Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel has named Rear Adm. Margaret “Peg” Klein to serve as his senior advisor for military professionalism. Klein will report directly to Hagel on military ethics, character, and leadership issues. Klein “brings to the position a wealth of operational and leadership experience, including command responsibilities at various levels throughout the Navy community,” said Hagel in a March 25 statement. Hagel said Klein, who previously commanded the US Naval Academy, “knows that ethics and character are absolute values that must be constantly reinforced.” Hagel created the position following a series of allegations of cheating in both the Air Force and Navy. In her new role, Klein will work closely with the Joint Staff, combatant commands, as well as each of the military services to ensure that the Defense Department maintains a “focus on ethics, character, and competence in all activities at every level of command with an uncompromising culture of accountability,” said Hagel. “This will continue to be a top priority for DOD’s senior leadership.”
The defense intelligence community has tried three times in the past decade to build a “common intelligence picture”—a single data stream providing the information that commanders need to make decisions about the battlefield. The first two attempts failed. But officials say things are different today.