September 2008

Vol. 91, No. 9

Highlights from the September 2008 Issue

Air Force World

Six Perish in B-52 Crash A B-52H bomber assigned to the 2nd Bomb Wing at Barksdale AFB, La., crashed July 21 off the northwest coast of Guam during a training mission, claiming the lives of six airmen—five aircrew from Barksdale...

AFA Almanac

A compendium of facts and figures about the Air Force Association. This article is only available in PDF format. Read the article.

Fighter Generations

In 2004 mock combat exercises, Indian Air Force pilots flying Russian-made Su-30s unexpectedly waxed USAF pilots flying front-line F-15Cs. This rumble on the subcontinent was a matchup of two “fourth generation” warplanes. The outcome jolted the Americans; it revealed they...


There’s Jointness … “The technology is not what paces us, it’s the culture. And that needs to change. … ‘I’ve got to own it. If I don’t own it, I can’t defend it. If I don’t own it, I can’t...

TBF/M Avenger

This article is only available in PDF format. Read the article.


The Post-June 5 Air Force “Decapitation” was the appropriate term to describe the ouster of Secretary Michael W. Wynne and Gen. T. Michael Moseley [“Editorial: The Post-June 5 Air Force,” July, p. 2]. Mr. Dudney simply and candidly stated what...

AFA National Report

AFA as the Top Story When Air Force Association Chairman of the Board Robert E. “Bob” Largent met with airmen at Pacific Air Forces bases in July, he garnered front-page headlines for AFA at every stop. During Largent’s two-week journey...
Complete Contents of September 2008 PDF
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Conventional Un-Wisdom
The strategists have peered into the future and have seen no need to worry much about state-on-state war.
By Robert S. Dudney

The All-Seeing Air Force
Sophisticated networks and tactics have turned JSR into an "in-your-face" asset for America's combat forces.
By Rebecca Grant

Weapons School Rising
The experts at Nellis AFB, Nev., are working overtime to help USAF keep a sharp combat edge.
By Adam J. Hebert

The Wynne Outbrief
The 21st Secretary of the Air Force talks about the F-22, joint basing, next-war-itis, and what really caused Robert Gates to act.
By Michael C. Sirak

Airpower on Canvas
With a career spanning six decades, Keith Ferris has become an illustrious American aviation artist.
By Amy McCullough

The Services Meet the Warlords
Ten unified commands are backed by new "capability portfolio management" teams.
By Jason Sherman

GHQ Air Force
This strange arrangement in 1935 split the Air Corps into two camps but it led the way to an independent Air Force.
By John T. Correll

The Outstanding Airmen
These are the 12 all-stars of the enlisted force in 2008.
By Tamar A. Mehuron

Photochart of USAF Leadership
Air Force Magazine's annual pictorial directory of Air Force leadership.
By June Lee

Action in Congress
GI Bill for a new generation; Stages of implementation; Mortgage help on the way? ....
By Tom Philpott

AFA Almanac
A compendium of facts and figures about the Air Force Association.
By Frances McKenney



Washington Watch

Air Force World

Index to Advertisers

Senior Staff Changes

Issue Brief


AFA National Report

Unit Reunions

Airpower Classics