August 2009

Vol. 92, No. 8

Highlights from the August 2009 Issue

What Does JSF Really Cost?

At a recent Pentagon briefing, Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates remarked, “This notion that I’m tilting the scale dramatically against conventional capabilities … is just not accurate. You know, $1 trillion for the Joint Strike Fighter … is not a...

Air Force World

F-16 Pilot Killed in Crash Capt. George B. Houghton, 28, of the 421st Fighter Squadron at Hill AFB, Utah, died June 22 when the F-16 that he was flying crashed at the Utah Test and Training Range during a routine...


Stern Warning “We will not accept North Korea as a nuclear weapons state. … We will not stand idly by as North Korea builds the capability to wreak destruction on any target in the region—or on us.”—Secretary of Defense Robert...


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De Seversky’s Definition

“What is Airpower?” Alexander P. de Seversky Air Force Magazine Arlington, VA August 1955 FULL TEXT VERSION “Most everyone is for airpower these days, yet the term means different things to different people.” So said the editors of Air Force...

Great Guns!

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Move On the Deterrent I read with interest your editorial in the June 2009 issue of Air Force Magazine (“Defending the Deterrent,” p. 2) on the report of the Congressional Commission on the Strategic Posture of the United States. Both...


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AFA National Report

Air Force Week in Utah Air Force Association chapters have celebrated Air Force Week in two cities so far, this year—the Northern Utah Chapter, Salt Lake Chapter, and Ute-Rocky Mountain Chapter in Salt Lake City, Utah, and the Langley Chapter...
Complete Contents of August 2009 PDF
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The No-Brainers of Robert S. McNamara
His lack of integrity was deeply troubling, but it was the world-class arrogance that did the real military damage.
By Robert S. Dudney

The Irregular Air Battle
USAF pushes application of advanced airpower to challenges of untraditional warfare.
By John A. Tirpak

The Turning Point
A year ago, USAF had a fully funded modernization program. That program has unraveled.
By Rebecca Grant

Fighting Under Missile Attack
The Air Force hasn't thought about air base defense for a while. Now, things are changing.
By John Stillion

Russia on the Rebound?
The Kremlin seeks to exorcise the humiliation of its post-Soviet collapse
By Peter Grier

High Velocity Maintenance
If all goes as planned, this new initiative will cut the time that airplanes are out of service.
By Megan Scully

The Legend of Frank Luke
His spectacular combat run lasted just 18 days before he flew into myth and mystery on his last mission.
By John T. Correll

2009 Space Almanac
The US military space operation in facts and figures.
By By Tamar A. Mehuron

2009-10 AFA Nominees
Candidates for national offices and the Board of Directors.

4 Letters

Washington Watch

Air Force World

Index to Advertisers

Senior Staff Changes

Issue Brief


Keeper File



AFA National Report


Airpower Classics