The Air Force, Air National Guard, and Air Force Reserve Command, as with the other military services and their reserve components continue to recruit and retain sufficient personnel, according to the latest data released by the Pentagon. USAF and AFRC reached 100 percent of their enlisted recruiting goals for January, while the Air Guard took in 93 more recruits than its goal of 470. The Pentagon also reported that active retention was “near or above mission goals through the first four months of Fiscal 2010.” And, it reported that attrition within the reserve components was “within acceptable limits.” (DR reports for the first three months of Fiscal 2010: December, November, and October.)
Chauncey McIntosh joins Air & Space Forces Magazine from Lockheed Martin’s F-35 facility in Fort Worth, Texas, to discuss Lockheed’s near- and long-term visions for the F-35 program, expectations for Tech Refresh 3 (TR-3), the effectiveness and value of a...