Since its activation in August 2009, Air Force Global Strike Command has successfully built effective and efficient command relationships between its numbered air forces, wings, and bases, found auditors in the Pentagon’s inspector general’s office. This ensures a ready and focused nuclear enterprise, they stated in a recently issued IG report that assessed the command’s organizational structure. The IG aufitors found that planned changes to AFGSC, such as a reduction in overall headquarters personnel from 1,079 to 975 by the first quarter of Fiscal 2013, would lead to further efficiencies. However, they cautioned that good communication between AFGSC headquarters, 8th Air Force, and 20th Air Force would be key as those reductions take place to prevent “a diminished ability on the part of AFGSC and/or the NAFs to meet their responsibilities,” states the report, which is dated July 20. The auditors also found that the Air Force needs to do a better job recruiting candidates for key nuclear billets. “In some instances, billets were reportedly filled by persons lacking any semblance of nuclear expertise,” states the report. (IG report; caution, large-sized file.)
The defense intelligence community has tried three times in the past decade to build a “common intelligence picture”—a single data stream providing the information that commanders need to make decisions about the battlefield. The first two attempts failed. But officials say things are different today.