The Air Force’s newest professional military education center has opened its doors at JB Elmendorf, Alaska, base officials announced Monday. The modern $13 million, 22,000-square-foot facility replaces an old converted dining facility that was used for PME. Senior airmen selected for promotion to staff sergeant and technical sergeants selected for promotion to master sergeant will attend airman leadership school and noncommissioned officer academy classes in the new center. Coast Guard enlisted members eligible for professional development will also take classes there. “This is a great moment for our Air Force today in Alaska, said Col. Robert Evans, base commander, during the Sept. 17 ribbon-cutting ceremony. On average, about 780 students graduate each year from PME at Elmendorf, according to MSgt. Christopher Jimenez, PME director of education. The ALS curriculum is taught over 24 days; the NCOA curriculum takes 28 days. (Elmendorf report by Luke Waack)
When Lt. Col. Dustin Johnson was ordered to deploy to the Middle East last year, he and his fellow F-22 Raptor pilots prepared for an unusual challenge. As America’s premier air superiority fighter, the F-22 was designed to take on advanced enemy aircraft, capable of maneuvering stealthily and cruising at supersonic…