An Air Force crew last week picked up a factory-fresh MC-130J special-mission aircraft from Lockheed Martin’s manufacturing plant in Marietta, Ga., announced the company. Air Force Special Operations Command is assigning this MC-130J, which left Marietta on Sept. 25, to the 352nd Special Operations Group at RAF Mildenhall, Britain, according to the company’s release. The group is scheduled to receive a fleet of 12 MC-130Js over the next five years. AFSOC is acquiring the MC-130Js to replace its legacy MC130Hs and MC-130Ps. Overall, the Air Force’s current plans call for procuring 85 MC-130Js, 16 of which Lockheed Martin will modify post-production to the AC-130J gunship standard.
Air & Space Forces Magazine traveled the the globe in 2024 to cover the biggest stories involving the U.S. Air Force and Space Force, from Ukraine to the Middle East, from Florida to California. Between regional conflicts in Europe and...