Air Force Delivers Its First EA-37 Electronic Attack Aircraft to Home Base

Air Force Delivers Its First EA-37 Electronic Attack Aircraft to Home Base

The Air Force’s first mission-ready EA-37 Compass Call aircraft flew into Davis-Monthan Air Force Base, Ariz., last week, the start of a major upgrade to the service’s electronic warfare fleet. 

Air Combat Command boss Gen. Kenneth S. Wilsbach, 16th Air Force commander Lt. Gen. Thomas Hensley, and 55th Wing commander Col. Mark Howard all flew on the new aircraft to deliver it to its new home Aug. 23 and hailed its arrival as a key moment for the Air Force. 

“The EA-37B is the right choice right now because as we continue to pivot toward great power competition, we have adversaries that are developing long-range kill chain ecosystems and anti-access area denial capabilities,” Hensley said in a statement. “The Compass Call will allow us to do things in the non-kinetic spectrum as well as the electromagnetic spectrum to give us the advantage and not them.” 

The EA-37 is replacing the EC-130H Compass Call, which is aging and struggling—at the end of fiscal 2023, there were just six remaining aircraft in the fleet, with an average age of 49 years and a mission capable rate of just 33 percent. Since then, another aircraft has been retired, leaving just five. 

“The EC-130 has served its purpose for years, but this new airframe and its delivery mean that we have a combat-credible threat,” Howard said. 

Based on a Gulfstream G550 business jet modified by L3Harris, the EA-37’s mission hardware is built by BAE. Back in September 2023, the first jet was delivered to the Air Force for testing. 

The new jet will be able to conduct jamming of radars, electronic systems and communications. The aircraft will also play a role in the Suppression of Enemy Air Defenses (SEAD) mission by disrupting an enemy’s ability to coordinate sensors and command-and-control weapon batteries that target friendly aircraft. 

It will also have better speed and altitude than the EC-130—the EA-37B can fly at 40,000 feet and 600 knots versus the EC-130’s ceiling of 25,000 feet and 300 knots. 

At Davis-Monthan, the first aircraft will be used for pilot training to start, with another jet scheduled to arrive before the end of the year and five more in 2025. All told, the service plans to buy 10 of the new aircraft. 

It’s all part of series of changes to both the broader Air Force’s EW capabilities and Davis-Monthan’s assets.  

Since the retirement of the EF-111 in the late 1990s, the service’s electronic attack capabilities have narrowed. The establishment of the 350th Spectrum Warfare Wing a few years ago has reignited focus on EW, and the new jet will add a fresh airborne element at a time when leaders said EW is only getting more and more important. 

Meanwhile, Davis-Monthan is shifting from legacy platforms like the EC-130, HH-60G, and A-10 to new flying missions like the EA-37, the HH-60W, and a “Power Projection Wing” for Air Force Special Operations Command. The service also stood up one of its first Air Task Forces at the base last month. 

ACE Calls for More Air Bases. Can Air Force and Army Find a Way to Defend Them All?

ACE Calls for More Air Bases. Can Air Force and Army Find a Way to Defend Them All?

The U.S. Air Force’s plan to operate from an expanded network of bases around the Pacific is facing a familiar but fundamental challenge: how to protect those locations from a Chinese missile attack. 

Service leaders have wholeheartedly embraced the concept of Agile Combat Employment that calls for more operating locations, even those that are austere or remote. The idea is to make it more difficult for China to target American airpower in a potential fight, as the Air Force moves its planes from base to base.

But since China boasts a growing arsenal of ballistic and cruise missiles that could put many airfields within its reach, shifting aircraft from base to base is only part of the solution. The service also needs a way to protect its fleet and its Airmen on the ground.

“I would feel more confident if we had a more robust, active base defense, quite frankly,” Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. David W. Allvin told reporters recently. “That’s one of those where we’ve been working with the Army, and that’s something that the Department has taken on as a joint requirement that we need to improve our base defenses.”

Officially, defending bases against missile attacks is an Army mission. Army Patriot batteries protect Air Force installations in the Middle East, such as Al Udeid Air Base, Qatar, and Al Asad Air Base, Iraq. However, those systems are costly, and the Army has only a limited number of them. The Army is also experimenting with directed energy short-range laser air defenses in the Middle East, but that has yet to produce a sure-fire defense

In the Middle East, where Iranian-supplied missiles are a primary threat, American air bases have not yet come under a barrage that has crippled manned aircraft. The approximately 180 attacks that Iran-backed militias have carried out with a variety of missiles, one-way attack drones, and rockets in Iraq, Syria, and Jordan have been directed against U.S. troops. 

But the threat is real; a few years ago, under the leadership of former U.S. Center Command boss Gen. Kenneth F. McKenzie, the U.S. built an alternate Combined Air Operations Center at Shaw Air Force Base, S.C., so the Air Force would not be wholly reliant on its CAOC command and control hub at Al Udeid should it become the target of a large salvo of Iranian missiles.

A Patriot PAC-2 missile battery prepares to move into the firing position during an exercise at Al Udeid Air Base, Qatar, March 4, 2015. U.S. Air Force photo by Tech. Sgt. James Hodgman

“The capacity and accuracy of adversary long-range strikes have altered combat paradigms and threaten to drive U.S. combat aircraft to rear-area bases that are at less risk of attack but too distant from the operational battlespace to enable combat-relevant operations,” J. Michael Dahm of the Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies wrote in a recent report. “The current capabilities and capacities of both active and passive air defenses are inadequate to sufficiently protect U.S. air bases and other critical facilities on adversary target lists, especially in the Indo-Pacific.”

The Air Force and Army say they are working to solve the problem jointly—an effort that is led by the No. 2 officer and civilian on the Air Force side, Vice Chief of Staff Gen. James C. “Jim” Slife and Undersecretary of the Air Force Melissa Dalton.

Those Air Force officials “are working on this real-time with the Department of the Army,” Dalton told Air & Space Forces Magazine at an event at the Brookings Institution in late July. “That is an Army mission.”

While the need for the capability is clear, ensuring that the Air Force and Army efforts are properly resourced and synchronized is key. 

“What the Department is endeavoring to do together is to ensure that we are able to project power forward in these types of contested environments,” Dalton said. “And so it is going to require us rowing forward together and defining the specific requirements and timing and sequencing of how we’re going to pull those pieces together.”

But there are fresh challenges on the horizon, too. New threats such as drone swarms have appeared, along with the low-cost rocket and drone attacks Iran and Iranian-aligned groups have used. 

In Europe, the array of Russian drones, ground-launched missiles, and stand-off air-launched missiles has been a focus of Gen. James B. Hecker, the commander of U.S. Air Forces in Europe, who has a team working on the problem. 

“We will never have enough base defense assets that I can protect every single base 24/7 here,” Hecker told Air & Space Forces Magazine recently. “It only works to move the assets inside of their targeting cycle. We’ve got to make sure that we move them quite often. And then, you know, with everything coming in, something’s going to get through eventually. So you have to make sure you have an adequate rapid runway repair model so that you can repair airfields when you do have a leaker that gets through. And then you have to do some passive things, as well: decoys and those kinds of things used to keep them off balance.”

Allvin also underscored the importance of improving base defense. 

“If we can’t have them [everywhere], we want to have them be able to decide where to place them, which means they need to be mobile enough to be able to not just be fixed,” Allvin said of advanced missile defense systems. “That’s some of the cleverness that has to happen with this, as well as the ability to rapidly move.”

The ultimate goal is to make it harder for the enemy to attack a target, real or simulated.

“Old-school things of camouflage, concealment, and deception are still alive and well; we just need to upgrade them to a 21st-century context,” Allvin said. “So the idea [is] still being able to make it a targeting calculus problem for the adversary, where they don’t know if that’s a real thing or if it’s a fake thing. ‘Should I spend a missile on it? Should I spend five missiles on it?'”

“There’s been dialogue and an understanding between the Army and the Air Force and [the Office of the Secretary of Defense] that we will work together,” Allvin said. “The Army is sorting out how to do it for air bases. They also have their own for their maneuver elements as well. But they are pursuing some things specifically, some areas specifically, with us to support Agile Combat Employment.”

As F-15C Presence on Kadena Winds Down, F-15EX Program Ramps Up

As F-15C Presence on Kadena Winds Down, F-15EX Program Ramps Up

A four-ship of F-15Cs departed Kadena Air Base on Okinawa, Japan, Aug. 24, leaving only a small number of Eagles still on the island after 40 years of being the Air Force’s tip of the spear in the Indo-Pacific. Service officials said the remaining Eagles will depart “soon.”

Meanwhile, the initial cadre of F-15EXs, which will eventually replace the F-15C/Ds at Kadena, has been declared operational in Oregon, and contracts for further lots of Eagle IIs are close to being made final.  

“The four-ship’s departure marks just one milestone on the road to replacing the F-15C Eagles and ushering in a new era of air superiority with the F-15EX Eagle IIs,” the 18th Wing at Kadena said in a press release.

Without offering details, the 18th Wing said some of the aircraft that departed Aug. 26 will go to the “Boneyard” at Davis Monthan Air Force Base, Ariz., while others “will be used at other Air Force units.”

On Aug. 15, the wing put out a release noting that one of its F-15Cs had conducted its last flight ever before being dismantled at Kadena and shipped back to the U.S. Presumably, its structural condition is so fragile that it could not be flown across the Pacific. The jets date back to the 1980s and ’90s, and have become increasingly structurally- and speed-limited as they have flown beyond their planned service lives.

“The final flight of the remaining F-15C Eagles out of Kadena is yet to be determined,” the 18th Wing said.

The Air Force raised eyebrows when it announced in October 2022 that it would phase out its F-15s from Kadena over the next two years without an immediate replacement in hand. A rotation of fighters including F-15Es, F-16s, F-35s, and F-22s has supplemented the force on Okinawa as the F-15C/D cohort has drawn down.

“As we divest the F-15 C/Ds, we remain committed to a phase-in/phase-out approach with backfill aircraft to maintain presence and operational readiness,” a Pacific Air Forces spokesperson said.

In July, the Pentagon announced the permanent replacement for the 48 F-15C/Ds of the 44th and 67th Fighter Squadrons on Okinawa would be 36 F-15EXs. Though 12 fewer, the new aircraft boast additional weapon stations, new electronic warfare suites, fly-by-wire flight controls, a far more powerful set of processors, and new cockpit displays. The notional date for fully equipping Kadena with the F-15EX is 2026.

The Air Force’s very first operational F-15EX arrived at Portland Air National Guard Base, Ore., in June. When the second fighter arrived shortly thereafter, Air Combat Command boss Gen. Kenneth Wilsbach, declared Initial Operational Capability for the type. It’s the first time the Air National Guard has gotten a new-type fighter before the Active-Duty force.

Declaring IOC was one element of “a significant year of accomplishments” for the F-15EX, Brig. Gen. Jason D. Voorheis, program executive officer for fighters and advanced aircraft, said at USAF’s Life Cycle Industry Days conference on July 29.

“Boeing successfully delivered the first eight F-15EX Lot 1 production aircraft,” he said. Six went to Eglin Air Force Base, Fla., for combined initial and developmental operational test and evaluation, while the other two went to the Portland Air Guard.

“Additional aircraft will deliver … starting in January 2025, from Lot 2,” and those deliveries will begin once Boeing completes production of the F-15QA for Qatar, on which the F-15EX is based.

The Air Force has divested 105 F-15C/Ds so far and if Congress permits, will divest another 77 next year, Voorhis noted.

He said Air Force acquisition executive Andrew Hunter approved full-rate production of the F-15EX in June, and “we’re very close to finishing negotiations with Boeing on both Lot 5 and Lot 6 production.”

The AN/ALQ-250 Eagle Passive Active Warning Survivability System (EPAWSS), the electronic warfare suite that will protect the F-15EX—which is not a stealthy aircraft—has completed test and evaluation “with very positive results from the operational test community,” Voorheis reported. The first F-15 equipped with EPAWSS went through Boeing’s modification line in San Antonio, Texas, in June, and has since gone to Nellis Air Force Base, Nev., he said.

The Air Force initially planned a fleet of 144 F-15EXs, but in the fiscal 2025 budget proposed limiting the fleet to just 98 aircraft. Congress may direct otherwise: the House Armed Services Committee, in its version of the 2025 budget, directed the purchase of an additional 24 aircraft, for a total fleet of 122 Eagle IIs. The budget has yet to be resolved and passed by Congress.

Can the Pentagon Get to the ‘Next Level’ of Space Domain Awareness?

Can the Pentagon Get to the ‘Next Level’ of Space Domain Awareness?

Retired Lt. Gen. John E. Shaw is often credited as the Pentagon’s trailblazer in advocating for dynamic space operations—maneuvering satellites in and between orbits and refueling them to better operate in a contested domain.

Now, he wants the military to get more dynamic in how it monitors and tracks objects and threats in orbit, as part of a broader shift and upgrade in space domain awareness, he said Aug. 26 

“We’re still doing that old way of propagating orbits and debris and such and trying to catalog everything,” Shaw, the former deputy commander of U.S. Space Command, said during a SpaceNews webinar. “And we haven’t really gone to the next level of doing dynamic tracking of hard-to-detect and -track targets in nonstandard orbits. We really just haven’t gotten there, and we need to get there.” 

Space Force, Space Command, and other Pentagon leaders have been talking about getting better at space domain awareness for years now, Shaw noted—from expanding how far they can monitor to being able to assign intent behind movements. 

“And yet, the capability that’s being delivered to Space Command today isn’t significantly different from what existed five, six, seven years ago,” Shaw said. 

It’s a capability Shaw compared to “looking for our keys under the lamppost.” 

The former Space Force general isn’t alone in calling for enhanced SDA, as space domain awareness is known. Earlier this year, Chief of Space Operations Gen. B. Chance Saltzman said the service needs to invest in “actionable space domain awareness” that gives decision-makers more context and understanding of what’s happening in the domain.  

And in June, Col. Bryon McClain, the program executive officer for SDA and combat power, said his office wants to open itself up to new ideas and technology from industry for the mission. A request for information the office issued included nods to the idea of satellites that can be refueled and move around to get closer to other objects on orbit—similar to the dynamic operations Shaw envisioned. 

The essential question, Brian Weeden of the Aerospace Corporation said during the SpaceNews event, is “How do we get beyond just tracking things in space?” 

Specifically, Weeden said, the Pentagon needs to get to a “holistic understanding of the space environment, the capabilities, the threats,” not just cataloging and tracking objects in orbit. 

Yet that effort is hampered in part by the fact that just trying to catalog and track everything is no small feat—and getting even harder as more and more satellites are launched every year. 

“We still haven’t solved the basic catalog maintenance orbital tracking problem. There are still hard challenges there,” Weeden said. 

Space Delta 2 is the Space Force organization responsible for that problem and must keep tabs on more than 45,000 objects in orbit. The plan is to eventually transfer much of that responsibility for “traffic management” to the Department of Commerce, allowing the Space Force to focus on the kinds of domain awareness Shaw, Saltzman, and others want. That process has been hit with delays, but Commerce officials told SpaceNews last month that they are on the cusp of beta testing the new system. 

Space Force Taps Northrop to Build Radar in UK for Monitoring Deep Space

Space Force Taps Northrop to Build Radar in UK for Monitoring Deep Space

The Space Force has awarded Northrop Grumman a $200 million contract to build a cutting-edge space radar in the United Kingdom, part of a joint venture between the U.S., U.K., and Australia to monitor 22,000 miles above the Earth around the clock.

The Deep-Space Advanced Radar Capability (DARC), as it is know, will include radar sites in each of the three countries and maximize coverage by sharing data to connect the three sites.

Northrop previously received a $341 million contract in 2022 to build the first DARC site in Western Australia, which is expected to be operational by 2026. The second radar site in the U.K. is slated to be finished by February 2030. The third radar will be based in the U.S., with all three sites to be completed by the end of the decade.

Once operational, DARC is expected to provide all-weather capabilities to detect, track, identify, and characterize objects moving through geosynchronous orbit (GEO).

space domain awareness
A artist’s concept illustration of the Deep-Space Advanced Radar Capability, or DARC. Courtesy of Northrop Grumman.

“As the world becomes more contested and the danger of space warfare increases, the U.K. and our allies must ensure we have the advanced capabilities we need to keep our nations safe,” then-U.K. Defense Secretary Grant Shapps, said in December 2023.

The project aims to modernize space domain awareness (SDA) for the U.S. and its allies by replacing outdated Cold War-era missile tracking radars and decade-old optical sensors that aren’t suited for today’s space environment. Unlike traditional optical systems that only work at night, DARC offers 24/7 monitoring regardless of daylight, making it much harder for adversaries to attempt an operational surprise.

The growing number of satellites in orbit and increasing space debris highlight the importance of monitoring geosynchronous orbit to ensure that these assets are tracked and managed effectively. In recent months, the U.S. military leaders have also warned against the growing collaboration among Russia, China, North Korea, and Iran in space, noting their joint engagements as something that they are “keenly observing.”

“Shared domain awareness is going to become increasingly important, not just for us to track objects and avoid collisions, but also to monitor activities, identify threats, and then make informed decisions about how best to respond,” said Charles Galbreath, a senior fellow for space studies at the Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies. “That’s going to be important for the United States and our allies in a potential future conflict.”

DARC will also offer extremely broad coverage given the three nations’ locations.

“You have to have sites scattered around the world,” said Brian Weeden, a former Air Force space operations officer at the Secure World Foundation. “By geographically spacing around all these radars and telescopes, linking them all together, sharing data between them, you get a much better network than what any one country can do by itself.”

How USAF Helped Ukraine Upgrade the Electronic Warfare Systems on Its New F-16s

How USAF Helped Ukraine Upgrade the Electronic Warfare Systems on Its New F-16s

The F-16 fighters Ukraine is receiving from its Western partners got a boost in their electronic warfare capabilities from the U.S. Air Force, the service revealed Aug. 26.

The Air Force worked with Denmark and Norway to reprogram the EW systems on the F-16s those countries and the Netherlands are providing to Ukraine. The U.S. military had not previously acknowledged contributing its electronic warfare expertise to Ukraine’s F-16s.

“To effectively integrate the F-16 into the Ukrainian Air Force, its EW subsystems required reprogramming to be effective against evolving Russian threats in the spectrum,” the 350th Spectrum Warfare Wing, the Air Force’s leading electronic warfare unit, said in a news release.

Russia and Ukraine jam GPS guidance systems and engage in other forms of electronic warfare in a cat-and-mouse battle to degrade the effectiveness of everything from cheap drones to cruise missiles.

“Both Ukraine and Russia’s militaries heavily rely on unfettered access to the electromagnetic spectrum to achieve commander objectives and both sides have continuously engaged in EW through techniques such as jamming and spoofing throughout the war to achieve spectrum superiority,” the 350th SWW said in its release.

Ukraine’s first F-16s were unveiled by Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskyy on Aug. 4, ending a lengthy wait for the Western fighters Kyiv says it needs to defend its airspace from Russia.

Led by the 68th Electronic Warfare Squadron, the work required a great deal of adaptability since the USAF specialists had to learn an unfamiliar EW system and then optimize it, relying on data from Denmark and Norway.

“Most reprogramming centers would have said ‘no way’ when approaching this challenge; it’s uncharted policy,” the 68th Electronic Warfare Squadron chief engineer, who was not named, said in the release.  

The Air Force said it developed new processes and approaches to understand the EW system that is installed on the F-16s and reprogram it to counter against Russian threats. The improved system was then tested in a “partner-nation lab” along with “coalition teammates” according to the release. The aim was to “test and verify the unique elements required by the Ukrainians” of its F-16s.

“This is not our standard operating procedure,” said the 68th EWS director, who was also not named. “The fact that the team was able to figure out the system in two weeks, go in country with a partner to develop a best-ever mission data file is unheard of and is thanks to the talent here in the squadron and the wing.”

The Biden administration signed off on the Europeans’ decision to provide Ukraine with F-16s in August 2023 amid pressure from allies. The U.S. is not proving its own F-16s but must agree to the transfer of U.S.-made weapons. There are a host of other unanswered questions, including how the planes will be maintained, the full range of munitions that will be used to arm them, and what missions they will perform.

All told, allies have promised to give Ukraine more than 60 F-16s, though the process will be gradual. The U.S. has said it will train a dozen Ukrainian pilots with the Arizona Air National Guard by the end of the fiscal year. Some of those pilots have graduated from that training, but the military has declined to provide specific numbers, citing operational security.

The jets on display Aug. 4 were mounted with what appeared to be AIM-120 AMRAAM radar-guided medium-range, air-to-air missiles, and AIM-9 Sidewinder infrared short-range air-to-air missiles, or their inert training variants.

The F-16s Ukraine put on public display were also mounted with what appeared to be an electronic countermeasures pod.

Ukraine is now being added as a foreign military sales case for the 68th EWS, meaning the unit will “provide reprogramming capabilities based on feedback from the Ukrainians,” the wing said in its release. 

Instead of feedback from the Ukrainians in training, future reprogramming will rely on “combat-tested data,” it added.

“One F-16 with a reprogrammed pod won’t achieve air dominance alone, but it may give you a pocket of air superiority for a moment’s time to achieve an objective that has strategic importance and impact,” the 68th Electronic Warfare Squadron’s director said in the release.

Allvin Takes Aim at New Area for Re-Optimization: Family Readiness

Allvin Takes Aim at New Area for Re-Optimization: Family Readiness

The Air Force’s sweeping effort to re-optimize for Great Power Competition needs to extend to families, Chief of Staff Gen. David W. Allvin wrote in a memo last week, urging Airmen, their loved ones, and community leaders to prepare for a potential conflict or contingency. 

When Air Force Secretary Frank Kendall first announced the review in September 2023 that would culminate in two dozen decisions announced earlier this year, readiness for competition with the likes of China and Russia was a frequent theme. 

That push, Allvin wrote in an Aug. 16 letter addressed to Airmen, families, and community partners, would be “incomplete without a parallel focus on family readiness.” 

The costs of not being prepared, he added, are clear. 

“As a squadron commander during the terrorist attacks on Sept. 11, 2001, I was struck by how collectively unprepared we were for the changing environment from a family readiness perspective,” Allvin wrote in the Aug. 16 memo. “We cannot afford to be in that situation again.” 

From that experience, Allvin added, he formulated three “insights”: 

  • The need for family members to understand the mission of their service member and the broader Air Force. 
  • Strong connections within the community and support programs before a crisis. 
  • Preparing families to take action as needed when their service member is executing their duties. 

Allvin touted several moves the Air Force has already made to build family readiness.  

One major change was to the Key Spouse Program announced this spring. Now called the Commander’s Key Support Program, the effort identifies volunteers who welcome new families, connect families to support programs, provide deployment assistance, and more. Previously, the program was only open to military spouses, but the Air Force has now opened up positions to anyone. The program is also implementing new training, tools, templates, and objectives. 

“Our goal is to create a culture where support programs are ready to surge when needed,” Gina Allvin, wife of the Chief of Staff, said at the time. “When service members and their families understand the resources available to them, it makes navigating challenging times easier for the entire base community.”

Krista Cox, a Family Child Care provider, gives a tour of her home to U.S. Air Force Col. Ryan A. F. Crowley, commander of Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling and the 11th Wing, following the opening of the newest Family Child Care home at JBAB, Washington, D.C., July 10, 2024. U.S. Air Force photo by Hayden Hallman

The service “reshaped” its Relocation Assistance Program to prepare service members and their families for permanent changes of station, Allvin said. It also implemented a “Connect to Care” approach for victims of interpersonal violence, a move former Undersecretary of the Air Force Gina Ortiz Jones often referred to as a “no wrong door” policy—different support agencies are supposed to connect victims with the proper program with a “warm handoff” rather than simply redirecting them. 

Still more changes are coming, Allvin added. The Air Force currently has two programs, True North and Operational Support Teams, that are meant to embed teams of spiritual, emotional, behavioral, and physical health professionals within units. Those programs will be combined, “centralizing unit resources and enabling allocation and re-allocation based on unit risk data and evolving mission priorities,” Allvin wrote. 

Beyond those efforts, Allvin also called for service members, their families, and communities to work on family readiness together. 

Air & Space Forces Association president and CEO retired Lt. Gen. Burt Field said he supported Allvin’s efforts and focus on family readiness. 

“Without ready families, you won’t have ready Airmen and Guardians,” said Field. “We know that family readiness and mission readiness are directly linked. That’s why we are so committed to helping the Department of the Air Force ensure Airmen, Guardians, and their families have the quality of life they deserve and are well-supported at home, whether in peace or wartime.”  

In a First, USAF RQ-4 Global Hawk to Operate from UK

In a First, USAF RQ-4 Global Hawk to Operate from UK

An Air Force RQ-4 Global Hawk flew into RAF Fairford on Aug. 22 for a deployment of an undisclosed duration, U.S. Air Forces in Europe announced. The deployment—the first for a Global Hawk to the United Kingdom—will practice aspects of the Agile Combat Employment model, the command said.

The intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance drone “will conduct operations through international and Allied airspace in accordance with international norms and standards,” USAFE said in a release. The Air Force also operates a detachment of U-2 Dragon Lady crewed ISR aircraft from Fairford.

In the U.S., the FAA requires that autonomous aircraft must fly within approved corridors. An Air Force official said the U.K.’s counterpart entity, the Civilian Aviation Authority, established such a corridor for an uncrewed aircraft like the Global Hawk earlier this year. Global Hawk flights from Fairford will likely be timed for nighttime hours to minimize the impact on civilian air traffic in the vicinity, as the aircraft climbs to or descends from its 50,000-foot operating altitude, the official said.

The RQ-4 deployed from Sigonella Naval Air Station on the Italian island of Sicily and followed a circuitous route to Fairford, which took it over Finland, Norway, and Sweden. NATO operates five RQ-4D “Phoenix” aircraft from Sigonella.

The NATO aircraft are equipped with the Multi-Platform Radar Technology Insertion Program (MP-RTIP) and synthetic aperture radar ground surveillance radars. The Air Force’s RQ-4 Block 40, the last variant still in service, also employs the MP-RTIP for ground surveillance. It can also track cruise missiles. The Air Force RQ-4 fleet of nine aircraft—out of an original inventory of 45—is funded to remain in service through fiscal 2027, when the type is slated to retire.

The deployment is also part of USAFE’s efforts “to diversify operating locations and enhance integration with NATO allies,” the command said in a press release.

Agile Combat Employment will come into play as the aircraft is “dispersed from typical operating locations to alternate airfields to enhance survivability,” USAFE said, though it could not immediately be reached to explain how ACE will be practiced with the Global Hawk or how much of a support contingent is needed for the aircraft.

The 501st Combat Support Wing at Fairford has supported other recent deployments, such as a B-52 Bomber Task Force which operated from the base earlier this year.

PHOTOS: B-2 Bombers Fly with Australians, Land on Diego Garcia

PHOTOS: B-2 Bombers Fly with Australians, Land on Diego Garcia

The three B-2 Spirits that touched down in Australia last week for a Bomber Task Force have been making waves across the Indo-Pacific, with show-stopping formation flight and a rare landing at a strategic location.

Two of the B-2s conducted a flight escorted by American F-22s, two Royal Australian Air Force F-35As, two EA-18G Growlers, and one E-7A Wedgetail throughout the airspace of southeastern Australia on Aug 19—an impressive display of airpower between the two allies featuring some of their most advanced fighter, bomber, electronic warfare, and airborne early warning and control aircraft.

Australian KC-30A tankers later joined the flight to refuel the bombers and the Growlers mid-air.

Later in the week, one of the B-2s made a quick pit stop at Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean, located some 3,000 miles from the mainland. Airmen from the 110th Expeditionary Bomb Squadron changed crews while the ground team quickly refueled the bomber and got it airborne again, all with the engines running—a process known as “hot pitting.”

The team has streamlined this process to ensure more efficiency with fewer personnel.

“In the past, our hot pit crews have been a large group, with a big footprint, going out and setting up,” Col. Matthew Howard, 110th EBS deputy commander and B-2 pilot, said in a release. “With more iterations of this process, we’ve been making it leaner under the Agile Combat Employment concept, where we can land a jet with the minimum number of people, turn the jet, and then get it airborne.”

These bomber missions are designed to enhance readiness “to respond to any potential crisis or challenge in the Indo-Pacific” through joint operations, the release added.

“If we lose a tanker or don’t get a tanker for aerial refueling, a hot pit enables us to move our jet from location to location, refuel and complete the mission,” added Howard.

Diego Garcia hosts a Naval Support Facility and provides access to the Indo-Pacific, Southwest Asia, the Middle East, and Africa. It regularly sees USAF bombers fly in, such as in March when two B-52 Stratofortresses landed there. It has been four years, however, since the Air Force has announced a B-2 landing on the island.

The B-2s are currently deployed to RAAF base Amberley, along with two KC-135R tankers from the Illinois National Guard.

Earlier this month, the Air Force also deployed F-22s from the 27th Expeditionary Fighter Squadron to Australia. The Raptors, along with the RAAF’s F-35s, conducted a joint hot pit refuel mission at the nation’s western base, Curtin. The strategically located base is still undergoing development, as it prepares to host more temporary operations.

“We’re willing to take risks if it means better agility and combat capability,” Master Sgt. Luke Ashman, 27th Expeditionary Fighter Generation Squadron aircraft section chief, said in a release. “The execution of this went very smoothly, the RAAF seems to operate on the same wavelength as us.”

These bomber and fighter operations with Australian forces follow the U.S.-Australian ministerial conference earlier this month, where the two countries’ defense chiefs said they would increase the presence of U.S. aircraft in Australia.

“We’re increasing the presence of rotational U.S. forces in Australia” Defense Secretary Lloyd J. Austin said at the time, to include “more maritime patrol aircraft and reconnaissance aircraft operating from bases across northern Australia.” He added that the allies are planning on “more frequent rotational bomber deployments.”