Deputy Defense Secretary Robert Work yesterday announced he’s creating an electronic warfare programs council, to be co-chaired by Pentagon acquisition, technology, and logistics chief Frank Kendall and Adm. Sandy Winnefeld, vice-chairman of the Joint Chiefs. Speaking at a McAleese Associates/Credit Suisse symposium in Washington, D.C., Work said DOD has too ?long regarded EW as an “enabler” for combat forces, while enemies treat it as “an important part of their offensive and defensive arsenal.” The group will look at “all our investments across the Department and make strategic recommendations” to Defense Secretary Ashton Carter as well as Work about “how we change that portfolio.” Winnefeld, speaking at the event, said he sees remotely piloted aircraft carrying airborne self-protection pods so they could operate in “contested” though not “denied” airspace, and also performing a standoff jamming function. Kendall told the group the idea for the council was generated by a Defense Science Board study from two years ago, which said the Pentagon “had been neglecting electronic warfare for some time,” having not focused on high-end threats because of preoccupation with counterinsurgency operations. “We’re going to try to reverse that,” Kendall said. He suggested some of the capabilities deleted from the Next Generation Jammer might be restored.
The Space Force is playing a key role in planning for “Golden Dome,” President Donald Trump’s initiative for comprehensive air and missile defense of the homeland, leaders said this week. But actually building and fielding the ambitious idea will require a major concerted effort across the Pentagon and intelligence community.