A C-17 from the 12-nation Strategic Airlift Capability consortium’s newly established heavy airlift wing at Papa AB, Hungary, on Tuesday conducted the unit’s first mission to Afghanistan in support of NATO’s International Security Assistance Force. The C-17, operated by a multinational crew, delivered materiel to Mazar-e Sharif, to supply Swedish troops in the Afghan theater, SAC said in a release. “The first mission to Afghanistan is a big step forward for the efforts of the SAC nations … to address a critical shortfall in strategic lift,” said NATO official Peter Flory. The first SAC C-17 arrived at Papa July 27; the second aircraft was delivered Sept. 21. The wing’s third and final C-17 under current plans is slated to arrive this month.
The air superiority mission is rapidly evolving, and to succeed at it the Air Force needs to focus not just on new technologies but training, new concepts, non-kinetic methods and munitions, senior Air Force officials said.