
Space Force’s Towberman Plants the Seeds of Partnership, Talks Talent Management

When enlisted leaders from 65 nations gathered in a hotel ballroom to hear how the Space Force built an enlisted corps, seemingly few could apply the lessons. Most of their militaries didn't have the equivalent of a Space Force. But the session attracted more questions than any before it during a weeklong summit to strengthen partner enlisted corps and foster partner relationships that could lead to space. “We’re new and independent, and we're on that journey as some of you are on that journey,” Chief Master Sergeant of the Space Force Roger A. Towberman told the group as he paced the length of the room, taking numerous questions from countries in Latin America and Africa, some of which host Chinese space assets.

New Missile-Warning Satellite, Set to Launch, Will Complete SBIRS Constellation

The Space Force’s sixth and final satellite in the Space-Based Infrared System heads to geosynchronous orbit as soon as Aug. 4, the faraway orbit offering a wide view of Earth to detect missile launches in the atmosphere. The sixth satellite in the constellation adds “crucial fortification of the current missile warning system” that is “global, persistent, and taskable,” officials said.
raf mildenhall

Saved from Closure, RAF Mildenhall Starts Planning: ‘What Should Tomorrow Look Like?‘

Only a few years ago, RAF Mildenhall, one of a few bases in the United Kingdom that still hosts U.S. Air Force units, was set to close, a target of the 2015 European Infrastructure Consolidation Plan. That changed in the summer of 2020, when then-Defense Secretary Mark T. Esper announced that the base, home to the 100th Air Refueling Wing, the 352nd Special Operations Wing, and several more squadrons, would remain open, saying it made “obvious strategic sense.” Now, with its future seemingly secure, officials at Mildenhall are starting to consider how that future might look.
space base delta 3

Space Force Drops Garrison Name in Favor of ‘Space Base Delta‘

Garrisons are out—Space Base Deltas are in. The Space Force has switched up how it refers to the organizations responsible for mission support functions, saying the new designations better reflect their function and place within the service’s structure. The Peterson-Schriever and Buckley Garrisons became Space Base Delta 1 and Space Base Delta 2, respectively, in May. The Los Angeles Garrison followed suit on July 14, becoming Space Base Delta 3.

Radar Sweep

Chinese Military Drills Will Surround Taiwan as Punishment for Pelosi Visit

The Drive

As had been increasingly expected for days, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi arrived in Taiwan along with a congressional delegation as part of a scheduled trip through Asia. Despite earlier concerns, China's People's Liberation Army did not appear to have tried to directly intervene to block Pelosi's flight. However, Chinese authorities announced plans for a series of highly provocative "targeted military operations," which state media outlets say will be exercises involving the live-firing of missiles and other weapons in six different areas around the self-governing island.

Pentagon’s Secret Communications Network to Get Upgrade

Defense News

The Defense Information Systems Agency extended its Thunderdome cybersecurity contract with Booz Allen Hamilton, citing lessons learned from the Russia-Ukraine war and the need to better secure the Pentagon’s communication system for secrets. The addition of six months to the deal accounts for the inclusion of the Secure Internet Protocol Router Network, or SIPRNet, in the zero-trust program.

This Little-Known Air Force Jet Just Became the Most-Watched Aircraft in History

Task & Purpose

From the rugged A-10 Warthog attack plane to the expensive F-35 fighter and the ageless B-52 bomber, there are plenty of iconic Air Force jets that many American recognize, but the C-40C transport jet usually doesn't make the list. The plane is simply a militarized version of the Boeing 737-700 airliner and is designed to transport senior military and government leaders, according to the Air Force. But when one of those leaders is House Speaker Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), and her destination is a Pacific island that one of the most powerful nations on Earth views as a renegade province, then suddenly, the C-40C becomes much more famous.

Big Changes Ahead for How Troops Battle Future Chemical, Biological Threats

Military Times

Over the next few years, troops working closely with chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear threats will get new suits and gloves and better detection devices. Those are small, though important, changes in how they can better combat a growing list of nasty threats that do not always involve bullets and missiles.

Tricare to Start Charging for Telehealth Appointments but Makes Phone Visits Permanent

After more than two years, Tricare again will charge copayments for medical appointments via telehealth, but the start date for the new requirement has yet to be announced. In changes to the Tricare health program manual Aug. 2, as well as a final rule published in the Federal Register in June, the Department of Defense announced the end of the fee waiver for medical visits via video or phone that went into effect early in the pandemic.

Live, Virtual & Constructive Training

Air Force Magazine

The Air Force is transitioning to more virtual training to give pilots an edge, saying some higher-end maneuvers cannot be replicated in real-time training. Learn more on Air Force Magazine’s Live, Virtual & Constructive Training page.

State Department Approves $5 Billion in Missile Defense for UAE, Saudi Arabia

Breaking Defense

The U.S. State Department approved more than $5 billion in arms deals for key Middle East partners, including $3.05 billion in Patriot missiles for Saudi Arabia and $2.25 billion in THAAD systems for the United Arab Emirates. The announcements, posted on the website of the Defense Security Cooperation Agency, are not finalized; Foreign Military Sales cases announced like these have been approved by the executive branch, and now Congress must weigh in or do nothing.

Lockheed Martin Doubles Ventures Fund as It Hunts for Future Tech Startups

Defense One

Defense giant Lockheed Martin doubled its venture capital fund from $200 million to $400 million as it looks to increase investments in startups. The money will be used to invest in new companies and to boost investments in companies already funded through the venture fund, said Chris Moran, executive director and general manager of Lockheed Martin Ventures.

OPINION: It’s Time for a US-EU Industrial Strategy on China—Even if It Costs Industry

Breaking Defense

China has never been shy about using economic ties to try to reach geostrategic goals, and for many years, it found a willing partner in the nations of Europe. But in 2022, that ground has shifted, and skepticism in Europe toward Beijing is now growing. Nathan Picarsic and Emily de La Bruyere, senior fellows at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, argue that now is the time for the U.S. and Europe to come together for an industrial/geopolitical strategy of their own for dealing with China.

One More Thing

Top Aviation Colleges Revealed


Flying's Flight School Guide, which launched in June, is a tool to help students find the right flight school, aviation college, or university for them. Each student has a vision of what that college should be like. For some, that means a large university with Division I football games to attend on the weekends, but for others, an accelerated program leading to a career in as few as 12 months is the right track. In the guide, Flying breaks down each flight training program to provide a look into the overall experience.