Newly released Air Force Instruction 1-1, Air Force Standards, is meant to serve as a one-stop source for standards-related guidelines on the conduct, performance, and discipline expected of every uniformed airman. The instruction, signed and certified by former Chief of Staff Gen. Norton Schwartz who retired last week, consolidates in a single document many standards previously outlined in multiple documents, according to an Aug. 13 release. “The intention is to serve as a compass, providing a convenient overview of standards, while directing airmen to other instructions where more detailed information may be found,” states the release. Schwartz directed the Air Staff to develop the new instruction last December. “Every airman should periodically review these standards of conduct to assure he is living up to what the Air Force expects of him every day,” said Scott Martin, a legal advisor to Schwartz who played a large role in drafting the 27-page document, which is dated Aug. 7. (Andrews report by TSgt. Shawn J. Jones) (AFI 1-1 full text; caution, large-sized file.)
Air & Space Forces Magazine traveled the the globe in 2024 to cover the biggest stories involving the U.S. Air Force and Space Force, from Ukraine to the Middle East, from Florida to California. Between regional conflicts in Europe and...