Playing Ping-Pong With Bradley A-10s

Playing Ping-Pong With Bradley A- 10s: The 2nd US Circuit Court of Appeals on Friday put the A-10s of the Connecticut Air National Guard’s 103rd Fighter Wing back in play. Before sending the BRAC commission final report to Bush Thursday...

The CINC of the Connecticut Guard Stands Firm

Governor Jodi Rell vowed Friday to pursue legal remedies. She said in a written statement that, as commander in chief of the state’s National Guard, she had not approved movement of the unit. Rell maintained, “I have not done that...

Show Me State and Others Shown the Door

Although last-minute legal wrangling nearly prevented the BRAC commission from sending its report to the White House, several states lost out in their court bids at the nth hour. The Supreme Court rejected emergency injunction petitions by Illinois (over ANG’s...

Focusing on the Wrong Danger?

What happens when you get former Defense Secretaries and National Security Advisors from polar-opposite administrations in one room? Well, you would think they would rarely agree. This time was different. According to the latest Rand Review, Robert McNamara, Brent Scowcroft,...

Short Hop, Skip, and Jump

Flying more than 11,000 nautical miles on a 24-hour mission from Andersen AB, Guam, three B-2 stealth bombers last month precisely delivered their payloads on an Alaskan training range engulfed in smoke from forest fires—the fires were not part of...

Coming Home To One Big Mess

On Thursday, some 70 airmen assigned to Keesler AFB, Miss., who have been serving tours in Southwest Asia were due in to Houston. The Air Force planned to send them on to Randolph Air Force Base near San Antonio, where...

Communicators In Big Demand

Airmen from Air Combat Command and Air National Guard combat communications and tactical communications units were among the first to set up operations in the Gulf Region. Members of the 83rd Comm Squadron, Langley AFB, Va., arrived at Keesler AFB,...

AMC Working Overtime

Air Mobility Command has been transporting thousands of military personnel, civilian responders, and evacuees, as well as delivering tons of emergency equipment and supplies. As of Sept. 5, AMC had moved 2,552 patients, aided by an 80-person expeditionary medical support...

Life and Airspace Training Issues Go On

The Air Force has issued its draft environmental impact statement for changes it would like to make to the pilot training conducted out of Shaw AFB, S.C. The training areas in questions overlay part of both South Carolina and Georgia....

Beating Out the French Is Always Fun

Beating Out the French Is Always Fun: Boeing took the gold in the head-to-head competition with Dassault over which company would prevail in selling Singapore fighter aircraft. Singapore leaked word Tuesday that it had opted for Boeing’s F-15T over Dassault’s...

Stepping Out With the JSF Fire Control

Northrop Grumman is now flight testing the advanced fire-control radar system for the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter. The active electronically scanned array radar—AN/APG-81—has checked out in top form against airborne and ground-based targets, stated a company news release. Northrop plans...

Vandy Strikes Kwaj

Missileers at Vandenberg AFB, Calif., launched an unarmed Minuteman III ICBM on Sept. 7, successfully sending its re-entry vehicles 30 minutes later to targets, some 4,200 miles away, at the Ronald Reagan Test Site on Kwajalein Atoll. Participating in this...

It’s a Link 16 World, or Will Be

The Army tested its Hunter Standoff Killer Team technology demonstration program last month at Pax River—sending target data over the Link 16 high-speed, digital data link from an Army command and control UH-60 helicopter on the ground to an airborne...

Back On the List?

The Air Force confirmed Wednesday that its inspector general has cleared Air Force Academy Commandant of Cadets Brig. Gen. Johnny Weida from a charge that he had attempted to proselytize non-Christian cadets at the academy, according to an Associated Press...

If Nixon Can Go …

Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld will pay a visit to Beijing in October, Adm. William Fallon, head of US Pacific Command told reporters Wednesday. The Pentagon could soon invite Chinese military experts to observe exercises on the Korean Peninsula, Fallon added....

Some Believe It Will Work, and They Want One

More than 71 percent of Europeans want results NATO to deploy a European-based missile defense shield to protect them from attack by weapons of mass destruction, according to a poll sponsored by the George C. Marshall Center for Security Studies and the Missile Defense Advocacy Alliance. “It is clear from the survey that the threat is real, urgent, and needs to be addressed,” states John Rose, director of the Marshall center in Germany. If you have a fairly robust computer equipped with PowerPoint, here is the color graphics version of the poll results. If not, try this standard, no frills version.

A Place To Call Home?

DOD officials said late Wednesday that military families forced by Hurricane Katrina devastation to evacuate base housing in Alabama, Louisiana, and Mississippi can choose to relocate anywhere in the continental United States. The families can get a maximum of two...

Air Sorties in the Global War on Terrorism

September 8, 2005 Sortie Type OIF OEF OIF/OEF Total ISR 8 7 – 15 CAS/Armed Recon 50 24 – 74 Airlift – – 185 185 Air refueling – – 39 39 Total 58 31 224 313 OIF=Operation Iraqi Freedom OEF=Operation...