The 49th Mission Support Squadron and 49th Services Squadron at Holloman AFB, N.M., officially merged into a new “super” unit April 4: the 49th Force Support Squadron. The creation of the new FSS at Holloman, which encompasses quality of life and people-type services, follows similar mergers within Air Combat Command bases. Minot AFB, N.D., was the first to introduce the unified force support squadron about a year ago, followed by Nellis AFB, Nev., and Seymour Johnson AFB, N.C. While at first glance, it may seem odd to join the two squadrons since they appear to have different missions, Air Force officials say it makes perfect sense. “We do the same mission,” said CMSgt. Vyanne Roush, superintendent of the 49 FSS. “We take care of people.” The combined squadron now holds more than 150 military and 350 civilian personnel. (Holloman report by A1C Jamal Sutter)
The defense intelligence community has tried three times in the past decade to build a “common intelligence picture”—a single data stream providing the information that commanders need to make decisions about the battlefield. The first two attempts failed. But officials say things are different today.