A “milestone A” decision to get the JSTARS recapitalization program going is expected at the end of this month, Air Force acquisition chief William LaPlante said during a Center for Strategic and International Studies speech in Washington, D.C., on Thursday. What that means is that a “lengthy risk-reduction phase” will get underway, during which USAF will work with industry to find cost-effective solutions. He wants “as many as three teams under contract” doing the risk-reduction work, and from them, one will be chosen to press on into production, which is milestone B. He sees a JSTARS recap contract in three years, but cautioned that he’s “always worried” about funding for the program. Pentagon acquisition chief Frank Kendall insists he will not approve a program go-ahead “if he’s not sure the service has fully funded” a program, especially if sequestration continues to haunt the budget. LaPlante said the program is funded in USAF’s budget … for now. (Watch LaPlante’s speech.) (LaPlante Powerpoint.)
“Military history shows that the best defense is almost always a maneuvering offense supported by solid logistics. This was true for mechanized land warfare, air combat, and naval operations since World War II. It will also be true as the world veers closer to military conflict in space,” writes Aidan…