The first of some 400 occupants last week began moving into Air Force Reserve Command’s newly constructed two-story administrative building at Robins AFB, Ga. The 93,000-square-foot building is part of an effort to consolidate seven off-base and on-base facilities into one headquarters complex at Robins for AFRC, according to a June 15 Robins release. The facility will temporarily house offices, including the manpower and personnel directorate (A1), logistics shop (A4), installations and mission support (A7), and the Readiness Management Group, states the release. It features wide walkway areas, cubicle stations, new furnishings, and conference rooms. The building’s ribbon-cutting ceremony was on May 30 and AFRC personnel began occupying the building on June 15, states the release. AFRC’s headquarters complex is envisioned to include a deployment readiness and training center, currently under construction across the street from the new building, and an additional 343,000-square-foot headquarters building. (Robins report by Jenny Gordon)
The defense intelligence community has tried three times in the past decade to build a “common intelligence picture”—a single data stream providing the information that commanders need to make decisions about the battlefield. The first two attempts failed. But officials say things are different today.