Experts: US ‘Owes It’ to Ukraine to Provide F-16s and Long-Range Missiles

Experts: US ‘Owes It’ to Ukraine to Provide F-16s and Long-Range Missiles

Top experts and observers stressed the importance of air superiority in Russia’s ongoing invasion of Ukraine during a Sept. 26 forum in Washington D.C.—and pushed hard for the U.S. to supply Ukraine with advanced weapons as quickly as possible.

Howard Buffett, chairman and CEO of the Howard G. Buffett Foundation, and Michael O’Hanlon, senior fellow and defense analyst at the Brookings Institute, shared their opinions during the the 2023 Knight Forum on Geopolitics.

Buffett in particular focused on air superiority, a hotly debated topic during the conflict. Russia has used drones and cruise missiles to bombard Ukrainian forces and cities, while Ukraine has used air defense systems to down dozens of manned Russian aircraft.

Ukraine’s air force, however, has been unable to control the skies with its smaller Soviet-era fleet, and the U.S. only recently agreed to expedite the transfer of American-made F-16s despite months of requests from Ukrainian leadership—and it will likely be months before those fighters are ready. In the meantime, Ukraine’s counteroffensive has ground out small but steady gains at a high price.

“We’re asking Ukraine to fight in a way we’d never fight,” Buffett said. “In the Gulf War, we flew thousands of sorties for several weeks, dropping 88,000 tons of bombs before we sent a tank or Soldier forward. Our country would not engage in a war without achieving air superiority. … So, the idea that you’d expect Ukraine to go on the counteroffensive without the right equipment and support? Our strategy appears to allow Ukraine to fight and die but not to allow Ukraine to fight and win.”

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy visited Washington D.C. last week, pressing for more aid including long-range missiles. During the visit, the Pentagon announced a $325 million aid package which included more artillery, ammunition, anti-tank weapons, and air defense systems.

According to multiple media reports, President Joe Biden did tell Zelenskyy that Washington will provide Kyiv with the U.S.’s Army Tactical Missile System (ATACMS). That announcement has not been made official, however.

ATACMS can be fired from a mobile launcher with a range of around 100 and 190 miles depending on the variant. Some of the models carry cluster munitions, which are small bombs that scatter over a large area when they explode. Kyiv has repeatedly asked the Biden administration for the long-range missiles to help attack and disrupt supply lines, air bases, and rail networks in Russian-occupied territory.

During Zelenskyy’s visit to D.C., Pentagon Press Secretary Air Force Brig. Gen. Patrick S. Ryder said the Pentagon is anticipating an arrival of several Ukrainian pilots in the U.S. for English-language courses, which will be followed by F-16 training at Morris Air National Guard Base, Ariz.

Pentagon officials have frequently cautioned that certain weapons systems like the F-16, ATACMS, or the M1 Abrams tank will not be “silver bullets” for Ukraine. And during the forum, O’Hanlon cautioned that it is challenging to predict the precise impact of such weapons. But that does not mean they are not worth providing, he added.

“As a defense analyst, I don’t know how well it would work once we provide the F-16s and the ATACMS, but I think we owe it to the Ukrainians to give them a try,” O’Hanlon said. “Because in pure defense analyst terms, it’s pretty hard to predict what the effects will be of any additional, incremental increase in assistance. But we don’t know that they’ll fail either.”

The debate over America’s aid to Ukraine has reached another pivot point in recent weeks, as U.S. lawmakers consider the fiscal 2024 budget. Buffett also noted that Zelenskyy’s approval ratings are declining as the conflict persists, and he argued there are critical supplies and support that should have been delivered to Ukraine sooner and in greater quantities. Highlighting the need to understand Russian President Vladimir Putin’s motivations, he argued Putin’s pursuit of expansion poses a continuous threat to Ukraine and the stability of Europe.

“If you understand Putin—and he’s giving you plenty of history to understand him—when you show weakness, or you play into his hand the way the U.S. did in the last NATO conference, you are just emboldening him,” said Buffett. “And knowing the fact that Putin won’t stop, I think that it’s as much of a fact as you can state, he’ll be on the doorstep of Europe when Ukraine falls, and we’ll be fully engaged because we can’t abandon our most important allies.”

Buffett further argued that the U.S. and its allies’ current approach sets Ukraine up for potential stalemate when they should be pushing for victory.

“I believe we could have ended this war in three to four months if that’s what we had decided to do as the U.S. and allies,” Buffett said. “I see how poorly Russians were prepared in the beginning. However, we gave them a chance to regroup. We gave them a chance to think about their mistakes and learn from their mistakes. So if we continue to do what we are doing, if we continue at the same level we’re doing it, it’s not enough for them (Ukrainians) to win. And why would we continue to invest in something, that we’re failing to provide what it takes to win. That’s not very smart. We need to step it up now, give them what they need, so they can gain air superiority.”

Pentagon Acquisition Boss: China’s Defense Base Is ‘Really Impressive’

Pentagon Acquisition Boss: China’s Defense Base Is ‘Really Impressive’

The Chinese defense industrial base seems to be doing better than that of the U.S. because it has a streamlined path from development to fielding of new weapons, it places more “bets” on competitive technologies, and it doesn’t have a large legacy inventory with which it has to work, Pentagon acquisition and sustainment chief William LaPlante said Sept. 26.

Speaking at an event with the Center for Strategic and International Studies, LaPlante said, based on his observations of open-source information, that China has an enviable cycle time—‘how long it takes for them to go from … deciding they want to develop something to when it’s fielded, and fielded in numbers.”

In both developing and fielding new high-end capabilities, the Chinese defense industrial base is “really impressive,” LaPlante added.

Moreover, it’s “not just one thing. They place multiple bets. We don’t do that. We very rarely will place multiple bets. In other words, having three different development activities going on. We used to do that. We don’t [anymore,]” he said.

The reason the Pentagon doesn’t typically pursue multiple approaches to solving its operational problems is the cost, he added.

“Our budgets are where they are” he said. “We don’t have the luxury of doing that anymore.”

The multi-pronged approach to development creates an advantage because one concept may be good enough to survive the process, he said, and that creates an opportunity to go into production with a slightly different system as well. That, LaPlante has said previously, complicates an adversary’s decision-making and imposes cost by requiring them to counter a variety of effects and not just one.  

Once China’s industry has developed a system, “a winner or the winners go into production, and they field at a high degree of numbers. That’s … what it appears like from the outside,” LaPlante said.

There’s a tendency to paint the Chinese as “10 feet tall,” said LaPlante, but the U.S. should not “project our ways of doing [things] on them.” Still, “it does seem” that China enjoys an advantage from their approach.

Part of China’s speed may also stem from the fact that “they were starting with more of a blank sheet. If you have a large number of legacy platforms” as the U.S. military does, “you can’t do everything at once,” he noted.

Air Force Secretary Frank Kendall has cited this disparity in speed and numbers in production as one of the reasons the service is attempting to keep competition in development programs like the Collaborative Combat Aircraft program, certain munitions, and other efforts, as long as possible.

LaPlante said the key to CCAs and the Pentagon’s nascent “Replicator” programs is not that they are a huge leap in technology, but that they’ll be built in quantities of thousands.

During his 17-month tenure as the acquisition and sustainment czar at the Pentagon, LaPlante has made a mantra of “producing in numbers,” saying that hot weapon production lines are a deterrent while high-end technology still in the laboratory is nearly irrelevant in that context.

“What I’ve been emphasizing the last year and a half is that what matters really … is production. Because if you don’t get these things into production, you don’t field them at scale. You don’t have the supply chain,” LaPlante said. “So right now, we’re at the minimum production that … we can do, and maybe in some ways below it.”

The U.S. does plenty of science and technology, through the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency and Defense Innovation Unit, among others, he said. But in the pursuit of prototypes, “we minimized actual hard-core development.”

As an example, he noted that the B-21 bomber as one of only a “very few” programs actually in development right now.

That decline in development over the past several decades is due in part to the contraction of the supplier base—with just a few companies left now capable of building fighters, or airlifters, or aerial tankers or vertical lift. Such an outcome “was not an accident,” LaPlante noted.

In 1993, then-Pentagon acquisition czar William Perry gathered defense industry leaders together to urge them to consolidate since the Cold War had just ended and there wasn’t going to be enough business for all military vendors to remain viable—a historic moment now referred to by industry officials as the ‘last supper.’

Indeed, since the end of the Cold War, the defense share of Gross Domestic Product has shrunk, LaPlante noted.

In 1987, “the defense budget was roughly 6-7 percent of GDP,” LaPlante noted. “That would be twice the defense budget we have today. We’d have to have roughly a $2 trillion defense budget today to have what we had in 1987.”

‘Don’t Let the Wing Down’: Strike Eagle Crews Recap ‘William Tell’ Fighter Meet

‘Don’t Let the Wing Down’: Strike Eagle Crews Recap ‘William Tell’ Fighter Meet

Capt. Andrew ‘Pañic’ Munoz was in a tight spot. The F-15E Strike Eagle pilot and his weapons system operator, Capt. George ‘King’ Welton, had run out of air-to-air missiles 15 minutes into a simulated battle where they had to defend a lane of airspace against a mix of F-22s, F-16s, and other jets flying adversary ‘red air’ tactics.

Though the battle was not real, the stakes were high, as Munoz and Welton were representing the entire 4th Fighter Wing in a competition against other fighter units from across the Air Force. If they failed here, it might affect their standings for the rest of the meet.

But then, like an old-fashioned cavalry charge, help arrived in the form of Capts. Noel ‘Takeout’ Zamot and Sean ‘Wolf’ Sutedjo, who took off 15 minutes late after swapping jets due to an aircraft malfunction. The fresh crew arrived with a full set of missiles, and while they lacked a datalink providing situational awareness of the battle, they worked together with Munoz and Welton to take down the opposing jets and eventually win the scenario.

“We were able to work as a team between the two-ship to use their missiles and provide them with the awareness that they needed in order to target and protect the lane,” Munoz told Air & Space Forces Magazine.

The late arrival of Zamot and Sutedjo was just one memorable moment from the William Tell Air-to-Air Weapons Meet, where Air Force fighter crews, maintainers, and intelligence specialists from Virginia to Hawaii gathered at the Air Dominance Center in Savannah, Ga., from Sept. 11-15 to see who was the best in the air-to-air business.

U.S. Air Force aircraft from across the active duty, Reserve and Air National Guard park on the flight line during William Tell at the Air Dominance Center located at the Savannah Air National Guard Base in Savannah, Georgia, Sept. 14, 2023. U.S. Air National Guard photo by Master Sgt. Morgan R. Whitehouse

A historic meet, William Tell was held about every two years from 1954 to 1996 but was discontinued with the exception of a 2004 revival to commemorate the contest’s 50th anniversary. The Air Force’s renewed focus on near-peer conflict in contested airspace was a major reason for bringing the contest back. But after a 19-year hiatus, many pilots today had never heard of William Tell.

“When my squadron commander walked up to me in April and said ‘We want to send you to William Tell and we want you to build a team,’ I had to say ‘What is William Tell?’ Munoz said. “Learning the history of William Tell made me realize that this was bigger than myself, bigger than the team.”

The meet included one-on-one basic fighter maneuvers (BFM); air combat maneuvering (ACM), where two-ships of ‘Blue Air’ identified and engaged unfamiliar red air jets; a gunnery contest where participants shot their aircraft cannons at a banner towed by a Learjet; and fighter integration, where participants worked together to defend an airspace against formations of red air. 

Meanwhile, maintainers competed to see who could safely load missiles onto an aircraft fastest, while intelligence Airmen conducted mission planning and threat analysis on the ground and air battle managers worked on command and control from overhead. Meet planners warned that competition was the best way to simulate combat stress, but Munoz, who has flown on several deployments, was skeptical at first.

“Fast-forward to being at the step desk before going to fly and I had this pit in my stomach … I don’t want to let my team down, I don’t want to let the wing down, and I don’t want to let myself down really,” he recalled. “It made me a believer.”

Most of the 4th Fighter Wing contingent came from the ‘Chiefs’ of the 335th Fighter Squadron, where the goal is to achieve ‘the chief standard’ of excellence—and for the most part they hit the mark. The team performed well in ACM and BFM, where, despite being the youngest fliers on the team, Zamot and Sutedjo defeated a more experienced crew. They also flew well in the fighter integration event, where the Strike crews showed their expertise in defensive counter-air (DCA). But the ‘integration’ piece was easier said than done.

“We have great tactics, techniques, and procedures for executing our own DCA, but mixing that in with two different other aircraft was definitely a challenge, especially with the limited amount of time that we had to mission plan for it,” Zamot said.

william tell
A U.S. Air Force crew chief assigned to the 4th Fighter Wing, Seymour-Johnson Air Force Base, North Carolina, inspects the weapons rack on an F-15E Strike Eagle during the 2023 William Tell Competition at the Savannah Air National Guard base in Savannah, Georgia, Sept. 11, 2023. U.S. Air Force photo by Senior Airman Zachary Rufus

There were two other F-15 units at the meet, the 366th Fighter Wing flying F-15Es from Mountain Home Air Force Base, Idaho, and the 104th Fighter Wing flying F-15Cs from Barnes Air National Guard Base, Mass. The 4th bested the 366th, but the Air Guardsmen claimed the overall top F-15 Wing and Superior Performer award. Though they went back to Seymour Johnson Air Force Base, N.C., empty-handed, the Airmen from the 4th were still proud of their performance.

“I think that we executed to the chief standard when we went down to Savannah,” Zamot said. “Every event that we showed up to, we were the premier Strike Eagles down there, and we beat two F-35 squadrons” in the overall scores.

They also stuck together as a team: Zamot said the 4th Fighter Wing maintainers had the loudest group of fans in the building during the weapons load competition, where the 4th defeated the 366th. Competition aside, the meet was also a chance to build connections among Eagle pilots, especially as the older C models retire and the new F-15EX editions come online.

“After the results were released, we had all of the Eagle dudes together and had about a two-and-a-half hour tactics talk, which was awesome,” Munoz said. “We got to talk through how we are merging the community together for the future. Those crews will go back to their base and spread the knowledge that we shared.”

Air Combat Command, which ran the competition, brought in retired Lt. Col. James Harvey III, a Tuskegee Airman who in 1949 won the first ever trophy in what would later become William Tell. Seeing Harvey there, along with an impressive number of colonels and generals, brought the significance of William Tell to life.

“I hope that we bring it back so that we can continue the legacy of William Tell,” Munoz said.

Air Force Picks Northrop Grumman for New Stand-in Attack Weapon

Air Force Picks Northrop Grumman for New Stand-in Attack Weapon

The Air Force has awarded Northrop Grumman a $705 million contract for a three-year program to develop and test the classified Stand-in Attack Weapon (SiAW), a supersonic air-to-ground missile which will be used to clear a path through adversary air defenses and take out high-value targets in potential future conflicts.

Under previous, classified competitive Phase 1 contracts to Northrop, L3Harris, and Lockheed Martin, the Air Force was looking toward a five-year development and production program that will provide SiAWs to operational units by 2026. The F-35 is the initial platform for the SiAW, and the Air Force has indicated the B-21 bomber may also carry the weapon.  

“During the next 36 months, Northrop Grumman will further develop the weapon, conduct platform integration and complete the flight test program for rapid prototyping in preparation for rapid fielding,” the company said in a press release. “Work will be performed at the company’s Northridge, Calif., facility” as well as its “factory of the future” missile integration facility at Allegany Ballistics Laboratory in West Virginia.

Northrop’s SiAW builds on its Advanced Anti-Radiation Guided Missile (AARGM), which in turn succeeds the AGM-88 HARM (High-speed Anti-Radiation Missile). The HARM, which entered service in the 1980s, was used with great effect during Operation Desert Storm by quickly homing in on and destroying ground-based search and track radars before they had a chance to move to a new location. The weapon was so effective that Iraqi radar operators were deterred from turning on their systems, knowing a HARM would likely arrive a few seconds later.

According to Northrop, SiAW is meant to “defeat rapidly relocatable targets” that are part of an enemy’s anti-access/aerial denial system, but industry and Air Force officials have said SiAW’s target set will go beyond air defense radars and include:

  • command-and-control sites
  • ballistic missile and cruise missile launchers
  • GPS jamming systems
  • anti-satellite systems
  • Other high-value or fleeting targets.

The SiAW is also supposed to be faster than HARM and be effective against targets at greater range. Northrop’s website says the SiAW addresses “gaps created by 2025+ threats.”

Despite the weapon’s longer range, the term “stand-in” indicates that it operates within an enemy’s defended airspace. Since the 1980s, the effective range of integrated air defense systems worldwide has multiplied.

The SiAW will have multiple seeker sensors and use GPS in addition to other navigational systems. The missile employs tail control and has “enhanced survivability,” Northrop said.  

The SiAW will have an open architecture “that will allow for rapid subsystem upgrades to field enhanced capabilities,” according to Northrop. While the Air Force has not disclosed its SiAW acquisition strategy, service officials have said that those companies not selected to develop the weapon will have a chance to propose later upgrades for it.

The contract covers Phase Two of the program, a Middle Tier Acquisition effort utilizing digital engineering. In Phase 2.1, a guided vehicle will make a flight test, while Phase 2.2 “concludes with three additional flight tests and the delivery of the SiAW leave-behind prototype missiles and test assets,” the Northrop release stated.

Air Force funding for SiAW in fiscal 2023 was $283.3 million, with peak funding of $718.2 million expected in 2026.

Trailblazer Maj. Gen. Jeannie Leavitt, First USAF Female Fighter Pilot, Retires

Trailblazer Maj. Gen. Jeannie Leavitt, First USAF Female Fighter Pilot, Retires

An Air Force trailblazer’s career came to a close this weekend, as Maj. Gen. Jeannie M. Leavitt, the service’s first female fighter pilot, retired after 31 years in uniform.

The retirement ceremony for Leavitt took place at Scott Air Base, Ill., on Sept. 23. U.S. Transportation Command boss Gen. Jacqueline D. Van Ovost—one of only three women to ever lead a combatant command—officiated and reminded all in attendance of the legacy Leavitt has crafted.

“[Jeannie] had to cope with a constant demand to be in the spotlight, because of her many firsts, something that’s not representative of who Jeannie is,” Van Ovost said. “She much prefers to stand back, behind the scenes to guide and mentor. To take care of the people and the mission—[that’s] the true purpose behind her continued dedication to service.”

Leavitt’s Air Force journey was indeed marked by numerous “firsts,” challenging preconceived notions about the roles women could play in the military. She was the first woman to enter Air Force pilot training for fighters in 1993. Later, she made history as the Air Force’s first female fighter pilot. She was also the first woman to command a combat fighter wing, the 57th Wing at Nellis Air Force Base, Nev.

Maj. Gen. Jeannie M. Leavitt, Department of the Air Force Chief of Safety. Photo by Mike Tsukamoto/Air & Space Forces Magazine

Throughout her career, she accumulated over 3,000 flight hours, including operational missions like Southern Watch, Northern Watch, Iraqi Freedom, and Enduring Freedom. Most of her experience was in the F-15E Strike Eagle.

Van Ovost reflected on the hurdles women encountered in combat roles during the early 1990s, noting that simply altering policies wasn’t enough. Gaining acceptance and recognition were separate struggles, she added, and Leavitt played a pivotal role during a time of a significant change, breaking barriers that had long kept women out of combat fighter pilot roles.

Throughout her career, Leavitt was a strong advocate for women in aviation and encouraged young women to pursue careers in the Air Force and aviation—four such pilots appeared in a video tribute during the ceremony.

Her commitment to challenge stereotypes went beyond the military, as she collaborated with Disney on the ‘Captain Marvel’ film to narrate her Air Force journey and share a more accurate portrayal of a lifetime dedicated to service. Yet Leavitt’s aspirations were never solely about personal achievement, Van Ovost said.

“On behalf of all of those who journeyed beside and behind you, thank you for having the courageous character necessary to pave new roads for others to follow,” said Van Ovost.

Leavitt’s final assignment was as head of the Air Force Safety Center, overseeing the entire Department of the Air Force’s aviation, occupational, weapons, space and system mishap prevention and nuclear surety programs and policy.

Air Force Gets Its First ‘Electric Air Taxi,’ Six Months Ahead of Schedule

Air Force Gets Its First ‘Electric Air Taxi,’ Six Months Ahead of Schedule

A sleek, futuristic, six-rotor aircraft stood behind a red ribbon at Edwards Air Force Base, Calif., on Sept. 25—marking the latest milestone in the Air Force’s involvement in the “electric air taxi.” 

The electric vertical takeoff and landing (eVTOL) aircraft from Joby Aviation was unveiled at Edwards a full six months earlier than originally planned when the Air Force Research Laboratory announced a contract extension with Joby in April valued at up to $131 million with options for up to nine aircraft. 

The aircraft arrived at Edwards last week and has already conducted three “hover” tests, Joby Executive Chairman Paul Sciarra noted at the ribbon-cutting ceremony. A second aircraft will arrive in early 2024, Sciarra added. 

The Sept. 25 ceremony marks the first time the Air Force has accepted delivery of an eVTOL aircraft, and a release from Joby claimed it is believed to be the first delivery of any electric air taxi anywhere in the U.S. 

“Today’s delivery is a hugely significant moment for Joby and for our industry,” Sciarra said. “But more than that, it’s a validation of the long-term vision of the Department of Defense.” 

That vision has included development from the Defense Innovation Unit and the Marine Corps, but the Air Force in particular has heavily invested in eVTOL since 2020 through its “Agility Prime” program as part of its AFWERX innovation arm.  

In that time, the service has awarded hundreds of contracts to stimulate development in the eVTOL industry, which has seen intense commercial and government interest. Potential uses range from “flying taxis” in cities to search and rescue missions and short-range airlift for the Air Force.  

The Air Force’s Emerging Technologies Integrated Test Force and 412th Test Wing will collaborate with Joby and NASA to test the new aircraft. 

“NASA and AFWERX are both trying to advance technology around air taxis,” Wayne Ringelberg, the chief pilot at NASA’s Armstrong Flight Research Center, said at the ceremony. “Although we’re looking at different aspects of missions for these aircraft, there are several areas that overlap, and it’s in those areas of overlap that we’ll gain efficiencies in learning about these kinds of vehicles.” 

The Air Force in particular is interested in studying the aircraft’s potential use for “short-to-mid range cargo operations at low operating costs and just-in-time delivery constructs,” an AFRL spokesman previously told Air & Space Forces Magazine.  

It will also be used to support operations at Edwards’ test ranges, transporting personnel around the 470-square mile base, the spokesman said. 

“We will utilize the 412th Test Wing’s world-renowned risk management systems to conduct flight testing and evaluation of eVTOL technology in a safe and agile manner,” Maj. Phillip Woodhull, commander of the Emerging Technologies Integrated Test Force, said. 

Agility Prime has taken several major steps this year. In April, Air Force pilots took command of a Joby aircraft for the first time, remotely piloting the five-seat airframe through its full flight envelope at the company’s Marina, Calif., facility. In July, AFWERX announced another deal with Archer Aviation worth up to $142 million for up to six of the company’s aircraft. 

On Sept. 19, AFWERX broke ground on the service’s first-ever electric aircraft charging station at Duke Field, Fla., in partnership with BETA Technologies, another electric air taxi company. The charging station will be able to fully recharge an aircraft in less than an hour, according to an AFRL release, and will be completed just a few weeks before BETA’s airframes start arriving at Duke Field for testing. 

“There’s no doubt that the electrification of aviation is going to be a critical piece in the broader energy transition,” Col. Douglas P. Wickert, commander of the 412th Test Wing, said at the ribbon-cutting ceremony. “And I’m proud that we get to the opportunity to contribute to a sustainable future for humanity.” 

Joby’s aircraft has scored a high-altitude mark of more than 11,000 feet and a speed of more than 200 miles per hour, with a projected range of around 100 miles. 

Space Force Uniform Enters Last Stage of Testing Before Production

Space Force Uniform Enters Last Stage of Testing Before Production

More than 100 Guardians across the globe have started wearing the Space Force’s prototype service dress uniform three times per week as part of “wear testing”—the final stage before the uniform is produced and rolled out to Guardians everywhere in 2025. 

More than 106 service members are included in the wear test, stationed at a wide variety of installations to determine the uniform’s durability, functionality, and comfort in a range of climates and conditions. Locations include: 

  • The Pentagon, Va. 
  • Camp Smith, N.Y. 
  • Cavalier Space Force Station, N.D. 
  • Goodfellow Air Force Base, Texas 
  • Kirtland Air Force Base, N.M. 
  • Lackland Air Force Base, Texas 
  • Landstuhl Air Base, Germany 
  • Vandenberg Space Force Base, Calif. 
  • Yokota Air Base, Japan 

Wear testing marks the biggest phase of the new uniform program to date. After the uniform was first unveiled at AFA’s Air, Space & Cyber Conference in 2021, leaders took it on a roadshow to Space Force installations, with a few Guardians serving as “models” in order to get service member feedback. 

That was followed by fit testing, with 100 Guardians getting the chance to try on the uniform at the Pentagon and Peterson Space Force Base, Colo. Wear testing will go even further in asking Guardians to wear the uniform regularly and provide feedback on how it feels day in and day out. 

As part of the test, Guardians will receive service dress coats, pants, skirts, and shirts as well as lightweight jackets, according to a Space Force release. They’ll also get a handbook on proper wear of the uniform, a wear-test log, uniform history, and a feedback survey link. 

Service leaders like Chief of Space Operations Gen. B. Chance Saltzman and Chief Master Sergeant of the Space Force John F. Bentivegna already wear the prototype dress uniform, as did their predecessors. This spring, then-Director of Staff Lt. Gen. Nina M. Armagno also showcased the uniform’s skirt option. 

Chief of Space Operations Gen. Chance Saltzman, left, Chief Master Sgt. of the Space Force John F. Bentivegna and Chief Master Sgt. of the Space Force Roger A. Towberman sing “Semper Supra,” the Space Force service song, during their change of responsibility ceremony at Joint Base Andrews, Md., Sept. 15, 2023. U.S. Air Force photo by Eric Dietrich
Space Force Lt. Gen. Nina M. Armagno, director of staff, poses in the service dress uniform prototype with the skirt option. Photo courtesy of Eddie Papczun

Armagno’s successor, Maj. Gen. Steven P. Whitney, will be part of the wear test, as will deputy chief of space operations for operations, nuclear, and cyber Lt. Gen. DeAnna M. Burt, according to the service release. 

The prototype dress uniform features a dark blue jacket, with distinctive offset buttons and a band collar, dark gray pants and skirts, and a lighter gray shirt. 

The Space Force uses the Operational Camouflage Pattern uniform as its duty uniform like the Army and Air Force, with “Space Blue” name tape, Space Force badge, and grade insignia.  

The service has also unveiled its own PT gear: black shorts with a version of the service’s delta logo in white, and a gray T-shirt bearing the stylized words “Space Force” in white on the back. The gear is expected to be available to all Guardians by early 2024.

The Air Force Uniform Office is also designing a Space Force mess dress uniform for official formal evening functions and state occasions. When that design will be revealed is unclear.  

Air Force Revamps ‘Zero Week’ at BMT to Better Prepare Recruits for Stress

Air Force Revamps ‘Zero Week’ at BMT to Better Prepare Recruits for Stress

When Air Force and Space Force recruits arrive to Joint Base San Antonio-Lackland, Texas, for the first five days of Basic Military Training next month, it will be different compared to what previous generations went through.

The 37th Training Wing is changing those first five days, known as ‘Zero Week,’ to educate trainees on human performance factors such as sleep hygiene, stress management, and nutrition, alongside the classic features like basic drill, physical training, and keeping the recruit living area tidy. Officials hope the redesign will better prepare enlisted Airmen and Guardians for the rigors of life in service.

“Resilience results from combining problem-solving skills with the lifestyle habits that power them,” Lt. Col. Daniel Cassidy, director of human performance for the wing, said in a Sept. 21 press release

“Well-being and performance hinge upon the ability to problem-solve effectively, especially in the midst of challenging and unpredictable operational and general life circumstances,” he added.

Previously, such lessons were distributed across the 7.5 weeks of BMT, Cassidy explained, but the new Zero Week is designed to front-load them so that trainees have a stronger foundation of stress-resilience to build on. The lieutenant colonel likened it to swimming lessons.

“Before, we were teaching swim technique a little bit in the pool, but a lot in open water,” Cassidy told reporters on Sept. 22. “[Now] we’re front-loading a lot of swim technique in the pool, so that when people are introduced to open water with waves and wind and a variety of other variables, they’ve already got well-in-hand the fundamental skills necessary to work productively.”

The new Zero Week should help better prepare trainees for physical training (PT). A beta test last December found “a noticeable decrease in injuries and a noticeable increase in PT pass rates,” said Col. Lauren Courchaine, commander of the 37th Training Wing. Though exact numbers were not immediately available, she estimated it brought the number of PT failures for the test squadron from “the low double digits” down to zero.

The new Zero Week coincides with two larger trends in the Air Force. The first is an ongoing shortage in recruiting as the Air Force and other services struggle to attract new talent at a time when both propensity and ability to serve are at historic lows. Because of that, the Air Force wants to hold onto new talent for longer.

“Our job here … has been to set every single trainee up for success by giving them the tools that they need to thrive in whatever that future fight might be, but honestly, to thrive in technical training, and then their first assignments, and then hopefully have the skills to then make a decision to re-enlist,” Courchaine said.

air force beast pacer forge
Tech. Sgt. James May, center, guides trainees through the first phase of PACER FORGE at Joint Base San Antonio-Chapman Training Annex, Texas, Oct. 26, 2022. Air Force photo by Thomas Coney.

The other major change in the Air Force is a renewed focus on possible conflicts against China or Russia, which could see Airmen working in small teams out of isolated locations in the Pacific Ocean, a different kind of war than the predictable deployments and sprawling bases Airmen grew accustomed to during the Global War on Terror.

The 37th Training Wing wants to better prepare Airmen for those unfamiliar situations. In December, the wing implemented PACER FORGE, a 36-hour exercise where trainees split into small teams and work together through scenarios that are “physically demanding and based on real-world operations,” Col. Jeff Pixley, then-commander of the 737th Training Group, said when the exercise was first rolled out.

Not wanting to spoil the surprise for future recruits, Pixley did not share many details of PACER FORGE, other than it is meant to prepare trainees for Multi-Capable Airmen, an operating concept where Airmen can perform jobs outside their specialty so that they can generate sorties even if they are working in a small team or have taken casualties.

The new Zero Week is aimed at preparing trainees for those stressful moments, and more changes could be coming soon. About 90 days after the new model is implemented, the 37th Training Wing may introduce “a stressing event” in between Zero Week and the trainees’ arrival at their squadron for the rest of BMT, Courchaine said. 

The event will focus on “utilizing those basic tenets of resiliency and team-building in a practical applications,” the colonel said. By next year, there may be more such events between Zero Week and PACER FORGE to give trainees more chances to learn how to respond to difficult situations.

The Shallow End

Though there could be stressful events throughout the new BMT, the 37th wants to de-stress the first week, partly by shouting less at trainees as they pick up the basics of drill, PT, and keeping their living areas clean. Instructors will still be able to raise their voice if they need to, but the 37th is trying to build up recruits more gradually, like how a rookie swimmer starts in the shallow end or how a weightlifter lifts more over time.

“Most of us would intuit that it’s not helpful to tell people just go out and lift the heaviest object you can find as much as possible,” said Cassidy, “but instead to learn what proper technique looks like and then to apply utmost effort with proper technique to produce a good performance outcome.”

Other services are on a similar track: in 2022, the Army stopped greeting infantry recruits with a “shark attack” of unintelligible screaming and replaced it with a tough physical exercise meant to instill trust in drill sergeants rather than fear. Armor training adopted a similar change.

“Nothing’s really changed other than we’re not screaming in their faces,” Command Sgt. Maj. Thomas Yaudas of the 194th Armored Brigade, told Task & Purpose at the time. 

U.S. Air Force Tech. Sgt. Tavis Bell, 321st Training Squadron military training instructor, gives a command of movement to a group of new Air Force trainees from flight 248 on proper drill movements at Joint Base San Antonio-Lackland, Texas, Mar. 7, 2023. U.S. Air Force photo by Brian Boisvert

Chief Master Sgt. Daniel Anderson, senior enlisted leader for Lackland’s 737th Training Group, hopes to keep Airmen in a learning zone rather than in their panic or comfort zones.

“We want the instructors to be able to push them to a point where there’s an elevated state of awareness so that they are receiving the information,” he said. “And if they do not conform with the expectation, then the military training instructors will absolutely hold them accountable to include raising their voices and speaking with them in command voice.”

Anderson pushed back on the notion that new recruits require different training because they are less mentally tough than their forebears.

“I would not say that the generation that we’re receiving into our ranks now is not as tough whether mentally or physically or whatever, I would argue that they are different,” he said. “They didn’t grow up outside throwing rocks at the neighbor kids back and forth. They are digital natives. They think differently, they respond to stressors differently. And the approach to be able to effectively train them must be different, because it will be something different that is expected from them during their time in service.”

USSF Gets Weather-Monitoring Satellite from NOAA, Explores Options Beyond 2030

USSF Gets Weather-Monitoring Satellite from NOAA, Explores Options Beyond 2030

The Space Force has a new satellite in the Indian Ocean region, ready to replace an older one.

The USSF accepted the transfer of a second geostationary weather satellite (GOES) from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) after getting the transfer approval from Congress in June 2023, the service announced Sept. 22.

NOAA’s GOES-15 satellite has been rebranded as EWS-G2 and is set to take over for EWS-G1, the initial EWS-G satellite which has been operational since September 2020. EWS-G1 is projected to reach the end of its service life in February 2024, according to fuel consumption estimates. EWS-G2 is on track to reach its assigned orbital position in the Indian Ocean by November 2023 and the Space Force projects it will be in service until 2030.

However, a more accurate projection for the end-of-service time frame might emerge once EWS-G1 retires from operation, a Space Force official told Air and Space Forces Magazine.

The official added that Guardians are also actively exploring options for long-term regional coverage extending beyond 2030. This plan entails a thorough evaluation of various approaches, including follow-on acquisitions, interagency collaborations, and the utilization of commercial data and imagery sources.

DMSP Satellite. The first Defense Meteorological Satellite Program satellite, launched to develop meteorological, oceanographic, and solar-terrestrial data for DOD. NOAA

NOAA’s GOES satellites provide advanced imagery and atmospheric measurements of Earth’s Western Hemisphere, real-time mapping of lightning activity, and improved monitoring of solar activity and space weather. The Space Force has leveraged its spacecraft to collect cloud imagery and perform environmental reconnaissance over the Indian Ocean region since 2020.

“The repurposing of GOES-15 and residual NOAA ground equipment accomplished the mission at a fraction of the procurement cost of a brand-new system,” Lt. Col. Joseph L. Maguadog, Space System Command’s EO/IR Weather System Program Office material leader, said in the statement.

The EO/IR(Electro-Optical/Infrared) Weather System – Geostationary satellite known as EWS-G gathers imagery essential for facilitating environmental reconnaissance and detailed cloud analysis by deployed forces in the area. Given the evolving nature of technology, the Electro-optical Infrared Weather System Program Office anticipates a continued expansion in the coming years.

The new satellite orbits around 22,000 miles above the Earth’s equator, moving at the same speed as the Earth’s rotation. The primary weather sensor on this satellite constantly captures both visible and infrared images of cloud cover, providing vital information for planning and executing military operations in the Indian Ocean Area of Responsibility. It plays a crucial role in assessing and forecasting the viability of air and surface missions, as well as measuring the performance of aircraft, weaponry, and munitions. Additionally, it aids in determining optimal timing and locations for operational activities, and contributes to the evaluation of logistical requirements, survivability, protective strategies, and the overall quality-of-life needs.

Just as it manages EWS-G1, NOAA will be responsible for managing EWS-G2 on behalf of the Space Force, conducting operations from both the NOAA Satellite Operations Facility in Suitland, Md., and the Wallops Command and Data Acquisition Station on Wallops Island, Va. The satellite will maintain its use of a pre-established Remote Ground Station in Western Australia, which was established in 2020 to assist the EWS-G mission.