The Air Force will convene an enlisted retention board in June at JB San Antonio-Randolph, Tex. Senior airmen, staff sergeants, and technical sergeants serving in overmanned career fields with a Jan. 1, or earlier, date of rank may be eligible for the board. Master sergeants and senior master sergeants with at least 20 years of total active federal service as of Oct. 31, 2014, who are in overmanned career fields, and have a Jan. 1, or earlier, date of rank, also may be eligible. The board will review airmen’s enlisted performance reports, decorations, and a retention recommendation form, states a Dec. 30 Air Force Personnel Center release. “While retention boards are not uncommon for officers, enlisted boards are new,” said Lt. Col. Rick Garcia, AFPC requirements and separations branch chief. “So, senior raters should be aware that they must prepare and sign a retention recommendation form for each of their senior [noncommissioned officers] eligible for the board.” Airmen eligible for consideration by the board also may apply for voluntary separation or retirement, if eligible, in lieu of going before the board. Those approved must separate by Jan. 31, 2015, or retire by Feb. 1, 2015, states the release. AFPC will accept applications from Jan. 14 through April 3.
Maj. Gen. Larry Broadwell, deputy commander of the 16th Air Force, used an elaborate, sports-themed analogy for understanding information warfare at the AFA Warfare Symposium.