May 2008
Vol. 91, No. 5

Highlights from the May 2008 Issue
The nation’s military enters “a period of consequences.”
USAF Almanac 2008 Introduction
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The Air Force in Facts and Figures
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Air Force Magazine’s Guide to Heroes
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Air Force Magazine’s Guide to Aces
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Major Commands
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Air Reserve Components
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FOAs, DRUs, and Auxiliary
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Guide to Air Force Installations Worldwide
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Records and Trophies
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Gallery of USAF Weapons
A directory of US Air Force aircraft, missiles, and other aerospace assets.
Washington Watch
Gigged by McCaffrey; UAV Absurdity; China Moves Out ....
End Strength Bipolarity
(Illustration by W.C. Pope) Does the Air Force want to shrink to an active duty end strength of 316,000 airmen, or does it actually want to expand to 330,000 troops The answer is: Yes. In Feb. 27 testimony before a...
Aerospace World
F-16 Crash Claims Pilot Second Lt. David J. Mitchell, 26, of Amherst, Ohio, died March 14 when the F-16 he was piloting crashed during a training mission in a remote area three miles south of Alamo Lake, Ariz. His body...
Just Some German Dude “Nearly a quarter cannot identify Adolf Hitler, with 10 percent thinking Hitler was a munitions manufacturer.”—Survey of 1,200 high school students by Common Core, a nonprofit educational research organization, Feb. 26. Losing in Afghanistan “Make no...
F/RF-101 Voodoo
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A Question of Influence Robert S. Dudney’s editorial [“Beyond the F-22 Problem,” March, p. 2] and Rebecca Grant’s article [“Why Airmen Don’t Command,” March, p. 46] lament the decline in Air Force political clout which they claim limits command opportunities...
AFA National Report
History Lesson Air Force Senior NCO Academy students met Air Force Association officials twice during the course of seven weeks of instruction at Maxwell AFB, Ala. AFA Chairman of the Board Robert E. “Bob” Largent attended the graduation ceremony for...
Complete Contents of May 2008 PDF
PDF Downloads are an Air & Space Forces Association member benefit.Questions for the Candidates
The nation's military enters "a period of consequences."
The Air Force in Facts and Figures
Air Force Magazine's Guide to Aces and Heroes
Major Command
99 Air Education and Training Command
102 Air Force Materiel Command
Air Force Special Operations Command
Air Reserve Components
Field Operating Agencies
Direct Reporting Units
Guide to Air Force Installations Worldwide
Major Active Duty Installations
Minor Active Duty Installations
Gallery of USAF Weapons
A directory of US Air Force aircraft, missiles, and other aerospace assets.