The Air Force is looking for Air National Guard and Air Force Reserve volunteers to fill “chronically undermanned” loadmaster positions in the near term via a limited-period recall to extended active duty. “We expect to bring a total of 110 [Air Reserve Components] loadmasters” during Fiscal 2012 and Fiscal 2013 to increase loadmaster manning levels from 82 percent to 95 percent by Fiscal 2014, said SMSgt. Marvin Daugherty, Air Force Personnel Center accessions branch superintendent, in a July 11 release. “They’ll serve in Active Duty flying billets until manning initiatives mature.” These airmen will serve on Active Duty for one year to two years, but will remain connected to their Air Guard or Reserve unit, to which they will return when their terms are up, states AFPC’s release. To be eligible, applicants must be master sergeants or below, be up to date on weapon system qualifications, have less than 16 years total active federal military service by the end of their extended active duty period, and have a current flying Class III physical, said Daugherty. Applicants may apply through Oct. 31, 2013, states the release. (JBSA-Randolph report by Debbie Gildea)
Air Force leaders are directing unit commanders to conduct four “standards and readiness reviews” of their troops per year starting March 31, part of a recent push for new standards and enforcement.