Don’t repeat the mistakes of Iraq in Afghanistan.
The men who started the war in 1914 did not understand what they were bringing down on themselves and
Tough budget limits and diverging requirements led USAF in opposite directions on two high-profile pla
The problem is stubborn, but the Air Force is renewing its efforts with new ideas and initiatives.
Building combat networks that can survive high-threat environments is key.
USAF’s OSI agents stay out of the limelight working to prevent and resolve all sorts of problems.
Leaving security in the hands of a host nation has sometimes proved disastrous for US forces abroad.
10 things Americans need to know about the People’s Liberation Army Air Force.
The air advisor mission aims to make it so the good guys can win a fight without American troops in harm’s way.
The first Convention, 150 years ago, was about aid for soldiers wounded in battle. Today the focus is on “International Humanitarian Law.”
War fatigue; Cyber attacks a serious problem; Poor, poor Putin; Whither the Pacific Pivot ….
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