Top Lawmaker Wants to Slash $550 Million in NGAD Funding. But It Wouldn’t Go to F-22

Top Lawmaker Wants to Slash $550 Million in NGAD Funding. But It Wouldn’t Go to F-22

The Air Force’s request for funding for the Next Generation Air Dominance program is slashed nearly a third—some $550 million—in the House Armed Services Committee chairman’s mark of the 2024 National Defense Authorization Act.

But while the amount of the reduction roughly matches what the Air Force has said it is pulling out of the F-22 program to fund NGAD, the draft NDAA doesn’t appear to put that $550 million directly back into the F-22.

Instead, the bill notes the $550 million as a “deferment” from the Air Force’s $2.326 billion request for NGAD. No further explanation was provided, and a spokesperson for chairman Rep. Mike Rogers (R-Ala.) did not immediately respond to a request for comment. The fact that it’s described as a deferment suggests the funds may be shifted to a later year.

The full committee will meet to vote on amendments and approve the NDAA on June 21.

In mid-May, the Air Force said it was starting the clock on the NGAD contractual effort, issuing a request for information to industry expected to culminate in the selection of a contractor next year.  

Meanwhile, the Air Force has also asked Congress to let it retire 32 Block 20 F-22s, which have been used for training and which the service says are the most expensive aircraft in the fleet to maintain.

The Air Force made a similar request in the 2023 budget, and Congress instead passed a provision prohibiting the service from retiring any Raptors until October 2027. The 2024 chairman’s mark does not change that requirement, and HASC members have voiced concerns the Air Force is reducing its “fight tonight” combat capacity too much to pay for future capability, suggesting they are once again unwilling to let the F-22s be mothballed.

Air Force Secretary Frank Kendall has responded that there is no time to spare in developing and fielding the NGAD, as Chinese fifth-generation fighters are advancing in capability. He said the reduction of the F-22 fleet to increase NGAD development accounts is a calculated risk, but one he is comfortable taking.

In April, Air Force deputy chief of staff for plans and programs Lt. Gen. Richard Moore Jr. broke with the tradition of not describing to Congress the specific dollar tradeoffs between budget items. He told the HASC tactical aviation panel that the funds saved by not operating the 32 F-22s would remain within the air dominance portfolio and go directly into NGAD.

At a Mitchell Institute for Aerospace Studies event a few days later, Moore said it costs $485 million per year simply to operate the 32 Block 20 Raptors, and that figure would not cover upgrades and new equipment needed to bring those aircraft up to date against known and predicted threats. The Block 20s have been used for training and lack many of the improvements on the combat-coded Block 35 F-22s.

To bring the Block 20s up to Block 35 would cost an extra $3.5 billion, Moore said, adding that it would not be a worthwhile investment because the F-22 is slated to retire circa 2030, and it would take years to build up the industrial capability needed to develop and install the upgrade.

In fact, Moore said, the Block 35s themselves already need to be upgraded. Lockheed Martin, the prime contractor for the F-22 and F-35, has a limited number of engineers, he said, and “if we were to stand up an effort like this, it would be reasonable to expect they would have to pull some engineering talent off of F-35 … to get this accomplished.”

A HASC member staffer would not speak directly to the NGAD cut, but noted the law prohibiting any retirement of F-22s is still in effect. He said the Block 20s could still be “very capable in some theaters” and if they are stood down, the Block 35s would have to fill the training role and that means “more wear and tear on them.” Air Force officials have said, though, that the Block 20s and Block 35s are so dissimilar that pilots are acquiring bad habits in the older jets.

The staffer’s only comment regarding NGAD was to note that it’s still in “a very early stage” and “we have some time to adjust that program.” He also noted that there may be some overlap”with the Collaborative Combat Aircraft program, and that effort got a roughly 50 percent boost in the chairman’s mark, from $118.8 million to $176.1 million.

If Congress continues to block the divestiture of the older F-22s and the Air Force is obliged to keep operating them, Moore has claimed, “that’s a half-billion dollars of something else that won’t get done.”

The draft NDAA did not have a surge in F-22 funding to match the NGAD cut, however. The F-22 squadrons line item in the research, development, test, and evaluation account saw only a $15 million increase, from $725.9 million to $740.9 million, to improve the jet’s “cyber resiliency.” Procurement funding remains the same.

The F-22 continues to be in high demand—the Air Force dispatched an undisclosed number of them to the Middle East in mid-June in response to what the Pentagon called “unsafe and unprofessional” air-to-air encounters between Russian and U.S. aircraft.

BUFFs in Guam: B-52s Deploy for Another Bomber Task Force

BUFFs in Guam: B-52s Deploy for Another Bomber Task Force

Four B-52s and more than 200 Airmen arrived at Andersen Air Force Base, Guam, this week to kick off another Bomber Task Force deployment in the Indo-Pacific. 

The Stratofortresses, from the 5th Bomb Wing at Minot Air Force Base, N.D., arrived June 12 and June 14, according to images released by the Air Force, and immediately participated in their first BTF mission on June 15. 

The deployment to Guam comes less than a month since the island was hit by Super Typhoon Mawar, prompting the Air Force to deploy its Natural Disaster Recovery Team to Andersen. The base report no serious injuries or aircraft damage, but some facilities were damaged or lost power during the storm. Permanent change of station moves to Andersen were paused for 60 days to ease the recovery. 

Bomber Task Force deployments typically last a month or more and involve frequent missions throughout the region to train and integrate with allies, demonstrating airpower and combined operations.

“Being here in the Indo-Pacific with the Bomber Task Force allows our forces to showcase our ability to deploy anytime, anywhere in support of the combatant commander’s objectives,” Lt. Col. Ryan Loucks, BTF commander, said in a statement. “Training and operating in the priority theater allows us to demonstrate our continued readiness, willingness and commitment to our Allies and partners.” 

This marks the second deployment of B-52s to Guam in three months—four bombers from Barksdale Air Force Base, La., arrived March 30 and returned home at the end of April. During that time, they completed 29 sorties while integrating with four allied partners, according to a Pacific Air Forces release. 

On the other side of the world, another Bomber Task Force deployment is underway in Europe—B-1s from Dyess Air Force Base, Texas, landed at RAF Fairford, U.K., on May 23 and have participated in the Arctic Challenge Exercise and Air Defender 23, as well as a mission over the Middle East. 

The B-52s in the Pacific will also be busy—prior USAF bomber rotations have flown over the Korean Peninsula as part of the U.S. commitment to South Korea.  

China is also flexing its muscle in the region. More than 30 Chinese aircraft entered Taiwan’s air defense identification zone last week. That followed an incident on May 26, when a Chinese fighter jet crossed in front of a U.S. Air Force RC-135 over the South China Sea in what the Pentagon called an “unnecessarily aggressive” maneuver. It was the second such close encounter since last December. 

That incident took place days before the Shangri-La Dialogue, a major defense conference in the Pacific, where speakers included U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin and Chinese Defense Minister Gen. Li Shangfu. Li declined a sit-down with Austin at the Singapore conference. But days after the Bomber Task Force deployment began, U.S. Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken arrived in China on June 16, the two countries’ first direct high-level talks in months.

HASC Chair Rogers Inserts Funding for More F-15EXs in 2025

HASC Chair Rogers Inserts Funding for More F-15EXs in 2025

The Air Force says it’s asking for every fighter aircraft U.S. suppliers can possibly deliver in 2024, but House Armed Services Committee Chair Rep. Mike Rogers is already looking beyond. His markup of the 2024 National Defense Authorization Act would authorize the purchase of six F-15EX fighters in 2025.

Rogers’ markup now goes to the full committee, which will consider amendments June 21. It adds $92 million in advance procurement for the additional F-15EXs. It also adds $100 million in advance procurement to accelerate purchases of new E-7 Wedgetail aircraft. 

The Wedgetail funding was included in the Air Force’s unfunded priorities list; the UPL actually called for $633.4 million, saying it would allow contractors to procure long-lead equipment necessary to build the first two E-7s. The Air Force has said it hopes to have the first E-7 prototype by 2027, but lawmakers and officials have pushed for a faster timeline to replace the service’s aging E-3 AWACS aircraft. 

In contrast, the Air Force’s budget documents indicated it planned to buy 24 F-15EXs in 2025, the same number it is requesting in the 2024 budget. Air Force Secretary Frank Kendall had previously said the service would stop buying the updated fourth-generation fighter after 2024. 

Thirty F-15EXs in 2025, as Rogers’ markup proposes, would be the program’s largest single-year buy. It could also push the Air Force past its goal of 72 new fighters per year; USAF’s future-years defense plan calls for 48 F-35s in 2025, a figure officials say is all the builder can provide. 

For now, however, the Air Force still has just two F-15EXs in its possession. The Government Accountability Office noted in its annual Pentagon weapons assessment released earlier this month that while six were slated to arrive in December 2022, they were delayed due to “supplier quality problems related to a critical component in the forward fuselage assembly that ensures safety of flight.” 

The GAO report said a design flaw in Boeing’s tooling “caused inaccurately drilled holes for the windscreen installation on the third through sixth aircraft.” The report, based on data from January, projected revised delivery dates between May and July 2023. The Air Force has not disclosed any deliveries. Delays beyond July threaten the timeline for initial operational capability, the report said. 

Rogers’ markup of the draft NDAA made several other adjustments to aircraft procurement funding, mostly “technical realignments” that change the source of funds. One surprise: The proposed bill includes $100 million in procurement funds to restore the F-16 Integrated Viper EW Suite (IVEWS), which the Air Force had moved to kill in its budget proposal. Aviation Week reported in March that the Air Force was more interested in other modernization efforts.

Rogers also wants to add an additional $20 million for C-130 firefighting systems. 

More Casualties, Less Comms: How Aeromedical Evacuation May Look in the Next Fight

More Casualties, Less Comms: How Aeromedical Evacuation May Look in the Next Fight

PITTSBURGH—Part of what 1st Lt. Mackenzie Puch enjoys about her work in aeromedical evacuation (AE) is its unpredictability. Each time she and her fellow AE Airmen pick up patients aboard a C-17, a C-130, or another transport aircraft, some of those patients might be scared of flying, others might have injuries that require flying below certain altitudes, and others might show up without warning, she told Air & Space Forces Magazine.

“You just don’t know what you’re going to get patient-wise,” said Puch, a reservist who is a civilian nurse in her regular job and a flight nurse with the 911th Aeromedical Evacuation Squadron during her duty days.

Now the aeromedical evacuation field is preparing to become even more dynamic. For the past several decades, AE Airmen have worked with uncontested airspaces, stable communication channels, and relatively small numbers of casualties as they brought injured service members and civilians from frontlines in the Middle East and Southwest Asia to higher levels of medical care in Europe or the U.S.

But as the Pentagon prepares to potentially fight a near-peer adversary like China or Russia, the aeromedical evacuation field is preparing to care for more casualties with fewer resources and spotty communications. That kind of unpredictability requires a different mindset, one where relatively junior Airmen may have to make life-or-death choices regarding patient triage and treatment.

“You might fly to a location and find many more patients than you expected, and you might be the one deciding which patients get on the plane,” said Lt. Col. Adam Foster, director of operations for the 911th AES. “I don’t want it to be their first time making decisions that are uncomfortable when they’re out there.” 

Part of preparing aeromedical evacuation Airmen to make difficult decisions is allowing them to take on more risk. In the past, if an AE crew encountered uncertainty, they likely had access to specialized experts who could help them make the best choice. Crews often work with Critical Care Air Transport Teams (CCATTs), highly-specialized units typically made up of a physician, a critical care nurse, and a respiratory therapist. CCATTs provide expertise to treat critically ill or injured patients, but if communications are down and the nearest medical doctor is across an ocean, the AE Airmen on the scene may have to decide how to best care for those critical patients.

“We’re trying to teach our aeromedical evacuation members to assume risks that they probably would not have in the last 20 years when it comes to patient care,” Foster said. 

aeromedical evacuation
Senior Airman Steven Pittek, 911th Aeromedical Evacuation Squadron medical technician, reads from a medical procedure book during a training mission over the Atlantic Ocean, Dec. 16, 2019. U.S. Air Force photo by Joshua J. Seybert.

Indeed, Puch said reservist AE crews are often paramedics or nurses in their civilian jobs, so they are accustomed to the chaos of an emergency room or intensive care unit. Still, she said much of AE training emphasizes staying within regulations. There are extensive checklists for setting up medical equipment on an aircraft, maintaining care in-flight, and for handling emergency medical situations. But circumstances may dictate different approaches.

“Do those regs go out the window and you just ask for forgiveness so that you can do everything you need to do within your scope to keep that patient alive?” Puch asked. 

To try to foster that mindset, the 911th AES has created a series of “non-standard training” scenarios that take place unexpectedly during the squadron’s twice-a-month local training flights or other duty days.

“You might take off with the patients you expected and then they have you turn around saying ‘we need you to come back, there’s three more,’” said Capt. Mike O’Neill, a medical service corps officer with the 911th. “That is a very real scenario where patients show up late.”

There also may be fewer trained Airmen aboard to deal with problems. AE crews typically fly with two flight nurses and three medical technicians, or with three flight nurses and four med-techs on a deployment. But future flights may have just one flight nurse and two med-techs. A C-17 can accommodate about 60 floor-loaded litters, so small AE crews will have to be creative to treat so many patients.

“You might even use other patients who are ambulatory to help put tourniquets on people,” Puch said. “You could tell them ‘this is what you need to feel for, please let me know if you do not feel that,’ so you can instruct patients or you can have the loadmasters help with CPR or [basic lifesaving skills].”

Working short-handed is not unfamiliar to aeromedical evacuation crews. During the 2021 withdrawal from Afghanistan, some of the flights carrying hundreds of evacuees had just one AE Airman and a small bag of supplies, Foster said. Some wound up helping deliver babies aboard C-17s during evacuation flights.

Still, it takes effort to break well-established habits within the community.

“We’re teaching our people to mentally flex a little bit and get out of their comfort zones,” Foster said. “Our people have become very good at doing AE one way, but we need to learn to do it this other way. If we never do it the second way, great, but I’d rather be prepared.”

aeromedical evacuation
U.S. Air Force airmen from the 43rd, 446th and 911th Aeromedical Evacuation Squadrons offload a simulated casualty following an aeromedical evacuation mission onboard a C-17 Globemaster III aircraft at Fort Hunter Liggett, Calif., May 21, 2011. U.S. Air Force photo by Tech Sgt. Donald Allen.

Beyond more casualties and fewer resources, AE crews may also have to contend with longer flights in the Indo-Pacific than they saw in CENTCOM. Flying from Al Udeid Air Base, Qatar, to Germany is not too bad, Foster said. But a 12- or 18-hour flight from Japan back to the U.S. is a much more demanding haul for the crews, patients, and resources available aboard the aircraft.

And that’s assuming transport aircraft are even available to support the AE mission. Military planners are concerned that C-130s, C-17s, C-5s and other transport planes will be swamped in a near-peer fight flying troops and equipment across the vast theater, which means AE may have to hitch a ride on aircraft performing other missions.

“In past deployments, if AE were on a mission, that mission was ‘fragged’ [tasked] as AE,” said O’Neill who, along with Puch, recently returned from a deployment to the Middle East. “I’ve noticed on this past deployment, the mission may be ‘fragged’ as not AE and we need to fit onto it.”

Foster said AE crews are accustomed to working with what they have, even if it is just one or two pallet positions.

“They don’t make a habit of moving those aircraft nearly empty,” he said. “The idea of moving patients and cargo, passengers, and weapons, that’s not unfamiliar at all to us.”

Still, the lack of free space may limit the choices an AE Airman can make if they have more than 100 patients in need of transport.

The Air Force may also have to use non-standard aircraft for moving patients. While AE Airmen often say the C-17 is the AE transport of choice, they can also work aboard C-130s and tanker/transports like the KC-135 and KC-46. They may have to become even more flexible.

“In the near-peer fight, it’ll be like ‘does this airplane start? Let’s take it,’” Foster said. “There might be situations that are non-standard.”

crew chief
Staff Sgt. Jorge Padron, 911th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron flying crew chief, talks to aircrew members during an inspection of a C-17 Globemaster III after landing in Bangor, Maine, to go through customs, Dec. 16, 2019. (U.S. Air Force photo by Joshua J. Seybert)

Some AE units are already training on non-standard aircraft. Earlier this winter, New York Air National Guard medical technicians practiced working on Royal Canadian Air Force ‘Twin Otter’ transports, which are much smaller than C-130s.

Being prepared for such flexibility is important not just for U.S. service members and civilians, but also for foreign partners. Though other militaries may have AE-equivalent units, the U.S. Air Force is the only institution that can provide long-distance aeromedical evacuation at scale. Despite the obstacles and uncertainty facing AE in a near-peer fight, Foster is confident his troops have the right attitude to meet the challenge.

“We have young reservists who come in here and are like ‘I’ll jump right in that,’” he said. “I’ve been in this game a little while, so it’s reinvigorating to me to see people do that and come to the squadron with a level of professionalism that I probably didn’t have at that age.”

Top Lawmaker Wants to Create Emerging Tech Position to Advise Secretaries, Eliminate CAPE

Top Lawmaker Wants to Create Emerging Tech Position to Advise Secretaries, Eliminate CAPE

House Armed Services Committee chair Rep. Mike Rogers (R-Ala.) wants to create a new position in each service’s secretariat, with the responsibility of finding promising new technologies and helping shepherd them across the so-called “valley of death” between successful prototypes and a program of record.

He also wants to abolish the Office of the Secretary of Defense’s Cost Assessment and Program Evaluation shop.

The new job—outlined in the chairman’s mark for the fiscal 2024 National Defense Authorization Act—would be called the “Principal Technology Transition Advisor” and would report directly to each service secretary, not the service’s acquisition executive. Instead of a new hire, each secretary would have the authority to “designate” an existing staff position to perform the functions of the principal tech transition advisory role.

The position would “advise the secretary on the transition of technologies, including technologies from science and technology program of the department, private commercial entities, research institutions, and universities, to fulfill identified and potential warfighter requirements for the military department,” the draft bill’s language states.

Pentagon technology developers have long complained that promising new capabilities which shine in demonstrations and prototyping often can’t make the leap to a program of record because there isn’t a “pull” requirement from operators. Frequently, such technologies never make the transition, resulting in the gap between useful emerging technologies and operational capability being dubbed “the valley of death.”

The new position is aimed at giving such capabilities greater visibility and top-level sponsorship within each military department.

The tech transition advisor would coordinate with other military departments and the DOD on emerging technologies being developed within the Pentagon’s research and development enterprise, as well as in academia and industry, to nominate programs for acquisition that have already been demonstrated. The new advisor would also coordinate with program managers, informing them about the availability of  new technologies that could be inserted into existing programs.

Specifically, the measure says the tech transition advisor will coordinate with the Defense Innovation Unit, the Air Force “AFWERX” organization, or any other similar organization in DOD, with a “focus on accelerating the adoption of emerging technologies for mission-relevant applications or innovation.”   

The position would come into being one year after the passage of the 2024 NDAA. Every year thereafter, the officeholder would provide a report to Congress on technologies pulled from the tech base and put into the acquisition track, along with how much was spent on them from various DOD technology incubator accounts.

The chairman’s mark also moved to eliminate CAPE, typically regarded as an independent voice in assessing the validity of service program office cost estimates.

A HASC member staffer said the move was specifically prompted by CAPE questioning congressional mandates regarding the numbers of ships the Navy should build, exploring other options when ship numbers had been set in law by the previous NDAA. The CAPE has had the effect recently of slowing the acquisition process by introducing approaches “that are not up for debate,” the staffer said.

The language would leave up to the Secretary of Defense which organization would fulfill the CAPE’s mission. The Office of the Secretary of Defense said it does not comment on pending legislation.

The full committee markup is expected June 21.

NATO Allies Reveal New Details on Ukrainian F-16 Training

NATO Allies Reveal New Details on Ukrainian F-16 Training

BRUSSELS—Western defense chiefs provided the most detailed public outline yet of their plans to remake Ukraine’s air force with Western jets such as the F-16 on June 15.

“The Netherlands and Denmark are stepping up to lead this consortium, and they are outlining the plan for training,” Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III told reporters at NATO headquarters after a gathering of the Ukraine Defense Contact Group, a collection of roughly 50 nations supporting Kyiv.

Kajsa Ollongren, the Dutch Minister of Defense, explained portions of that plan to the media after Austin’s remarks.

“We want to kickstart it first as soon as possible, but then work towards a more sustainable solution,” Ollongren said. She added that the current plan is to train “the first batch of Ukrainian pilots relatively soon. Our ambition is really to start this summer.”

Long-term, according to Ollongren and a Dutch Ministry of Defense press release, the so-called fighter jet coalition is looking to set up a training center in “one of the eastern European countries.”

For months, the U.S. would not pledge its support for foreign delivery of American-made fighter jets, arguing they were too costly and complex of a platform. But last month, the Biden administration relented after pleas from Ukrainian officials and prodding from key allies.

European nations jumped into action.

“We’re really doing this step-by-step,” Ollongren said. “So the green light that we got about two weeks ago from Washington is about starting training Ukrainians on the F-16.”

Among others, Belgium, Luxembourg, and the United Kingdom—which has been forward-leaning in its aid and provided advanced weapons such as long-range cruise missiles to Ukraine—are taking part.

“We will see what who can bring to the table,” she added. “We have F-16s that we can make available. We even have two seaters [training variants] that we can make available. But we’re still in the planning phase to see if that is needed or not.”

Before Ukraine embarked on a recently-begun counteroffensive to regain territory, its troops were trained in Western-style combined arms operations. The talk at NATO headquarters over the past few days has had a strong focus on maintenance and sustainment, and away from “phases” of plugging various holes in Ukraine’s military and defense, though denying the skies to Russian aircraft, missiles, rockets, and drones remains the West’s top focus.

“We will stand by Ukraine as long as it takes,” Austin said.

Ukraine has exceeded Western expectations in its ability to use advanced weapons systems. It has intercepted what Russia bills as a hypersonic missile with one of the U.S.’s prized PATRIOT batteries. With the knowledge that the Ukrainian’s resolve to fight remains strong, Western officials acknowledge it will need to build a strong, Western-style military to fend off Russian aggression, even if a diplomatic solution can be reached. But the multirole F-16 will require Ukrainian pilots to rethink how they employ airpower with Western tactics.

For now, Ollongren cautioned that despite the rapid pace of the planning after Washington’s sign-off, “it starts with a limited number of Ukrainian fighters, which is normal because you have to begin with the ones that are English-speaking, excellent flyers, etc. That’s the ones you want to get in first. And then later on, we will build upon that.”

U.S. officials indicated the decision to sign off on F-16s was not due to sea change in expectations on how long providing the aircraft will take, and there is no direct commitment to provide American aircraft.

“This will take some time, but they’re really moving out in a very impressive way,” Austin said of the fighter coalition. ”Over the weeks and months, we’ve worked with Ukrainians. We’ve also changed in terms of the kinds of things that we’re providing them, and it’s been successful … can be seen in where the Ukrainians are today on the battlefield.”

New Missile-Tracking Satellites Capture First Images, But Next Launch Date Faces Delay

New Missile-Tracking Satellites Capture First Images, But Next Launch Date Faces Delay

The first missile-tracking satellites in a constellation planned by the Space Development Agency have maneuvered into their intended orbit and sent back their first images, the agency announced June 14. But the next SDA launch will likely slip past its June target date. 

SDA put eight communications satellites into space in its first launch, and while all are still undergoing tests, one apparently appears compromised by an “assembly issue,” the agency added in social media posts. A spokesperson declined to share the first images publicly.  

Meanwhile, an SDA spokesperson told Air & Space Forces Magazine that the agency has “low confidence” that it will meet its planned June timeline for the second launch of its “Tranche 0” satellites, due to “critical elements necessary for the satellite’s intended demonstrations.” The spokesperson declined to clarify. 

SDA still plans for 28 satellites in Tranche 0 of its Proliferated Warfighter Space Architecture and that the next launch will still reach space this summer. The agency is trying to build constellation of hundreds of satellites in low-Earth orbit, with an ongoing stream of new satellites that will make it nearly impossible to shut down the constellation.

SDA director Derek M. Tournear described this first batch of satellites as the “warfighter immersion tranche,” giving service members the opportunity to work with the systems, understand their capabilities, and begin to imagine how they might be employed. 

With the first parts of the Tracking Layer, used for missile warning and tracking, in place, the satellites will now being looking for what Tournear previously called “targets of opportunity”—any sort of launch over the next few months to detect and track to gather calibration data. After that, formal assessments that track U.S. test objects will begin in the spring of 2024.  

The Transport Layer satellites, used for carrying data and communications, “are undergoing the necessary steps to begin tactical data demonstrations and orbit raising soon,” SDA wrote in a social media post. 

The biggest challenge for those satellites will be testing their ability to relay data to the ground using Link 16, the military’s tactical data network. Those demonstrations haven’t taken place yet, but the agency has transmitted data using radio frequency channels. 

Officials in the Pentagon and Congress are watching Tranche 0 closely as a proof of concept for SDA’s unique approach, which is defined by rapid timelines, numerous small spacecraft, and increased contractor competition. The first eight satellites went from from contract to orbit in two and a half years, extremely fast for a military space program. SDA has already started soliciting proposals for Tranche 2, having awarded deals for Tranche 1 earlier. Last week, Space Systems Command announced it had assigned seven launches for Tranche 1, five to SpaceX and two to United Launch Alliance. 

In its markup of the 2024 National Defense Authorization bill, the House Armed Services strategic forces subcommittee requested a briefing from the Secretary of the Air Force on SDA’s plans “to acquire on-orbit capabilities including the best available apertures to include multibeam active phased array antennas, the ability to connect multiple users with an efficient deployment of satellite assets, and efficient implementation of space-based tactical data links.” 

The New TRANSCOM Enlisted Chief Started Out As a Troubled Airman

The New TRANSCOM Enlisted Chief Started Out As a Troubled Airman

On June 13, the Pentagon announced Chief Master Sgt. Brian P. Kruzelnick, the top enlisted member of Air Mobility Command, had been selected as the next command senior enlisted leader for U.S. Transportation Command, which oversees the movement of troops and equipment around the world.

The prestigious assignment is the latest in a series of leadership roles stretching back over Kruzelnick’s 29-year Air Force career. But the Airman did not always show such promise—Kruzelnick had a tough start in life, which contributed to tough start in service.

“I came from the mean streets of New Jersey, struggling to survive in the world in which I lived,” Kruzelnick, a native of Passaic, wrote in a blog post about his early military career on The Mobility Forum after taking on his current role at AMC in 2020. 

“I lacked basic physical and psychological needs, from shelter to a feeling of belonging,” he said. 

On the recommendation of a friend, Kruzelnick enlisted in the Air Force as an aircraft maintainer, but the early years were a challenge.

“It was hard to correct my undisciplined and unstructured background to meet military expectations, which led me to be a less-than-desired Airman,” he wrote. “Living in ‘survival mode’ for so long made me combative and stopped me from developing healthy relationships. Although I did have a strong work ethic, my behavior was not acceptable.”

Specifically, the chief told Air & Space Forces Magazine that he would “find myself in altercations with others and have my First Sergeant pick me up at the Security Forces Squadron, and I had problems with authority as I felt everything was a personal attack or I had to always show ‘strength.'”

As time went on, Kruzelnick eventually found solace, pride, and acceptance in the teamwork and accomplishment needed to generate aircraft on a flightline. He was also inspired by deployments in support of Operations Deny Flight and Provide Promise, both of which were related to ethnic conflicts in Bosnia and Herzegovina in the mid-1990s. Those deployments allowed Kruzelnick to “[witness] AMC flat out delivering hope to those in need,” he wrote.

Over the next several decades, Kruzelnick grew “as an Airman and as a person on every flightline around the world,” he added.

As he climbed through the ranks and mentored younger troops, Kruzelnick found his background, formerly a hindrance, had become a strength.

“I feel very comfortable leading Mobility Airmen because I had similar experiences and can relate to their trials and tribulations as well as their successes,” he wrote.

Leaders who want to help Airmen from many walks of life succeed must take the time to get to know their stories, Kruzelnick said.

“In our ranks are those driven and meek, strong and vulnerable, carefree and overwhelmed,” he wrote. “As leaders, we can decide what matters but never who matters because everyone does. We must have a curious nature to create opportunities to bond with one another.”

Chief Master Sgt. Brian Kruzelnick, command chief of Air Mobility Command, takes a selfie with Airman Leadership School students at Misawa Air Base, Japan, December, 2019. (Courtesy photo)

Kruzelnick is not the only senior enlisted leader who reinvented himself in the Air Force. Chief Master Sergeant of the Space Force Roger A. Towberman recounted his own rocky road to service at the AFA Warfare Symposium in March.

“I messed up my life in every way imaginable between 17 and 22,” he said. “I’ve stolen food to feed myself. It doesn’t matter what I do—I don’t think my debt with the United States Air Force, and now Space Force, will ever be paid.”

The top enlisted Guardian believes sharing these stories is a key part of how the Department of the Air Force can meet a nationwide recruiting crisis, where polls show fewer young Americans are interested in serving in the military. He said the service should highlight “real stories of teamwork, love, second chances, of late bloomers.”  

Kruzelnick has certainly bloomed during his time in the Air Force. According to his official biography, he served as the senior enlisted leader at the squadron, group, wing, and Numbered Air Force level before reaching AMC. His units have tasked with training, mobility, intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance, electronic attack, command and control, and space operations.

Kruzelnick emphasized empathy and patience in his advice for Airmen who struggle with mental wellness, relationships, or understanding the “why,” as he once did.

“Don’t give up, have grace and keep an open heart,” he told Air & Space Forces Magazine. “Most people really do have your best interest in mind. For those that lead these Airmen, have grace and don’t give up on them. See these individuals for who they are, past life experiences and all. You can’t help them get to a better destination if you don’t know where they are starting from. Meet them where they are and help them get to a better place.”

Air & Space Forces Magazine Recognized for ‘Journalism Excellence’

Air & Space Forces Magazine Recognized for ‘Journalism Excellence’

Air & Space Forces Magazine’s 10-part series in 2022 profiling the history of every living former Air Force Chief of Staff won first place for series in a trade publication in the 2023 Dateline Awards for journalism excellence presented by the Society of Professional Journalists’ Washington D.C. chapter.

The Magazine also was a finalist in three other categories in a contest that received a record number of entries, according to SPJ. “The scope of outstanding journalism that takes place each year in the D.C. metro area is astonishing,” said Denise Dunbar, president of SPJ’s D.C. Pro Chapter.

The Chiefs series, which appeared in print and online in the August, September, October, and November issues, tells the story of the Air Force from 1986 to 2020 through the eyes of the 10 chiefs who led the force over those 34 years. The 10 articles can be found here.

The Magazine was also recognized as a finalist in these categories:

“A magazine is a team, the sum greater than all of its parts,” Naegele said. “This is a team achievement. Our readers are well aware of the work we do every day in our Daily Report and in each issue of the printed magazine. They are the most important judges of our output. But it’s aways good to know, as well, that that our coverage is also appreciated when compared to the very best work of all the other excellent journalists in a competition like this. We are grateful for the recognition.”