OCX Will See Milestone B Review in June

The ground control system for the next-generation GPS III satellite constellation, known as OCX, will undergo a milestone B review sometime in June, Maj. Gen. Roger Teague, director of space programs, told reporters Wednesday. The review before the Defense Acquisition Board is meant “to ensure and formally re-baseline and establish and validate the program requirement,” as well as to confirm “the contractor’s plan for delivering that capability.” The Raytheon-developed OCX has a troubled history of cost overruns and delays, and Teague said, “the program is not out of the woods.” As part of the Nunn-McCurdy Breach requirements, the Government Accountability Office must prepare quarterly reports on the progress of the program, a level of oversight that Teague said “is going to continue to be required for the foreseeable future.” President Donald Trump’s Fiscal 2018 budget proposal sets aside $511 million for OCX development, Teague told reporters, which marks an increase of $119 million over President Barack Obama’s 2017 request. The milestone B review will also “review and certify the cost estimate” of the OCX program, Teague said.