Officials with the 23rd Wing at Moody AFB, Ga., recently celebrated the opening of the new TF34 engine repair facility at the base. TF34s power the Air Force’s A-10 ground-attack aircraft. Per BRAC 2005, the Air Force relocated its TF34 intermediate maintenance work from Shaw AFB, S.C., to Moody. The repair center will support Moody’s A-10s as well as those at Eglin AFB, Fla. It is one of two TF-34 centralized intermediate repair facilities that the Air Force will now operate; the other is at Bradley ANGS, Conn. To mark the opening, Moody officials held a ribbon-cutting ceremony July 16. Back in May, the last TF34 repaired at Shaw shipped out. (Moody report by A1C Nicholas Benroth)
The Space Force operates satellites that can peer hundreds of miles to observe threats like missile launches on Earth to other spacecraft in orbit. Now, one of the service’s acquisition arms wants to make sure USSF satellites can keep track of dangers right next or on board them.