, business, entertainment, all of those things together. It is amazing to see how that is in fact maturing and growing each and every day. Then the third category would be contested. And so I know this week there’s been several panels where they’ve talked about what the space threat is today and what our competitors are doing in the space domain, but I think it’s very important that we remember that we’ve just seen a couple of demonstrations just recently by both the Russians and the Chinese in terms of their capabilities that they’re building and testing to hold our assets at risk. Most notably we saw back in November where the Russians destroyed one of their own satellites in orbit producing more than 1500 pieces of debris.

That adds to that 47,000 that I just mentioned earlier. And you have the Chinese as well with the SJ-21 a couple of months ago, which was in our eyes, a dual-purpose capability that’s able to secure satellites and move them around in orbit. And so they used it to move one of their defunct satellites out past Geo and then came back in, but did it in a very interesting way. Just those two examples right there show you that it is becoming more contested in the domain. When I look at the NDS, I think we’ve got it about, I think it’s about right for us in terms of combatant commanders. This integrated deterrence concept that we’re operationalizing now every day I think is a very important piece to our national security strategy and how we’re doing that each and every day. And these two gentlemen on my left and right, we work together along with our other eight combatant commanders, joint staff, and partners in order to make sure that we’re doing that each and every day.

And when you look at integrated deterrence, US Space Command looks through it through the lens of our operational approach, which is partnering with our joint force, our allies, as well as our partners in the commercial domain as well as the IC. We’re working very hard at that each and every day. What’s new with US Space Command from the old space command, we’ll talk a little bit more in the Q&A as how we’re in a supporting and supported relationship at this point. My support to these two gentlemen on my left and right and the other combatant commanders in terms of providing space enabling capabilities is not new and we’ve been doing that for many years. What is new is that these two gentlemen on my left and right now have the ability to support me in what I do in the space domain each and every day. The supporting supported relationships are critical to what US Space Command does today and in the future. And with that, I think I’ll pause. Thank you.

Gen. C. Robert “Bob” Kehler:

Thank you. Admiral Richard, StratCom. What more can I say? The floor is yours.

Adm. Charles A. “Chas” Richard:

Hey, so General Kehler one, I do want to assure you that we’re taking very good care of your command. You’d be happy with what the kids are doing. I do want to thank AFA for giving us this opportunity the whole week in addition to this opportunity to talk about Homeland Defense with two of my distinguished peers. Let me state up front that I just am not going to be able to get into much of a current operations discussion about what’s going on in the Russia Ukraine crisis. I think you would understand that, but that does point to something that I think is foundational here, which is all of us in this room are back in the business of contemplating competition through crisis and possible direct armed conflict with a nuclear capable peer. We have not had to do that in over 30 years. The implications of that are profound. They’re profound for homeland defense, they’re profound for strategic deterrence, as well as us achieving national objectives.

And this is no longer theoretical. I will point out that I can’t get through a week without a reminder that this is a very real threat that we face. I’m going to concentrate on the strategic and nuclear dimensions of this. I absolutely agree with General VanHerck that it is foundational to homeland defense what my command and my forces do, but it’s foundational to everything else. And a way to think about that is every O plan in the Department of Defense, every one of our plans and every one of our other capabilities rest on an assumption that strategic deterrence and in particular nuclear deterrence is holding. And if that assumption isn’t met, nothing else in the department in the joint force is going to work the way that it was designed. And I don’t think we fully understand that. Russia and China can escalate to any level of violence that they choose in any domain with any instrument of power worldwide. We just haven’t faced competitors and opponents like that in a long time.

And it changes everything about the way we have to go do business. We will have to deter across that spectrum immediately. Contests between nuclear cable great powers are quickly less about the region. They are less about the order of battle comparison, whose kill chain’s going to close and whose skill chain’s not. And they quickly become strategic issues. Who judges greater stake? Who’s willing to take greater risk, including possibility of nuclear risk to achieve that stake? That means our traditional approaches don’t work anymore. I want to highlight what General VanHerck just said. The days of whatever your problem is, throw a JOA around it, put a commander in charge of it, shovel resources and tell everybody else they’re supporting they’ll go solve your problem, those days are over. We will have multiple supported simultaneous commanders simultaneously defending the homeland, maintaining strategic deterrence, achieving our objectives against the opponent in the region, maintaining freedom of maneuver in space and in cyber space. We have to just think radically differently.

I could keep going, but I won’t in the interest of time. Our concepts of escalation control are flawed. Maybe we can get to that in the questions. The final thing I want to add is we absolutely think integrated deterrence as both of my fellow CoComs just mentioned, that is the right answer. I’m the third or fourth StratCom commander that has called for this. But the point I want to make there is how foundational nuclear deterrence is to integrated deterrence. If you back up integrated deterrence and use every other capability we have to influence the opponent’s perceptions and decisions, of course it’s a great idea. Of course, it’s exactly what we have to do. But if you don’t underpin it with nuclear because there is no other capability or combination of capabilities demonstrated to date that gets anywhere close to the demonstrated destructive potential of nuclear, if you don’t underpin integrated deterrence with your strategic forces, the whole concept doesn’t work. Sir, I’ll stop there. I look forward to the discussion.

Gen. C. Robert “Bob” Kehler:

Thanks. Gentlemen, I’m going to pull on a thread that each of you has touched on and I think that it bears some expansion to set the stage for how you’re approaching some of your requirements for capabilities that you need. There was a time when strategic and nuclear were used synonymously and where the threat to the homeland was really defined by nuclear threat to the homeland. That’s vastly different today. Can you say a word about the threats that you’re facing today?

Gen. Glen D. VanHerck:

Absolutely. Let me approach this from the two hats I wear and the missions that I’m assigned. As a NORAD commander, my first mission is to provide aerospace warning for North America, things that fly in air, things that come from space, pretty simple. As NORAD stood up, it was pretty simple. Bombers flying over the pole, delivering gravity weapons on our homeland. ICBMs that come from nations to the homeland. We’ve been there for many decades. Today, the aerospace warning challenge is dramatically different. Cruise missiles with very low radar cross sections that can be fired from vast differences, including over Russia and far out into our oceans that are a domain awareness challenge for me. Fractional orbital bombardment vehicles with hypersonics that can evade our radar detection capabilities, which are crucial for strategic stability and the responsibility I have for providing awareness for continuity of government, for force posturing of nuclear forces.

All those are dramatic implications on strategic stability. That’s just aerospace warning. Couple that with submarines sailing around, now in both the Atlantic and the Pacific capable of firing nuclear or conventional cruise missiles, including hypersonic missiles, at the homeland, creates another unique challenge for aerospace warning as well. Under aerospace control, my second mission in the NORAD command hat is if it is a threat to the homeland, specifically in the air domain, is to render that threat incapable of rendering effects on our homeland. That’s a significant challenge for domain awareness to be able to provide forces that can get after those cruise missiles, whether they come from submarines, surface vessels such as caliber capable shooters, ground land attack capable right across the strait from Russia, or from vehicles on space orbit. You name it there, there’re significant challenges and having access to forces on a day to day basis.

The way we’re set up to provide me forces is through a request for forces mechanism, which assumes that there’s no threat to the homeland and we’ll have time to be able to request those forces and get them in place to set the AOR. I would argue that I’m the achilles heel to enabling either the commander of EUCOM or the commander of INDOPACOM to execute their plans because if I’m not ready to defend the homeland from the threat, it’s a significant challenge for me. Maritime warning is another mission I have in my NORAD hat. Right now, we just got within the last couple days, Sev-class submarine in the Pacific for the Russian fleet. They’re on their way to building nine, which means that we’ll have persistent proximate threat in both the Atlantic and the Pacific fleet for the Russians here in the near future and China’s about five to 10 years behind.

That threat is dramatic. I’ll shift over to my NORTHCOM hat in Homeland Defense. Primarily what you think of there is ballistic missile defense. I’m pretty confident in my capability today against the North Koreans. I’m not tasked to defend against China or Russia from a ballistic missile threat. That’s this gentleman’s job right down here. But it’s a significant challenge when you don’t have the domain awareness against those hypersonics to provide the threat assessment. Other things, homeland defense. In my cyber role, I’m the DSCA synchronizer to provide support by DOD to either CISA or other entities. And so I work very closely with CyberCom, General Nakasone, to do that. I’m candidly worried about the cyber threat. I think it’s the most likely threat and the one where I have likely the least domain awareness today. General Nakasone only defends the DODIN.

Jen Easterly is the director of CISA, defends other federal entities. Everything else which could be critical infrastructure in our United States, which we rely on to project power forward for command and control capabilities is a “play if you want.” There’s a lot of work to be done there as well. On my DSCA role, I just talked about it a little bit, environmental change will continue to challenge us. That is a threat. I think that my DSCA role is part of Homeland Defense. It’s part of demonstrating readiness, responsiveness, capability, and resiliency each and every day. I think that’s crucial. The most significant thing about environmental change is what it’s doing in the Arctic and what Russia and China and others are doing in the Arctic to hold our homeland at risk to change international norms, rules, and laws so that they can get access to minerals and those kinds of things.

That’s a great area for competition today. And the final thing I’ll tell you for the threat is the threat of transnational criminal organizations just south of our border and in the western hemisphere. What you see in the news is the symptom of those. Those are law enforcement challenges for the most part, counter-narcotics, human trafficking, human migration. What I’m most concerned about from a national security imperative is the instability that transnational criminal organizations create right here in our own hemisphere that China, Russia, and others are taking advantage of to gain access and influence here. Very dynamic environment.

Gen. C. Robert “Bob” Kehler:

General Dickinson, can you expand a little bit? You had mentioned the words competitive and congested and contested. Can you say a word about contested? You spoke a little bit about that, but there seems to be a pretty significant change in the contested aspects of the space domain.

Gen. James H. Dickinson:

Absolutely. First of all, we’re talking about homeland defense and NORTHCOM. From a US SpaceCom perspective, our AOR starts at 100 kilometers and then goes out to the edge of the universe. And so when we talk about support to other combatant commands, we really have a global responsibility. And so assets that may not geographically be over the NORTHCOM homeland defense area could be elsewhere in orbit providing those same capabilities. We have a responsibility to provide global capabilities to each of the combatant commands. And as such, we’re watching very closely as our competitors are expanding their capability and capacity to hold at risk those capabilities that I require to provide to, in this example, Glen VanHerck, whether it’s satellite communications, missile warning, or GPS.

And so I would characterize it as aggressively growing in capability and capacity by China in terms of how they are developing their capabilities to do things that we’ve been doing for quite some time in terms of global type of capabilities over the horizon, for example, or joint kill chain. We’re watching that growing in both capability capacity and I would characterize Russia as not proliferating at quite the rate that the Chinese are, but that is something that we watch each and every day. I gave you an example of the SJ-21. Really those are capabilities that we watch very closely because they would hold at risk some of our assets not only from a military perspective, but also from a commercial perspective. That’s how I would characterize it without going into too much more detail.

Gen. C. Robert “Bob” Kehler:

Admiral Richard, same question for you, but I’m going to add something because we’ll come back this way for the second part of this, which gets into the capabilities that you need given these threats that have advanced and are now much broader than the nuclear threat that we face. Say a word about the threat and then say something about the capabilities.

Adm. Charles “Chas” Richard:

Well, General, and for the audience, I hope you all can see from our answers up here between us three CoComs this is not the first time we’ve talked about this between each other and it gives you evidence of how, and it’s not just the three that are here, we’ve been thinking about this a lot. You may have noticed when I made my opening statement, I drew a distinction between strategic deterrence and nuclear deterrence. Those are two different things. My colleagues up here have given you some examples of threats that have strategic implications. To your point, General Kehler, earlier back in the Cold War, it was pretty much only nuclear. That’s not true anymore. And that gets into, we have to think through how we’re going to deter that. And my forces aren’t always the answer. It isn’t always cost imposition. General VanHerck has talked about this, that nowadays sometimes it’s denial of benefit through resilience, through defense.

Sometimes it is cost imposition. We need to rethink, get much more fluent at how we do deterrence. And our operational level expertise in deterrence has really atrophied. We have few enough people that can write the paper, particularly when you’re trying to deter two peers at the same time. We have even fewer people that know who needs to get ordered to do what in order to accomplish it. And so many things we need to rethink. Avoiding provocation is not deterrence. Restraint in regional operations alone will not maintain strategic deterrence nor will it defend the homeland. There’re going to have to be other actions, postures, and effects to achieve those goals. Capabilities, I’m in the fortunate position that the Nuclear Posture Review that was recently delivered laid out an excellent strategy.

In terms of base capabilities, it was an endorsement of the need to recapitalize the triad for the base capabilities along with nuclear command and control in our weapons infrastructure. We’re going to need to look at that as the absolute minimum stack of capabilities that we need and much more frequently ask ourselves as a nation, what is the capability, capacity, and posture we need to execute this very good strategy as the threat from China continues to increase, we don’t know where that’s going to end, as the threat from Russia continues to increase, along with the other challenges that we face. Triad is the absolute minimum. Got to ask ourselves that question much more frequently.

Gen. C. Robert “Bob” Kehler:

And General Dickinson capabilities that you are going to rely on to meet the threats that you laid out.

Gen. James H. Dickinson:

Capabilities, well I tell you. We approach it from a perspective of how do we use the ground link and the spacecraft in order to look at how we’re both defending as well as looking at our adversaries and our competitors. How do we look at that system gives us the capabilities when we talk about integrated deterrence to have both in this example, cyber, SOF, and space coming together in order to provide effects and capabilities that we need to do when we look at both defensive as well as offensive type of operations.

Gen. C. Robert “Bob” Kehler:

You defined your AOR as reaching to the edge of the universe. That’s pretty broad. Do you have the surveillance capabilities that you need?

Gen. James H. Dickinson:

One of the challenges that we work on each and every day at US Space Command is how do we improve our domain awareness? I think Glen VanHerck talked about it in detail and one of the priorities within the command right now is how do we improve our ability to see into space? How do we understand where those 47,000 pieces of objects, whether it’s an old, new spacecraft, debris, whatever the case may be, commercial assets, how do we improve that? And so we’re looking at how do you improve that today? Because I know we’ve got things that are coming in the future and I’m very optimistic about that, very eager as an impatient combatant commander to get new capabilities. But what do we do today with what we have?

And so we’ve really over the last couple of years, looked at how we leverage assets and sensors that weren’t traditionally part of the space domain awareness architecture. We’re leveraging, for example, TPY-2s, ships, other sensors that are part of other architectures, if you will, within the department. How do we bring those capabilities to bear in an integrated, the objective is to be integrated, at least interoperable at this point, or at least to have them as part of the architecture so we can understand better what’s going on in the space domain. It’s absolutely critical. Just like in any other domains, you have to absolutely understand the domain and what the activities in order to do what? Characterize and then present those types of options, decisions, informations to the National Command Authority so that they can make informed decisions.

That’s really what we’re working on. That’s one of the top priorities within the command. Again, I said we’re looking forward to the new assets, new capabilities that are coming forward here in the future, but we’re working today to make sure we’re leveraging to the maximum extent possible, the capabilities that exist today, and quite frankly, we’ve paid for. How do we do that is the challenge and we’re working on that every day. Great support that is not only within the Department of Defense. We’re also looking at commercial capabilities and how they can contribute to that same awareness situation that we’re looking to improve.

Gen. C. Robert “Bob” Kehler:

General VanHerck, how about capabilities from your perspective? And let me add one other thing to that. Each of you has mentioned cyber security. Would you say a word about cyber security and your command and homeland defense?

Gen. Glen D. VanHerck:

Yeah, absolutely, General Kehler, thanks. Well, domain awareness has been talked about multiple times. For me, that’s been the top priority and consistent for the 25 months that I’ve been in command. You certainly can’t deter something and you absolutely cannot defeat something if you cannot detect it. When I talk domain awareness, I’m talking undersea, on sea, land, air, space, and cyberspace and having more awareness of what’s going on. I’m encouraged the department directed the Air Force to go fund over-the-horizon radar, four over-the-horizon radars for me, which will give me significant domain awareness for standoff from both maritime, air, and space capabilities. The domain awareness from undersea, I think, needs some additional work, especially in the Pacific. The days of laying cable on the bottom of the sea are something that in the future I don’t think we can do as well in the Pacific.

And it demands us to think differently about that using space capabilities, more mobile capabilities to give us domain awareness as well. But I would tell you that, Gerald Kehler, today all too often we have the domain awareness we need. It’s just not shared and it’s in stovepipes, so it’s left on the cutting room floor. The days of building single stove pipe systems for ballistic missile defense, for example, should be over. We should develop a system capable of providing domain awareness all the way from small UAS to space capabilities and then sharing that domain awareness. I talk about domain awareness as my top strategic priority. The second thing would be information dominance. What do you do with that domain awareness and how do you process it and do you process it in timely manner? What I’ve seen is about 98% of our domain awareness is left on the cutting room floor today and not even analyzed.

I think that we need as a department to move quicker in fielding JADC2 capabilities. We’ve demonstrated the capability exists today to do that. The strategy we have, you’ve heard us all talk about global, all-domain, demands that we go down this path. We can’t take and analyze things for days and hours. We need to have near-real-time, on-orbit analysis that shares and provides information with machine learning and artificial intelligence. That’s how we gain decision space. The one thing that I can never have enough of is time. And I need time to give to the President, the Secretary, the Prime Minister in Canada, the Minister [of Defence] as well. And we have to go down the path now, not only sensor to shooter, which is primarily where the services are focused. I’m talking about sensor to decision maker, domain awareness capability so that we can stay out of conflict and actually deescalate in crisis and compete day to day.

But where everybody’s going is sensor to shooter and we are too focused on conflict. We need to be ready for conflict, but we also need to be focused on the sensor to decision maker and executing the national defense strategy. Sorry, but I’m going to take a little bit more time while you give me the bully pulpit here. We’re too risk averse folks, especially in the development of capabilities. China fails and they get back on the horse and they ride. We have a two year congressional investigation when we have a failure. That’s not going to create capability in the timely manner that we need it. The department is an Industrial Age focused department in the development of capability. We’re great at building ships, building planes, tanks, those kinds of things. We’re not great at the digital environment that we operate in today. And we need to think differently about how we field capabilities.

A five year FYDP with a budget where colors of money can’t cross, probably needs to be reconsidered. For example, I update my software every 14 days. If I want to do things in the year of execution, I have to go ask Congress. That is not getting us to field capabilities in a timely manner. I think there’s much more that we can do there. And we need to be organized, trained, and equipped to operate throughout my whole AOR. I’m from the North Pole to Central America, from the Central Atlantic Ocean out into Pacific. I can’t get forces to operate in the Arctic because they’re not available to me because we’re not organized, trained, and equipped. And if I do, oftentimes they’re incapable of operating in that environment. We should not cede that space to Russia or China. Those are capabilities that we have to look out for in the future.

Gen. C. Robert “Bob” Kehler:

I’m going to stay with you for another second. All three of you made some comments about the complex network of partners that you have to have and that you’re relying on today. You have an audience here with many of your partners in it. What can you say about partnerships, and in particular, what can you say about the role that commercial providers are playing today for your kinds of operations? It applies to all three of you of course, but let me start with you, General VanHerck.

Gen. Glen D. VanHerck:

Well first of all, I think our asymmetric advantage is our network of allies and partners around the globe, something that Russia and China don’t enjoy. That’s something that we have to take advantage of. I would tell you that my Homeland Defense Design does not start in the homeland. It starts with allies and partners forward. I want to generate effects forward before the threat becomes a threat here in the homeland. Shooting down cruise missiles over Washington DC or over Ottawa in Canada is failure in my mind. We need to generate those effects forward. Same thing with my fellow combatant commanders. Their relationships there need to generate effects forward. My layered defense design is to focus on where we’re going in day-to-day campaigning as well.

And that includes our allies and partners. Most importantly for me, what I would tell you on the relationships and the partnerships is for me in the homeland, the interagency partnerships that I have are crucial. They’re crucial not only for my defense support of civil authorities mission, but more and more day-to-day for campaigning and the ability to demonstrate readiness, responsiveness, capability, and resiliency across all agencies of the interagency, our government with our allies and partners is crucial to integrated deterrence. My goal is to get in the gray matter of anybody that would ever think about attacking our homeland and make them believe that they could never bring us to our knees and be successful with that. That’s just not a DOD problem—that’s a whole-nation problem.

That takes beyond the federal government as well as it takes all of us to understand and approach that problem that way. You asked me about cyber and I failed to answer that question earlier. My relationship is crucial. They’re partners with me in CyberCom. We’re in the process of right now of figuring out defense critical infrastructure and where we must defend. And that’s not only inside the department. There are second and third order effects outside the department, municipality, states, key industry partners that we have to partner with that create vulnerabilities in the homeland. That goes back to the relationships you just discussed.

Gen. C. Robert “Bob” Kehler:

General Dickinson, your partners, I know that the Space Force and your other uniform partners are stressing the importance of commercial providers these days for space related things. Can you say a word about them and your relationship and the importance of that partnership?

Gen. James H. Dickinson:

Absolutely. That is an absolute key element of my triad of joint, combined, and partnered approach to what we’re doing each and every day. The commercial piece is absolutely integral and huge in terms of what we do each and every day. It’s not new to US Space Command and Space Force for that matter. We’ve had a good relationship out at Vandenberg Space Force Base for years in terms of having our commercial integration cell out there and commercial partners partnering with this out there. But we have expanded that. We’ve expanded that now to where we’re using commercial capabilities to help me with the problem that I told you about earlier, which is space domain awareness. Our commercial partners that are able to actually have telescopes and capabilities and sensors that can look up and report out to us is critical in what we do. They can be in parts of the world that we need them.

Because in the space business, it is all about location, location, location in terms of making sure that we have capabilities worldwide that are able to help us determine and monitor what’s going on in the space domain. We continue to improve that. There is a lot of energy right now within the command to bring more commercial partners onto the team so that we can expand not only space domain awareness, satellite communications, as well as some of the other things that we’re doing. It’s a very optimistic view in terms of what we’re seeing in the commercial industry today. I think we can all agree to that when you see some of the capabilities that have been demonstrated just since the 24th of February over Ukraine in terms of what the commercial market can provide. Those are the capabilities that we absolutely need to continue to leverage and incorporate into what we’re doing each and every day.

Gen. C. Robert “Bob” Kehler:

Gentlemen, I have a lot more questions that we could spend the next couple of hours here discussing, but we’re running out of time. Admiral Richard, let me start with you. Is there anything else that you’d like to mention to this audience as we wrap this up?

Adm. Charles “Chas” Richard:

Yeah, the final thing I’d offer for, this session has been a fabulous session, is I want to emphasize something General VanHerck was just talking about the need to go faster in our capability acquisition. And the way we have to go about doing that is to quit asking how we’re going to mitigate our assumed failure in anything and turn the question around to what’s it going to take for us to be successful? General Kehler, those partnerships you talked about, particularly with commercial, that’s where your innovation comes from. Go look up the Hound Dog AGM-28. This nation’s SAC went from zero to an 800 mile Mach 2 capable cruise missile with a one Megaton nuclear warhead and really good accuracy for the day in 33 months. Go look at how we used to go approach these things. That’s the model on what we’re going to have to do in the future.

Gen. C. Robert “Bob” Kehler:

General Dickinson, some closing remarks.

Gen. James H. Dickinson:

Well first of all, thanks again to AFA, General Kehler for doing the moderating today and to my two esteemed colleagues on my left and right, so it’s good to be in the middle here. But I would just tell you that US Space Command continues to build capacity and capability. Declared initial operational capability a year ago, and we’re certainly on the path to full operational capability. The command is prepared and delivering strategic effects today to the national level of leadership and we continue to work very closely with our allies and partners in building that capability worldwide.

I would just remark on the allies and partners’ incredible energy, motivation, and willingness to come and be part of the space team and really have seen a remarkable growth in just some of our allies and partners establishing their own US space commands or their own space commands in their respective countries and their willingness to be part of the team. Not new, we’ve done that for years, but it is continuing to grow. That is really, in my mind, the secret sauce by how we’re going to get after the space domain is having our allies and partners and our commercial partners alongside us. Thank you.

Gen. C. Robert “Bob” Kehler:

General VanHerck. We’ve saved the last words for you.

Gen. Glen D. VanHerck:

Well thanks General Kehler, and thanks to AFA. Really appreciate the opportunity to be here. First, I would tell you that I read the chief of staff of the Air Force’s comments, the five priorities, I forgot what he called them yesterday, 100% in line guaranteed we need to go down that direction. Those are crucial. And so I thank Chief Brown for doing that. We need to move out with a sense of urgency every single day. The challenges are growing, especially with our homeland and a sense of urgency is required to get to where we need to be to ensure we’re ready for potential threats. That threat could be today.

I would tell you that ask yourself before you ever think about committing forces in the future in the environment that we are in. What is the risk to the homeland? What is the risk of strategic deterrence failure? Those discussions don’t happen all too often and we need them to happen. And you need to educate yourself and understand that the days that we’ve had for the last two to three decades are over. That’s a discussion we have to have. And I would tell you we have to think global in all domain as well. And finally, I get up every day with the most noble mission on the planet, defending your homeland. It’s an honor to do that. It’s an honor to serve with each and every one of you. Thanks for the opportunity.

Gen. C. Robert “Bob” Kehler:

Gentlemen, one thing that I’m still able to do in retirement is read a countdown clock and that one says zero. I’m not sure exactly what it means anymore, but I know it says zero. We’ll go to that. On behalf of the Air and Space Forces Association, thanks very much for a very fascinating discussion. On a personal note, Admiral Richard, thanks for your tireless service and good luck to you in all of your future endeavors. Please join me in a round of applause for the panel.

Editor’s note: This story was updated Oct. 4 to correct a video link.

US and Partners Now Moving Toward Interchangeable—Not Just Interoperable—Weapons

US and Partners Now Moving Toward Interchangeable—Not Just Interoperable—Weapons

Fresh off a meeting of the national armaments directors of NATO and the European Union, Pentagon acquisition and logistics chief William A. LaPlante said the allies and partners are moving toward not simply interoperable munitions, but “interchangeable” as well, with production in numerous locations to meet the needs of a new security environment.

The 45 directors met to discuss how they will provide military aid to Ukraine and also how to structure their defense industrial bases for a new normal driven by Russia’s invasion and other factors, LaPlante told reporters on a Zoom call Sept. 30.

“Besides comparing notes about how you’re helping Ukraine,” LaPlante said of the meeting, the group discussed “what is the right NATO force in the future that will continue to deter, in this case, Russia.”

The conversation rapidly turned to setting standards so that, for example, 155mm rounds manufactured in one partner country will work with the tubes of any other.

“That’s where we need to go” in terms of being “interchangeable,” LaPlante said.

There was also discussion of how to continue to evolve Ukraine’s weapons portfolio toward “NATO standard,” LaPlante said.

To get to affordable scale and interchangeability, LaPlante forecast “multi-country procurements” of weapons produced in a number of locations, both for deterrence but also to rapidly increase production in situations like the present one in Ukraine, where munitions are being consumed rapidly and threaten to empty alliance stocks. This will be done “not for everything, but where it makes sense,” he said.

There may need to be some “socialization” with Congress and other interests, but LaPlante said the need is clear for joint procurements and “even development” of new weapons, with multiple production lines.

These moves will help address “some of the supply chain issues” that NATO and the EU are coping with.

The 45 participants agreed to break up into smaller working groups to address specific areas of concern. The industrial base today does not offer enough suppliers and capacity in the fields of microprocessors, ball bearings, and solid rocket motors, LaPlante said.

Regarding assistance to Ukraine, Deputy Undersecretary of Defense for Policy Sasha Baker said that “what you’re seeing is a recognition amongst the partners and allies that we’ve made a commitment, now, for the long haul” and to sustain Ukraine’s military capabilities “over the long term.”

“We have to start that now because we know that some of the contracting timelines and the production timelines … for some of the equipment that the Ukrainians will need, it’s going to take six to 12 to 18 months.” LaPlante agreed that the long lead times for some components demand longer-term planning.

The Russian invasion has focused the group, and the conversation will “drive actionable progress,” he noted.

LaPlante also said the group hopes to give industry members the “demand signal” it says it is always looking for to decide if whether it should invest in munitions-building capabilities at scale.

“We discussed exactly what … that really means,” he said.

“The industry, both in our country and around the world, want to know is there a sustainable longer-range plan for … production, so that they can invest [in] … production lines that will be enduring, and not the typical “feast or famine” of nations buying in “panic mode,” returning to “minimal production when the crisis is over,” LaPlante said.

NATO and the EU plan to move toward “more stable” buying arrangements, he said, “looking at the world ahead.”

Baker said the Biden administration “at every level” is committed to helping Ukraine in its “fight for sovereignty and in their fight to regain their territorial integrity. So I’m really delighted that our meetings were able to advance the ball in strengthening the position of this collective group of allies and partners who’ve all made the same commitments.”

Florida Bases Begin Recovery, Reopening From Hurricane Ian

Florida Bases Begin Recovery, Reopening From Hurricane Ian

MacDill Air Force Base, Patrick Space Force Base, and other installations across Florida had begun recovering and reopening after Hurricane Ian swept through the state while Joint Base Charleston and other installations farther up the East Coast dealt with heavy rain and winds Sept. 30.

While aircraft from half a dozen bases evacuated in advance of the storm and MacDill ordered all non-mission-essential personnel to evacuate as well, it appeared no bases in Florida suffered major damage from the Category 4 storm. Much of the hurricane’s damage was focused in southwest Florida, leaving hundreds of thousands without power.

In separate Facebook posts, MacDill and Patrick leaders said they anticipated reopening all facilities by Monday, Oct. 3. Patrick leaders preliminarily reported “minimal damage” to the base and its facilities, while MacDill officials lifted its evacuation order and cleared mission essential personnel, housing residents, and dorm residents to return to the base on Sept. 29.

However, both bases are warning personnel to take caution and report issues as they clean up, and some facilities and gates at both bases remain closed.

Elsewhere across the state, some aircraft have begun to return to their bases after flying out before the storm. The 1st Special Operations Wing at Hurlburt Field had evacuated AC-130Js, MC-130Js, MC-130Hs, U-28s, CV-22s, and A-29s in advance of the storm, but commander Col. Allison Black announced Sept. 29 that they had started returning. 

Eglin Air Force Base and Tyndall Air Force Base had moved out of Hurricane Condition Level 5, giving personnel the all clear after a state of heightened alert.

It is unclear when the KC-135s that evacuated from MacDill or the C-130s and HH-60s evacuated from Patrick will return.

In South Carolina, meanwhile, bases were hit as the storm once more strengthened to become a hurricane. Joint Base Charleston relocated its C-17s on Sept. 29, and while no evacuation order had been mandated, officials had urged personnel to stay in place and closed some facilities.

The South Carolina Air National Guard, meanwhile, evacuated its F-16s from Columbia, S.C., on Sept. 29.

Congress Approves CR to Avoid Government Shutdown, Provide Ukraine Aid

Congress Approves CR to Avoid Government Shutdown, Provide Ukraine Aid

Congress passed a continuing resolution to fund the federal government through Dec. 16, avoiding a shutdown but ensuring that the Pentagon and other federal agencies will yet again start the fiscal year without a new budget.

The House of Representatives approved the CR early in the afternoon of Sept. 30 by a vote of 230-201, hours before the midnight deadline and the day after the Senate advanced the measure, 72-25, on Sept. 29. The bill now goes to President Joe Biden’s desk.

The continuing resolution will mostly keep spending levels frozen at the previous fiscal year’s levels, though it does include an extra $12 billion in aid for Ukraine—largely in line with Biden’s request for $11.7 billion earlier this month.

This new round of aid is intended to last through December. The $12 billion includes $3 billion in defense aid through the Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative, $1.5 billion to replenish Pentagon stocks depleted by presidential drawdowns to provide weapons to Ukraine and other countries aiding Ukraine, $540 million to increase production of critical munitions to replace those sent to Ukraine, and up to $3.7 billion in presidential drawdown authority.

Aside from security assistance, the bill also includes $4.5 billion to support Ukraine’s national government.

Continuing resolutions have become a common occurrence for Congress in recent decades, as lawmakers have frequently failed to pass new budgets by the Oct. 1 start of each new fiscal year.

Defense Department leaders have decried the practice, saying it prevents the start of new programs, delays production increases, and keeps funds stuck in the wrong accounts. The Pentagon has started the new fiscal year under a continuing resolution in 13 of the last 14 years, according to a Government Accountability Office report that detailed the ways DOD officials have adapted to those constraints.

Department of the Air Force leaders, in particular, have already said any delay in the 2023 budgeting process will have “a particularly negative effect.”

While the Air Force and other Pentagon leaders will now have to wait until mid-December for that 2023 budget, it remains unclear when Congress will act on the National Defense Authorization Act, the annual bill that sets policy for the department.

The House passed its version of the NDAA in mid-July, increasing the top line of the Pentagon’s budget request by $37 billion. The Senate Armed Services Committee passed its version in June, with committee leadership filing it to the Senate floor in mid-July, but the full chamber has yet to vote on the bill.

The NDAA is typically considered “must-pass” legislation, but in recent years, that process has sometimes dragged to the end of the calendar year. Such a process may unfold again this year, as the House is scheduled to be in recess for all of October ahead of the Nov. 8 midterm elections.

Senate Confirms Saltzman as Next Space Force CSO

Senate Confirms Saltzman as Next Space Force CSO

The Senate has confirmed the Space Force’s second Chief of Space Operations.

Lt. Gen. B. Chance Saltzman will pin on a fourth star and take command of the Space Force, succeeding Gen. John W. “Jay” Raymond, after lawmakers voted to approve his nomination by voice vote Sept. 29.

“I’m humbled and honored to be confirmed as the next Chief of Space Operations,” Saltzman said in a statement. “I look forward to leading the U.S. Space Force and building on the strong foundational leadership Gen. Raymond has provided for almost three years.”

“Congratulations to Chance Saltzman on his confirmation to serve as the next Chief of Space Operations,” Raymond said in a statement. “I couldn’t be more excited for the Saltzmans and for our Space Force. The team is in great hands.”

Saltzman will ascend to the role after previously serving as the deputy chief of space operations for operations, cyber, and nuclear, a job he first took on in August 2020.

Over the course of more than 30 years in uniform, Saltzman has also commanded at the squadron, group, and wing levels in the Air Force. He has served as a satellite operator for the National Reconnaissance Office, commanded two space squadrons within Air Force Space Command, and worked at headquarters of AFSC.

Saltzman will take over a Space Force still developing and maturing its infrastructure, organization, plans, and traditions. In the coming months and years, the young service plans to fold in the Space Development Agency, launch a new resilient constellation of satellites in low Earth orbit, and build up its “lethality” and capability to respond to aggressive actions by competitors such as Russia and China.

At the same time, USSF must also continue to build a culture that incorporates transfers from other military branches, recruits, and civilians, refine its plans for a modern “holistic health” program to replace traditional PT tests, and finalize how it will organize its Reserve and part-time elements.

“We honor Gen. Raymond’s contributions to establish the Space Force and we welcome Gen. Saltzman as he takes the lead,” Air Force Secretary Frank Kendall said in a statement. “I’m confident in Chance’s ability and judgement and know our Space Force will continue to provide key capabilities to the joint force and our nation’s defense.”

Saltzman was asked to address some of the challenges and opportunities facing the service in his confirmation hearing before the Senate Armed Services Committee on Sept. 13. He emphasized the need for better test and training infrastructure for Guardians and continued investments in resiliency for satellites and ground stations. 

Saltzman sailed through that hearing with little controversy and bipartisan support, and his nomination was approved two weeks later with no opposition.

The Space Force was targeting “early November” for Saltzman’s promotion and change of command ceremony, but the timeline was still being finalized, a Space Force spokesperson told Air & Space Forces Magazine.


In addition to Saltzman, the Senate also voted to approve the nomination of USAF Gen. Anthony J. Cotton to take command of U.S. Strategic Command.

Cotton, who currently serves as head of Air Force Global Strike Command, will now oversee the Joint force’s strategic deterrence, nuclear operations, joint electromagnetic spectrum operations, and missile defense, among other mission areas.

Also confirmed by voice vote, Cotton will take over the lead of STRATCOM a little over a year after he was tapped to lead AFGSC in June 2021.

A trained missileer, Cotton will oversee STRATCOM at a critical moment, with all three legs of the U.S. nuclear triad undergoing modernization. At the same time, China has aggressively developed its nuclear arsenal, leading Cotton to refer to its “bona fide” nuclear triad during his confirmation hearing.

Most immediately, though, Russia has engaged in nuclear saber-rattling over its invasion of Ukraine, raising fears that it could be setting the stage for actually using a nuclear weapon.

Cotton comes to the head of STRATCOM after time spent as deputy commander and commander of AFGSC, as well as commander of the 20th Air Force, which oversees the Air Force’s intercontinental ballistic missile operations; and the 341st Missile Wing, responsible for the Minuteman III ICBMs at Malmstrom Air Force Base, Mont.

Once he takes command of STRATCOM from Navy Adm. Charles A. Richard, Cotton will become the third Air Force general actively leading a combatant command, joining Gen. Glen D. VanHerck, head of U.S. Northern Command, and Gen. Jacqueline D. Van Ovost, head of U.S. Transportation Command.

Marooned Air Force CV-22 Osprey Finally Removed From Norwegian Island

Marooned Air Force CV-22 Osprey Finally Removed From Norwegian Island

An aircraft built to quickly infiltrate and exfiltrate troops from far-flung locations left a Norwegian nature preserve Sept. 27, more than a month after it emergency-landed. The CV-22 Osprey belonging to Air Force Special Operations Command (AFSOC) had been stranded on the island of Senja since making a controlled emergency landing Aug. 12.

The issue was a hard clutch engagement, which causes the tiltrotor aircraft to lurch suddenly and can damage the gearbox and engines. The problem led AFSOC to stand down its fleet of around 50 CV-22s. While the issue remains unsolved, the aircraft was cleared to fly again in early September. Except for the one in Norway.

A CV-22 Osprey performed an emergency landing at Stongodden nature preserve. Norwegian Armed Forces photos by Tiril Haslestad.

“These things never seem to happen at airfields,” Lt. Gen James C. “Jim” Slife remarked at an AFA Warfighters in Action event Sept. 7. “They always seem to happen in Norwegian nature preserves above the Arctic Circle at the onset of winter.”

Procedures dictate that pilots must land the plane swiftly in the event of a hard clutch engagement. That forced them to put wheels down at Stongodden nature preserve. The crew was safe, and Norwegian officials wanted to ensure the local wildlife would be, too.

While the aircraft was near the water, it was not close enough to be lifted onto a barge by a crane.

The Norwegian Armed Forces, in consultation with the local Environmental Protection Office, the U.S. Air Force, and civilian contractors, developed a plan for some outside-the-box special operations work of their own.

In the Norwegian Armed Forces’ account of the events, engineers carefully built an improvised wooden road to move the Osprey closer to the island’s shore while limiting damage to surrounding nature and wildlife. The Osprey had to be emptied of fuel and raised up off the ground with a jack, as its landing gear was firmly stuck in the mud. The wooden mats had to extend to the shoreline so the aircraft could be lifted by crane onto a barge. Gravel had to be brought in the firm up the path and to create a jetty as the terrain turned into an uneven shoreline.

The makeshift path nearing completion. Norwegian Armed Forces photo by Tiril Haslestad.

The effort faced numerous delays due to Norway’s unpredictable and often poor weather.

When the aircraft finally got to the shore, the crane barge that was supposed to lift it off of the shore was not there, according to Norwegian officials. It was delayed due to bad weather in another part of Norway. On Sept. 27, the Osprey was finally lifted off the shore by crane. According to the U.S. Air Force and the Norwegian Armed Forces, it is safely underway to the closest NATO port.

There, the aircraft must be offloaded to undergo maintenance to replace at least one of its engines and gearbox before, hopefully, finally lifting off under its own power again and landing at its home base of RAF Mildenhall, U.K., Lt. Col. Rebecca L. Heyse, director of public affairs for Air Force Special Operations Command, told Air & Space Forces Magazine.

A CV-22 Osprey tiltrotor aircraft being rescued at the Senja island in northern Norway. Photo courtesy of the Norwegian Armed Forces.
The Story Behind the Space Force’s New Song

The Story Behind the Space Force’s New Song

Jamie Teachenor was living in Nashville in 2015 and browsing Craigslist for vintage guitars when he spotted the unlikely ad that ultimately led to his occupying a unique place in military history.

The Air Force Academy’s country band Wild Blue Country needed a lead vocalist. Teachenor later found out the ad was up for only a matter of hours. 

“It wasn’t supposed to be advertised that way,” he recalled while headed back home to Nashville from AFA’s Air, Space & Cyber Conference with his wife and two kids. “For whatever reason, I saw it in that small amount of time, and I called Colorado Springs and asked if it was legitimate.”

After a few more questions, “I put Colorado Springs’ weather on my phone, because I knew we were going to Colorado Springs,” he recalled. Without having yet auditioned, “I knew that was part of my path.”

He became a senior airman with the band, which performed at events for both the Air Force Academy and what was then Peterson Air Force Base, home to the Space Force’s predecessor, Air Force Space Command. 

Given that this frequently put him in contact with military space personnel, it’s hard to imagine anyone better positioned to supply the words and melody to the Space Force’s new official song, “Semper Supra,” which debuted at the conference.

Together with a Coast Guard trombonist who doubles as musical arranger, Teachenor composed “Semper Supra”—named for the service’s popular motto—to join the likes of the Air Force’s official song “The U.S. Air Force,” a.k.a. “Wild Blue Yonder.”

“What was very interesting about my time of service was I knew what the space capabilities were for space operators before they were Guardians,” Teachenor said. He also met today’s Chief of Space Operations Gen. John W. “Jay” Raymond and Chief Master Sergeant of the Space Force Roger A. Towberman at that time. As Teachenor’s enlistment wound down in 2019, he even went along on a trip with the two leaders to Thule Air Base in Greenland, which performs missions in space surveillance and missile defense.

“I got to see so much of what our now-Guardians—but at the time they were Airmen—do and just was blown away by their mission,” Teachenor said. He felt like the trip “had a lot to do with how the song was written because I saw firsthand just the precision and the … amazing assets that we have in our folks who wear the uniform. And our civilians, too.”

Teachenor and his family went back to Nashville following the conclusion of his enlistment, and in December 2019, the Space Force came to be.

“Several folks reached out and said, ‘Hey, you know, the Space Force is actually going to be a branch—are you thinking about writing a song?’”

He didn’t quite laugh off the idea, and “eventually Gen. Raymond and Chief Towberman reached out to me and said, ‘Hey, would you consider writing something and just, you know, give us an option?’”

Space Force song
Air Force Band members and guests sing the new U.S. Space Force service song during the 2022 Air, Space & Cyber Conference, Sept. 20, 2022. Air Force photo by Eric Dietrich.

Feeling simply “honored and thankful just to even throw something in there,” Teachenor estimated that by February 2020, the song was largely complete: 

“Semper Supra”
We’re the mighty watchful eye
Guardians beyond the blue
The invisible front line
Warfighters brave and true
Boldly reaching into space
There’s no limit to our sky
Standing guard both night day
We’re the Space Force from on high
Beyond the blue
The U.S. Space Force

“I knew they wanted something that was singable and that fit with the other anthems—the other service songs—and that would be something that could last. … They made it very clear they wanted it to be timeless.”

Months passed as the service narrowed down the submissions until choosing Teachenor’s.

Throughout the process, Space Force leaders made only one request, he said—to include the words “Standing guard both night and day” in order to emphasize the service’s continuous mission of “making sure that we’re safe and protected all the time.”

“And so I looked at that line and changed it. I believe it’s a better line for that,” said the recently elected county commissioner for Sumner County, Tenn.

The Score

Trombonist and arranger Coast Guard Chief Musician Sean Nelson responded to a callout to military band arrangers early in the Space Force’s search for a song. Now an 11-year member of the U.S. Coast Guard Band based at the Coast Guard Academy in New London, Conn., he’d been “a little green,” he said, when he originally auditioned for the Air Force Band in the competitive national auditions that draw high-caliber musicians who ultimately “come in fully trained for the job.”

He’d composed the score to an organization’s military-style service song once before, updating the march of the Commissioned Officer Corps of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. 

By 2020, he’d made a submission to the Space Force based on a preliminary set of lyrics, and “the group listening really liked my version.” In the spring of 2022, “they contacted me again and said, ‘We’ve come up with this melody and lyrics’—and it was Jamie’s lyrics and Jamie’s melody—‘and we’re looking for somebody to complete the song, to harmonize it, to orchestrate it.’”

Nelson liked the lack of any other musical contribution such as a chord structure “because it allowed me to be creative with it.”

Space Force song
Coast Guard Chief Musician Sean Nelson warms up backstage on the trombone ahead of a Coast Guard Band concert in Portsmouth, Va., June 6, 2018. Coast Guard photo by Petty Officer 2nd Class Lisa Ferdinando.

“What I would do is I would play the melody on the piano, and I would sing it, and I would keep trying different harmonies underneath it. And sometimes there’s harmony that is obvious, and sometimes there’s harmony that makes sense but is unexpected.”

He would ultimately compose 30 parts for a full military band, including the four-part vocal harmony performed at the Sept. 20 premiere by the Air Force’s Singing Sergeants as well as counter-melodies—“there’s the main melody that you sing, and there are multiple melodies going on at the same time above and below that melody that makes it sound full and thick and [gives it] a traditional march sound.” 

Having performed the “Armed Forces Medley” of service songs at many military events, he well knew the need for the Space Force’s to fit in with the other traditional military marches. At the same time, he wanted to write something “that was maybe a little unexpected and maybe not as obvious and that had its own sounds as opposed to copying other military songs.”

To strike the balance, “you have to know the tradition”—specifically that of American march composer, the Marine Corps’ John Philip Sousa—“while knowing where you can break from it.”

Without such a well trained ear, “not everyone might notice it,” Nelson said, “but I think if you listen to it a few times, you start to notice, ‘Hey, that sounds a little fresh.’” 

He sang the first two lines to demonstrate:

“We’re the mighty watchful eye; Guardians beyond the blue. …

“When you get to the word ‘blue,’ that chord is outside of the key—so it’s just a little bit surprising, I think. … Maybe you get a little extra sparkle out of it.”

Nelson suspects—based on his experience performing in the Coast Guard Band, usually without singers—that “the form that you’re going to hear the song in the most is actually going to be without singing.” 

Next he expects bands and choruses across the U.S. to start adding “Semper Supra” to their medleys.

Pentagon Accounts for Aircraft Moved Out of the Way of Hurricane Ian

Pentagon Accounts for Aircraft Moved Out of the Way of Hurricane Ian

The Department of Defense released an accounting of where it moved its aircraft in response to Hurricane Ian, which made landfall as a Category 4 hurricane on the west coast of Florida on Sept. 28.

MacDill Air Force Base in Tampa, Fla., was evacuated, and other bases were placed on a heightened state of alert and instructed their personnel to shelter ahead of the storm. The Air Force and other services moved aircraft from several military installations to keep them out of harm’s way. Many commercial airports in the storm’s path also closed and moved airliners.

Individual Air Force bases have detailed some aircraft movements, but the Pentagon provided a list to the press Sept. 29 to more fully account for aircraft movements across the joint force, though the information may be incomplete. The Defense Department had yet to fully assess the damage, which was likely to continue to mount due to flooding. According to the Pentagon, information about Air Force activities was current as of the evening of Sept. 27.

  • Eglin Air Force Base, Fla.: F-22s and T-38s moved to Maxwell Air Force Base, Ala.; F-35s to Barksdale Air Force Base, La.
  • Hurlburt Field, Fla.: AC-130Js, MC-130Js, MC-130Hs to Wright Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio; U-28s to Cannon Air Force Base, N.M.; A-29s to Kansas City, Mo.
  • Jacksonville International Airport (Florida Air National Guard): F-15s to New Orleans, La.
  • MacDill Air Force Base, Fla.: KC-135s to Bangor Air National Guard Base, Maine, and Pease Air National Guard Base, N.H.; UH-60s to Miami, Fla.
  • Moody Air Force Base, Ga.: A-10s to Barksdale Air Force Base, La.
  • Patrick Space Force Base: C-130s & HH-60s to Little Rock Air Force Base, Ark.; HH-60s to Orlando Convention Center, Fla.; UH-1s to Cape Canaveral, Fla.

The DOD also detailed non-Department of the Air Force moves, including 71 aircraft from Naval Air Station Jacksonville and 11 aircraft from Naval Air Station Key West that were evacuated to undisclosed locations. The Navy also moved four littoral combat ships and two cruiser-destroyers based at Naval Station Mayport in Jacksonville to undisclosed locations. The remaining Navy ships are in “heavy weather moor,” according to the Pentagon, which said the Army and the Marines did not relocate any major assets.

The figures, however, are movements that were done ahead of the storm or just as it was making landfall. Damage from the storm has been severe, and flood damage will be a major concern in the days and weeks ahead.

“This storm is having broad impacts across the state and some of the flooding you’re going to see in areas hundreds of miles from where this made landfall are going to set records,” Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) said on Sept. 29.

President Joe Biden declared a major disaster Sept. 29. Some fatalities due to the storm had already been confirmed.

“This is going to require years of effort to be able to rebuild and to come back,” DeSantis said.

As of the morning of Sept. 29, Florida had 4,818 Guard members on State Active Duty (SAD); Louisiana had 83; Tennessee had 15; and New York had 11, the National Guard Bureau told Air & Space Forces Magazine.

Air Force Recruits Who Test Positive for Marijuana May Now Get a Second Chance

Air Force Recruits Who Test Positive for Marijuana May Now Get a Second Chance

Potential Airmen and Guardians who test positive for the high-producing compound in marijuana during their entrance physical may still be able to serve, thanks to a new test program announced by the Department of the Air Force on Sept. 28.

Under the two-year program, recruits who test positive for tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC, during their physical exam at the Military Entrance Processing Station will be allowed to re-test in 90 days if they get a waiver from their recruiter.

In order to be considered for a waiver, the recruit must have a high school diploma, a score of 50 or higher on the Armed Forces Qualification Test, no Category 1 or 2 moral violations, and otherwise be medically qualified for service, according to an Air Force release.

Once the recruit enlists, he or she must still follow the Uniform Code of Military Justice and DAF policies, which prohibit drug use.

Prior to this new program, any recruit who tested positive for THC was automatically barred from ever serving in the Air Force or Space Force. But in recent years, public attitudes—and laws—regarding cannabis have changed dramatically.

According to the National Conference of State Legislatures, 37 states, three territories, and the District of Columbia have laws allowing the use of medical marijuana, while 19 states, two territories and D.C. allow for recreational use as well.

With those changing laws, the Air Force’s policies also needed to adapt, Air Force Recruiting Service commander Maj. Gen. Edward W. Thomas Jr. told Air & Space Forces Magazine at AFA’s Air, Space & Cyber conference.

“This is … about being able to make smart determinations based on societal norms, laws today, and how to be able to have a process that better matches the laws in the country,” Thomas said.

However, Thomas emphasized that “drug use in the United States Air Force has no place” and warned that the new policy is not intended to be a free pass for recruits.

“What this is not about is those folks who were not honest with their recruiter, and they smoked marijuana, and then they went in the next day or the next week, they went to MEPS and they tested positive. That’s not who this is for,” Thomas said.

Instead, Thomas suggested the policy is intended to benefit potential Airmen and Guardians when recruiting commanders believe the positive test was “due to unintended exposure or the residual effects of THC in their system.”

Those who test positive won’t automatically be allowed to re-test. The waiver program simply “gives us more latitude,” Thomas said.

In that regard, the program is not unlike other recent policy changes the Air Force has made, like one giving Thomas and other recruiting leaders the authority to approve waivers for smaller hand tattoos.

The need for more flexibility in the recruiting process is due in part to a historically difficult environment that has seen all the military departments struggle to reach their recruiting goals. The Air Force, in particular, just barely reached its Active Duty goal for fiscal 2022 and fell short for the Guard and Reserve. 

“A year or two ago, frankly, we could afford to lose people around the margins because of finger tattoos, because of certain medical conditions that we weren’t willing to take risk on,” Thomas acknowledged. “We are in an environment today that we have to be exceptionally smart in how we assess the risk and how we set our accession criteria.”

And when it comes to marijuana, the service is dealing with a recruiting population that is more likely than ever to have tried or regularly use cannabis, according to polls.

After the initial pilot program runs for two years, the department will analyze the data and determine whether to make the policy permanent.