During a ceremony Thursday at Langley AFB, Va., Air Force officials activated the 633rd Air Base Wing, the host unit that will oversee operations of the forthcoming JB Langley. The new joint base, consolidating the base support functions of Langley and the Army’s nearby Ft. Eustis under one administrative roof, will formally stand up later this month. BRAC 2005 mandated its creation under USAF’s lead. Like all future joint bases, the idea was to eliminate redundant base support services for nearby installations as a cost-saving measure. Col. Donald Kirkland, who took charge of the wing, said the installations’ support functions will incrementally transition to the Air Force so that, by October, “functions from base defense and medical care to food service and supplies” will be USAF’s responsibility. But each installation will maintain its identity and culture, he assured. (Langley report by A1C Jason J. Brown)
WATCH: Boeing and the Space Force’s Global Advantage
March 4, 2025
Kay Sears sits down with Air & Space Forces Magazine to look at how Boeing's strategy is evolving to equip the U.S. Space Force with a decisive mission advantage.