January 1983
Vol. 66, No. 1

Highlights from the January 1983 Issue
Scientific Illiteracy in the High-Tech Age
Viewpoint: More Harm Than Good
Complete Contents of January 1983 PDF
PDF Downloads are an Air & Space Forces Association member benefit.Special Section: Aeronautics & Airpower
Jane's Aerospace Survey 1983
Last year's lessons were predictable
The Future Forms Up at ASD
New ways to fly and fight.
New Thrusts in Engine Design
Powerplants for tomorrow's aircraft
Finally . . . The 8-18
Ahead of schedule and under cost.
Defense Is Affordable-If ...
Some hard decisions are taken.
Peacekeeper and the Protesters
Missing factors in the missile debate.
Our Thousand Aces in the Hole
Minuteman begins its third decade.
More Harm Than Good
The Bishops and a nuclear freeze.
The Pioneers
The early days of blacks in US aviation.
Scientific Illiteracy in the High-Tech Age
American youth stands short in science and math.
The Finite Limits of Affordability
Requirements and budget realities.