At Hickam AFB, Hawaii, on June 7 airmen dedicated the 15th Civil Engineer Squadron Explosive Ordnance Disposal Facility in memory of SrA. William Newman, who was killed in Iraq in June 2007 when an improvised explosive device he was recovering detonated. The 23-year-old Newman was an EOD specialist and on his 98th combat mission when he was mortally wounded near the village of Mishan, Iraq. “Will is a hero to all of us, not just for his sacrifice, but also for the lives he saved,” said Col David Maharrey Jr., commander of the 15th CES. Newman’s wife, Soyong, and other family attended the ceremony at Hickam. (Hickam report by MSgt. Robert Burgess)
The Pentagon plans to use U.S. Air Force C-17s and C-130s to deport 5,400 people currently detained by Customs and Border Protection, officials announced Jan. 22, the first act in President Donald Trump’s sweeping promise to crack down on undocumented immigrants and increase border security.