Former Military Training Instructor Sentenced

A military judge sentenced SSgt. Craig Leblanc to 30 months of confinement and a reduction in rank to airman basic, plus he will be dishonorably discharged, for sexual misconduct while he was a military training instructor at JBSA-Lackland, Tex., announced base officials. The judge of Leblanc’s general court-martial on Feb. 14 found Leblanc guilty of two specifications of making false official statements; one specification of obstructing justice; three specifications of violating lawful no-contact orders; one specification of absenting himself without leave; one specification of “maltraining” basic trainees; one specification of committing adultery on multiple occasions; one specification of wrongfully seeking to develop a personal, intimate, and sexual relationship with a basic trainee; and one specification of wrongfully attempting to develop a personal social relationship with a technical training student. The court found him not guilty of a specification of aggravated sexual assault, according to Lackland’s Feb. 15 release. Leblanc’s case was the eighth court-martial resulting from sexual misconduct by former MTIs at Lackland. (See also Making a Difference.)