Officials at Minot Air Force Base are concerned that increasing petroleum and natural gas drilling in North Dakota is encroaching on the base’s missile sites, reported the Minot Daily News. As a result, 91st Missile Wing officials are reaching out to state government agencies and industry to heighten awareness of land-use laws regarding missile sites. “There’s a lot of additional traffic due to the oil industry and that creates some complications,” stated 91st MW Commander Col. Stephen Davis, according to the newspaper’s April 25 report. Nestled amongst the wing’s 150 missile sites that are scattered over 8,500 square miles, land owners are required keep activities outside a 1,200-foot radius around the sites, states the newspaper. “Sometimes this land has been handed down or sold, and people don’t understand the restrictions,” stressed Davis, noting several instances of structures built inside restricted zones.
Maj. Gen. Larry Broadwell, deputy commander of the 16th Air Force, used an elaborate, sports-themed analogy for understanding information warfare at the AFA Warfare Symposium.