The Air Force Reserve’s first enlisted development team met in Denver recently at the Air Reserve Personnel Center to discuss career and educational advice for the more than 830 chief master sergeants throughout the Reserve component. Fifteen chief master sergeants and two officers participated. “This is where the dialogue begins. You are the leading edge of describing what future chiefs in our Air Force Reserve should have in their portfolios,” Maj. Gen. Martin Mazick, AFRC vice commander, told them during this event, which took place Aug. 23-27. The personnel center handles AFRC’s force development activities. While it hosted the first Reserve officer development team back in 2006, this was the first time for the chiefs. But not the last: by the end of the year, a total of 35 officer and enlisted teams are expected to take part in similar events. (Denver report by Mike Molina)
The Missile Defense Agency is moving quickly to gather ideas for President Donald Trump’s proposed “Iron Dome for America” and hopes to make progress on some within the next two years.