Defense Secretary Robert Gates has identified his choice as the next head of the National Reconnaissance Office, appointing retired Air Force Gen. Bruce Carlson to that critical post. As required, Gates sought and received the concurrence of the Director of National Intelligence, retired Adm. Dennis Blair. The NRO, which is a member of the Intelligence Community, develops, acquires, and operates the nation’s recon satellites, providing intelligence products to federal government agencies, including the Central Intelligence Agency, as well as DOD. Carlson officially retired Jan. 1, but relinquished command of Air Force Materiel Command in November 2008. He follows Scott Large, who resigned from his post as NRO director in April. Betty Sapp, NRO principal deputy director, has led the organization since taking her post on April 15.
Air Force Special Warfare can improve how it teaches candidates teamwork, stress tolerance, and other nontechnical attributes, according to a new RAND report.