Second Airman Killed Within Few Days:

The Pentagon on Monday said that A1C Eric M. Barnes, 20, of Lorain, Ohio, had been killed following an improvised explosive device attack on an Air Force convoy on June 10 about 100 miles south of Baghdad. Barnes, who had...

Wasting No Time:

Lockheed Martin already has submitted a new protest to the Government Accountability Office over the combat search and rescue helicopter replacement program, declaring Monday that the company believes “the Air Force’s amended CSAR-X RFP does not comply with the corrective...

Riding Shotgun Over Albania:

More than 800 airmen from bases across Europe worked to protect the skies above Albania on Sunday—the day President Bush visited Tirana, Albania. Scott Schonauer of Stars and Stripes reports that aircraft patrolling the airspace included F-16s from Aviano AB,...

Who’s Up, Who’s Down:

The just released May recruiting numbers show that the Air National Guard recorded its weakest month so far this fiscal year, making only 77 percent of its goal of 955 accessions. The Air Guard has fallen short of its goals...

Defending Kunsan, for Combat Practice:

American airmen and South Korean airmen teamed up June 8 at Kunsan AB in the Republic of Korea to learn how to defend the base and improve the coalitions’ war fighting capabilities. This was the first time since the South...

Policy Reorganization Under the Scope:

Senate defense authorizers frustrated with a lack of information about the planned reorganization of the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Policy want the Government Accountability Office to conduct an assessment. Roxana Tiron of The Hill reports that...

USAF Heads Environmental Awards:

The Defense Department has given four of eight environmental awards for 2006 either to Air Force bases or individuals. The USAF winners are: Arnold AFB, Tenn., for Natural Resources Conservation; Gary O’Donnell of Hickam AFB, Hawaii, for Individual/Team Cultural Resources...

Overhaul Rating Schedule?:

The Institute of Medicine, by request of the Veterans’ Disability Benefits Commission, has issued a report recommending improvements for medical evaluations and ratings of veterans for VA benefits. The report “A 21st Century System for Evaluating Veterans for Disability Benefits,”...

Retire after Two Years, Instead of Three:

Some of Air Force Reserve Command’s lieutenant colonels and colonels can now retire after spending two years time-in-grade, rather than the customary three years. As part of its force shaping efforts, the Air Force has reduced the time-in-grade requirement from...

ULA Launches First Commercial Satellite:

The newly formed United Launch Alliance launched a Delta II rocket June 7, boosting the Italian-built COSMO-SkyMed payload into orbit from Vandenberg AFB, Calif. The company says that this is the first time a ULA Delta II launch vehicle has...

Air Sorties in the Global War on Terrorism

June 7-9, 2007 Sortie Type OIF OEF OIF/OEF Total ISR 54 28 82 CAS/Armed Recon 186 123 309 Airlift 415 415 Air refueling 135 135 Total 240 151 550 941 OIF=Operation Iraqi Freedom OEF=Operation Enduring Freedom ISR=Intelligence-surveillance-reconnaissance Airlift includes Horn...