Starting in September, airmen will have more variety and availability of nutritious meals at appropriated fund dining facilities, according to Air Force Services Agency officials. Under a new program called “Operation Refresh,” the agency is adding new items to its dining facility menus on a regular basis, they said. It is also incorporating additional fresh ingredients, improving methods for preparing existing entrees, and enhancing the culinary skills of Air Force food service professionals through new cooking techniques. “Operation Refresh allows us to better serve our customers by adding fresh, new choices to the core menus for all [appropriated fund] dining facilities,” said Bill Spencer, AFSVA appropriated fund food operations branch chief. “Starting in September, a new menu item will be added each month.” The first new item will be a pork chop with warm pineapple Asian glaze sauce. (San Antonio report by Erin Tindell)
Northrop Grumman has received a second B-21 bomber low-rate initial production contract from the Air Force, with which it has discussed accelerating production, the company said.