Given the “draconian” cuts that seem to be in the offing for aerospace research and production alike, a national defense industrial base policy is urgently needed, according to Fred Downey of the Aerospace Industries Association. “We’re not well postured” for the deep reductions that seem imminent, Downey said Tuesday during an industry panel discussion at AFA’s Air & Space Conference at National Harbor, Md. He added that without an industrial policy, irreplaceable elements of the national capabilities in design, development, production, and sustainment of military aircraft could be lost. Downey said potential reductions of more than a trillion dollars could affect the industry over the next 10 years, and that would be “devastating” to future capabilities. “We have to … know where we’re going, what forces we want, and how we want to implement that,” said Downey. There also has to be a “defined path to partnership” with the Defense Department, as there exists today a somewhat adversarial relationship that is not helping either get what it needs, he said.
The Space Force is creating its first Guardian recruiters as the service seeks to take greater ownership of its force from day one, with aim of setting up a full squadron of around 30 Guardian recruiters later this year.