Obama Marks 60th Anniversary of Korean War Armistice

President Obama thanked Korean War veterans for their sacrifices and service, saying they secured an enduring victory for the free world in that conflict. “Here, today, we can say with confidence that war was no tie. Korea was a victory,” he stated in remarks on July 27 at the Korean War Veterans Memorial on the National Mall in Washington, D.C., marking the 60th anniversary of the Korean War armistice. “When 50 million South Koreans live in freedom . . . that’s a victory, that’s your legacy,” he said. More broadly, the conflict was the Cold War’s “first battle—where freedom held its ground and free peoples refused to yield. That, too, is your victory, your legacy,” said Obama. He also told the veterans they deserved better than the indifference they encountered from the American public when they returned home. Over the decades, the nation “has worked to right that wrong,” including “with this eternal memorial,” he said. “Because here in America, no war should ever be forgotten, and no veteran should ever be overlooked,” said Obama. (Obama remarks) (See also Hagel’s remarks.)