April 2021

Vol. 104, No. 4

China and Russia made huge strides in missile technology, while U.S. air base defense has languished. Now the United States is playing catch-up.
Capt. Stephen R. Phillis received the Silver Star posthumously for his actions in Desert Storm. On Feb. 15, 1991, he was flying one of two A-10s tasked with attacking a massive formation of Iraqi armor in the Kuwait desert, when his wingman was shot down. Phillis, the mission commander, lingered above the site for three minutes and 45 seconds—intentionally drawing fire to help the search and rescue effort before he was ultimately shot down himself. Now, more than 30 years after the incident, on his former U.S. Air Force Academy boxing buddies, after years of research, is pressing for Phillis to receive a military award more befitting his sacrifice. “You have a hard time explaining what heroics in an airplane looks like,” said Jim Demarest, a brigadier general in the Florida Air National Guard and himself a veteran of Desert Storm. “Steve’s heroics check all the boxes."

Q&A: Protecting the Homeland

Lt. Gen. Michael A. Loh is the director of the Air National Guard. Air Force Magazine Digital Editor Jennifer-Leigh Oprihory interviewed Loh in February, touching on the Guard mobilization in the nation’s capital, the ANG’s COVID-19 response, and more.


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Gold Medal Standard We must prepare together for a long-term strategic competition with China. How the United States, Europe, and Asia work together to secure the peace and defend our shared values and advance our prosperity across the Pacific will...